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[O] A surprising request - Printable Version

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A surprising request - Lyanna - 03-14-2017

so i listen to the    wind for an answer
It has been somewhat quiet in the Edge. She uses the word “quiet” somewhat lightly though, because the Edge is never really all that quiet. There’s always something going on. But rather, there’s just been a little less that requires her attention. The greenhouse and the garden both look good, planted nearly full to bursting with herbs and plants they the Edge might need. Everything has been weeded and for the moment, those stubborn weeds seem to be staying dead. No one needs a healer as the morning dawns, bright and warm but promising to be beautiful. And with Sacre around now, she feels less nervous leaving the Edge around, knowing the third and newest Moon Doctor was active and prepared to help.

So today, feeling confident the Edge will be just fine without her, Lyanna sets off. She leaves from the cliff, taking the long way around, though she has no plans for the day. Instead, it’s just a free day for exploring, for flying, for getting lost with the wind in her hair and the sun on her back. It’s been quite some time since she’s simply set off with no plan in mind, and she’s glad for it.

In the end, she finds herself on the outskirts of the familiar Deep Forest. It is one of her favorite places in Helovia, and she comes back often. She’s stopping scouting for the familiar blue horn and black form of Apollo, but she still loves it here. It reminded her of home, in a way, of her forests in Morham that she would never see again. The Mood Goddesses words ring in her ears. A surprising request, the Goddess had said. But was it? Was it so strange that Lyanna wanted one thing to keep in a life that still feels borrowed?

She lands on the outskirts of the forest, making her way into the treeline, heading toward the pond with it’s glimmering rubies. The one of her neck catches the light, as if acknowleding that it is close to home. But her mind is not on the rubies but the Godess, wondering what the Moon must think of her, or if the Moon even thought much of the requests she was given. There were many, after all, and she didn’t think hers could have been the first slightly strange one. Either way, the Goddess had agreed, settting her on a task that still felt impossible. But she knew it wasn’t. It would just take some time.


art by yewrezz


RE: A surprising request - Miykael - 03-24-2017

He'd been a part of the Edge once, though now it seems ages ago. In certain regard it almost felt like a different lifetime. The truth is that he left the Edge around two and a half years ago which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't long ago at all. Miykael is far from young, though his age shows more in his soul than anywhere else. At eleven years old (this time), he certainly isn't elderly by any stretch of the imagination but he isn't youthful anymore either. He appears worn, less physically bright than he'd been only two years ago. The constant wandering and the stress over losing Merialeth has beaten the sunshine right out of him - the light in his soul dimming and fading away like the flame being smothered beneath a glass. His outward appearance, as usual, does very little to hide the weariness of his heart and soul. Ever the open book, this one.

It comes as little surprise to find him wandering about the depths of Helovia. Never one to be tied down for long, Miykael simply cannot cease his dreadful pacing - the endless search for the wounded (though, perhaps, secretly he searches for but one face to save). He can't shake the feeling that she is out there somewhere, possibly injured or in danger. And perhaps he is driven by his past failures as a father but he simply cannot fail in this. He has to find her. He must. Without her, his family and his heart will never be complete. Yet even with that particular pressure, and the throbbing pain her disappearance has left in his heart, his recent wanderings haven't taken him very far from December. Ever since his bright blue eyes noticed the familiar roundness of her sides he wanted to stay nearer to her; his determination to be a better partner and a better father fully overwhelming his desire to heal the world (and hunt down Merialeth to bring her back home).

So as December rested, her fuller figure bringing an unabashedly delighted grin onto his face, the stallion tucked his practically oversized white wings and wandered off into the forest. It takes little time for the golden angel to find some creature with an open wound or a bird with an injured wing - all, of course, easily fixable with his particular brand of healing magic. It didn't matter that using it harmed him. It never mattered that he, in some small way, took a part of their pain into himself. He'd likely say he earned it, that he deserved the punishment. Who's to say he's wrong? Or right? The deep forest with its' many trees, is a home to many creatures and rather easily turned into his favorite place to exercise his healing magic.

