HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Together As One [Birth] - Printable Version

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Together As One [Birth] - December - 03-16-2017

& this is Carl
 Everything seemed to happen to her when she was in her beloved Frostbreath Steppe. Tallsun was hot, and it burned at her swollen sides like a furnace; sending her north for comfort. Though there was no snow to give her release, she still appreciated the cooler breeze that only frequented the northern lands. Her breathing had grown heavy from exertion; when you were carrying a child atop your own weight; exercise became harder. She was certain that this babe was much larger than Meria had been. She was about to lay down for a rest when the first contraction hit. It hit so hard that the mare stumbled, crumbling to her front knees and huffing out in pain. She didn't have time to recover when the next ripple hit her ivory frame, causing a sharp snort to leave her. Well, she supposed it was going to happen at some point.

Without another thought she was on her side, attempting to even out her breathing and ignoring the pain tearing her up inside. She had remembered that it had hurt a lot with Meria the first time as well, and that with time it would soon numb out. Carl was sent to fetch Miykael at once, and she continued with her breathing in order to keep herself focused. Yet this was harder than her last labor, and though she couldn't figure out why she pressed on; grunting and groaning with each painstaking contraction until it was time for her to push. And when she pushed; damn did that hurt the most. So badly a scream ripped from her dark maw, and in her emotionally weak state she began to panic. Something was wrong; this wasn't right. No matter how much she tried to convince herself to remain calm her breathing grew rapid, and she soon became scared of when the next push was needed.

Yet her body did not stop for worry; it was working on instinct now, and so she pushed against her will and once again screamed. Her insides felt as if they were being torn, severed and broken by whatever was inside her. If she didn't know better she would think a demon was summoning itself within her womb. With each following push her pain only increased, and soon her voice grew hoarse from the screams ripping from her throat. She was tired, so ready to be done and to rest for a little while. Yet it seemed that there was still more to come, for even after one large push a body was out; her contractions did not stop. Despite her body fighting her she turned, looking at the baby caked in the red of her blood and sporting their own red coat. A girl; with wings clinging to her back. No wonder it had hurt so badly.

When another contraction hit she snarled, baring her teeth because dammit; the baby was out and she should be done. Unless... by some strange fate there was not just one. Looking to her first born with worried eyes she began to clean, trying to fight through the pain of childbirth to clean her babe before she seemed to be dry. Soon she was pushing again and crying; because it hurt so much more than with Merialeth that she didn't think she could make it through. As her body fought to bring forth the second life, she found that her body was growing tired rapidly. The blood between her legs wasn't stopping, and she was loosing feeling in her hind legs. Whether it was the panic or her body shutting down she didn't know, but her world was growing darker and the second child wasn't even fully out yet.

It took the last of her conscious energy to push the second babe out, and when its steaming body hit the air she tried to get to it. Her hind legs weren't moving, she didn't even know if they were still on her body to be honest. Whickering softly, she used her front hooves to push herself back in hopes of reaching the small frame. Yet even as the patched form wiggled, she was losing consciousness, and just as her dark velvet brushed against the wet grullo fur her mind went black.


OOC: Let Miykael, Vynter & Fenyx post first, then all welcome!

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RE: Together As One [Birth] - Miykael - 03-25-2017

Miykael hadn't drifted far from her. Not this time. He'd made that mistake once before and he is determined to not make it ever again. She wasn't always within his direct eyesight (though not far from it, to be fair) but the larger her pregnant belly grew, the harder it was for him to slip away from her. Today, however, she'd grown hot beneath the summer sun and moved further north - seeking refuge in the cooler northern climes. He'd followed her without any urgency to his steps - he had no reason to hurry, no reason to be clinging to her side inevitably adding his own heat to the mix when all she wanted was to cool down. It was incredibly clear just how close to giving birth December was - he'd seen it before and though every birth was different it was impossible to ignore the signs. When his blue eyes watch her stumble. After several moments, he noticed that she hadn't gotten up but instead simply laid down and rolled to her side. Yet even now he had no reason for panic. His gut instinct tells him that it has begun and soon they will be a family again.

