HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] We Ain't Them - Printable Version

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We Ain't Them - Roskuld - 04-16-2017

Roskuld & Zchiraxicon
Where there's no Law tying my heart from the start..

--mean by that?

What I said, he said, getting a little bit irritated that I wasn’t catching up. He flew down from the bough he’d perched at, having finished his meal long ago; he landed lazily beside me, promptly falling to his side and giving a wide yawn. I frowned at him getting all up on the battlefield. You know we fighting, right?

Nah, y’all done, he said, and I was finna lose my shit all over his ass for saying something so presumptuous. He cleaned a paw.

What’chu mean by “we done”?

Cuz y’all done. Can’t talk.

The fuck are you--

CAN’T, he exploded suddenly, sitting up and staring at me with burning amber eyes, TALK. It really was frustrating him how slow I was being--how muddled my thoughts were with this pounding thing in my blood, a thing that made him smirk anyway cuz he understood it better than I did. But he was trying to pull me away from it right now--reminding me I had duties, one of which was to train my soldiers, which meant understanding them. He poured a whole bunch of memories in my head without asking me, his observations of her from his eyes, and the thoughts he had; how he watched her snarl soundlessly, how he thought about the aimless structure of the noises she did make, how his eyes (so free from self-consciousness) had watched the way she’d gesture at me with an innocence I’d mistaken for mocking--

It hit me like a mountain falling directly on my ass; I even flinched like something was swinging in my face, and my eyes were wide when I turned back to my warrior, my jaw dropping from the shock of it. Or maybe it was a shame so deep and so raw that it sucked the strange electricity out of my body, leaving me feeling hollow and breathless and leaving so much room for the injuries I’d gotten from her to hurt a whole hell of a lot more. But I wasn’t thinking about that, cuz I felt butt fucking dumb for just now realizing something that Chico had easily seen.

“...You can’t talk, can you?" I asked her, and my voice came out tiny and meek, especially considering the wholesale ass I was trying to kick just moments before.  


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@Ru -- Continuation of their spar since the timeline is very easily liquifiable (is this a word??) and also Ros and Ru are OVERDUE for awkward bonding <3