HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] frozen synapse— - Printable Version

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frozen synapse— - Mauja - 06-11-2017

i am the vanguard of your destruction
His pulse was the slow and steady roll of the waves.

His breathing, the sea sighing against shore.

He wasn't much more than driftwood—discarded, salt-stained, waterlogged. Pale. Not quite recognizable as what they once had been. Flotsam and jetsam; little clues and pieces of a whole. Nothing fancy, just something that ought to be dead but didn't have enough decency to actually be.

He'd made a choice, on that foggy, moonlit night. It had been a vain thing, driven by fear and pride and a dream of glory, but little more than vanity parading as altruism. Had Tembovu seen how hollow his soul had been? Was that why there had been mourning in his voice? Because Mauja, fool and dreamer, had chosen to have no distant horizon, to have his life span from now until forever, with no real end in sight.

He had wanted to make a change. To be some kind of timeless sentinel, a guardian pacing the world and doing good—keeping peace and time. Being more than the sad, bitter residue of a brief and bright fire.

Being more than the sum of himself.


He had chosen isolation. He had chosen loneliness. He had chosen agony.

A long, long road unwalked, unaccompanied. A journey with no end. Surely, nothing better than what he had already been through; so why had he taken it? And what had he done with it, his curse masquerading as a blessing? And what had he done with himself?

If his mind hadn't been soaked in darkness, he might've had some answer. Some theory. Something more than the shame and the anger and the guilt gnawing him raw from within as black waves closed over his head, and poured into his lungs.

Something more than failure.

What had he accomplished, honestly? (This is what got you here in the first place.) He was a fallen star; nothing but ashes, from which nothing, nothing, could rise.

Three times he had died now. Twice he had risen.

The morning sun burned golden on the mist rising from the fetid pools; roots clung to silt, trying to hold it together, to keep the wide expanse of the ocean at bay. It was early still, the cold clinging to the crisp air further inland. A few hesitant birds trilled.

He was just another body lain to rest in arms of the Marsh, stuck in the debris (driftwood, it's all driftwood, even that pale thing pretending to once have been a horse—) shored up among the grounding roots.

Just another dead.

The minutes ticked by.

Then the wet sound of his breathing started up again.

RE: frozen synapse— - Canaan - 06-11-2017

My legs are tired after the journey I have taken from the Basin. I have walked a long, long way. And for what? I remembered the crazed ivory mare's words about her Master... And I wondered about it. Over and over and in the back of my mind even unbidden the thoughts lurked there. So after enjoying the Festival in the Basin, after introducing myself to this horse and that horse... I've walked here to this place. I notice there's barely any life here as I step somewhat clumsily through the paths that are barely apparent. The morning's sunrise illuminates my coat and paints clearly to anyone nearby that I am as mud-covered as ever. My mane is matted and tangled, forelock its own solid entity.

I'm not really paying attention to my surroundings as I walk through this unfamiliar land. I'm not really sure where I'm going, what I'm looking for. Answers? Adventure? I'm not the most interesting guy and I think pretty poorly of myself but I wouldn't mind a little adventure. A purpose, of some sorts. Until now my purpose has just been basic survival. I've been tumbleweed, rolling from one so-called home to the next so-called home. Now I have another 'home'.... whether it will stick or not who's to say. But I've certainly met some interesting characters and perhaps that will be enough to keep me here. Besides, there is a large, large area to explore to keep my interest.

My gaze is wandering over the marsh around me without really seeing, until I see something that is quite surprising. I stop in my tracks and stare at the pale form lying in the muck. I recognize its shape but whether life is coming from it - debatable. Wet, struggling breath. I take a couple steps toward it, lowering my skull toward the stallion - unicorn stallion - and sniff at the half-dead shape. I clear my throat. Are you alive? Can I help? My offer surprises me.. I'm not the healing type, the caring type, or anything positive really. But the buried honesty in my soul compels me to do what I can for the beast. I step back to give him room, but remaining close enough to hear if he responds to me.

screams of the innocent
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RE: frozen synapse— - Alysanne - 06-11-2017

Alysanne didn’t like returning to the Marsh, but she felt a pull from them that required her to keep up the patrols of them - like the day she had met Volterra. She was hardly ever alone - there always seemed to be others coming and going, and it seemed like Helovia in general was uneasy with the near-silence since Kaos’ arrival. What was coming next? The Goddess had urged them to keep an open mind, but it was difficult to imagine that the thing that had killed Nyx wasn’t going to cause more destruction.

