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[O] Mists of The Edge - Printable Version

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Mists of The Edge - Ráeru - 02-15-2017


Again she found herself playing the guide, leading a new comer towards her home in The Edge. The journey had been somewhat of a nuisance and today dark clouds were rolling in overhead suggesting rain. Wanting to escape getting wet Ráeru picked up the pace, the glass chain wrapped around her lion's tail glinted in the dull light. The pale dove was always excited to get home, back to the peace and quiet of the greenhouses and to her family. Leading the way back to The Edge Ráeru again was careful to look for any glass that may lurk upon the ground. What remained of the once impressive glass wall was still intimidating, knowing that the inhabitants of The Edge had once created something that was beautiful, strong and protective of those who resided in the lands of The Moon Goddess. Ráeru was a proud member of these lands and thought she would remain a member for sometime - a thought that had not crossed her mind since childhood. Leading the way into The Edge she urged Ingrid to follow her by turning and speaking softly to the mare, "Watch your step through here Ingrid, follow mine if you're unsure." Turning back towards the Edge her ears prick at the sound of a small creek running, the waters freed from the chilling grasps of winter.

Just like last time Ráeru gave to the comer a basic run down of the members and ranks of The Edge. "The World's Edge is lead by Alysanne and Tembovu." The pale dove had become quite fond of the Queen and like how the lady accepted her - strangeness and all. "As I mentioned before we have Moon Doctors to oversee healing members, they are Tilney, Lyanna and Sacre." As a nurse she was very proud to be apart of the rank lead by her brother, she looked forward to each time they were to work together. Prehaps one day he would teach her the art of using the Goddess gifted magic and healing the wounds of the flesh. "Our protection is looked over by Roskuld while Mesec and Graasvoel craft our world renowned glass." She smiled softly at the mention of Mesec, he was the one that had crafted the charm that hung upon her tail. "Finally we have Iona and Toulouse who listen to any whispers concerning The Edge." All Ráeru knew of the stealth ranks was that they protected the Edge meters from being attacked by targets that weren't always obvious. "You may choose a rank to join or simply be a member of the herd." Although the girl did think that in return for the protection and services of the herd you ought to serve as well.

Welcoming for Ingrid Tembovu or Alysanne

RE: Mists of The Edge - Ingrid - 02-15-2017

Reference Credit

Ingrid followed the mare's advice and carefully walked in Ráeru’s hoofprints. Stepping on broken glass sounded unpleasant. She decided not to ask why there was so much of it, instead choosing to listen carefully to the names of the important herd members, trying to memorize them. Then, Ráeru brought up the ranks. “Of course I’ll join a rank.” Ingrid gushed without hesitating. “I was trained to serve Terra and her council back in New Rheven, it’s not like I’m just going to stop. The heads of your herd double as its spiritual leaders, right? I mean, I’m sure you guys have to have a shrine to Terra somewhere around here. Her wrath isn’t something to mess with.” Ingrid laughed, but cut herself off suddenly. What if these horses didn’t worship the gods? All her years of schooling back home, would those just become worthless? What will I do? What if I– Ow! she winced, stepping on a sizable glass shard. She had been more focused on thinking than on where she was putting her hooves. Luckily, the piece wasn’t embedded, but she thought her frog might be bleeding a little. She decided not to say anything, the last thing she wanted was for Ráeru to think she was stupid on top of being a crazy squirrel whisperer.


RE: Mists of The Edge - Alysanne - 02-17-2017

Every time that Alysanne visited the borders, she glowered at the glass spikes that now replaced the shards and bits of broken glass from the wall. They were still awfully intimidating, making the Edge look about as welcoming as a porcupine was to pet. She supposed they were a little better than the wall, but she often only thought so when she was having a good day. It still felt like a cage to her, just a more subtle one.

Luckily, the borders of the Edge also provided plenty of distractions - there always seemed to be someone coming or going, or even someone on patrol, that Alysanne could stop and speak with. On this day, a familiar pale unicorn caught her attention, leading a stranger through the dangerous spikes and shards of glass. Alysanne always dismayed when someone new was seeing her beloved home in such an aggressive state. Though she might certainly get in trouble for it later, with a quiet word she used the new command she had over the spikes and with a rumble they retreated into the earth as she approached the pair.

Hopefully, without the dangerous spikes as a backdrop, this welcoming would be more pleasant.

Now, if she would just remember this time to put them back up afterwards.

Already a bright smile warmed the green eyes of the painted mare as she trotted over to the mares. Conversation always came easily to Alysanne and she did not mind using it as a distraction to more troublesome thoughts.

“Hello Ráeru!” Alysanne greeted the younger mare with warmth and fondness in her voice, glad to see that she seemed to be settling into life at the Edge pretty well. From her point of view, Ráeru must be enjoying herself, even a little bit, if she continued to invite others back to join the herd.