December was small from Miykael's vantage point further back as he leisurely strolled along. Labor took time, he knew, and he took comfort in that notion. Soon, Carl was making his way towards him but still he felt no urgency. Everything was fine, right? December had just gone into labor and soon she would be a mother again - a new baby to help heal the hole that the last one left in their hearts (not replace her, no that's not possible). Miykael remained calm - until he heard her scream.

This wasn't a normal labor scream. This wasn't a sound he was accustomed to hearing from December. In fact, it held tones of complete agony and panic. His heart stutters in his chest and he doesn't realize that her scream stopped him in his tracks until Carl's arrival brings him back to reality. He's quickly on the move again, panic twisting his insides no matter how desperately he attempts to cling to the calm he'd felt only moments ago. By the time she screams again, he's running - sprinting the last several steps only to arrive at her side as the foal begins to slide out of her body. The foal's coat is vibrant beneath the bloody mess of birth. It's a girl he quickly realizes, a copper-toned filly with wings. "She's... beautiful." he sighs, his usually deep voice is soft and tender. He is so focused on the newest princess that he simply doesn't notice the amount of blood pooling behind December. The moment seemed okay, December had shifted to clean the filly and he was standing there as any proud father would, watching December and their youngest daughter.

But it doesn't end there. Of course it doesn't. That would be too simple, too convenient, too... easy. Miykael has only just begun to find happiness again and little does he know just how quickly it will be ripped from him. The filly seems fine - she's alert and breathing well, holding her head up but not making a move to stand just yet. Just as he reaches down to touch his nose against hers, December cries out. It is then that his blue eyes notice the blood. There's a lot of it, too much in fact. Something had gone wrong and she was busy pushing again. Miykael's throat feels clenched, oddly tight - making it practically impossible to even speak. Frankly, even as a healer, he's at a loss for what to do. December's pushing again and just as another foal's nose peeks out, he begins to understand. She'd grown so large because she'd been carrying twins. His first children had been twins but Azura had handled that on her own - it was a simple arrangement, not a relationship.

But even knowing that December's having twins isn't enough to ease the fear that something wasn't right. The amount of blood pouring from her body is too much. The foal slides out - a colt, a handsome grullo boy - but something is still off. December isn't standing, she seems to be merely dragging her hind legs and just as she brushes her muzzle against the colt's darkly patched fur, she's gone. Not gone gone, no. She isn't dead but she's unconscious and continuing to lose blood. "December." he begins, his voice strained as the panic builds in his chest. "December... no. No! December! Wake up, baby, you have to wake up now." He moves rather rapidly towards her upper body, nudging her shoulder and touching her cheek. "You can't... you can't leave! We were supposed to be a family. December, please." desperation rises in his voice, shifting from fear to anger to flat out begging in mere seconds. But even in his highly emotional state he knows that the only thing he can do is to try to stop the bleeding. So he focuses on her lower half, pulling on his light with as much force as he is capable of. The light blooms and spreads over her hips and lower abdomen. "Come on, come on, come on." he murmurs through gritted teeth.

This has to work, doesn't it? He can heal the internal tearing and fix it and she'll be okay. Won't she?

And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?
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@December ;_;

RE: Together As One [Birth] - Vynter - 03-27-2017

There were many things in this new world. There was the brightness of something you couldn't quite comprehend. The lack of warmth upon your coat that once felt right, but now felt wet and heavy. This place is dry, supposedly warm, but still didn't compare to the heat of the womb. Your eyes moved to your womb mate, who currently looked up at a beast that looked similar to them. Ears pricked in the direction of the large one, who when you looked at him he seemed different. He was something you felt a draw towards, yet wasn't as comforting as the voice you were normally used to. Your head tilted to the feeling of a muzzle brushing against your hip, and what you found was a darker beast with closed eyes.