So she and Hemlock flew low over the land - wary about walking in the marsh itself - and kept an eye out. For what, they still didn’t know, but Alysanne felt like they would recognize it once they saw it.

Normally, she would say it was by chance that they had been on the coast that day - but such a strong coincidence had to be influenced by fate, even just a little bit. First she noticed the dark bay stallion looking at something on the ground, something pale. Something pale and spotted. In all her years in Helovia, she had not yet come across anyone else that had a coat just like that. “Mauja!” In the near-silence of the marsh, her call was louder than she intended - and she quickly angled herself and landed nearby - trotting to close the gap as she felt the bile taste of fear and horror rise in her throat, threatening to choke her.  

He had been missing for quite some time - his absence easily noted in the lush forest of the Edge - and to see him, lying there, was a nightmare made real for the pegasus mare.

“Is he alive?” She asked the stallion standing there, though she was already looking at Mauja and not really paying attention to any answer that might come. The faintest signs of life were there and immediately she started to berate herself for procrastinating handing in her quest to the Moon Goddess. If she had the magic to take Mauja’s pain away, at least she would be able to do something, not linger in this useless way. “You better not be dead.” She whispered in a fierce, near-angry tone, as she lowered her head and stepped closer - intending to nudge his neck with her muzzle. The action would be far gentler than her words were, a feather-soft and frightened touch as her fear caused her to hesitate.

She just hoped he wouldn’t begrudge her closeness when he faded back into consciousness.
I lit a flame in my heart to guide you home.
image credits
table by boom <3

RE: frozen synapse— - Yael - 06-11-2017


Talk with anyone who has chosen immortality and most of them will suffer the same doubts; Mauja would not be the first to realize the agony of a life that stretches on and on and on and on and on when everyone else around them fades into oblivion. It’s fucking hard to avoid being bitter, to be a timeless sentinel, a rock, a mountain, when you have long ago passed the crown on to others. Positions which revolve around the theory of an advisor, an honorary figurehead, have nothing to keep the holder grounded. There are no consequences for disappearing. And so - too often, they do. Choosing good is an effort one undertakes every day, sometimes just in the simple act of rising each day to say hello to the sun, to greet the light of day.

Lucky for Mauja, the path is easily found again. Some hooves always know the way.

Yael, too, has taken a long nap, allowing the sands to bury her body in camouflage while the world seemed to operate as a background to her dreams. Last night, her dreams told her to revisit the Marsh, and so she goes in the morning light (no longer early, as the change of seasons pushes the sun ever more northward), Zani grumbling a protest in the back of his throat. Mud spatters her legs, but she doesn’t seem to mind - even daring to go so far as to enjoy the temperate climate the Marsh seems to hold on to. Nowhere near where Mauja lay, the faint sound of Alysanne’s voice makes her whip her head around, ears perked in the Queen’s direction. Yael doesn’t quite understand what she says, but there is an element of distress and surprise in her tones, and so the Seer does not hesitate to quickly make her way to the other side of the Marsh.

The silver and gold pegasus comes upon quite the scene - her Queen nudging a white, spotted body, while a stallion seems as dumbfounded and at a loss as the Seer does. “Aly?” Yael says quietly, for she is the first concern. Dainty legs carry her a few more steps towards the floating body, while her brain tries to pick at what is missing… and then it hits her. There’s no rotting smell! Death and decay may live in these pools, but this body is not bloated! It doesn’t smell of dying innards and maggots and decomposing flesh. Fetid pools may stink - but this stallion does not.