Her head then turned to the stranger, young like Ráeru, or perhaps even younger, and offered her a warm smile as well. “I’m Alysanne, Welcome to the Edge.” The mare’s question, which Alysanne had only just heard when she approached, was directed at Ráeru, so she didn’t answer it - it didn’t seem polite to just bustle in and start joining the conversation. Even if she was queen. That seemed to be something Tembovu might do and this pegasus was quite happy to not follow his lead on every little thing.


art by duskbeguile


RE: Mists of The Edge - Ráeru - 02-25-2017


Looking up she noted Alysanne approaching them and grinned widely, pleased to see her friend coming to greet them. With a word that the pale dove did not catch the spikes that protected their beautiful home retreated into the earth. 'Well how do you like that?' She had no idea that the spikes could do that, she would have to ask Alysanne about how she's managed such an impressive feat. The mare was nattering on about figures that she'd never heard of before. There was no such deity named Terra to her knowledge. That of course doesn't mean that there wasn't a Goddess by that name but Ráeru stuck to the Gods she knew existed. "The leaders are spiritual but we have a seer that is in charge of leading spirituality in The Edge." She cleared her throat and then shook her head, "I have no idea who that is." Returning her gaze towards the edge, waiting for someone to stumble upon them, she explained. "In Helovia we have four Gods, the Gods of the Sun, Earth and Time. Here at The Edge we praise only the Moon Goddess." Unless one chose to pray to the other Gods, although she doubted that the individual would pronounce it.

She was sure the answer the questions before Alysanne reached them, sparing the mare the tedious task of answering the same questions over. "Alysanne!" Ráeru responded calling out to the painted Lady in turn. Rarely did she sound so pleased to see someone, though she generally liked and respected the painted mare. It also seemed that Alysanne had become quite fond of her. "How have you fared?" She inquired after the mare's well being before they turned to the task at hand, the new member. She allowed introductions to be made, her eyes flickering between the two females beside her. Stepping back and allowing Ingrid and Alysanne to meet each other properly, without any intervention. The pale dove was quite sure that Ingrid would be able to handle this interaction by herself, especially as Ráeru now didn't believe that the mare was completely crazy. Instead Ráeru turned her gaze towards The Edge wondering if her brothers were currently within The Edge. After this was finished she ought to seek either one or both of them out and see how they had been during her absence. After all there was very little she could do for Ingrid now, she brought her to The Edge and now the mare had to stand upon her own hooves. As her mind and eyes wondered she found herself loosing track of the conversation, barely paying attention to any words that may be passed between the two mares.


RE: Mists of The Edge - Ingrid - 02-26-2017

Reference Credit

"Four gods..." Ingrid froze. The glass spikes receded into the earth. She didn't move an inch. By the time the newcomer had reached the two mares, Ingrid had a grade 'A' migraine, and was pretty sure her stomach had twisted itself into four or five knots. Here she was, about to meet the World's Edge herd, and she was just now realizing that she had nothing to offer these horses. "We praise only the Moon Goddess." The words echoed in Ingrid's mind. All of her knowledge of the gods, no, of New Rheven's gods didn't mean a thing here. She was just another mouth to feed. Why in the world would any herd want her? Then the pegasus spoke to her, interrupting her train of thought. Alysanne. Hadn't Ráeru mentioned an Alysanne when she was talking about the important herd members? That's when it dawned on Ingrid that she wasn't about to meet some average pegasus, she was now face to face with one of the Edge's leaders. "Th-thank you. It's an honor to meet you." Ingrid stammered, bowing her head.


RE: Mists of The Edge - Alysanne - 03-13-2017

Ráeru’s kind question about how Alysanne had been faring was met with a warm smile. For once, the positive answer that she gave didn’t taste like a complete lie. “I am well, thank you. How about yourself?” Although she suspected that Ráeru was enjoying herself in the Edge, she didn’t know for sure and made a mental note to ask the younger mare how she seemed to be liking the Edge - but perhaps that was a conversation better left for when they were one-on-one.

The painted equine that accompanied Ráeru didn’t introduce herself, but was incredibly polite all the same.  “And you as well.” Alysanne smiled a warm, sweet smile and dipped her head in response to the mare’s bow. “How about we go further in and get you acquainted with your new home?” She motioned with her head and began to lead their small party into the forest, into the Edge. Alysanne didn’t particularly like lingering on the borders - she preferred to be surrounded by the trees and the mist. With a little luck, their newest member would enjoy the forests as much as she did.

Her pace was slow and easy, a wandering pace so that the new mare could take her time and take in where she would be living.  “Have you given any thought about what rank you would like to take up while you live here?” Alysanne wasn’t aware that Ráeru had already asked a similar question on their journey over here, but it seemed a logical point to take the conversation - she was curious about what might tug at this mare’s interest. “I heard you talking about gods when I approached, perhaps our Seer ranks? They’re very scholarly, and you’ll learn all about our gods and Helovia and be able to share your wisdom as well.”


art by duskbeguile

@Ráeru @Ingrid
so sorry about the wait guys!!