HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Blue clues - Printable Version

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Blue clues - Vezér - 03-13-2017

A touch of wicked, A pinch of risqué,
Or your fairytale princess who could ask for more
Since she had been freed from her own monster's curse the girl had found herself traveling. While home the girl had practiced her sneaky skills creeping up on the adults and listening in on them. All the information added up to one thing, fear. They all feared Kaos the rift god. Of course they feared Kaos, hell his name said it all. Scarlet eyes rolled, 'Adults are so stupid sometimes.' He was a plague, one that needed to be monitored, just like any other sickness. They needed to sharpen their pruners and put on their big kid panties. He was a black berry bush that had over grown it's intended place; choking out the lives of every other plant.

She was sure when he was dealt with everyone would go back to life like it had never happened, but not her. She was growing with the deception, rolling with the punches and learning from the beating. Lives had been changed with the coming of the Rift Gods and with Kaos rising to the front. The rift gods had appeared before her birth, but she had heard talk of the death they brought. It was assumed Kaos would only do the same. Was he really all that bad?

That single question was what brought her here. She wanted to see what he was all about, even if he remained hidden. She smirked as her small hooves slipped over the marsh eyes moving over everything. There was no fear in the filly, if things got hairy she would fight, or run. Her stomach rolled at the thought of running from anything. She was her father's daughter and hated the thought of fleeing.

A black altar drew her attention and she moved cautiously closer. Blue markings shimmer on the dark altar and darker thoughts shift through her head. Altars were made for sacrifices and offerings. The question was what kind of offering was to be placed here? Her eyes swiveled as she circled the thing, nostrils quivering. Her lips brushed the altar experimenting with it, trying to see if anything would happen if she touched it in different places.

Words;; 356
Tags/OOC;; @Dresden Open as long as we can keep it rolling!

image | coding

RE: Blue clues - Amaris - 03-23-2017

Kaos, the name of the newest threat to peace on Helovia. Not that peace was all that common to begin with - if anything, having a monumental threat unified the herds more than ever before. A common goal, a common enemy did wonders for promoting herd co-operation and unity - though it came at great expense (there was no putting a value on the very lives of others, was there?).

Volterra had cautioned her about exploring the lands alone, had warned her of this new threat, but Amaris was a scholar if nothing else - she wanted to know more about this threat, she wanted to learn and understand and simply know what it was, who it was, where it was. So she explored, she investigated, she got out there and she learned whatever she could.

Which wasn't much, really.

Amaris was never alone, not truly - Dramyrth, a constant hum on her mind, a comforting presence against her very soul, explored with her, scouting from the skies above, sending her images and feedback constantly on the world that surrounded them. With him, she hardly felt like she was blatantly ignoring Volterra's advice and seeking out "danger" intentionally.

'It's a wasteland,' she thought idly, looking over the Marsh - the same land her mother had ventured into all those years ago, during the great darkness. Why was it that the Spectral Marsh attracted such events, such disasters? Sprectral in itself suggested something relating to ghosts or otherworldly creatures, and at that thought, a blue spirit came into existence.

The dragonmare's magic was not always voluntary, and Dramyrth huffed grumpily as the blue dragon danced on the heady air before them. Amaris tread carefully through the Marsh, smiling wryly at both her companion and the spirit's antics as she went - if anything, the 'background noise' helped her to concentrate, to notice curious details and come to conclusions she otherwise would not have ventured.

A mare, ahead, was inspecting a great obelisk - a monument, an altar. Dramyrth announced their presences with a soft coo, a gentle song (he had been practising his many different songs, you see), before flying closer to the structure to investigate it for himself. The blue spirit who drifted eerily near Amaris simply illuminated Amaris' path for her as she approached.