They are not really moving. Yet this doesn't seem right to your mind. You decided to investigate. When you turned, you found that you didn't look like the sleeping one. Your colors were darker, similar to theirs, but it was patched with bright whites like the other one. Almost like a mix of the two. Upon your back lay a limb, damp and unmoving because you didn't know how to use it yet. You looked back up to the taller one, who had two of these things upon his back. The real question; which one of you was different? Or was this common? Flicking your ears forward curiously, you studied his movements, the way he ran to the sleeping form with urgency. A sticky liquid of red was beginning to soak your legs, and yet such a fragile mind like yours still couldn't fathom what it all meant.

The white and grey still wasn't moving. A warm light suddenly came to life before the patched one, and you looked to him curiously. Behind the tears falling from his cheeks there was an expression you could not define. You wanted to understand what was wrong. It took some time, but your long legs instinctively moved to attempt and lift you. They were not successful. You fell once, and then twice, before your body seemed to finally understand what standing really was. This was something you stored in your mind for later. For now, you let your awkward limbs carry you over to the two larger forms, muzzle finding the side of the sleeping one. You listened closely, letting your head move with the rise and fall of their stomach. Blue eyes of ice then looked to the other one, before a bleat escaped your lips. That was a noise you didn't know you could make.

Pulling away, you snorted, making the noise again before turning to stare at the one on the ground with you. They were something special to you. Your mind was telling you this, but you didn't understand why. So you simply pressed your muzzle to theirs, bleating softly in hopes of causing something to happen. Process of elimination. This seemed to do very little, and yet as you continued to blow air upon the ivory one's ear, something began to stir. You waited, watching as steel eyes slowly began to open to look at you.

"my will is a sword that cuts down anything in my way"


RE: Together As One [Birth] - Fenyx - 03-28-2017


Life can change dramatically in the span of one single moment.

Birth is simply one of those moments. Even more so when it takes a dramatic turn.

The copper-toned girl with the warm amber eyes is the first of the twins to be born, and despite the drastic changes (she suddenly feels so cold and so small) everything is somehow calm. For her, at least. The ground is hard and she immediately feels almost heavy - no longer cradled and supported by the fluid-filled sac inside her mother's womb. She only feels a damp chill for a few moments before the warmth of her mother's tongue cleans the mess from her bright fur, simultaneously stimulating and drying her. The sensation causes her to shake her head, nearly causing her to fall back over onto her side. Somehow, she remains predominantly on her belly with her head raised though she is every bit unsteady as she attempts to figure out her own body and movements. Nearly quivering from the newness of it all, she fidgets but her movements are large and unrefined - the way one would expect a perfectly healthy foal to be.

Amber eyes hadn't even attempted to focus on anything at all until her mother's touch abruptly disappears. The filly bleats her displeasure, turning her head to gaze back to where her mother had been. Her eyes quickly find the grey one, laid out on the ground doing who knows what with something red seeping from her. She doesn't know what that red stuff is or whether she should even be concerned. There is no reason for her to be upset, no reason for her to worry - she has no understanding of the world. No understanding of life and death. Her knowledge is so heavily limited and now, as a newborn, she is a being of instinct.

And her instinct tells her to move, to stand, but before she can really make her first attempt the golden one catches her eye; pausing her desire to rise. She gazes up at him and as he reaches down and touches his nose to hers - she can't hold back a cheerful little bleat. The girl abruptly thrusts her front hooves down in front of her and makes an attempt to lurch upwards onto all four of her hooves. For the briefest of moments she has success, until all four hooves slide outward in four different directions - ever so slowly the girl is lowered right back down onto her belly with a slightly disgruntled little snort. And that's when everything suddenly changes, halting her attempts to stand. The atmosphere suddenly feels charged and heavy but the girl can only scrunch up her face, confused but aware of the changes she can't yet understand. The golden one is suddenly focused completely on the grey, the grey - having birthed the girl's twin - is on her side with her steely eyes closed. The amount of the red stuff has increased, the smell of it is sharp in her sensitive nostrils.

