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[P] broken [healing request] - Printable Version

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broken [healing request] - Oizys - 03-06-2017



Deep breath.

Release it.

The yearling moves with a confident stride that belies the quivering anxiety within. She remembers last season's rejection all too well; she'd stood like a fool by the shrines until it became painfully clear that nobody was coming, at which point she'd prowled away like a kicked, wounded dog. She'd been furious at the lack of response - what had she ever done to deserve to be blanked in such a way? She'd always upheld the God's wishes, respected their names, wielded their magic with pride. Thankfully her initial anger had soon passed, to be replaced with steely determination that next time, they'd listen to her. Maybe it had been a test of her guile, needing her to prove that she really wanted this and that she would swallow her wounded pride and try again.

Of course, her last visit here had come...before. The gargoyle had been a completely different person back then. Since the last time she trod on this hallowed soil, she's lost her mother by virtue of her own stupidity. She's moved herds, started a new life. Her second birthday is just around the corner, and that means it is more imperative than ever that she gets herself fixed. Her mother left her a legacy - she is to become a warrior, a defender of others, protector of the Basin and its denizens. That will be harder to do when The Thing is liable to rear its ugly head at any given moment. So the muscular yearling forces aside her misgivings and climbs towards the shrines, her serpentine tail flickering nervously behind her. Ker rides on her shoulders, reassuring her by tweaking her mane with her beak and humming gently in her ear.

The duo finally arrive, and Oizys moves towards two of the shrines; the one with the blackened symbols and the one broken in half. It seems fitting that she ask for either the Moon Goddess or the Time God, given that she wields both of their magic and has lived in both of their herds. "Me again," she says with a somewhat forced attempt at humour, hoping that the Gods decide to come down and see her and not drop a lightning bolt on her head.

Oizys is trying to get a healing quest from either Moony or Sparky without using a VOTG pass! :) @Mythical Request

RE: broken [healing request] - Kaos - 03-06-2017

“Me too.” The broken harmonies of Kaos' voice blistered through the still Tallsun air.

However it was not Kaos who appeared, but a monkey. Or at least something that looked rather like a monkey. But it was far darker, its limbs absurdly long and its body petite and agile looking. At the end of its long dexterous tail was a curved bit of bone jutting from the chocolate-covered skin. The bone had been rubbed down to a deadly point. Silently, the creature appraised the girl with wide, white eyes. Kaos was no fool and knew that Nex has been the girl's mother. To appear before her would have been to incite her considerable anger, and that was something it wanted to avoid. And so, it sent this creature instead, though the creature was more than able to speak on Kaos' behalf. 

“Before you begin-" The creature said, holding up a paw to stop Ozzy from interrupting, "Do hear me out. Your mother died, and for that, we are apologetic." Surprisingly, the creature did appear apologetic. Its tone softened as did its facial features. There was no hint of sarcasm or annoyance, and no ulterior motives could be read on its face. “But we were not the ones who killed her, even though it was our pet who took her life. We asked you all to stop. To listen, but you did not. In her desire to save you, your Mother sacrificed her own life. That was a choice that she made, a regrettable one of course, but as a warrior, it was an easy one." The creature folded its hands in its lap as it continued to stare at Ozzy. "So although the anger you might harbor is justified, we would encourage you to direct it towards those who truly deserve it. If a keeper of wild animals tells you not to prod a tiger, but you do so anyways, is it the keepers fault, when you were warned?"

The creature shrugged as if his point had been made.

"As I mentioned, we are apologetic for how events unfolded. It is not our intention to harm these lands, but to help it. You wish to be healed, do you not? We can do that. And easily. It will not even be some absurd quest we shall send you off on, as your Gods would have you do, just one simple request."

kreatures of kaos

RE: broken [healing request] - Oizys - 03-06-2017



This time, it is not nothingness that greets her. Nor is it a God she knows. It is a monkey, or what could be a monkey in a twisted nightmare; it is a thing, and the filly's ears snap warily backwards as she eyes it. Ker shrieks, opens her wings wide and leaps onto her bonded's face as though to shield her, almost putting out Oizys' eyes in the process. "EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL" shouts the raptor, her savage beak twisted into a snarl as she erects the griffin-like feathers on her neck.

The gargoyle narrows her eyes, suspicious, and gently coaxes Ker away from her face and back onto her neck. It's just a monkey, calm your tits, she snaps at her companion, but the eagle remains agitated and clearly ill at ease.

Then, the creature talks. Oizys has never experienced the odd sensation of all her blood rushing down to the soles of her hooves before, but that's precisely what happens as the demon mentions her mother. That's what happens as she realises what this thing is, and it's accompanied by a frigid chill down her spine. "You!" she hisses, and the air next to her sizzles as her spark magic threatens to erupt out of her. This is the monster that killed her mother - it might be wearing a different face, but this is Kaos, she's never been more sure of anything in her life. Her eyes flash, blaze, and she contemplates the swift kill; will destroying this monkey help destroy the beast that she's vowed to end? Will her dead dam lend her strength from beyond the grave, guiding her daughter's sword hand into the heart of her killer?

