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Blood in my Teeth. - Printable Version

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Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017


- sass

aporware exercitation nulla artisan ad blog. Bespoke messenger bag chambray, authentic cliche try-hard wayfarers sartorial activated charcoal cred quinoa iPhone sriracha laboris. Intelligentsia you probably haven't heard of them 90's waistcoat, cillum neutra art party craft beer raclette fashion axe do. Lo-fi beard kogi ennui etsy cupidatat. Cardigan voluptate fanny pack pug proident et, authentic schlitz forage duis wayfarers. Dolore godard paleo, ennui nihil tattooed pickled occaecat wolf man braid street art stumptown sunt swag exercitation. Brooklyn neutra humblebrag crucifix tumblr, pour-over offal.
Freegan green juice stumptown, vexillologist edison bulb asymmetrical coloring book squid esse. Forage affogato meggings umami, master cleanse scenester pickled single-origin coffee normcore lomo portland ullamco tbh adipisicing unicorn. Irony cray keffiyeh small batch cornhole heirloom. Tilde green juice do velit, waistcoat reprehenderit typewriter edison bulb try-hard helvetica sriracha selvage DIY skateboard. You probably haven't heard of them paleo la croix tousled nesciunt. Austin DIY cred culpa, hexagon live-edge 90's exercitation consequat. Trust fund fam YOLO vaporware before they sold out kitsch, blue bottle prism keffiyeh jianbing four dollar toast 8-bit.

Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.

Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.

Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.

N E V E R R M I N D + Yewrezz

<div align="center"><div style="float:center;background-color:#212223;border:5px double #212223;width:470px;padding:10px;background-image:url('https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/34/69/2e/34692e416efc5d6e5162131b08539ad5.jpg');height:1000;width:500px;border:0px double #212223;outline:0px solid #534638; bottom center no-repeat;"><table><tbody><tr><td style="width:220px;"><div style="background-image:url('http://orig09.deviantart.net/5712/f/2017/076/1/b/reich_by_neverrmind-db2oj6x.png');height:180px;width:180px;border:0px double #212223;outline:3px solid #000000;"></div></td><td style="width:220px;"><div style="font-size:32px;font-family:Pathway Gothic One;text-align:center;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #9f8c52;font-style:italic;"><font color="#000000;">REICHENBACH</font></div></div><div style="font-family:Pathway Gothic One;font-size:7px;letter-spacing:1px;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #ddc6a6;margin-top:-10px;text-align:center;"><font color="#000000;">PLAYING WITH THE AIR - BREATHING IN YOUR HAIR</font></div><br> <table><tbody><tr><td><div style="background-color:#473e35;text-align:center;width:100px;padding:2px;color:#ddc6a6;font-size:12px;font-family:Pathway Gothic One;">TAG</div><div style="background-color:#212223;text-align:center;padding:2px;"><font color="#8f8270"> [url=http://helovia.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=3477]@Reichenbach[/url] </font></div></td><td><div style="background-color:#473e35;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:#ddc6a6;font-size:12px;font-family:Pathway Gothic One;">OUTFIT</div><div style="background-color:#212223;text-align:center;width:100px;padding:2px;"><font color="#8f8270">- sass</font></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style="background-color:#473e35;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:#ddc6a6;font-size:12px;font-family:Pathway Gothic One;">WORDS</div><div style="background-color:#212223;text-align:center;padding:2px;"><font color="#8f8270">000</font></div></td><td><div style="background-color:#473e35;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:#ddc6a6;font-size:12px;font-family:Pathway Gothic One;">NOTES</div><div style="background-color:#212223;text-align:center;padding:2px;"><font color="#8f8270">noot</font></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table> <p><div style="background-color:#000000;FILTER: alpha(opacity=10);opacity:0.8;border-top:3px solid #9f8c52;border-bottom:3px solid #9f8c52;padding:10px;width:450px;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;"><div style="float:left;background-color:#473e35;margin:5px;font-size:15px;color:#ddc6a6;padding:1px;"><div style="border:1px double #ddc6a6;padding:15px;FILTER: alpha(opacity=1);opacity:10;">V</div></div><font color="#8f8270">aporware exercitation nulla artisan ad blog. Bespoke messenger bag chambray, authentic cliche try-hard wayfarers sartorial activated charcoal cred quinoa iPhone sriracha laboris. Intelligentsia you probably haven't heard of them 90's waistcoat, cillum neutra art party craft beer raclette fashion axe do. Lo-fi beard kogi ennui etsy cupidatat. Cardigan voluptate fanny pack pug proident et, authentic schlitz forage duis wayfarers. Dolore godard paleo, ennui nihil tattooed pickled occaecat wolf man braid street art stumptown sunt swag exercitation. Brooklyn neutra humblebrag crucifix tumblr, pour-over offal.
Freegan green juice stumptown, vexillologist edison bulb asymmetrical coloring book squid esse. Forage affogato meggings umami, master cleanse scenester pickled single-origin coffee normcore lomo portland ullamco tbh adipisicing unicorn. Irony cray keffiyeh small batch cornhole heirloom. Tilde green juice do velit, waistcoat reprehenderit typewriter edison bulb try-hard helvetica sriracha selvage DIY skateboard. You probably haven't heard of them paleo la croix tousled nesciunt. Austin DIY cred culpa, hexagon live-edge 90's exercitation consequat. Trust fund fam YOLO vaporware before they sold out kitsch, blue bottle prism keffiyeh jianbing four dollar toast 8-bit.<p>
Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.<p>
Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.<p>
Lyft waistcoat ramps, gochujang tote bag prism stumptown. Cupidatat brooklyn next level, anim vice thundercats 90's glossier flexitarian organic polaroid fugiat vegan. Health goth subway tile raw denim butcher, nisi proident nihil mustache hell of photo booth chartreuse PBR&B fixie occaecat normcore. Shoreditch poutine portland direct trade listicle neutra nisi. Laborum aute occupy edison bulb banjo knausgaard. Try-hard pop-up la croix aesthetic offal fingerstache. Listicle ex distillery man braid plaid umami.</font><br><p>
</div><br><a href="http://Neverrmind.devinatart.com">N E V E R R M I N D</a> + <a href="">Yewrezz</a></div>

RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017

[Image: 14dhslw.jpg]

 Reichenbach heard the call and paused in his step, his skin warm and comfortable in the harsh desert sun. He knew all too well that the desert was not an easy terrain to traverse, and often people got lost in the rabbit hole of it's golden sands. His silver eyes were lost in the horizon for a moment, and then he turned, black curls bouncing on his strong neck as he began to backtrack at a quick trot toward the sound of the other horse. He didn't consider himself a saviour in any way at all, though there had been some that liked to consider him as one back in Iscariots desert. The gypsy soldier, they'd called him - though he'd never embraced the name. He'd never tried to save anyone, he'd simply been the only one there with the means to, at the time. Reich sucked in some hot air and expelled the memories fiercely as he came upon the man in trouble.

Well, perhaps not trouble. Reich stared unabashedly at the young man he'd come to the aid of: he was a stunning mix of porcelain and crimson, with a gigantic pair of soft wings and even a startling pair of antlers upon his handsome head. Though the other seemed a little intimidating by sight only, Reich grinned from above: he was much stockier and much taller, if it came down to a brawl, Reichenbach knew he could hold his own. His thoughts were far from brawling however as he took the young man in, a warm smile on his handsome face. "Having some trouble?" His voice was warm and jovial, ears flicked all the way forward in interest. "I'm Reichenbach, or Reich for short."