"Hello," she said quietly, nodding to the curiously web-featured belle (she was reminded hauntingly of Lace, but did not allow that thought too much purchase in her mind), before returning her gaze to the obelisk. "Do you know what this is?" she asked, genuine curiosity colouring her tones - the other seemed quite keen to get up close and personal with the altar; Amaris was perfectly content to stay back.
drákos istoría
Dagwanoenyent Stock | whimzi
on deviantart


RE: Blue clues - Dresden - 03-24-2017

His parents grazed and groped each other somewhere near this swampy, interesting sort of place. He could smell the plant carnage, the moisture, the standing water and hear the exotic insects buzzing about – he could even see their metallic colors flashes (the dragonflies) as the darted from lily pad to lily pad in the ankle deep waters. Through the trees his could see the interesting world, now that his giant eyes have become more accustomed to the lighting outside of the womb, he’s got rather keen eyesight. He wanders away and his mother watches him go, nothing tells her not to let him explore a little, so she does. “Dresden,” His mother’s gritty voice simmers in his ears and he brattily bends them back but does not face her. “Do not go far, and scream if you’re in trouble.” He jogs away but not far, just out into the open just beyond the tree line. The warm sun smacks his dull black body and makes the patches of tiny scales across his body glimmer like he’s wet. He sniffs at the soggy ground but suddenly a voice finds his tiny ears and his attentions refocus. His bright wings twitch and his slit pupils swell, pushing the golden green to the very blackened edge of his iris’s. He can see them in the distance, a broken patterned one, her (he’s unaware she’s a her) body a blur of chocolatey brown and white legs. Another one stands there to, their eyes on an odd feature standing alone in the marshes. Blue flickers from the dark shape, Dresden’s young mind has no reference as to what it is, but senses, hopes, these bigger figures might know… Why must he know? Who knows…?

He looks over his shoulder at his parents and back to the other adults, the first he’s ever seen up close-ish. He decides it’s close enough to wander over. He moves in slowly, submissively, if you will. He keeps a cautious distance, he’s so very tiny against this foreboding landscape, and his naivety is sickly obvious. He’s merely a few months old, gangling and more curious than wise. “What is it…?” His adolescent voice his so soft, hooked in innocence as genuine as anything could be.


forgive the blandness, no stuff for him yet D:
@Vezér @Amaris

RE: Blue clues - Vezér - 03-30-2017


As she nosed the ebony a dragon's coo touched her pricked ears. Her first thought was that one of her brothers or father had hunted her down. She braced, ready for her tongue lashing. She lifted her young head and turned to see who had come to fetch her. Her scarlet eyes widened slightly at the lady and blue dragon thing walking towards her. She almost missed the male golden dragon flying around, almost. The lady was beautiful, breathtakingly so. Silver furred with golden dragon scales littering her body. Her jaw dropped slightly as she gazed over her mind-boggling appearance. Even her voice was pretty, "Hello miss..." Her words were breathy with her wonder. She had seen plenty of dragons and even watched her brother change to a golden male, but she had never witnessed a horse with scales.

"It has something to do with Kaos, I think it might be to show respect to him and the fallen Rift gods." Her eyes never left the mare as she spoke. "I'm sorry about the staring, I've never seen an as beautiful as yourself." 'Do you have dragon blood?' She kept the question to herself, finding it rude probe into her life. Not everyone had the best parents; she knew that first hand.

Another's voice drew her attention away from the golden lady. A boy roughly her age stood a little ways off. A curious smile touched her lips, "Hello, you can come closer, I wont bite." She chuckled softly at her joke as her eyes moved over his body taking in the strange markings. He was mostly black, but had orange and blue green markings dashed over him. His wings were also strange, brightly colored. The oddest part of the colt was his eyes. She moved her gaze to meet his, trying not to stare at him. He wasn't ugly, but very peculiar. She thought he might be self conscious about his appearance. "It has to do with Kaos, but I don't know anything else about it really, just kind of guessing."

She turned back to the thing curiously. "My name is Vezér, from the Dragon's Throat." She looked over the obelisk curiously for a moment. "I wonder if there is anything under this thing. If I was a crazy god from somewhere else, I would hide something under it; hide in plain sight." She turned and looked back at the two others a confident smile flickering over her features. "What do you guys think?" Her we marked head tilted curiously, causing her earrings to cling.

Words;; 426
OOC/Tags;; @Amaris @Dresden I might be gone by the time this rolls back around to me, but I will be back next Monday =]

RE: Blue clues - Amaris - 04-01-2017

It seemed to be happening increasingly more often, the dragonmare would find herself surrounded by youth, new blood, children. It was to be expected, she supposed, with the season of fertility having just passed, ( - on Helovia, anyway, she thought as a sidenote, constantly reminded of the time she had missed here - ), though thoughts of participating in such things herself had never been properly entertained.