As absorbed as he was in healing a rather disgruntled little beaver, he was suddenly aware that he wasn't alone. It was a simple gut feeling, a strange tingling sensation up his spine and this odd gnawing sort of alertness in the back of his skull. He almost ignores it but then his child-like hope overrides his better judgment and he lifts his blue gaze to search around him. At first his eyes spy nothing at all, causing his heart to sink and his entire body to appear to droop. That's when he sees her, the dark mare with the vivid teal accents. Teal... like Naerys' eyes. No matter where he turns, he's simply reminded of his own failures. Each one hitting him like a slap to the face though he never seems to recoil, instead each slap hits him full force. Sighing softly, he moves towards her at a leisurely pace and offers a tender, welcoming smile. "Hello" he calls to her, his deep voice cheerful despite the tired lines creasing his face. "Mind if I join you? I'm Miykael."

And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
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RE: A surprising request - Lyanna - 03-26-2017

so i listen to the    wind for an answer
She could understand how a few years could feel like a lifetime. Sometimes she manages to forget about her life in Morham. Well no, not quite forget. She wishes, sometimes, that she could forget. But she’ll wake and instead of feeling like a hole has been ripped in her chest, Morham will feel like a dream. Like some life she lived long ago. But like this life, the one she lives in now, has always been this way. She’ll feel like the Edge has always been home and would always be home. Like there weren’t so many regrets and what if’s and uncertainties running through her head.

Sometimes, the Edge is home, and it’s a simple as that. Those are rare moments though. Because how can you forget losing your entire family? How can you stop wondering what life would be like if they were still alive? How can you stop blaming yourself when your only remaining family member disappears? Someday, she would try to find Adelene. But she doesn’t know where to start. And she’s worked so hard to find a life of her own, selfishly, she is loathe to leave on a wild goose chase.

She had no family though. And it seemed that perhaps, she never would. Maybe that was okay. Maybe it was better, really. It might hurt more to have someone in her life, to her children in her life, and know they would never meet her parents or her brother or likely even her sister. That her brother couldn’t kick any guy in the face for breaking her heart. Though she is young yet, and perhaps a family isn’t out of her cards. Maybe the problem really is her. That’s she’s afraid it might hurt. That she’s afraid she might lose them too.

She’s lost in her own thoughts and doesn’t notice the stallion right away, though those wings are hard to miss and eventually they do catch her attention. There’s some sort of critter with him, and it doesn’t seem like a companion. It looks like a beaver, from where she stands, that might be injured. Though she’s not certain. And before she can get closer, he’s turned and is walking her way, introducing himself and asking to join.

“Of course,” she says warmly, always glad to meet new horses around Helovia. “I’m Lyanna.” She looks him over for a brief moment, noticing the tired lines of his face, though he seems kind and cheerful enough. His wings are impressive, if nothing else. Far larger than average, and she wonders what it’s like to fly with wings so large. “If you don’t mind my asking, were you just helping a beaver?” Ever the healer, of course, she can’t help but be curious if she’s found another.


art by yewrezz


RE: A surprising request - Miykael - 04-21-2017

Life is, at its' very heart, a series of challenges placed one after another like hurdles. Most often the hurdles are fairly equal in height, moderate but still easily jumped without much effort. Other times they are small, offering an easy reprieve. Sometimes they are massive, seemingly impenetrable. Sometimes one stumbles and knocks one down. But knocking one down doesn't stop the other hurdles from coming. As long the heart still beats and there is air in the lungs, the hurdles just keep coming. At times recovery comes swift and others... well, sometimes one has to plow through several hurdles head first before regaining their footing. In the end, though, it's all the same.