[align=center][img]http://i67.tinypic.com/14dhslw.jpg[/img][color=#0e0e0e][size=medium][font=Monaco]<center><div style="width: 575px;"><div style="width: 400px; background-color: #8B795E;"><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #FFF; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px;">  <center><hr>R E I C H E N B A C H<hr><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #FFF; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 25px; margin-right: 25px;">[/font][/size][/color][font=Georgia][size=x-small] [/size][/font][color=#ffffff][font=Georgia][size=x-small]Reichenbach heard the call and paused in his step, his skin warm and comfortable[/size][size=x-small] in the harsh desert sun. He knew all too well that the desert was not an easy terrain to traverse, and often people got lost in the rabbit hole of it's golden sands. His silver eyes were lost in the horizon for a moment, and then he turned, black curls bouncing on his strong neck as he began to backtrack at a quick trot toward the sound of the other horse. He didn't consider himself a saviour in any way at all, though there had been some that liked to consider him as one back in Iscariots desert. The gypsy soldier, they'd called him - though he'd never embraced the name. He'd never tried to save anyone, he'd simply been the only one there with the means to, at the time. Reich sucked in some hot air and expelled the memories fiercely as he came upon the man in trouble.<p> Well, perhaps not trouble. Reich stared unabashedly at the young man he'd come to the aid of: he was a stunning mix of porcelain and crimson, with a gigantic pair of soft wings and even a startling pair of antlers upon his handsome head. Though the other seemed a little intimidating by sight only, Reich grinned from above: he was much stockier and much taller, if it came down to a brawl, Reichenbach knew he could hold his own. His thoughts were far from brawling however as he took the [/size][/font][/color][size=x-small][font=Georgia][color=#ffffff]young man in, a warm smile on his handsome face. "[b]Having some trouble?[/b]" His voice was warm and jovial, ears flicked all the way forward in interest. [/color][b][color=#ffffff]"I'm Reichenbach, or Reich for short."[/color][/b][/font][/size][/align]

[align=center][color=#333333][font=Tahoma][font=PT Mono][size=large][font=AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif, 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', NotoColorEmoji, EmojiSymbols, Symbola, Noto, 'Android Emoji', AndroidEmoji, 'Arial Unicode MS', 'Zapf Dingbats', AppleColorEmoji, 'Apple Color Emoji'][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDx8gFJnYLc]»[/url][/font][/size][/font][/font][/color][/align]


[color=#0e0e0e][size=medium][font=Monaco]</div></div></div><div style="width: 575px; text-align: right; font-family: times; font-size: 6pt !important;">∞</a></div></center>[/font][/size][/color]

RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017

[Image: SnEpwRE.png]

Manon breezed through the thick underbrush with easy grace, long limbs moving carefully despite the substantial undergrowth. It had been months now since her arrival into Helovia and it's blah blah

<center><div style="width: 350px; border-top: 10px solid 530c0c; border-bottom: 10px solid FFFFFF; border-left: 10px solid FFFFFF; border-right: 10px solid FFFFFF;"><div style="width: 350px; background-color: #530c0c;"><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #BEBEBE; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px;">
[align=center]R E I C H E N B A C H[/align]

Manon breezed through the thick underbrush with easy grace, long limbs moving carefully despite the substantial undergrowth. It had been months now since her arrival into Helovia and it's blah blah

<div style="width: 350px; text-align: right; font-family: times; font-size: 6pt !important;"></div></center>

RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017

[Image: xdxqx1.jpg]

The sound of the falls was almost overwhelming, a dull roar that preceded it's presence for over a mile. Her delicate ears picked up the sound of it and quickly blocked it out, preferring the sound of her dainty hooves on rock and grass - a musical affair, her legs dancing to a tune of grace and elegance. She wasn't often in the Edge these days, for she preferred silence to the hustle and bustle of a herd and it's daily workings - or perhaps it was that she despised superiority, and found her lip curling on more than one occasion. It was not that she disliked the idea of hierarchy, for she considered herself quite capable of a queenly position, but that she was quite bored of the seemingly uneventful day to day routine provided by their King and Queen. Peace simply was not entertaining enough. Tembovu and Alysanne were probably proud of their long-reigning peace (and why shouldn't they be?), but all Manon found herself longing for was challenge and maybe just a little bit of chaos.