For the moment she is seemingly frozen to the spot. Frozen as she watches the colt rise from the ground. Quiet as she watches him, her warm - practically golden - eyes flickering between him, the grey, and the golden. After a few moments she shuffles her hooves back beneath her but they slide one more time. Before she lands upon her stomach once more, the girl pulls her legs back in, finally gathering them beneath her enough to stand. For a few beats of her heart, that's all the girl does. As her eyes fall back on the golden one, she sees something wet coming from his soft eyes - even though she doesn't understand what it is, it makes her feel uneasy. She moves herself closer, unsteady though gaining confidence, to join the rest of the group. She settles in beside the golden one, standing as close to his right side as she can in the hope that her presence beside him would slow the flow of liquid from his eyes. Yet all she can do is simply observe the scene before her, her short curly tail flicking lightly behind her.

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RE: Together As One [Birth] - December - 03-29-2017


& this is Carl

She had been brought back to reality by the sounds of bleating. Despite her body seeming to shut down, her maternal instinct had lashed out at the sound of her child's possible distress. So when her eyes opened they searched for her offspring, finding one inches away with eyes like her beloved's. He was so beautiful, and the curious intelligence lingering in his gaze proved to her that he would accomplish great things. Brushing her muzzle to his she weakly smiled, voice raspy and tired," You are a handsome boy Vynter. You will be strong like the coldest Frostfall." She let a shaky breath leave her lips, and the boy took a step back to study her carefully. Even as he turned to address his sister she failed to notice his deformity, how his wings seemed to be formed into one. What mattered now was that she must see her daughter, must hold her close and kiss her; because deep down she knew that she didn't have much time.

When her eyes caught the terrified tears of Miykael she nickered to him lovingly, eyes filled with all the affection she had for him. She couldn't feel his healing touch, her hips and lower end were virtually useless to her now, and as her vision grew cloudy she called to her older child softly. Attempting to reach out to her, her nose found the edges of her wings. Taking in her soft scent she sighed, letting her tongue run along her bright barrel as she crooned,"Fenyx, your heart will burn with such passion. You and your brother must stay together now, do you understand?" If she was going to leave this world, she wanted to make sure that these two would remain close even when she was gone. Suddenly a jolt of pain shot through her chest and she twitched, looking at her beloved who kept trying to heal her. She wanted to stop him, to push him away and let this be, because no matter what he did she was in the Gods hands now.

Carl had come to her side, his steps more lethargic and eyes bleary. Whether or not he knew what was to come he could feel his bonded's energy fading. His lips found purchase against her sweating neck, and she accepted it with closed eyes and a soft smile. When she coughed blood left her lips, spilling on the hot Earth that was being toasted by the sun. She let her eyes close once again, and as she tried to keep what energy she had she whispered softly to her companion. It took him a minute to understand, but after a moment he complied. His teeth found the string tied around her neck, gently and slowly pulling off the small charm that represented himself and her precious first born. He moved with purpose, no emotion in those chocolate eyes as he moved towards the splashed boy. He didn't give the colt much time to respond, and simply laid the string around his neck and watched as it clattered to the lower end of his chest. He would need to grow into it a little bit.

The llama then returned to his dearest, running his muzzle along her neck before searching for his prize within her tangled mane. It took some time, but soon from the confines of her tresses did he find an amulet, it golden in hue and marked with the symbol of the Sun God. He turned then, making is way to the fire filly with ease, looking into her eyes calmly before doing the same thing he had done to the colt. She too, would need to grow into her gift. Turning his expression to the golden brute he huffed, a calm expression across his neutral features before he pressed himself close to December's belly and curled up there. She embraced him as best as she could, letting a rumble of content fill her chest despite the dire situation.