“I t’ink xe’s still alive... “ the Seer ventures, giving Aly room (she seems to be quite intimate with the fallen figure) “... T’ere ees no deat smell. So… eet might be good to get xeem out, yes?” Hey Goddess - how's that for logical?

Where are the other strong shifters when you need them?

trust your heart if the seas catch fire

live by love, though the stars walk backwards

Image © littlewillow-art

RE: frozen synapse— - Mauja - 06-11-2017

i am the vanguard of your destruction
Make that three times dead, three times risen.

His black muzzle lay on whatever passed for the ground around here, his neck on the driftwood—the rest of him, in the mud-stained blue of the sea. Part of a shoulder was visible. His mane floating haphazardly on the gently rocking waters.

He was thin. Too thin again. The point of his shoulder jutted accusingly in the light, and while he was not rotted, he was slimy in a way that told he hadn't just spent a few minutes dunked in the sea. It had been much, much longer.

Much longer.

The sound of his life was fragile and sodden; each weak breath rattled wetly, sides contracting in a cough too feeble to achieve anything. His lips were slack. His visible eye half-open. His pulse slow and sluggish, carting around black blood and fucking starlight instead of oxygen—moon-glue keeping him together, when he should've come apart.

He hadn't asked about the finer points of their deal when they'd made it. He certainly wasn't invincible. He wasn't immune to anything. He just couldn't die, some celestial drive kicking in whenever he hit the point where he should've passed on, and keeping him alive through something that tasted far too much like debt and willpower. It repaired him just enough to keep him from being too broken.

He didn't want to tests its limits.

He had cuts, courtesy of the crustaceans trying to eat him. They oozed dark blood and water and some pale, glittering substance. It evaporated quickly, as if shy, or unwilling to admit it was the reason his brain hadn't died and his body decomposed and his latest awake moment had truly been his last, a burst of panic and his lungs and heart exploding as the merciless sea swallowed him and denied him air.

Oh, he was careless. Reckless. He didn't give a shit and that was his problem.

Had his life depended on it, he could've gotten out of the glacier. Had his life depended on it, he could've fought the angry waves and the current.

But it hadn't.

Myrrine's might've, though.

Too late for that.

Are you alive? the voice asked; it fell on deaf ears. The faint sounds of his breathing didn't change. His ears didn't flick. His eye, drying, didn't blink. Mauja! another cried. Still no reaction.

The nudge rolled his head. The snowflake charms clinked against one another. Flashed in the sun before falling back into the tangle of his mane.

Still nothing. (The signal's lost.) Just static on the radio. Bleak imitations of coughs. Wet, impossible breaths into waterlogged lungs.

And those two wet, sad, feathery bundles bobbing on the faint waves next to him.

RE: frozen synapse— - Canaan - 06-11-2017

I'm not the only one to notice the pale brute's form. Within moments of my discovery a mare comes up besides me. At first she seems dumbfounded as I, but then -- 'Mauja!' Obviously she knows this stallion, and his name now lodged in my mind as the very dead-not-dead beast. I aim to nudge his neck too, imitating her movements. Then look up at her for of course I do not recognize the paint pegasus. Again, before I can say anything else, another appears. I lift my head and glance at this new golden pegasus that comes from behind. She speaks in an accent that is difficult for me to understand at first, my ears twitching as I try to adjust the lilt, changing vowels, and pronunciation. The sum of it is clear: not dead, get him out.

I grunt and nod in agreement, realizing that it is an obvious course of action. The spotted mass continues to breath, though it's a terrible sound that makes a healthy beast quiver in sympathy. He clearly shouldn't be alive, and yet he is. Never have I been so close to death as this creature and never do I want to be. Motion catches my peripheral vision and I turn my head to see two feathery bundles floating in the small waves. I glance back to Mauja and then to them. My gut tells me these creatures have something to do with the stallion, and I leave the beast's side to go to the nearest feathered thing. So, so delicately, I grasp it in my teeth, lifting it from the salty muck, and with hesitant steps I take it to the solid ground.