Her step was certain and sure, balanced with chic grace upon every movement - she wouldn't have fallen even in the most dire of circumstances, her small knotted muscles hard and prepared thanks to her tireless training regime. She watches the sky, opalescent eyes following the flight of a nimble roan shadow from beneath her silver lashes. The woman (as it was clear to see, now that she was still) alighted upon a soft grass knoll, shaking the air from her broad wings and gazing skyward. Manon watched her with a critical eye, scanning from head to toe and finding (with a confused sensation of pleasure) that she was stunning, elegant and altogether beautiful. The lines of her body were clean and sculpted, her eyes large and glossy - she and Manon could have been related, had the stranger been ever so slightly sharper. Instead, she beheld delicate feminine curves - something Manon severely lacked. This did not perturb her, however, as she approached with tasteful petite steps.

"Hail, lovely stranger.”

She began, a soft husky purr.

stock image

<table align=center background="https://static.pexels.com/photos/8504/wood-explosion-fire-hot.jpg" style="background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; width:400px"><tr><td width=150% valign=buttom align=center><div align="justify" style="padding-top: 25px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"><div align="justify" style="background-color: rgba(250,250, 250, 100);  padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px;">
The sound of the falls was almost overwhelming, a dull roar that preceded it's presence for over a mile. Her delicate ears picked up the sound of it and quickly blocked it out, preferring the sound of her dainty hooves on rock and grass - a musical affair, her legs dancing to a tune of grace and elegance. She wasn't often in the Edge these days, for she preferred silence to the hustle and bustle of a herd and it's daily workings - or perhaps it was that she despised superiority, and found her lip curling on more than one occasion. It was not that she disliked the idea of hierarchy, for she considered herself quite capable of a queenly position, but that she was quite [i]bored[/i] of the seemingly uneventful day to day routine provided by their King and Queen. Peace simply was not entertaining enough. Tembovu and Alysanne were probably proud of their long-reigning peace (and why shouldn't they be?), but all Manon found herself longing for was challenge and maybe just a little bit of chaos.

Her step was certain and sure, balanced with chic grace upon every movement - she wouldn't have fallen even in the most dire of circumstances, her small knotted muscles hard and prepared thanks to her tireless training regime. She watches the sky, opalescent eyes following the flight of a nimble roan shadow from beneath her silver lashes. The woman (as it was clear to see, now that she was still) alighted upon a soft grass knoll, shaking the air from her broad wings and gazing skyward. Manon watched her with a critical eye, scanning from head to toe and finding (with a confused sensation of pleasure) that she was stunning, elegant and altogether beautiful. The lines of her body were clean and sculpted, her eyes large and glossy - she and Manon could have been related, had the stranger been ever so slightly [i]sharper[/i]. Instead, she beheld delicate feminine curves - something Manon severely lacked. This did not perturb her, however, as she approached with tasteful petite steps.

<font color="#A02422">"Hail, lovely stranger.”</font>

She began, a soft husky purr.

<center><a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/wave-of-water-on-body-of-water-52665/">stock image</a>

RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017

[Image: 2rerz1j.jpg]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio enim, mattis a venenatis sed, tristique eu dolor. In condimentum, neque non dictum vehicula, magna sapien imperdiet magna, id pulvinar erat magna ac mauris. Curabitur quis consequat diam, at ultricies elit. Nam rutrum nunc metus, sed lobortis magna faucibus et. Nulla in aliquam odio, quis mattis risus. Cras ullamcorper neque ut nulla blandit dictum. Suspendisse vitae nisl ullamcorper, tincidunt arcu eget, eleifend justo. Duis vulputate mollis eros, in suscipit arcu rhoncus convallis. Praesent gravida diam a quam bibendum, in interdum leo accumsan. Donec eu tortor lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam porta nisi eu aliquam gravida. Ut ut nisi non nisl pharetra ullamcorper vitae non ligula. Nam auctor arcu id turpis faucibus, in laoreet elit tempor.