Whether it was true or not, December felt she had lived a long and fulfilling life. She had started alone in this land, had met so many; and as time went on she had grown and developed into who she was now. She had hurt and loved, she had felt joy in the most pure of moments, and each day as the sun went down she thanked the Gods for the life she had. As she lay in the sun her mind wandered to those she had come to know; the faces forever imprinted in her mind. There was Midas, the first person to introduce her to Helovian life; a man of few words but truly noble. She had come to admire his honesty and kindness, and had remained loyal to him even after this death. And then there was Rostislav, a russian man half her size and someone she didn't think she'd ever come to care for. He was brash and socially awkward, something she had been drawn to so long ago simply because of familiarity. Perhaps it was why she had also been drawn to Sheba.

She wondered if she would see her, go or at least watch the little ones grow. Despite how the older mare may have felt about the ivory lass, she knew that the crone would always have a special place in her heart. She had come to think of her as family, and as such she would die being thought of as so. Of course, there was her angel; the man who took her broken self and mended her together. The one who looked at her sloppy features, her haggard form and hard eyes and found something beautiful deep within. He had found the diamond in the rough of her guarded walls, had held it closed and kissed away the pain that made her feel so lonely. He had reminded her what it felt like to breathe again. So when her eyes fell on Miykael she let the tears fall freely, a sad smile on her lips; because out of everyone she would miss him most. She would miss the way he seemed so insistent on making sure she was always okay; would make her laugh with his awkward antics and make her feel like she longed. She would miss his tender kisses against her skin, how he would whisper sweet nothings when they made love in the dead of night.

But what she would miss the most was the look of adoration she would always find when looking into those beautiful blue eyes. The ones their little boy had come to hold in his own skull. So she let the sobs come and form her frame, and as the pool of blood seemed to only grow she called to him; to bring him close to her face and pepper his muzzle in kisses. She breathed in his musky scent, savoring the feeling of his warmth because she didn't know how long she had before she didn't have any of her own. It was then that she realized she was cold, and perhaps it was because she loved the cold so much that she embraced it so eagerly. As she began to shiver in his touch she sighed, the tears not stopping as she refused to move her face from his chest. She would press to him until her last breath, because even in the end he would remain her rock. As her ears began to droop and her body grew weak, she whispered into his skin with all the love she could muster,"I will never forget you Miykael. You will forever be my light in the darkest hour. Watch over them... let them know that their mother loved them."

She coughed and blood tainted his ivory and gold chest, causing her eyes to grow sad. Grooming it weakly she sighed, shuddering as life began to ebb away, and Carl grew distressed through their bond. She chose to ignore him for now; too focused on her entire life right before her. The children would grow, they wouldn't remember what a mother was because their young and fragile minds couldn't yet comprehend death. They would be happy and play and live a life knowing that their world was good. But Miykael might not bode so well; he would hide away and break in two. He would think of her at night and wonder why it had to be her; and so she took this final moments so hungrily. She wanted to make it known that even in death she would always love him. Pressing her lips in a chaste kiss to his neck she softly sobbed, coughing again as a trickle of blood began to fall from the corner of her maw. Her time was coming, and she needed to let Miykael know before it was too late.

"My love," she began with hazy eyes,"Always know; that I was happy in my final moments. I wouldn't want to end it any other way. They will be my world even after my passing; and so will you. I regret nothing... and neither should you. Goodbye, dearest Miykael." She found that as her left breath came upon her lips that he was warm; so soft and inviting like he had been that first meeting. She left life feeling his warm embrace a final time. As the light left her complexion she grew limp, and a final bleat of rebellion left Carl's lips; before he too, joined his precious December into the abyss of the afterlife.


Image Credits

December's figurine of Carl and Merialeth will go to Vynter

December's Sun Amulet will go to Fenyx

Thank you to every who took the time to write with me and help December grow. Thank you for the awesome plots and the time taken to turn her into something truly amazing. I enjoyed writing her so much, and she's going to be one of my most cherished characters. Please feel free to say your goodbyes as you see fit.

