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[O] forget about me, - Printable Version

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forget about me, - Valdís - 03-01-2017

tie a rope around your neck,
and let me kick you off a bungee
There came a time when the herd numbers were sorted through, when the few lingering bodies who rarely surfaced were cast out into the dark of night, sent off without warning. It came time for me too, to go to the Mainland and pursue a mother who did not remember me. She was in a daze, ghosting over the sands and seas with hazy eyes and wet cheeks— she did not care to leave the herd, going willingly. She did not belong under any one rule, she was too difficult to handle, too dedicated to someone who no longer lived in the Throat. So she left.

And with her, she brought no one but Sameira. It was me, left behind (her own daughter). I did not want to leave, was not ready to say goodbye to the only place I found comfort in. The outside world was vast and unfamiliar, uncharted territory where the nothingness beyond the edges of my vision held the unknown and the most dangerous thing of all— my mother.

I did not fear anything more than I did her, with her unpredictable actions, sporadic and chaotic. Her touch was cataclysmic, her words were deceptive, and I could not linger by her side any longer. She scared me more than anything else, than those faint whispers of a demon god roaming Helovia, than the howling wolves late in the night or the quiet whispers of lost spirits caught in the wind.

I did the only thing I could before the panic settled in, which was glue myself to the shore on the Mainland, where I thought the bridge to the Throat lay. I could not fly over myself, for my wings lay crumpled at my sides, and didn't know what else to do.

I begin to shout for my father, desperate to get his attention, to have him let me back in. I couldn't be out here alone, I couldn't (I can't, I'm too scared). "Apa! Apa! Én még mindig itt vagyok!" My pleas are a slur of the language he has taught me, a despairing disaster of rough syllables as my brittle lips let loose frantic cries. I am an abandoned child, pushed forcibly from the only place I know. I was removed from the land like some sort of pest, some bothersome rodent swatted away from the suburban families and their picture perfect neighbourhood.  "Kérem, apa!" My voice shatters as I hunch my shoulders and weep at the shore, letting the ocean's rumble drown out my pitiful sobs. I gasp and huff, wheezing as my lungs give in and heart thunders beneath my breast. "Sajnálom," I whisper between heaves, trembling legs threatening to collapse beneath me as I suck in a deep, painful breath. I want him to find me here, pitiful and weak, and take me home.

-- @Volterra, unhappy baby wants to rejoin & spend some more time w her dad

RE: forget about me, - Volterra - 03-03-2017


The voice pierces his mind, bids his ears to prick and his titanic body to move automatically towards the sound. He knows the voice, and it rips at the deeply embedded sense of fatherhood inside him. It draws him, papa bear to his darling daughter, and his colossal hooves thunder like a drumbeat across the Throat's dusty sands as he gallops to her. His Valdís, his broken, missing daughter, searched for daily but never rediscovered. She's back, and her father is on his way, her cries like a beacon to the beating heart in his chest.

The ocean that spans the distance between them is no obstacle to the stallion's frantic need to find his child; the key tangled in his mane automatically forms burning wings at his sides, carrying him across the sea until he crashes down on the far side. His eagerness to reach Valdís makes his landing overly heavy and rushed, and he huffs a low blast of pain as one hoof twists against the ground. Limping slightly but caring not a jot, the leviathan places his bulk between his broken child and the deadly drop towards the ocean, shielding the blind girl from any errant steps forwards that would cast her to her death. "Valdís, drágám," croons the black beast, moving towards her and seeking to wrap his great body around her small, ruined one like a coat of armour to shield her from the world. She doesn't smell like the Throat anymore, doesn't smell like him. Maybe that's what caused the Gods to banish her, because her father sure as hell wouldn't have. "Ne sírj, szerelmem, itt vagyok."

He stays close, pressing his warmth against her, trying to reassure with his bulk and presence. "Ön most vissza, hogy minden, ami számít. Hol van az anyád?" His face clouds, a thunderstorm across a clear sky. After what happened with Airlia, he is now extremely cautious about the women he leaves in charge of his children, and Amara had never struck him as the most affectionate or caring of mothers. Volterra had done his best to replace her missing love with his own, but he hadn't been able to prevent his beloved blind, maimed daughter from being cast out of the herd.

