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[P] blow a kiss at the methane skies - Printable Version

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blow a kiss at the methane skies - Oizys - 02-25-2017


It is a full moon as the gargoyle prowls. The night's chill makes her bones and flesh ache as she moves like a shadow through the trees in the form of a grey wolf, her limbs bent to hold her in a stalking crouch and her paws crunching against the frosty grass with every careful step. Each snap of a twig sends a gunshot through her sensitive ears and she winces at it; she might be wearing the body of a predator but she lacks the instincts of one, and this is therefore not the most stealthy of hunts.

Ker darts through the trees above, utterly silent on her feathered wings. "Up ahead," she tells her bonded, and wolf-Oizys jerks her head in approval. Her jaws slip agape, unleashing a string of drool and displaying every savage fang, whilst her eyes - still their usual steel blue-grey - glow with malice and excitement.

Their prey is not conventional, nor is it the sort of creature that should be tracked and attacked without plentiful planning. It is a gargantuan grizzly bear, lumbering through the forest and snapping branches from trees with its size and strength. The second Oizys laid eyes on it, she coveted it. If she can steal its blood and put it in one of her vials, she will be able to shift into it - and that great, monstrous form would be a godsend. So she and Ker have been tracking it through the night, waiting for the choice moment to strike.

Finally they have their opportunity. The bear has paused to snuffle at the ground, probably looking for prey of its own without realising that it, too, is being stalked. Now, commands Oizys. Her heart thunders in her chest as she prowls to a standstill, watching the bear's idle movements from her position in the shadows of the trees. In one fluid movement, Ker swoops. Her beak is agape, and she sends a spasm of dark, hideous energy towards the unprepared bear. She uses her ability to inflict a sudden, crippling headache onto the monstrous creature, and with a roar that shakes the forest, it plants its huge clawed forepaws against its skull in a desperate attempt to rid itself of the pain.

Oizys seizes her chance and lunges. She approaches from behind the thrashing, agonised bear, sinking her teeth into its large rump and jerking backwards in a vicious shredding movement. Blood erupts, and in an explosion of shattering bones and ripping flesh, Oizys transforms back from a wolf into a muscular yearling filly. She snatches up one of her empty vials and holds it to the bear's wound, not stoppering it with clumped grass until it is filled to the brim with thick crimson liquid. A cold grin of success flashes across the filly's muzzle as she stashes her prize, then turns to leave whilst her eagle bonded continues to hold the bear in her thrall.

Unfortunately, things don't always go to plan. Driven mad by pain and deciding that the crippling headache can only be cured by attacking the eagle and the filly, the bear swings around with a savage bellow and almost nicks Oizys' flesh, missing by the barest of whiskers. "Oh, shit," she declares. Another earth-shaking roar erupts from the pained bear and it throws itself towards the filly, who barely gets out of the way in time. RUN! she screeches mentally at Ker, breaking into the fastest gallop she possibly can; her hooves scrabble for purchase on the chilled ground, hurdling logs and fallen trees as she pelts through the woods. The eagle soars alongside her, casting wary glances backwards as the bear rampages after them, bellowing and snarling as it crashes through the undergrowth.

The predator has become the prey; Oizys runs like her life depends on it which, given the grizzly's evident fury and agony, it probably does.

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RE: blow a kiss at the methane skies - Kianzo - 02-26-2017

I loathe your prayer. I wallow in sin. Let the nightmare begin.
Kianzo may be a hunter, but Keusi (despite her bonded’s predatory proclivities) was still a scavenger by instinct. So, despite the dark prince preferring to do his own killing, occasionally the hunting pair found themselves following another hunter, to steal the freshly killed meals the moment they stopped struggling.

Tonight was a night such as this where, beneath the full moon Kianzo yielded to Keusi’s instincts because his own were far inferior to hers in the pallid light. Two pairs of sharply blue eyes glittered beneath the pale white light, tinged an eerie red by the Blood Falls’ surroundings. The dark golden pair stalked a giant grizzly, a beast so large that whatever he felled would assuredly be more than they could hunt on their own (unless, of course, they used their combined magics).

However, their stalking was interrupted by another who hunted their prey/predator. The dark prince abruptly stopped in the rubied shadows, his brows raised as he watched a muscular gray wolf trail after the bear— but there was something different about how this wolf moved…it didn’t have quite the natural silence and stealth of the few wolves he and Kiada had seen in the Basin. In fact, the colt almost thought that he moved more quietly through the red willows, courtesy of Thranduil’s impatient teachings.