Donec facilisis lacus ante. Cras interdum vitae risus in interdum. Nulla ac tincidunt orci, quis convallis arcu. Aenean vulputate, urna in dignissim varius, metus arcu malesuada lorem, semper lobortis libero nulla ut ligula. Donec sollicitudin feugiat purus, sit amet semper augue dignissim id. Ut ac consequat neque. Morbi euismod erat id congue efficitur. Vestibulum congue ex sed lacus tincidunt facilisis. In pulvinar enim tempus quam convallis, at cursus justo pulvinar. Aenean at placerat est, non feugiat urna. Sed orci augue, pellentesque quis dolor nec, suscipit cursus arcu. Nullam at aliquet ligula. Vestibulum sed malesuada augue. Praesent cursus fringilla sollicitudin.

Aenean suscipit semper ipsum, ut gravida nisi tristique eget. Vivamus metus diam, porta ac purus id, ullamcorper rhoncus ipsum. Pellentesque tortor erat, sodales sed rhoncus sit amet, condimentum eu lorem. Morbi pretium odio nec condimentum euismod. Mauris erat nisl, ultricies eu justo ut, molestie tincidunt ligula. Maecenas varius purus quis massa pretium condimentum. Curabitur volutpat quis metus et pulvinar. Donec mattis aliquam lobortis. Maecenas ex odio, volutpat a gravida imperdiet, pharetra lobortis sapien. Aenean vitae mauris vel odio elementum vehicula a in diam. Sed hendrerit convallis leo non interdum.


stock image

<center><div style="width: 500px; border-top: 5px solid DCDCDC; border-bottom: 5px solid DCDCDC; border-left: 5px solid DCDCDC; border-right: 5px solid DCDCDC;"><div style="width: 500px; background-color: #000000;"><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #666666; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px;">
[align=center]R E I C H E N B A C H[/align]
<div style="width: 500px; text-align: right; font-family: times; font-size: 6pt !important;"></div></center><table align=center background="https://static.pexels.com/photos/8892/pexels-photo.jpg" style="background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; width:500px"><tr><td width=150% valign=buttom align=center><div align="justify" style="padding-top: 25px; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"><div align="justify" style="background-color: rgba(250,250, 250, 100);  padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;"><div style="padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 8pt; color: #000000; letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: 2px; line-height: 10pt; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: 30px;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio enim, mattis a venenatis sed, tristique eu dolor. In condimentum, neque non dictum vehicula, magna sapien imperdiet magna, id pulvinar erat magna ac mauris. Curabitur quis consequat diam, at ultricies elit. Nam rutrum nunc metus, sed lobortis magna faucibus et. Nulla in aliquam odio, quis mattis risus. Cras ullamcorper neque ut nulla blandit dictum. Suspendisse vitae nisl ullamcorper, tincidunt arcu eget, eleifend justo. Duis vulputate mollis eros, in suscipit arcu rhoncus convallis. Praesent gravida diam a quam bibendum, in interdum leo accumsan. Donec eu tortor lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam porta nisi eu aliquam gravida. Ut ut nisi non nisl pharetra ullamcorper vitae non ligula. Nam auctor arcu id turpis faucibus, in laoreet elit tempor.

Donec facilisis lacus ante. Cras interdum vitae risus in interdum. Nulla ac tincidunt orci, quis convallis arcu. Aenean vulputate, urna in dignissim varius, metus arcu malesuada lorem, semper lobortis libero nulla ut ligula. Donec sollicitudin feugiat purus, sit amet semper augue dignissim id. Ut ac consequat neque. Morbi euismod erat id congue efficitur. Vestibulum congue ex sed lacus tincidunt facilisis. In pulvinar enim tempus quam convallis, at cursus justo pulvinar. Aenean at placerat est, non feugiat urna. Sed orci augue, pellentesque quis dolor nec, suscipit cursus arcu. Nullam at aliquet ligula. Vestibulum sed malesuada augue. Praesent cursus fringilla sollicitudin.