Not again. She's back, and he will see to it that she is never alone again.

Drágám - darling
Ne sírj, szerelmem, itt vagyok - don't cry, my love, I'm here
Ön most vissza, hogy minden, ami számít. Hol van az anyád? - You are back now, that's all that matters. Where is your mother?


RE: forget about me, - Valdís - 03-06-2017

tie a rope around your neck,
and let me kick you off a bungee
It is the thundering of heavy hooves that keeps me from falling apart entirely, from collapsing into the sands and despairing there, where no one would give my crumbling body a second glance, doomed to be forgotten again and again. I would melt away into the sands and flora, consumed by the earth and churned about beneath layers of debris as time passes and I fade from everyone's mind. I'm sure even Momma would forget about me in the elapsed time, only her cursed womb remembering the pain of bearing such a terrible mistake.

And he is there, closing the gap between us on fiery wings that burn in radiant reds as he descends, crashing to the ground in a haste to get to me, the worry evident in the distorted colouring of his figure as he hits the ground in an unsteady landing— he rushes to me without hesitance, unhindered by the inflamed joint from his amateur landing, the distance eaten away by his need to comfort, carrying his bulky figure towards me on a drive to take me home. "Apa! Apa!" My void is broken, torn from me by my untamed emotions as I reach my nose out for him, needing that reassuring feeling, to be reminded that he really is here, and that I am not alone and only imagining his illuminated figure rushing towards me. I am left gasping and shuttering as he finally wraps himself around me, hiding me from the threatening world around us as he coos softly.

I wish I hadn't been swept out of the Throat, hadn't had to live outside of its borders for a time that seems disproportionately long, washing the scent of the burning sands from my hide with time spent wandering a world I did not know. I bury my face into his side, taking in the familiarity of the Throat and him, left with my mouth hanging open as I draw in stabbing breaths and feel my sockets burn with the tears they cannot cry. "Miért, apa? Miért?" I can feel the panic settle, the uncertainty of whether or not I belong within the Throat or not— why do they not want me? Why have they cast me out, at such a young age? "Talán azért, mert csúnya vagyok?" I whisper, worrying that my appearance has deterred them, that they have looked down upon me and grimaced at whatever state my face is in. Can they not stand to look at the reality of madness? Why must they hate me?

"Gyűlölnek engem, apa!" It's a quiet but violent cry, one that seeps emotion I could never display otherwise, voice cracking as I panic over my abandonment. I cannot be left alone, cannot become my mother— I cannot be left to my own toxic thoughts, to the venom lurking in the back of my mind, threatening to ruin me the moment I can no longer find a figure in my field of vision. It ruined her, and it will ruin me, strong minds do not run in the family (not on her side).

I do not know where Momma has gone, knowing that she left long before the Throat turned its back on us. "Nem tudom, talán az Spectral Marsh? Azt hiszem, ő szereti ott." I do not know why she is so fond of the Marsh, why its mysterious return has her in some sort of trance that cannot be broken, lost to the wonders of the eerie marsh and what it holds. I think she was hoping to find something there, find herself there. But in the process, she has lost me.

-- @Volterra

RE: forget about me, - Volterra - 03-10-2017


There is something about his daughters that incites a paternal ferocity in him, an almost smothering urge to protect them at all costs. With his sons he can be stern, offhand, domineering, but with his daughters he finds his rough edges growing smooth with the love he has for them. And his broken little Valdis...Heaven itself would burn down around him before he'd see any further harm come to her.

Why? she asks, and the titan's heart clenches. Why, indeed? He certainly hadn't had anything to do with it. "Nem tudom," he replies, the anguish etched across every line of his face. Her next words - maybe it's because I'm ugly - make the flames roar inside his chest and his eyes flash with a fury so pure, it almost consumes him. "No," he thunders, his voice involuntarily returning to the native tongue with the force of his ire. "And if anybody ever says that to you - if anybody even dares think it - I will annihilate them." It is said with such conviction that only a fool would disagree - and given Volterra's bulk and battlefield ability, it would take a fool with a death wish.