But...it's apologising. That is what bids Oizys to stay her blade for now, although her face is still twisted in a snarl and her eagle stands proud and ready upon the harsh curve of her neck. But we were not the ones who killed her, even though it was our pet who took her life. We asked you all to stop. The sheer bullshit in this sentence makes the filly forgo all sense of self-preservation as she flashes a contemptuous glare at the creature. "You came into our land, tricked us into helping you erect some giant-ass altar of menacing evil, summoned an equally giant-ass bone monster of menacing evil...and you expected us to pull you up a chair and offer you a biscuit?" Her voice is incredulous. Does this monster really think he's in the right here? He killed her mother!

He - she doesn't know why she's decided he's a he, but he seems to be, so he is - continues with a tiger-keeper metaphor, and the gargoyle pauses for a moment whilst she tries to think up a suitable snarky retort. But then...then he offers her a bargain. To be rid of The Thing without having to do anything to earn it? She's wanted all her life to be free of this disease, and this omnipotent bone-monster has dangled that particular carrot right in front of her. She would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted...perhaps Kaos could offer her power that she'd only dreamed of, a clean bill of health, and a kingdom at her hooves...

But he killed her mother. He might seem apologetic, but is that all a ruse? He's proven pretty damn good at fooling the citizens of Helovia. It's such a choice, whether to grab the jewel that glints in front of her or to ignore it in favour of a much less certain alternative. Who's to say the Gods will listen to her now, or ever? This is more of a conversation than she's ever had with their patron deities, yet should she hold that against them? Can she turn down the allure of the easy ride, or does she wish to pursue the long, painful, possibly endless high road?

Does she do what is right?

Or does she do what is easy?

"What would Mother do?" questions Ker, a gentle voice in her mind to jerk her from her reverie. She'd tell him to stick his offer up his ass, and then ram her horn exactly there, replies the filly with a dawning sense of realisation. There's a healthy thrum of dread, too - she could well be about to turn down a creature who has proven his ability to kill. She could be about to go the same way as her mother. But at least if she does, she can go with her head held high. Oizys is a lot of things - a brat, a snarky bitch, a sadistic demoness - but there's no way in hell she's jumping into bed with her dam's killer. She owes Nyx her life, and she owes the mare her loyalty, too.

"I wish to be healed more than you can possibly imagine, but not at the cost of my morals. Believe me when I say I don't have many of those, but one I do have is that when somebody harms someone that I love, they're my enemy for life." Ker nestles closer to her neck, as though trying to savour these possibly last few moments of life. "So thanks, Kaos, but no thanks. I owe my mother's memory more than jumping right into bed with her killer. Our Gods aren't perfect, but they're our Gods and I'm sticking with them."

Although now would be a fantastic time for them to pop on down and back me up, she muses as she stares the creature in the eye and waits for death.


RE: broken [healing request] - Kaos - 03-06-2017

Despite the filly's outrage and rancour, the creature sits quite quietly and listens patiently. The entire time his hands are folded gently in his lap, and his large, intelligent eyes focus on her, as if she is the only thing in the world.

"I did not come here of my own choosing." The creature corrects, still calm, but seemingly quite keen on ensuring that there were no misunderstandings directing the girl's decisions. "Your Gods came into our world, pulling our citizens from their homes. They broke off chunks of earth and brought them here. We fought for what was ours, and, admittedly for a time, we lost. Your Gods defeated us...but then.." The monkey shrugged, holding his hands palm up. "We cannot go back, and so we are here.

You are correct. We did lie about our affiliation with your Earth God ... But all of your Gods have lied to you, and so we thought that an acceptable risk. But our altar is not evil, nor is our pet. He is as I said, like a tiger. He is pure instinct, and we did warn you."

He paused, eyeing her patiently, before continuing in that same level tone. "And we have not asked for anything. Not yet. Nothing but an open mind. We are powerful, and we are here to build a better Helovia. You shall see that soon, regardless of your level of cooperation. But our motives will become clear, and we shall keep our promises: we shall never lie to you again."

Believe me when I say I don't have many of those, but one I do have is that when somebody harms someone that I love, they're my enemy for life

The creature sighs with disappointment. "I think that is very shortsighted, young Oizys. One day, I think you will find yourself in a position where you do compromise your morals, and you shall kick yourself for not taking me up on my offer, for I think you would find it is exceedingly fair."

Cocking his head, the monkey appeared to be listening towards the sky. He continued for several sections, narrowing his gaze as if straining to hear more. "Hmm. I think you'll find that your Gods are ... ahh... a bit busy just now. I daresay I'm your only option."

kreatures of kaos

RE: broken [healing request] - Oizys - 03-06-2017



When Oizys was younger, in the nightmares that every child - no matter how twisted - has about the death of their parents, she'd always pictured her mother's eventual killer as a nameless, faceless monster. She'd pictured a cookie-cutter evil megalomaniac with no redeeming qualities, a hell-spawned demon that wanted nothing but to bring chaos and wrath onto everything it touched. She'd never thought that her mother would fall to anything less than that....and yet she's been slaughtered by possibly the most reasonable criminal Helovia has ever seen.