@Miykael @Zekle @Sheba

RE: Together As One [Birth] - Vynter - 03-29-2017

You felt something pleasurable run through your body at the smile that graced her lips. Her kind words made you lightly smile, and after a moment you bleated a greeting in her general direction. She chuckled weakly at you, and her words left you slowly tilting your head in curiosity. She was implying something that you didn't understand, yet you felt a warmth fill your chest at the proud expression on her face. You thought she was beautiful. Running your muzzle along hers you took in her scent, smelled her musk of dirt and ice and accepted in your mind; because you wanted to remember her. She was going away, where you didn't know, but for some reason you were sensing that this wasn't normal. Lifting your skull you turned to greet your sister, standing at her side and watching her eyes looked to the gold one. You studied him as well, watching the tears fall and didn't seem to stop. Why was he so sad? You wanted to know what was making him feel the way he was feeling.

Suddenly another creature was approaching you, and you briefly started with a small snort when the beast's face was inches from yours. He seemed to ignore you in favor of placing something around your neck. It was something small, an item that looked like him, and someone he didn't know. They were brown and white, patched like himself and the gold one, with gold around their legs. Their coloring reminded you of your sister. Turning to listen to the one of grey as she spoke to Fenyx, your eyes fell upon her quietly. Fenyx. Vynter. Were these titles you were meant to be called by? You found that you liked your title. Looking around again, you watched as the one that you liked beckoned over the gold, and as he approached she held him close. Her words were kind and gentle, and you wanted them to be directed to you. Why was she not paying attention to you two anymore?

Taking a step closer, you listened closely as she spoke of love and no regrets; how she pressed her lips to his chest over and over. She was crying now too, but you still didn't know why. It was beginning to bother you. Walking up to them you decided that you too; wanted to try and kiss them. It was awkward; your legs making it difficult to reach down and press your muzzle to her shoulder. You snorted, trying again and smiling when she looked at you lovingly. With a slight flick of your tail you bleated in delight, before looking up at the gold. Should you kiss him too? Waddling over awkwardly around the skull of the ivory lass you looked up at him, searching his bright blue eyes before pressing your muzzle to his neck. He wasn't as nice as the white one, but you decided that you liked him too.

Suddenly she was coughing, and the same red from behind was splattering on his chest. You studied it curiously, before watching the man for some reaction. You moved to press yourself to them both, looking down with only curious eyes as the pretty woman was beginning to slow down. Her belly was no longer moving as much, and after she spoke a few more words to the one titled Miykael; her eyes grew blank. Her head lolled and landed at your hooves, causing you to blink at the sudden change in the air. You realized that this wasn't right. Taking a moment to take in the sight of the once lively body and the strange creature beside her, you suddenly bleated. Perhaps if you kept calling for her she would wake up again. It had worked before after all. After a couple tries, you decided that this wasn't going to work. Maybe this was what happened when you were born.

You instead pressed your lips to her temple, hoping she could still feel it, and wondered if maybe you should say something. What had she said to Miykael before? It had been hushed from her lips, and yet it seemed to be something final. You figured that it was something that you were supposed to say. Taking a moment to make sure she in fact, wasn't going to wake up; you took a deep breath and attempted to speak for the first time in a matter of fact tone," Goodbye."

" Speak"

"my will is a sword that cuts down anything in my way"


RE: Together As One [Birth] - Miykael - 04-02-2017

Miykael is so thoroughly focused on trying to heal December that he doesn't notice when the foals begin to move. He doesn't notice when his son approaches the fallen mare or when his daughter presses herself as close to his side as she can. He pulls so hard on the magic that his vision begins to darken around the edges and blood begins to drip from his nose. This attempt, though, is futile. His magic isn't strong enough but he can't admit that to himself and so he pushes harder than he's ever pushed before. He pushes until his skull feels like it's breaking and then he pushes more.