She tells him that they hate her and he shakes his great head despite the fact she cannot see it. "They don't," comes the growl, reassuring despite its deep tone, and he holds her closer against him. "Nobody could hate you, Valdis. What happened was an accident - I would not allow the herd to cast you out purposefully." He stomps an authoritative hoof to hammer home the point.

The revelation that her mother has chosen to lurk around the Marsh is cause for concern. Is she trying to track Kaos, or perhaps join him? "Annyira aggódtam, szerelmem. Kérjük, nem vándorol túl messzire." It is a plea said from a man unused to pleading, and he holds his precious damaged girl ever closer.

I Google translated 'Gyűlölnek engem, apa!' a bunch of times and one time it said 'Hate me, dad' and another it said 'they hate me, dad', so not sure which one you meant but I went with the one I thought made most sense xD Maybe give a list of what they mean at the bottom of your post though to be clear?

Nem tudom - I do not know
Annyira aggódtam, szerelmem. Kérjük, nem vándorol túl messzire - I was so worried, my love. Please do not wander too far.


RE: forget about me, - Valdís - 04-10-2017

tie a rope around your neck,
and let me kick you off a bungee
I feel safe in his embrace, feel a way I never did in the arms of Momma, pressed to her side forcibly, as if she thought I would run if given the chance (perhaps I would). And maybe that's just the case, that if she ever turned away for too long, let me go for just a heart beat, I would've taken flight on hooves that were so unsteady, I would run so fast the ground would slip away beneath me and I'd ascend to a place never before touched by a child so young— but no, she lingered over me, loomed and doted as my shredded body crumbled to the dust and panic overwhelmed me. She turned away, she let me waste away in the sands the way she had left her own mother, reversing the roles as she lets the ocean's song cover up my wails. Did she even love me? It was a questionable thought, wondering if I was truly loved by the unpredictable, catastrophic storm, with plucked wings and warm, thick blood running red down her legs, ignored as if she hadn't gnawed her way through skin.

How could anyone have let me exist in her presence? A suicidal, careless mother and her death seeking, distant child, together in a torturous, terrifying relationship as the mother becomes obsessive and depressive, but distant all the same. In her manic moods, she would become something of a marvel, arguing to the air around her, yelling at the top of her lungs at something with no heat signature (who is it that haunts you?). And I, the silenced child, witnessing the meltdown as it happens, listening to her whispers and gradual plummet into the abyss, I would fall with her, pushed and pulled down into the depths, trapped in thick black. It suffocated me, leaked into my lungs and filled them up, stretched them out, threatened to crush me beneath the weight, beneath the pressure of living.

For a moment, while apa descended, I considered what would happen if I let myself sink, if I let the ocean swallow me up the way I had watched it swallow Sikeax up time and time again before she abandoned us (abandoned me), would I live to make it out? Would I sink and struggle, or go easily, and drift peacefully to the bottom, where the world would let me go, and everyone would forget about the daughter of the Damned?

But apa is there, and he is holding me tightly, and I am shaking, sobbing beside him. I want to push further, want to melt against him because I cannot face the world as I am, as a catastrophic child, as a curse. I am a bad omen, wrapped up in mist and myth, a taboo name to be whispered by only the bravest individuals, daunting and silent as I move through the night like a foul ghoul. "No, apa, nézz rám! Tudod apa!" It's a plea, a need for confirmation, a demand for agreement, because I know, I know that I am no soothing sight, that I am not the beautiful child the world wants to see, that it wants to keep.

I am crushed, crashing and burning the same way I have watched my mother fall, like a pitiful, sobering image of an angel, plummeting from the sky in a spiral of horror, in a way that burned up the sky and outshone the stars in the night, even the sun could not compare. "Hagyod őket csinálni! Itt vagyok!" It's pleading, it's knowing, he could have told them no, but he didn't, he let them! He doesn't want me either, and my throat is snagging, caught, the words are falling out and I'm choking, gasping, suffocating on my sorrow, on my doubts. Does he not love me either? Will I live now as an orphan, a tragically forgotten child, cast aside and replaced with better children, with children who weren't so hideous.

"Nem leszek, mint ő, itt maradok." I agree, whether her means my mother or Sikeax, it's up for interpretation.

hagyod őket csinálni - you let them do it
nem leszek, mint ő - i won't be like her
itt maradok - ill stay here
@Volterra laattteee