Dark lips pressed together in thought—was this wolf another scavenger to contend with? ’New prey?’ was Keusi’s eager snarl into his mind; it was not often that the pair hunted predators to eat. And, though Keusi truthfully preferred the taste of herbivore flesh, killing a predator was much more exhilarating that killing simpleton grass-eaters.


The pair’s mental conversation was cut short as pandemonium broke out between the bear, the wolf, and a suddenly appeared eagle (—did that eagle look familiar?—). The bear’s massive paws swiped at his skull, the wolf lunged forward—for blood? was that shine glass?— and then a grey yearling filly was sprinting past both he and Keusi; the grey eagle furiously flapping through the reddish leaves.

And Kianzo is suddenly face-to-face with a charging, infuriated grizzly bear; again, the hunter becoming the hunted. A surprising low bellow of shock left his shadowed chest (his voice was deepening by the day, it seemed, as hormones flushed his veins and thickened his muscle), ears flush with his skull as he realized he had no time to run, as the grey filly had—the bear’s teeth and slashing claws were nearly on top of him.

So, with a teeth bared, heart pounding, and eyes wide, his ashen magic erupted from his chest. The hyenas of ash and scalding gases had their wide mouths open in silent snarls as they engulfed the bear’s own, snarling and snapping face.

But the bear was too large and in too close of quarters for his suspended-animation magic to work on all of it. So, it froze only one foreleg, the head, and neck of the beast. With jaws set open and dripping angry saliva, the bear’s free forepaw slashed relentlessly at Kianzo and the fearfully snarling Keusi.

“Come back here and help me!” was his deep, commanding bark (so eerily and unknowing like his father’s), to the fleeing filly and her eagle. The bear was far too large for him to hold onto with just his and his companion’s magic.

Keusi, meanwhile, gathered her magic—but wasn’t sure if a frightened, angry bear was better than just an angry bear to fight. So, with her own heart pounding a scared staccato in her chest, she crouched and watched for an opening between slashes to sink her bone-crushing jaws in to the bear’s frozen, pulsing neck.

I don't know why it got SO LONG. your opening just gave be SO MUCH MUSE :D

RE: blow a kiss at the methane skies - Oizys - 02-26-2017


Oizys has always prided herself on her strength, on the fact she does not fear. She is the child of the Basilisk, his firstborn daughter, the embodiment of his power and cold stone tyranny. Yet even she, gargoyle filly, cannot help the thump of her heart in her deep chest or the spasm of anxiety in her gut as the bear pursues her like a beast possessed, caring about nothing but annihilating the creature it thinks is causing its torment. Maybe, she thinks in her frightened head, this is my penance for what happened to Mother. Perhaps her bones are destined to join her dam's in the soil, her soul sent into oblivion for the crime she committed.

Suddenly, a deep boom of a voice rips through her ears. Come back here and help me! The grey witch certainly is not the noble, kind or self-sacrificial sort; if it's a choice between her or somebody else getting ripped to shreds by the bear, she'll happily choose to save her own hide and leave them to their fate. Yet there's a queer tugging in her mind, a bizarre and most unwanted impulse that commands her legs to stiffen and bring her skidding to a halt with so much force she almost topples under her own momentum. She stumbles, trips, turns and finds herself moving back towards the bear, her jaw sliding agape as she tries to comprehend the way her own body is rebelling against her wishes.

That's when she realises that it's her mother's voice in the back of her mind, the Ironheart's cold and clear words echoing through her skull; I did not die for you so you could run like a coward. Hadn't Nyx given her her glass shield so she could save others like her dam had saved her? Wouldn't she be soiling the mare's memory by continuing to run, condemning the colt (for she's sure it's a colt; the voice is too deep to be a filly, yet too youthful to be a stallion) to a grisly fate? "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she growls to herself. She does not do honour. This...this is against everything she believes in. How Father would squirm at the idea his daughter is willing to risk her own vastly superior skin to save a complete stranger!