Aenean suscipit semper ipsum, ut gravida nisi tristique eget. Vivamus metus diam, porta ac purus id, ullamcorper rhoncus ipsum. Pellentesque tortor erat, sodales sed rhoncus sit amet, condimentum eu lorem. Morbi pretium odio nec condimentum euismod. Mauris erat nisl, ultricies eu justo ut, molestie tincidunt ligula. Maecenas varius purus quis massa pretium condimentum. Curabitur volutpat quis metus et pulvinar. Donec mattis aliquam lobortis. Maecenas ex odio, volutpat a gravida imperdiet, pharetra lobortis sapien. Aenean vitae mauris vel odio elementum vehicula a in diam. Sed hendrerit convallis leo non interdum.</p>

<font color="#F87531">"!!!”<font><br />
<center><a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/wave-of-water-on-body-of-water-52665/">stock image</a>

RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017

[Image: 500x400]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio enim, mattis a venenatis sed, tristique eu dolor. In condimentum, neque non dictum vehicula, magna sapien imperdiet magna, id pulvinar erat magna ac mauris. Curabitur quis consequat diam, at ultricies elit. Nam rutrum nunc metus, sed lobortis magna faucibus et. Nulla in aliquam odio, quis mattis risus. Cras ullamcorper neque ut nulla blandit dictum. Suspendisse vitae nisl ullamcorper, tincidunt arcu eget, eleifend justo. Duis vulputate mollis eros, in suscipit arcu rhoncus convallis. Praesent gravida diam a quam bibendum, in interdum leo accumsan. Donec eu tortor lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam porta nisi eu aliquam gravida. Ut ut nisi non nisl pharetra ullamcorper vitae non ligula. Nam auctor arcu id turpis faucibus, in laoreet elit tempor.

Donec facilisis lacus ante. Cras interdum vitae risus in interdum. Nulla ac tincidunt orci, quis convallis arcu. Aenean vulputate, urna in dignissim varius, metus arcu malesuada lorem, semper lobortis libero nulla ut ligula. Donec sollicitudin feugiat purus, sit amet semper augue dignissim id. Ut ac consequat neque. Morbi euismod erat id congue efficitur. Vestibulum congue ex sed lacus tincidunt facilisis. In pulvinar enim tempus quam convallis, at cursus justo pulvinar. Aenean at placerat est, non feugiat urna. Sed orci augue, pellentesque quis dolor nec, suscipit cursus arcu. Nullam at aliquet ligula. Vestibulum sed malesuada augue. Praesent cursus fringilla sollicitudin.

Aenean suscipit semper ipsum, ut gravida nisi tristique eget. Vivamus metus diam, porta ac purus id, ullamcorper rhoncus ipsum. Pellentesque tortor erat, sodales sed rhoncus sit amet, condimentum eu lorem. Morbi pretium odio nec condimentum euismod. Mauris erat nisl, ultricies eu justo ut, molestie tincidunt ligula. Maecenas varius purus quis massa pretium condimentum. Curabitur volutpat quis metus et pulvinar. Donec mattis aliquam lobortis. Maecenas ex odio, volutpat a gravida imperdiet, pharetra lobortis sapien. Aenean vitae mauris vel odio elementum vehicula a in diam. Sed hendrerit convallis leo non interdum.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio enim, mattis a venenatis sed, tristique eu dolor. In condimentum, neque non dictum vehicula, magna sapien imperdiet magna, id pulvinar erat magna ac mauris. Curabitur quis consequat diam, at ultricies elit. Nam rutrum nunc metus, sed lobortis magna faucibus et. Nulla in aliquam odio, quis mattis risus. Cras ullamcorper neque ut nulla blandit dictum. Suspendisse vitae nisl ullamcorper, tincidunt arcu eget, eleifend justo. Duis vulputate mollis eros, in suscipit arcu rhoncus convallis. Praesent gravida diam a quam bibendum, in interdum leo accumsan. Donec eu tortor lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam porta nisi eu aliquam gravida. Ut ut nisi non nisl pharetra ullamcorper vitae non ligula. Nam auctor arcu id turpis faucibus, in laoreet elit tempor.