The spider-webbed belle looked stunned - not an uncommon reaction - though no fear graced her features. Amaris wondered if she was familiar with dragons, such was the curiosity that seemed to fill her - such fascination the dragonmare had not witnessed since she first ever met Volterra.. Could she be? It wouldn't be the first offspring of the skull-marked Sultan she had met, though she was starting to wonder if he had sired an entire herd to himself. If he loves the act of child-making as much as he loves his dragons, then perhaps he has, she thought wryly to her beloved companion, who merely mentally huffed in response - the golden king had only his birth to remember an immense dislike for the great titan of a stallion, and then more recently, he barely had a chance to judge him for he had been distracted by Vadir. Stubbornness, draconic inclination, call it what you will - Dramyrth maintained his negative opinion of the stallion.

The girl spoke then, mentioned Kaos, and the dragonmare pricked her ears, absorbing what she could. This monument, this monolith, this great obsidian, ebony, bony structure was a remnant of the terror this new threat wrought upon the lands. In an instant, Amaris hated it, despised it, wanted to see it fall and crumble and burn like it had done to Helovians since its arrival. Though Amaris did not know the reason behind Kaos' arrival - perhaps if she had understood that this fiend arrived here as a direct result of the Helovian Gods' actions, she would be less brash in her loathing, and more.. understanding.

But then the girl called Amaris beautiful, and while Dramyrth sung a glorious, happy song in severe agreement, the dragonmare herself was left rather speechless. She wanted to say that she was 'used to others staring,' but not at her beauty, rather, at her queerness, her uniqueness, her.. What some would call, monstrous representation of worlds colliding in a most horrible way. But to be called beautiful? And so directly, so suddenly upon meeting another - "I -uh.." she stuttered, taken aback slightly, before catching herself, and smiling kindly, gratefully. "Thank you," she said warmly, truly meaning the words. "Your markings remind me of an old friend's;" she said softly, remembering the webbed stallion Lace with fondness and sadness, "he too had a kind heart."

Another approached, a smaller, younger still, lad, and Amaris could not help that her gaze lingered upon his appearance for perhaps a bit longer than was polite. Scales! she thought, wondering for a moment whether she had a long lost brother she did not know about - but no, great feathered wings stretched up from his shoulders, and his eyes, though eerily similar to a dragon's, seemed more lizard-like than anything else. The mare breathed, recovering quickly from the cascade of thoughts that ran through her tiara, nodding in quiet greeting to the colt, a warm note of "hello," rustling in her throat.

Vezér named herself then, and mentioned more theories on what the monument could mean, could hold, could hide. Amaris nodded along, before introducing herself as well; "I'm Amaris, and that's Dramyrth, we're of the World's Edge," though I have lived at the Throat before, she wanted to say, but held on to her words lest she talk forever about meaningless things that would only bore her current company. "I am not sure what to think," Amaris said honestly, the initial hatred she felt having diminished already and been replaced with cautious curiosity. "I want to know more about Kaos, more about what sort of being he is, what elements he is composed of - perhaps then we might know more about the sorts of things he can make, and how to.. dismantle them." Her gaze drifted from the colt and filly and instead to the great obelisk once more, the blue dragon spirit that had been hovering before her chest drifted eerily closer to it, casting glittering shades of blue upon the black surface. Amaris could not make heads or tails of it; it was as much a mystery to her as when she had arrived merely minutes before.

@Vezér @Dresden
I swear I told myself this would be a short reply when I started >__> please forgive my rambles!!
drákos istoría
Dagwanoenyent Stock | whimzi
on deviantart

RE: Blue clues - Random Event - 04-17-2017

random event
A soft hum comes from deep within the black altar. The sound seems to warble through the earth and up your hooves, as if inviting you to become a part of this percussive symphony.

Suddenly a spray of teal coloured liquid erupts from the top of the altar, precisely the same colour as the strange glowing symbols on the side. It falls like rain, although it is more buoyant, almost like a foam. As soon as it touches you, the heat of the day slowly fades away. You are left feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Where the foam touches the ground, small patches of black clover appear.