He's a smooth-talking son of a bitch, and after her initial delight at still being alive has passed, Oizys finds herself listening. "Don't," whimpers Ker, who is not likely to change her own opinion anytime soon, but the gargoyle doesn't listen. She'd heard about the God fights before, but never from this side of it. Ask any Helovian and the fights were epic battles of good against evil, warriors banding together to rid the world of the threat of giant, mutated false Gods. But...could it be true that the Helovian Gods had made the first move? "Wait...our Gods went into your world first? I always thought it was the other way around." She'd never inquired further about the fights bar the obvious interest in the bloodshed and loss of life. Now...there's always two sides to a story, even one as supposedly cut-and-dried as this.

He still killed her mother, though. It's going to take a damn lot more than a pity parade for her to even think about trusting him.

I daresay I'm your only option. "How dreadfully convenient," she mutters. Maybe she's wrong to place such blind faith in their Gods. They rejected her the first time she came to be healed, and this time they've left her alone to exchange word-blows with her dam's murderer, so clearly they don't have much in the way of empathy. "I'm listening." The words escape despite herself, and Ker unleashes a loud, worried gargle.

RE: broken [healing request] - Kaos - 03-06-2017

"No." The creature said with a shake of its head. "The Riptide Isles, the Green Labyrinth, the Blood Falls, and the Halycon Flats were known by different names and spanned different continents in our world. Your Gods ripped them from our lands, breaking and severing space and time just to give you all a new place to run and play. We followed to defend our lands, and were called tyrants, and were murdered." The creature grinned sadly, but slyly. "Or so they thought."

As her attitude seemed to change, the creature's smile returned. She'd struck him as being relatively reasonable, and he was pleased to see that she'd come around. Or at the very least, that she was willing to listen. "I will heal you in your entirety. You will leave here strong and whole. All that I ask, is that should any comment on your recovery, that you tell them honestly how you came by your healing." The creature shrugged again, palms up. "That is all. If no one asks and therefore you never tell a soul, that will be fine as well. Your payment is merely your re-telling of what has happened here today."

The creature opened a palm, and a swirling ball of blackish purple smoke began to spin back and forth. Pin pricks of light danced inside, glowing and sparkling within the vortex. The monkey held it out towards Oizys. "What say you? Do you accept?"

kreatures of kaos

RE: broken [healing request] - Oizys - 03-06-2017



"I didn't know that." The confession is uttered honestly, and the filly finds herself frowning. How is it that that little piece of info seems to have sneaked out of the history books? More importantly, is this backstory enough for Oizys to trust him? Nothing changes what he did. Killing a parent is unforgivable, and the stone-grey yearling knows she will never trust him fully. But....maybe everything happens for a reason. Maybe Helovia really is the instigator in this battle and not the harmless victim. Could they truly have got it all so wrong?

She's sure his request will be something dastardly, though, something to make her change her mind again now he's ensnared her into his trap. To her utter astonishment, though, it....isn't. All he wants is her voice. He just wants her to tell anybody who asks how she was healed, and that...is the most reasonable request she's ever had. How the hell can she turn that down? It may be that she never has to say anything because she's never asked - this secret could go with her to her grave. Or she may be asked by the first person she meets, and is the truth truly so terrible? Kaos healed me. Kaos, my mother's killer, healed me.

"Don't do it," wails Ker. "He evil. Not trustworthy. He killed Mother!"

Yeah, and maybe this is his way of saying sorry!

"Doesn't work like that! What he did unforgivable. How you let him trap you like this?"

Ker, all he wants is my words. I can give him those. It's not like I'm betraying Mother by telling people that he did a nice thing. Even serial killers have fluffy puppies for pets, it doesn't make them any less evil. It doesn't mean I trust him, or that anybody else will when I tell them.

"Thought you had morals?"

Oizys cuts the conversation short. She has made her decision. "I accept." There's a part of her that feels like she's selling her soul to the devil, but an equally large part that thrums with excitement at the idea of finally ridding herself of The Thing. All her life it has been her burden to greatness. With it gone, she can rise to be the warrior that she owes it to her dam to be. She can aid the Basin, protect it. Ridding herself of the crippling defect in her heart will change her life, allow her to do all the things she has always wanted to do.

The little voice in her head reminds her that everything she accomplishes from here will be by Kaos's hand. Every success she rises to will be because of him - and that makes her feel slightly nauseous. Not enough to change her decision, though, when the benefits outweigh this one niggling misgiving, but enough to take the shine off her excitement as she gazes upon the ball of power in the monkey's hand.

RE: broken [healing request] - Kaos - 03-06-2017

With an easy thrust of his palm, the orb rose into the air. It exploded, releasing the whirlwind of smoke and sparks inside. Painlessly the mass fell onto the greyish filly's back, absorbing instantly into her skin. It resonated through her bones, knitting and healing, mending and repairing all the places that nature had left lacking in her original design.

All the while the monkey waited, confident and with a smile on his lips. 

"Be well, and enjoy your health." And with that, the monkey rose and sauntered off into some hidden burrow carved within the rock.

Congratulations! Oizys has been permanently healed of her birth defects! 

kreatures of kaos