Donec facilisis lacus ante. Cras interdum vitae risus in interdum. Nulla ac tincidunt orci, quis convallis arcu. Aenean vulputate, urna in dignissim varius, metus arcu malesuada lorem, semper lobortis libero nulla ut ligula. Donec sollicitudin feugiat purus, sit amet semper augue dignissim id. Ut ac consequat neque. Morbi euismod erat id congue efficitur. Vestibulum congue ex sed lacus tincidunt facilisis. In pulvinar enim tempus quam convallis, at cursus justo pulvinar. Aenean at placerat est, non feugiat urna. Sed orci augue, pellentesque quis dolor nec, suscipit cursus arcu. Nullam at aliquet ligula. Vestibulum sed malesuada augue. Praesent cursus fringilla sollicitudin.

Aenean suscipit semper ipsum, ut gravida nisi tristique eget. Vivamus metus diam, porta ac purus id, ullamcorper rhoncus ipsum. Pellentesque tortor erat, sodales sed rhoncus sit amet, condimentum eu lorem. Morbi pretium odio nec condimentum euismod. Mauris erat nisl, ultricies eu justo ut, molestie tincidunt ligula. Maecenas varius purus quis massa pretium condimentum. Curabitur volutpat quis metus et pulvinar. Donec mattis aliquam lobortis. Maecenas ex odio, volutpat a gravida imperdiet, pharetra lobortis sapien. Aenean vitae mauris vel odio elementum vehicula a in diam. Sed hendrerit convallis leo non interdum.</p>

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RE: Blood in my Teeth. - Reichenbach - 03-27-2017


I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis facilisis eros quis laoreet dignissim. Curabitur egestas, elit efficitur posuere condimentum, eros tortor porttitor risus, vel euismod turpis ligula at felis. Sed elementum pretium commodo. Cras nec neque pretium, bibendum massa id, tempor enim. Maecenas libero tortor, ultricies in semper eu, maximus et sem. Mauris vitae sollicitudin ex, sed pretium libero. Praesent ultricies mattis commodo.

Cras bibendum gravida eros, id elementum augue pretium semper. Ut vel sodales leo. Cras condimentum, est nec viverra pretium, est nibh vestibulum justo, in luctus nulla tortor sed urna. In congue turpis vitae massa sagittis lobortis. Ut ac orci ligula. Sed eget commodo felis. In eget tortor quis erat congue congue in sed purus. Mauris facilisis tortor ante, ut auctor nulla cursus et. Nam eleifend massa vitae fringilla pharetra. Fusce mauris sapien, rutrum at egestas nec, placerat efficitur orci. Pellentesque et elit a ex vehicula gravida at sit amet tortor. Vestibulum at interdum magna.

Mauris porta nisi non vulputate sollicitudin. Proin eu mi sit amet massa gravida gravida vel dictum velit. Donec aliquam, dolor dapibus porta laoreet, felis ipsum gravida sem, a ultricies risus velit sit amet magna. Cras eget purus vitae diam mollis faucibus vel placerat eros. Maecenas commodo tristique augue nec vehicula. Nunc commodo odio mauris, in imperdiet ante condimentum eu. Aliquam sit amet cursus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum suscipit justo aliquet lacinia egestas. Integer a aliquet ante, in facilisis nisl. Phasellus ut sem ipsum. Morbi cursus, nisl at pretium venenatis, velit libero mollis nisl, ut tempor est sem ut magna. Praesent sem diam, convallis vitae lectus vitae, dignissim consequat lacus. Quisque pellentesque magna consequat, maximus libero in, mollis urna.

