HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] The forest of talking trees - Printable Version

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The forest of talking trees - Yael - 04-18-2017


Eager to get much done before summer begins to turn, Yael seems to be a never-ending whirligig of activity, flying cross-country at the spur of the moment, hoping to find strangers and (nicely) pester them until they give in and tell her their stories. The Heart Caves she’s gone, to the Throat and the Basin to secure future endeavors, and now to the abandoned herdland. Why? Oh, just in case. There were bound to be some who lingered, the ones loathe to give up their home just because a God has abandoned his duty. She’s passed through, but never stayed longer than the time it takes to grab a bellyful of grass. She is surprised by how much it reminds her of a kingdom in B’kanna - what with the waterfall and lush, verdant landscape; a regular paradise for those who find peace and calm in babbling brooks.

As the Falls is not a long flight from the Edge, Yael arrives a couple hours after sunrise. She glides down in a slow descent, angling her wings this way and that in order to get a nice, close, birds-eye view of the land. It’s enchanting, really, and can see why the Earth God made this his Garden of Eden. There’s plenty of shade ro rest beneath during the height of summer, fresh water to bathe in and drink from, and from the various sounds of ground-dwellers rustling in the bushes and birds in the trees, a well-populated area. Always trust the local wildlife. The gilded woman takes a moment to slake her thirst in the bottom most pool, keeping her eyes and ears peeled for any Outcasts or former Falls members (ok, really - anyone at all) who might be nostalgic… or even just friendly.

New friends are always welcome. At the same time, she is poised to ward off any potential assailants, keenly aware of what happens when she lets her guard down too much.

trust your heart if the seas catch fire

live by love, though the stars walk backwards

Image © littlewillow-art

@Syrena  plus any

RE: The forest of talking trees - Syrena - 04-23-2017

i want to be wild, beautiful and free

She has not been back since the Earth God disbanded her home. For a while, she simply lingered in the Endless Blue, spending her time at the edge of the sea as she has always preferred to do. Eventually, time had made her restless, and she’d set about wandering Helovia, ending up with Thea as her prize. Thea, the only good thing that’s happened to her in Helovia, and hopefully, the one thing that would not be taken away. Thea had dragged her to the Throat, had forced Syrena to start actually living again rather than just wandering Helovia absently. Which she would have done until death finally claimed her, if left to her own devices.

It was easier not to come back here, but for some reason she finds herself wanting to return today. She leaves the Throat early, having grown mildly used to the fire wings that took her from her island home. There were worse places to live for a mare that loved the sea, but she struggled with her feet leaving the ground. It would never be a comfortable thing for her. Thea sits on her back as a little poison dart frog, the form and colors familiar to Syrena now. Thea slowly seemed to be settling into a particular set of forms, picking ones outside those forms only rarely now.

Together, the pair makes their way to the Falls. It’s not a short walk, and she’s glad she left early, the day not yet hot and miserable. Though as she travels North, the temperature becomes more bearable, almost cool after the heat of the Throat. Perhaps she is getting used to the heat. Eventually, the landscape becomes familiar, the paths tricky for those that don’t know their way around. She makes her way toward her old pool as the Falls’ Storyteller, but she doesn’t get there.

Instead, a small golden mare catches Syrena’s attention. The mare turns to look at the stranger, wondering what brings her to this place. It doesn’t really cross her mind that others simply come here now, that it’s not a protected herd land anymore. It feels sacred to her, like others shouldn’t be allowed here. But of course, they are allowed.

“Hello,” she says, making her way over to the Pegasus. Why? She’s not sure. She could have kept walking, could have just gone to her pool and spent the day there like she’d plan. But excitement and joy radiate from Thea, and Syrena knows if she hadn’t just gone over, Thea would have done it for her. “Syrena,” she offers, trying to remember her manners. She’s not exactly the most friendly stranger Yael could find, but she tried.


just like the sea



RE: The forest of talking trees - Dragomir - 04-24-2017

In their hurry to pack up their things and move to the Edge, Dragomir had misplaced a carefully bundled selection of rocks which, quite honestly, he needed, after making the metal additions for the tub in the Edge. While the endeavor had certainly been worth it (many seemed to enjoy the thing, and damp bodies were commonly seen traipsing from its stone sides now a days), the traffic in and out of the thing alone would merit that he tend to it from time to time, to ensure that the wear and tear, and general issues metal suffered while submerged under water for extended periods, were tended to.