RE: Blue clues - Dresden - 04-26-2017


When the painted one’s eyes level down on him his little tail twitches and his green eyes swell just a smidge. His wings readjust and he fixes his posture to seem a little less meek and small, stretching his knobby legs as tall as they are capable of stretching. When she speaks to him he seems to have no response at all for a second or two, only blinking his big wet eyes at her and then finding the he smaller lady next to her. He steps forward tentatively, the altar capturing his full attention for at least a full minute. He stops a few yards from them and peers on, switching between them and the odd obelisk.

He is silent, only the air whuffing from his tiny nostrils makes sound.

Vezér, Amaris, Kaos the God –  God?…. He builds a tower of questions in his mind while he watches the pile of curious material that is the subject of their interest. The trio stands with the oddity in the center of them, the smallest body standing off just a few steps further then the adults. Quite a curious situation he finds himself in so early on in life.  


The colt’s dusty black body reacts first by jolting, his colorful wings spiking away from his ribs and out to brace himself. He cannot yet fly so the maneuver is all for show, something to soothe him in panic. As such a young and new citizen of Helovia and the world in gener; he’s really not quite sure what to do next. Dresden’s only choice is to fall back on instinct, to listen to the first thought that passes through his mind when once he silences his fears. He sniffs at the dirt, toward the blackened structure, not once looking toward either adult for comfort or reaction. His his whole front end feels stuck, metaphorically not literally, and so he does not move. He listens to the beckoning of the otherworldly vibrations. An unexplainable sensation crawls up through the frogs of his tea-cup feet and web through his meat and muscles. His ears swivel and pin and unpin again, his eyes do not blink. Suddenly the miniature monument of sorts begins to spew a substance – um, no. He winces, ha;lf crouching as if that would help and lets his  wings flick up, pausing all the brightly glowing droplets within ten meters of him. They do not freeze in place but rather float and spread out from him. He holds this radius of teal sparkle over the moist earth, but where  he cannot control and it freely it falls he can see the inky leafed sprouts birth from its vibrant puddles. Curious… his gaze hunts for the women, the dragony one first; what happens when it touches you…? Surely they cannot repel its spray like he can, so what will become of them? He wonders and watches with a morbid sort of curiosity, almost hoping something exciting, perhaps even destructive might happen. This is the first time he feels the thrill of danger, the rush of adrenaline. It intoxicates him, something he may grow to like later on and maybe even like it a little too much.


the very peculiar reptilian son of chernobyl and murdock

@Vezér @Amaris

RE: Blue clues - Vezér - 05-03-2017


The filly watched the older mare curiously. She was radiant with her shimmering golden scales and king dragon. She was a queen in her own right, one that deserved respect. Vezér had been raised around dragon's, they had been her only friend when her mother had beaten her. She brushed the thoughts away with the flick of her tiny tail. When her words of praise to the lady's beauty brushed the air her heart soared. The dragon's song eased ever ache in her broken heart, even though it wasn't meant for her. She smiled up at him for a moment before turning her attention back to Amaris. Warm bright giggles rolled from her lips for a moment as she watched her struggle to accept the compliment. She smiled brightly, "It's the truth Miss, there is no need to thank me for pointing it out."

Her smile faltered at her next words. Her eyes softened and her head bowed. "I am sorry for your loss." She fell silent for a moment trying not to revile in the fact there had been another here, besides her bloodlines, that had bore her markings. She desperately thought of something to say to change the subject. The arrival of the strange colt saved her from the need.

She looked at Amaris wondering what she thought of the strange colt before turning back to him. Her smile stays upon her face watches him. "You know, it's rude to not give a name." Her voice is gentle, yet firm. "Even a fake name is better than no name." She tilted her head slightly an encouraging smile on her features. Amaris draws her attention again speaking of Kaos once more. She nods along with her. Instead of anger and fear for the god she only feels curiosity. She knew how adults could jump to conclusions. Maybe he wasn't really bad, just misunderstood.