Curabitur volutpat purus leo, quis volutpat nisl iaculis non. Aliquam varius tempor mauris ac hendrerit. Fusce scelerisque, augue sit amet aliquam fermentum, erat nisl convallis orci, eget sagittis dolor tortor non ligula. Praesent in dolor nec purus porta egestas sed venenatis est. In non nulla nec risus laoreet dignissim. Morbi dapibus feugiat dolor nec efficitur. Sed a lorem lectus.

Donec eget orci et diam aliquam condimentum. Curabitur sit amet accumsan turpis. Sed vitae eleifend diam. Cras blandit non purus eu pulvinar. Aenean non semper velit. Vestibulum vehicula sollicitudin ex quis commodo. Nam vitae urna quam.


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<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><table align="center" width="400" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td style="background: url('') top center no-repeat;"><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cormorant|Playfair+Display+SC" rel="stylesheet">
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[align=center]R  E  I  C  H  E  N  B  A  C  H

[i]I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.[/i]
<font style="font-family:'Cormorant';color:#958e85;font-size:11px;letter-spacing:1px; line-height:17px">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis facilisis eros quis laoreet dignissim. Curabitur egestas, elit efficitur posuere condimentum, eros tortor porttitor risus, vel euismod turpis ligula at felis. Sed elementum pretium commodo. Cras nec neque pretium, bibendum massa id, tempor enim. Maecenas libero tortor, ultricies in semper eu, maximus et sem. Mauris vitae sollicitudin ex, sed pretium libero. Praesent ultricies mattis commodo.

Cras bibendum gravida eros, id elementum augue pretium semper. Ut vel sodales leo. Cras condimentum, est nec viverra pretium, est nibh vestibulum justo, in luctus nulla tortor sed urna. In congue turpis vitae massa sagittis lobortis. Ut ac orci ligula. Sed eget commodo felis. In eget tortor quis erat congue congue in sed purus. Mauris facilisis tortor ante, ut auctor nulla cursus et. Nam eleifend massa vitae fringilla pharetra. Fusce mauris sapien, rutrum at egestas nec, placerat efficitur orci. Pellentesque et elit a ex vehicula gravida at sit amet tortor. Vestibulum at interdum magna.

Mauris porta nisi non vulputate sollicitudin. Proin eu mi sit amet massa gravida gravida vel dictum velit. Donec aliquam, dolor dapibus porta laoreet, felis ipsum gravida sem, a ultricies risus velit sit amet magna. Cras eget purus vitae diam mollis faucibus vel placerat eros. Maecenas commodo tristique augue nec vehicula. Nunc commodo odio mauris, in imperdiet ante condimentum eu. Aliquam sit amet cursus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum suscipit justo aliquet lacinia egestas. Integer a aliquet ante, in facilisis nisl. Phasellus ut sem ipsum. Morbi cursus, nisl at pretium venenatis, velit libero mollis nisl, ut tempor est sem ut magna. Praesent sem diam, convallis vitae lectus vitae, dignissim consequat lacus. Quisque pellentesque magna consequat, maximus libero in, mollis urna.

Curabitur volutpat purus leo, quis volutpat nisl iaculis non. Aliquam varius tempor mauris ac hendrerit. Fusce scelerisque, augue sit amet aliquam fermentum, erat nisl convallis orci, eget sagittis dolor tortor non ligula. Praesent in dolor nec purus porta egestas sed venenatis est. In non nulla nec risus laoreet dignissim. Morbi dapibus feugiat dolor nec efficitur. Sed a lorem lectus.

Donec eget orci et diam aliquam condimentum. Curabitur sit amet accumsan turpis. Sed vitae eleifend diam. Cras blandit non purus eu pulvinar. Aenean non semper velit. Vestibulum vehicula sollicitudin ex quis commodo. Nam vitae urna quam.

</div></td></tr></table><center>[size=xx-small]art: © <a href="http://ladyzizii.deviantart.com/art/Portraiture-666757229">x</a> coding: © <a href="http://neverrmind.deviantart.com/">x</a></center>[/size]