As she hurtles around a tree, sweating profusely despite the cold, she finally sets eyes upon the owner of the voice. It's a colt, a magnificent one, all brawn and size and splendour. She recognises him from the funeral, albeit her grief-stricken self hadn't paid any real attention to him. He has summed hyenas made of ash that appear to have paralyzed the bear's head and leg, and a real hyena is snapping at the creature's frozen neck. Oizys reaches for her own magic, and from her body explodes two hyenas made of sizzling blue electricity, thrumming with dark and malicious energy. She sends these towards the bear, one slamming into each side and causing the grizzly to bellow even harder with pain as its flanks are frazzled by the wicked magic. Ker, any time now would be great! she mentally shouts at her companion, who hadn't noticed her bonded's swift turn and had continued into the forest. She pelts back as fast as she can, but for now Oizys is alone; she's relying on this boy and his hyena to help save them both from a hideous fate.

Without thinking, the filly lunges for the bear's side that she had gored with her teeth earlier. She latches onto the wound like a babe at its mother's teat, gagging as the viscous and still-warm blood slides down her throat. Then, preparing herself for the pain she knows is to follow, she summons her second magic; a low scream rips from her throat as she transforms, each bone in her body snapping with an audible crack and re-forming into its new shape. Where a yearling filly stood, there's now a grizzly bear that is identical to the one they're currently attacking - Oizys notes with an idle sense of pleasure that she's the same size as her opponent, which is a new development as previously her shifts hadn't exceeded her own height.

Flexing her massive paws and testing the raw strength in her neck and limbs, Oizys lunges for the bear. She wraps her forelegs around its waist, pressing her entire mammoth weight onto its rear end as she mounts it like a stallion, blood spurting from the matted brown fur where her talons penetrate. The hind-end collapses under her bulk, causing the front end to lift and expose the delicate throat.

"Kill it, now!" she bellows to the colt and his companion, and her voice is the bear's deep, thunderous snarl, the words barely legible through the great carnivorous brutality of the noise.

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RE: blow a kiss at the methane skies - Kianzo - 03-15-2017

I loathe your prayer. I wallow in sin. Let the nightmare begin.
It is the youthful arrogance that has imbued the dark prince’s blood since his birth that does not make him question that his command will be obeyed—but that does not stop his shock at the manner in which the fleeing filly returns. His gaze darts from its wary ducks of the bear’s deadly paw as the gargoyle queen dashes back, navy blue drawn to the sweat that slicked her thick mane to her equally thick, muscular neck. There was no femininity there, not like the colt was used to in females—nothing to draw, entice, flirt with the gaze. But. Still. His gaze lingered for a moment. Perhaps from the symbiotic effect adrenaline had with testosterone. Or, perhaps it was the blood dripping down the deep, jugular grooves of her throat…

Regardless, his gaze could not linger there long as it was instantly jerked to the hyenas made of sparks that leapt from her sweat-slicked skin. His dark brows rose slightly, and Keusi’s interest was piqued—but for mere nano seconds, as a sudden dangerous and pained bellow and sizzling skin brought their attention back to a close swipe of the bear’s sharp claws.

Both prince and hyena darted backwards—seeking to go abreast with their strangely found ally.

But she was gone, leaping for the beast’s bloody flank— “Wait—” but any more of his deep bellow was cut off as he watched in gruesome shock as the filly sucked the bear’s wound. Dark blue eyes grew wide as his thick lips puckered in awed disgust, his own magical ash hyenas falling away as his focus shifted entirely to whatever this filly was doing…

..and then she became the bear…

Became. The. Bear.

Perhaps, with a sire that could shift into an elephant and the Edge herd members that could shift into just about anything else, the dark colt shouldn’t have been quite as shocked as he was. But to see a yearling filly slightly smaller than himself shift into a gargantuan bear… It took Kianzo by surprise. And then, to see her so assuredly mount the bear (as a bear) like a stallion without any hesitation… Things shifted in the dark colt. Southern things, heated things, that were aroused by such a display of power.

Keusi, meanwhile, yipped a gleeful and haunting laugh as she immediately realized the weakness the grey filly other bear was exposing in the already wounded prey. The striped hyena was already coiling her explosively powerful haunches the moment the bear-filly’s ferociously snarled command ripped the red air between them. And, though the hyena had bone crushing jaws, there was a pause in her leap as her eyes warily watched the bears still mobile forelimbs.

Kianzo, however, sent to ashen hyenas to confine the bear’s shoulders, jaws, and forelegs while leaping forward toward its neck. However, upon reaching the neck so gloriously outstretched by the bear-filly, he paused. His sharp navy eyes looked deep into the bear’s white-rimmed, brown eyes, finding them flecked with black and honey. His gaze roved from one to the other, seeing the outstanding red capillaries that bulged in fear and fury against its sclera.