Suddenly the colt jumps as vibrations shoot up the filly's legs. She tilts her head more confused than scared. She had learned long ago that jumping and running only caused more pain. She turned and looked back at the obelisk. "Kaos, is this you're doing?" Her words were a whisper, meant for herself and the God. Her heart vibrated in her chest along with the ground. It was strange to feel such a thing shaking her body. The bright teal liquid bursts from the top. Her eyes widen curiously ears strained forward. She watches it fall wondering how a liquid, that should fall like rain, falls more like leaves. She turns and looks at Amaris and the unnamed colt. Another strange thing is happening with the boy. The teal droplets have stopped falling around him. Her brows rise with a silent question.

Then the drops float onto her back. A quiver races over her hide as she turns to look back at the black pillar. She wonders if it will burn, after a moment. To her pleasure the heat of the day and the exhaustion from her trip disappears. How can a god that soothes be bad? "Thank you sir." She whispers again before looking down. Strange black clover has sprouted around her hooves where the liquid had touched the ground. She lowers her head and plucks the black clover. She pulls open her sheath and shoves as many as she can in around her dagger. Satisfied she speaks up, "Well that was unexpected." She laughs brightly feeling much stronger than she had moments ago.

She turned to the colt, "How did you do that? Can you do it for me again?" She smiles sweet and sways closer to him. She had spied on mare's using their looks and sweet words to ease things from others. Her long white lashes flutter playfully at him. "I'll tell you what that stuff did to me if you show me that again." Her heart beats faster this being the first time she has ever tried her hand at this type of manipulation.

Words;; 663
OOC/Tags;; @Amaris

RE: Blue clues - Amaris - 05-03-2017

The dragonmare is relatively distracted when the young filly begins to chatter at the colt, prattling on something or other about names and things. Amaris used to be protective of her name, she used to keep it to herself quite intentionally. It was only more recently that she found the practice of introducing oneself less irksome and more normal, easy to endure. All in all, Amaris did not mind that she did not know the colt's name - he was so young, so fresh, perhaps he did not even know what it was yet.

The dragonmare wasn't going to comment or interject her thoughts into the matter, however, for her focus was now upon the pillar, the curious etchings carved into it, illuminated vaguely by the light cast from her little blue spirit friend. But she barely has a moment to consider anything further when a strange hummmmmm began. It reminded her of the way she and Dramyrth could purr, an undefinable yet definitely present vibration from somewhere deep.

She could not help herself, and purred softly in surprised response, unflinching and steady upon her feet as she took in this occurrence. Amaris had jumped to conclusions before when emotions had roiled and toiled within her - now, with her mind clearer, she could look upon the scene with as objective a view as possible. Dramyrth, on alert but not totally alarmed, continued his circling, calling out a trilled note when the pillar seemed to erupt.

The scene itself was reminiscent of the Veins of the Gods, in some far-fetched, unbidden idea within the dragonmare's cranium. The markings etched into the stone were like the blue veins of lava that flowed down the mountain of the gods' pillars, and now, it was like an eruption, as "foam-lava" shot into the sky and descended upon them.

Amaris stood still, bracing herself, prepared to move if needed, but also rooted by the vibrations that danced up her legs.

It fell upon her like raindrops, though its consistency was strangely softer. The dragonmare felt the soothing, the cooling, the invigorative effects of the 'rain' almost instantly, and simply continued to stand as it drizzled around them, spreading strange clovers about the area. She was not interested in collecting them for herself, for they were not shiny like the things she, as a dragon, usually collected, and so she simply watched in quiet observation as the young filly gathered as many as she could.

It was belatedly that she saw the colt and his strange magic, repelling the raindrops. "They do not hurt when they touch," Amaris offered to the colt's questioning stare, noting Vezér's words at the back of her mind. She wasn't about to sing the praises of this unknown entity, not when she still knew so little about him - not when she wasn't sure there might be a hidden price to pay for his apparent benevolence. The young filly seemed to want to bargain the information Amaris gave freely in exchange for seeing the colt work his magic once more, and she feels a pang of guilt well up at the thought of ruining the girl's fun - oops.

At least she had not given it all away, only that no pain was inflicted from their touch, she would stand in silence, continuing to ponder and mull over this occurrence in the company of the young ones; it seemed they were good for inspiring interesting actions and thoughts to cross her path, something she needed more of in this time of uncertainty.

@Vezér @Dresden
drákos istoría
Dagwanoenyent Stock | whimzi
on deviantart