The crafter had stayed the night, having not left the Moon’s Wood until late the previous day, and had risen early, before even the birds, to return home to his darling Ranjiri and sweet Letha. Moving across the bountiful realm of the Earth from his and Ranjiri’s clearing with his package of copper, silver, and miscellaneous stones tucked away in his organized pouches, he sees two mares not too far off the path, and whom he happens to know. One, he remembers mostly from here, while the other he recalls from working in back home, and vaguely from arriving there in the first place – he thinks, anyway, because there had been so much going on, and he’d been quite nervous. Regardless, he definitely knows her as the silver dragon from the digging day, and also considers the woman with her (Syrena) his growing friend.

So, he pulls off the path in the dimmed indigo light of the coming morning, finding the familiarity of the pool comforting. It was, after all, where the fellow crafter had often spent her days, and to see her here again reminded the man of a concept he was slowly coming to truly believe in: everything was exactly as it was meant to be.

"Hello Syrena, and lady Yael," he says as he approaches, bobbing his head in cordial greeting and smiling, though there is some air of reverence to the bow which he gives to the silver dragon (a sacred symbol, to the man of the Dragon Isle, and of Isilme’s blood) which is not present in that which he shares with the finned woman he is more at ease around; looking at each in turn, he ends by placing his gaze on the siren, his deep voice rumbling forth kindly, "it is good to see you again, my friend. How have you been, since the Earth God sent us our separate ways?"


RE: The forest of talking trees - Yael - 05-07-2017


Hello, comes an unexpected (though much anticipated) voice, causing Yael to quickly turn with a bright expression towards the voice, all pricked ears and energetic smile. “Oh! Xello! the Sage exclaims, warm, cinnamon-brown eyes drinking in the stranger as if she were water from the pool itself - and in some way, she is, as the mare’s eyes widen when the come to settle on the stranger’s gills. Curiosity rears its ever present head, but she manages to keep it in check for now, hoping that there will be time for innocent, but intrusive questions later. Or, you know, like, a year from now later. A light summer breeze blows, ruffling silver-white locks and gilded feathers, while the Edger tries to suss out the reason it feels like she’s been caught somewhere she shouldn’t be.

She is about to offer her own name in return when a tall, familiar stallion wanders into the conversation. Dragomir, a man she remembers seeking a new home when the Earth God disbanded the Falls - he also helped built the hot tub, of which she is a frequent visitor. He seems the stoic sort, content in his little world and doesn’t seek much else.Lady, however is too much, and she brushes away the honorific with a swoop of a wing, saying “Please. Dragomir, just Yael.” Even when she ruled, she found titles rather silly. She wasn’t there to rub her power in anyone’s faces, and of course, it doesn’t occur to her that dragon-ness would have anything to do with that respect. They’re all automatically now friends, in her cheerful, optimistic little mind.

They seem to know each other, so the Sage falls silent and tries not to intrude on their reunion, thinking that it must be incredibly hard for them to have had their home abandoned and friends scattered to the wind. Abandoned, left by their God… it’s disheartening to have no control over that sort of thing. She knows the feeling well.

trust your heart if the seas catch fire

live by love, though the stars walk backwards

Image © littlewillow-art

Welllll this is shit. Sorry :/
@Syrena @Dragomir

RE: The forest of talking trees - Syrena - 05-26-2017

i want to be wild, beautiful and free

She would not agree that all is how it was meant to be. Syrena was meant to live a very different life than the one she leads now. She was meant to be a siren, to be immortal (or nearly), meant to one day find rest in the crashing waves with her sisters. She was meant to wander from land to land, not to stay in one place. Ah, but here she was, still in Helovia after too many years. Of course, she had tried leaving, had tried to crossing back through that magical barrier, but it didn’t work in reverse. Once her powers were stripped from her, there was no getting them back. Not from the Gods of Helovia, at any rate.

Dragomir, at least, seems happy enough with his new life and new home. At least, he seems happy enough today, and she decides to connect all these things into one, as if that train of logic could actually work. He makes introductions unnecessary, for which she is always grateful. There’s something comforting about being back in the Falls with him nearby, and part of her simply wants to talk of metal now. It was an easy topic, and one she was beginning to learn more about. “Dragomir,” she says with a nod. “Well enough. I started crafting metal in the Throat.” It seems like such a random bit of information, but she feels like he of all horses might appreciate that she chose that path.