He pushes until December's voice breaks the spell and he loses all concentration. He is exhausted, practically panting through the pain he'd just caused himself. When his eyes, vision blurry from the near constant flow of tears, finally refocus as much as they possibly can on the grey mare his heart sinks when he discovers the blood still flooding the ground behind her. It hadn't worked. Or, if it had, it hadn't been enough. Which one is worse, he'll never know. But there is no masking the despair coursing throughout his entire body - flooding his heart with a coolness that nearly sends a shiver down his spine. It takes a moment to really hear her, the words registering in his mind several moments after they've left her soft lips. Vynter. The boy is Vynter. As Miykael's own blue eyes drift to the boy, a tear-laden smile graces his features - brief though it may be. His youngest son is a handsome grullo and white, he notices, with eyes of vibrant blue to match his own. On some small level, he resembles Miykael's first son but his gaze doesn't linger long on the colt - certainly not long enough to notice anything strange about his wings.

December calls to him sweetly, a gesture that normally wouldn't have made it feel like his heart was shattering inside his chest. Regardless of the gut-wrenching pain he feels inside, his smile is meek as he meets her gaze. Her attention shifts again - too soon - and his soul instantly longs for it back, seemingly fighting within the shell of his existence to bring her steely gaze back to him. Instead the mare pulls the filly in, both physically and verbally. The young girl goes forth willingly, if not a bit confused and anxious. Fenyx. And for the briefest of moments he is glad she got to name them before she... before she leaves them all. Frankly, they hadn't exactly discussed any names. As much as they'd wanted to get excited it was almost as if they couldn't let go of what happened to Merialeth. They didn't want to face it (or maybe she knew that he didn't want to face it). The names she picked were perfect, of course, but as each moment ticked by he couldn't help but to fear that soon she'd be gone.

Soon, he'd be left to take care of them alone.
Newborn foals that have yet to be fed, and somehow he has to raise them.

Miykael cannot possibly fathom where he is supposed to take them. Indeed, when was the last time he had a friend that wasn't December? But he simply cannot think about that now. He can't focus. As December falls quiet again, his insides lurch until he realizes why she is quiet (and it isn't exactly the same as the dark place his mind instantly ran off to). December coughs and now blood stains her lips, splattering the ground in front of her in some strange attempt to even out what has spilled already. His blue gaze remains locked on December as Carl shifts between the grey mare and each foal. He is fully aware of the llama moving about. Fully aware when the creature huffs at him before returning to December. Fully aware but it doesn't really register. He does nothing except stand there, wishing he simply couldn't feel anymore. It is too much, far too much and every ounce of his being almost hopes that this is all some sort of sick dream. Pinch me he practically pleads, pinch me because I must be dreaming. He doesn't say it outright, no, but there is a hint of the disbelief written cleanly in the lines of his tired face.

Once her tearful, steely eyes meet his, the golden angel comes undone. He crumbles into the sobbing mess that would mark the rest of his existence. In an instant he closes the gap between them. In an instant, his nose meets hers, pressing against her and breathing her in (but her scent is nearly masked by the metallic tang of her blood and his nostrils crinkle in protest). As she shifts to press her face against his chest, his nose presses into the mess of her mane (it may, indeed, be messy and tangled but it is his and to him it is delightful). Soon, the mare is speaking again and her words form a lump in his throat, so easily restarting the flow of tears which only furthers the incessant ache in his skull. It doesn't take him long to figure out the intent of her speech. Every bit of it is as clear as day and it makes him want to recoil, to fight and deny that she isn't going to make it. He wants to scream, to tell her not to be silly, to tell her that she is fine and she just needs rest. But he knows it's illogical. The healer in him sees the pool of blood behind her and he knows, he knows that amount of blood loss is too great to bounce back from. He knows this is the end of her but he doesn't want it to be. They aren't done yet.

They're only just getting started.