Miykael has made more than his fair share of mistakes; as he sees it, at least. Oftentimes his loved ones suffer for his mistakes. December has, he knows. He hasn't been present for her enough; and there would always be that lingering thought that had he been there, maybe Merialeth wouldn't be missing. Alysanne certainly did before he left the Edge behind. He'd talked with her later and though they ended things on relatively good terms, they would never be as close as they'd been before he tried to make her love him. There is no doubt in his heart whom is at fault, and it isn't - in his humble opinion - the current queen of the Edge. Miykael knows all too well that dwelling on the past fixes nothing, but he can't stop the self-hatred from ripping him apart.

Perhaps that is why he immerses himself in the art of healing. Perhaps that is why he is so resistant to herd life and all that it entails. Or perhaps that stems from his past - from a time when he was killed defending his father's land. He needs something outside of himself to focus on, to keep him preoccupied. Either way, the Helovian wilds have quickly become his home. It wasn't really a life suited to raising a family but December seemed to enjoy it well enough. Between the two of them they'd been able to keep most of the beasts at bay, and for the rest... well, that's what healing magic was for. They'd managed but it certainly aged him a bit faster than he otherwise might have. Especially now that the grey mare was pregnant once more.

It is hardly surprising, then, that Miykael seeks an escape from the daily stresses of the outcast life. So when the younger mare warmly accepts his company, he can't help but to relax - mentally shoving the mess of his everyday life to the back of his mind in an attempt to ignore it. "Lyanna." he repeats, his deep voice practically humming. It's a beautiful name and suits her quite well. "The pleasure is mine, I'm sure." the dunskin paint adds with a smile, hiding for the moment just how tired he's grown in the last few years. Before he can say anything else, though, Lyanna asks a question that brings some light back to his face. "Oh, I don't mind at all!" he begins cheerfully. "I was, in fact. I enjoy using my healing magic to help others." his whole demeanor is lighter now, everything about being a healer seems to lift his spirits - especially when he finds another. "You are a healer as well, yes?" he asks, and though it is just a guess he feels so certain he is right. Or maybe he is simply hopeful. So far he's found the best of friends amongst the healers - despite their tendency to be somewhat reclusive.

And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
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What even is this post? idk.

RE: A surprising request - Lyanna - 05-01-2017

so i listen to the    wind for an answer
Perhaps pain and regret and guilt is what makes them pour themselves into healing. She can’t fix the past and she knows it, no matter how many times she replays her life over and over in her mind. No matter how many times she tries to find what she missed or come up with different ways she should have handled a situation. She cannot go back and implement these things. No, all she can do is torture herself with them in the present, with all the what if’s. But she can heal. She can help others, take away their pain and fatigue and give them something, however small. She can teach others how to heal, can give them tools for saving others and themselves. She can make a difference with healing. Where she has failed before, perhaps at this, she can succeed.

Perhaps that’s why she found herself drawn to it so quickly. She’d grown up a diplomat and a fighter, yet given the chance to choose for herself, she didn’t pick the things she’d known all her life. She’d picked something entirely new, had thrown herself into working and learning about an art she’d never even considered before. The job had fit her like a glove, and she found herself becoming someone else. Still her, but a different version of her. Perhaps not a better version of herself though, because she’d buried the pieces that had hurt too much. Tucked away the warrior and the princess and the girl who’d once controlled the wind. She’d become quiet and complacent.

Part of her still knows that Corbin would be both pleased and disappointed in that way of his. The stern look that hid a smile behind his eyes. Because she could be all those things, couldn’t she? She could be a healer and a fighter. She could be quiet and loud, complacent and revolutionary. He would have wanted her to be more. But instead, she hid behind the one thing that took away pain. The one thing that didn’t leave her with more what if’s, with more guilt. And she cannot quite bring herself to be more than what she has become.

“Oh!” she says with pleasant surprise when he says he has healing magic. Delight and surprise crosses her face, and she grins a bit. “I am a healer, and I’m actually questing for healing magic of my own. My quest is to find others with healing magic and learn about the elements they use to heal.” She pauses for a moment, somewhat unbelieving that she could have managed to run across him here. But then again, the world is a small place sometimes. Often when you least expected it to be small. “Would you be willing to tell me about your magic?”


art by yewrezz

It was a beautiful post, that is what