Part of her missed her role as Storyteller, but she was still loath to serve a new God. One she did not know and had no reason to trust. She’d never seen the Sun God in her time in the Throat, and she has never served the Sun. Her master in the sea, and though Kaos was no longer Kisamoa, he was the closest thing she had to a true sea god, even if he wasn’t. Her attention turns back to the golden Pegasus – Yael, apparently – adding, “What brings you to the Falls?” The Falls, as if it was still truly a place. Now though, the tone of her question is different than it once would have been. Once, she would have been all business, asking a stranger what they wanted with her herd. Now, it is merely curiosity that drives the question, uncertain why anyone would come here really, with all the history it held. There was something charged in the air now, or perhaps, it was simply something only she felt.


just like the sea



RE: The forest of talking trees - Dragomir - 06-02-2017

They’re both happy to see him, which makes a smile cross his face, the young boy inside of him who is afraid that he will be left out growing further and further out from who he was now with each passing day. He’d spent his childhood alone, with only his parents and the wild dragons for company, and when he’d first come to Helovia, there were many times when he felt desperately as if he would never truly fit in. The longer he had stayed or the more times he’d come home, however, those who had come to see him for the good man he was had begun to prove, and steadfastly instill, a belief in the man that he was welcome here, to such a degree that he had truly found a home away from home.

His fortune as of late often overwhelms him; grateful to have friends, and a family, and to have a place to share both of these things within, he smiles at Yael’s gentle insistence that he be familiar with her, no matter what shape she can attain, and tilts his eyes towards Syrena as she answers, too. Though he wishes that she lived in the Edge, too, the crafter is well aware that paths often cross in Helovia, and, now that he knows where she lives, he has little excuse to blame her if they don’t bump into each other every now again. Besides, he’s glad to hear that she’s still making things, and especially pleased to hear that they also seem to share a skill now.

"Perhaps we can work together sometime," he says, with a cheerful smile, "I can ask Ranjiri about it – she has many friends and a few relatives in the south. I’m sure she’d like to visit for a while."

It was, after all, where they’d spent the year together in which he’d fallen in love with her. It had taken many weeks apart from her for him to realize it, of course, and, as time will do, life had grown greatly complicated between them in the interim… but fate was also in the favor of love, and he’d come home to find her available to him, albeit broken. Perhaps it would do his mourning darling well to see those she had left behind at his request, all for the sake of their love for one another, or to be reminded of the time before Rhoa had died, or Letha had been born; a time when they had both been happy, and eager to meet each other with the rise of the sun each morning.

"I forgot some supplies, when the girls and I left," he admits, in response to Syrena’s question, looking from her to Yael in turn, "too much going on. What about you two?"

@Syrena @Yael

RE: The forest of talking trees - Yael - 06-12-2017


Rather impulsively, Yael volunteers some information - how the large stallion and herself know each other, for example. “Dragomeer xelped build a xot tub recently. Vich I am very much looking forward to using vhen Fall sets een.” Crafting is quite interesting to the little mare, for even in her past lives, she’s never been one to ‘build’ anything except a gaggle of children. She was more the healing type, wanting to mother the shit out of anyone who seemed to need help. Now she can only stand by and remember the times she used to knit wounds together. But this outing is not about her, it is about them - their home, their experiences here.  

All of a sudden, Yael feels as if she is trespassing; Dragomir and the mare - Syrena - seem to know each other, perhaps even as former herdmates. Oops. A faint blush would have spread across her cheeks if it were able to, but instead the Akhal woman simply remains quiet so they can reacquaint themselves. That is, until they both ask what she’s doing here. “Oh… I’m ze Edge’s Sage and I vas xopeeng to learn more about ze Falls… ze storees. I guess I vas hopeeng to find somevone xoo used to leev xere.” She manages to follow it up with a chuckle, for fate in Helovia seems to be a funny thing. You’re always where you need to be, or where you don’t want to be, but rarely somewhere in between. “I see luck ees on my side today. Vould you… vould you mind telling me somezeeng? Anyt’ing. I’m not peecky.”

Eager, warm eyes dart between the two former Falls members, counting more on their kindness (which she knows nothing, and next to nothing of) and good humor than anything else.  

trust your heart if the seas catch fire

live by love, though the stars walk backwards

Image © littlewillow-art

Wellll this, too, is shit. But yay story time.