HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Like a Fungus - Printable Version

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Like a Fungus - Champignon - 10-31-2012

the littlest defender

He was small. This was an annoyance as the nearly ten hands high stallion attempted to break snow drifts that came up to his chest. Being small had always been an issue, would probably always be an issue, and as hard as he tried to overcome it, no one would take the stallion seriously because of his height. Someday, someday he would gain some sort of power that would force them to look at him like he mattered, but for today he was forced to deal with the snow and the jeers and the looks...things that could not be avoided could only be dealt with.

Power. He longed for it. Without it, one was forced to submit to the will of others. His Sase had been taken from him because he had no power to keep her. With Sase, went the child that he would have loved. And LeBlanc, darling Blanc...she had left him when he had been unable to find them a home. Lead stallions could overlook the fact that a mare was midgety, but never a stallion.

He was strong, his father had trained him to be strong. He would find a new herd, one that would not ridicule him for his size, or for the growths on his forehead and muzzle. He would gain power and prestige again. He would be important...as he had been...when he was a leader's son.

"blah blah blah."

RE: Like a Fungus - Keres - 11-02-2012


Short-legged and stumpy or not, she could use him for she was an insidious serpent, a cunning creature, and this stallion was a ploy begging to be used. His exterior was sickeningly cute: a myriad of bright colours that reminded her of a poisonous bug. They were often so misleading, utterly inviting until one decided to take a chomp out of them, and then they laid stiff and dead on the cold ground. She was plagued by morbid thoughts often but those weren't the only types to tromp through her mind. She had ambition as well... for herself and for darling little creatures like Champignon.

"You're just oodles of possibility, aren't you?" the chrome woman crooned as she swankily sauntered towards him. Her intelligent eyes greedily lavished him with their attention as she halted a few feet away from the tiny man. She was a silver statue in comparison. "No one would ever consider you to be a threat." 'It's why I want you.'

"My name is Keres, the daughter of the great Imiq the Serpent and the granddaughter of the great Cinnoru the Cunning." Would their legend spread as vastly as Helovia? Within her veins she carried the blood of the Originals. There was a time when it had meant something but she feared that time had long raced away. "Who are you?" she asked as a placid smile settled on her silver lips, as her ears flicked forward, and she swayed a few steps closer to her newest fascination.

RE: Like a Fungus - Champignon - 11-06-2012

the littlest defender

The mare that approached him reeked for sneakiness, and he eyed her warily. She spoke with a fluidity that spoke of a mare accustomed to getting that which she wanted, and her words...her words lent to the idea that this mare had followers, not friends. He would be on his guard for this encounter, for he had no desire to be some tool in an arsenal...not without something in it for him, at least.

"I assure you, ma'am" the stallion huffed, affronted, "I am threat enough for them that think to harm me. Underestimating me is the surest way to find yourself on the receiving end of a blow from one of my hooves." The stallion frowned at her implication that he was no threat at all. Champignon was a proud creature, underestimating him oft led to dire consequences.

"I am Champignon, bastard son of Roy." Her bloodline spoke more of her than any appearance could. Pride, arrogance even, for she thought herself nobility. Her bloodline meant little to him, as his would mean nothing to her. He eyed her. A beauty, yes, but appearance meant little.

"blah blah blah."