He lays himself down before her while she talks and he wordlessly drapes his head over her neck, gently pulling her into a hug. "I will love you forever.." he murmurs against the flesh of her neck as she says goodbye. Then, all too soon, he feels her go limp. Her breath no longer comes and her heart stills in her chest. He embraces her for as long as he can before the weight of her limp body pulls her away and her head flops unceremoniously onto the hard ground. Tallsun's light and heat suddenly feels so bland and cold with her gone. All he can do for the moment is press his face into her shoulder and cry. He has to get up, he has to move on. He knows, not for his sake but for the sake of their children. What he can't figure out right now is how.
I wanna live with you, even when we're ghosts
'cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
            just say you won't let go
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RE: Together As One [Birth] - Fenyx - 04-06-2017


Their bleating had been enough to wake her up - or so the young girl surmised. The grey mare 'woke up' shortly after either one of her or Vynter's sounds. Close enough in spacing that the girl concluded a direct cause and effect, tucking it away into her young mind for future reference should it be needed again. Vynter is right there by mother's head, so it makes sense that the mare speaks to him first before anyone else. Seeing the two together and hearing her voice causes what she can only determine is the sensation of joy bubbling up within her belly. It makes her giddy. So much so that she bleats excitedly before pressing against the golden one's front leg.

Amber eyes watch carefully as mother shifts her attention away from Vynter and onto her. Steely eyes meet hers and once more there is joy. As mother reaches out for her, the girl hastily moves closer - nearly fumbling and falling down as she presses herself into the grey one's embrace. Fenyx bleats happily against the mare's neck, her short tail flicking with her own excitement. This - this felt right. This is where she belongs. Nuzzling into the mare, she listens carefully to her words, though her own understanding is quite limited and the whole thing is simply taken at face value - oblivious as she is to the hidden meaning behind mother's small speech. Oblivious as she is to death. As the question leaves the mare's lips, the girl only hesitates for a moment before nodding gently in response. It shouldn't be a difficult request to follow. She can feel a deeper connection with the patched colt, a connection that makes her want to stick with him. Fenyx's gaze lifts to his and she offers him a small smile.

Though Fenyx would rather remain by the mare's side and pressing against her, the smell of the red stuff is even stronger right there beside her. So when the mare's attention wanes, the girl carefully and slowly steps back again. Still Fenyx is silent, her amber eyes merely taking everything in. There is some semblance of surprise when the strange creature steps to mother's side. Fenyx immediately searches the mare's face to help her determine how she should react but what she rather quickly deduces is calm and some level of familiarity. Finding no legitimate reason to treat the creature with caution, the girl almost instantly relaxes. Curiously she watches as the fluffy creature lifts something from mother's neck then carefully places it over Vynter's neck. It doesn't quite fit him as well as it did mother and she can't help but giggle at how oddly long it was on him.

Her giggling and amusement distracted her from what the llama was doing now so when he is suddenly in front of her, the girl is startled into silence. She meets his gaze rather easily and somehow she manages not to flinch as he reaches towards her to drape something on her neck. Fenyx instantly curls her neck, tucking her chin into her chest in an attempt to see the brightly colored amulet. But she can't really see it very well looking down on it from above. She reaches down, trying to grasp it in her lips but the gift manages to elude her uncoordinated efforts, and with a small huff the filly lifts her head once more. By now, the golden one (father, no doubt) is by mother's shoulder. For a moment it seems like they are alone, just the two of them, mother and father sharing a loving moment (with Carl curled up against the mare's belly, of course).

For several moments everything seemed okay, almost happy in a child-like sort of mindset. Fenyx simply stands by, watching and waiting (and trying desperately to not play with the thing around her neck). She doesn't really hear their words at first, she isn't really paying much attention at all. But when the mare says goodbye, Fenyx tilts her head curiously and blinks. The air feels heavier somehow but no matter how hard she tries to understand she simply can't. Her innocence providing the perfect barrier to the awful event taking place before her eyes. Mother is suddenly quiet and still, her head flopping back to the ground once the golden one released his embrace. Fenyx steps carefully closer to the mare's head, sniffing her and touching her with her soft, small muzzle. But her steely eyes remain closed. The fire filly snorts softly and then she remembers - bleating woke her up before. She visibly perks up again and with a bit of pride puffing her chest she bleats at the mare. Once, twice, three times but nothing happens. Her eyes remain shut and she remains still.

"Mama?" is all she manages to say, her ears laying back to visibly mark her own confusion. Why didn't it work? It worked once, it should have worked again. Right?

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