And then he glanced up to the bear-filly’s gaze, bright blue lingering her strained electric depths. Then, with a dark smirk, he dipped his head and plunging his viciously long and sharp, spiraled length into the thick, warm flesh. Red flashed out in pulses—a gurgled roar was choked off and the golden yearling barely had enough time to escape out from beneath the now-limp form.

A silence filled the clearing—where, moments before, life and death had struggled in roars, shouts, with magical sparks and ash. Blood stained the gold of his face and stung his eyes as it dripped down his horn. But his sharp blue gaze was trained only on his unexpected ally.

“So. Blood, hyenas, and bears?” Keusi yipped, eyes glancing to the skies (she was used to sharing her meal with Khairi, and so her attention was on the eagle of earlier), “And eagles?” Kianzo tacked on as an afterthought with Keusi’s mental questions. His thick tail swayed around his golden hocks as he closely studied the gargoyle queen.

The hyena, herself, lapped at the pooling, steaming liquid. She nipped up an already-forming blood clot with her incisors, gleefully swinging the gruesome trophy around the red willows.

@Oizys Lemme know if I need to change anything! Hehe this is a fun thread

RE: blow a kiss at the methane skies - Oizys - 03-22-2017


She is the predator, and it feels fantastic. She can feel the raw power rippling through her limbs, the matted black fur that hangs from each powerful muscle, and the sweet sensation of her claws rasping through flesh like knives through butter. If this is how the bear feels every second of every day, then Oizys laments the quirk of nature that created her as a horse.

With her bulk pressed against the other bear, she wraps her massive forearms around the midriff to hold it in place. If she was a more merciful creature she'd feel almost bad that her insistence on collecting the creature's blood had accidentally condemned it to death, but it's hard to feel guilty about anything when she's basking in the raw, savage spendour of being the beast. Ker's arrived by now and emits a somewhat startled squawk at the sight of her bonded wrestling a giant grizzly, but she stifles her surprise and circles the bear to wait for an opening.

The gargoyle looks to the colt as he lunges, then...hesitates. She growls, hoping she hasn't inadvertently aided a weakling, but these fears are quickly assuaged as the golden boy meets her eye then plunges his horn like a sword into the thrashing predator's throat. Blood splurts and the colt barely gets out of the way before the great, hairy body comes crashing down, resting prone and harmless on the forest floor. The filly unleashes a breath that she hadn't realised she'd been holding, disentangling herself from the bear's crumpled with a series of grunts and snarls. She can't help but be impressed at their handiwork - she's no stranger to killing, but save for the mare she helped Father destroy back when she was a newborn, she's never taken down something this big.

The power, the primitive thrill of knowing she's helped to bring death upon one of Helovia's greatest hunters...ah, it sends a shiver down her spine! With a happy shriek, Ker plummets from the sky and plants herself upon the bear's rump, sinking her beak into the grisly (and grizzly) flesh and filling her belly with savage glee. She keeps an eye on the hyena, but the creature seems rather more interested in the blood than the meat.

Oizys looks to the colt, a grin playing at the corner of her ursine muzzle. His words cause the grin to deepen, although it looks rather obscene on the face of such a powerful, brutish creature as the one whose skin she is currently wearing. "Hyenas, ash beasties, and murder?" She shakes herself, causing the swathes of thick black fur across her giant body to quiver and flow like a river across her bulk. "And bears," she adds, her frosty eyes twinkling with amusement. She can't help but notice how much the blood coating his face enhances his already handsome features; she's almost at the age where these things will begin to make sense, but right now it's more of an idle musing. She likes her men battle-fresh and blood-drenched, and there's no sweeter musk than the pervading odour of dead bear.

With another masculine-sounding grunt, the filly triggers her magic again. Shifting back to her natural horse form hurts less than shifting into other animals, but it still hurts and she fights to keep the pain from her face as her body twists, breaks and reforms back into its original hybrid state. Her harpy-scars ripple across the right side of her face as she offers a smirk, feeling rivulets of blood trickle from her lips and realising that it belongs to the bear. "Blood suits you," she observes, her now-equine gaze focused on the colt with the smallest hint of something darker flickering through her features.

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@Kianzo I'm loving it!!