I let my tongue gently slide over the feathers, trying to remove some of the mud and brine that glue them all together. It appears to be a light color, similar to Mauja. An owl? It's hard to tell, for it seems to be in no better condition than the stallion. I lift my head toward the two mares. Someone should get the other. I motioned toward the other, darker bundle in the water, then returned to staring at the unicorn. How do we move him without hurting him more? Just push? Perhaps we could grab his tail and pull as well..

screams of the innocent
Image Credit


RE: frozen synapse— - Alysanne - 06-11-2017

Yael’s presence was a relief for Alysanne, who hadn't been thinking with clear logic. She saw her friend lying in the muddy, shallow water, near-dead - she hadn’t even gotten to the part where she was thinking about getting him out of it. She nodded faintly in agreement with what they were saying but didn’t pull her head away from Mauja just yet - as though she could will him to stand by the force of her will alone.

No such luck.

Hemlock flew over to Irma, the pale owl that the stallion had carried out of the water, and landed near her. He hooted at her, a sad a mournful noise, before inching closer and touching his beak to her feathers - using the healing magic he had and trying to send it through her. He felt as though he was doing something forbidden - knowing that the beautiful snowy owl would never permit him to get so close if she were conscious - but it was something he could do to help. Perhaps if she was awake, and Diego too, they could wake Mauja easier.

Then there was the matter of how to get Mauja out - he wasn’t exactly the size of a foal. “I guess so? We could try to see if there are any vines around, loop them around his body and try to drag him out?” Her magic is so useless here but they need something. Her gaze looked to Yael, wondering if the golden mare had any ideas.

Delayed though her thoughts might be, finally her instincts started to kick in and she spoke the words that should have been said as soon as she saw the figure in the water. “Hemlock, go find a healer please.” Because while she still had her knowledge of herbs, they needed the effective and speedy process of magic right now. They had met so many other healers in their travels across Helovia - she hoped he would find one nearby and they wouldn’t be too long. Without another sound the small owl took off, flying as fast as he could, his dark eyes focused and darting as they looked for anyone he knew.

Alysanne, meanwhile, focused on getting Diego out of the water. She had been so focused on Mauja that she had not thought about his companions until the stallion had pointed them out, but the drenched, feathery bundles certainly were noticeable now. She prayed to the Goddess, and to all the other gods as well, that the chill of these waters wouldn’t be the thing that killed the trio after they had survived whatever it was that had cast them into the water in the first place.

I lit a flame in my heart to guide you home.
image credits
table by boom

Hemlock tried to use his 'heal' magic on the owls to help them out! And has gone to find @Lena <3

RE: frozen synapse— - Yael - 06-11-2017


What is most distressing to the Seer is Aly’s companion, and his sad, soft hoot to stallion’s own bonded. More than the Queen’s empty eyes and distant despair, does this small tribute break her heart.

Despite this being ‘Kaos’s’ Marsh, Zani does not like the proximity of the murky, brackish water. That, and he is too small to do anything to really help. Yael, on the other hand can. She sends the kitten an image of her silver-white dragon form and the serval jumps from his perch between her shoulder blades, finding a semi-dry log to sit on. This is boring to him. He’d rather be off chasing bugs and hunting frogs, but nooooo they’re here instead. Extending his long, youthful legs in front of him, just to show his displeasure at their outing being interrupted, he starts sharpening his claws on the log. There. That will show them.

She can feel her heart-and-soul’s petulant irritation, but the Akhal woman pushes it away, prefacing her impending shift with a few words to Aly. “I xaf somet’ing zat might xelp…” And then she reaches for her magic, calling the image of her other self to her mind, feeling her skeleton shift and change - from a delicate, dainty mare to a still small, but far more muscular dragon.

With a look of disdain towards the briny, stagnant water, Yael takes a few steps, lifting her head high to avoid as much of the bracken and black muck as possible. Now she sees the cuts, the degree of emaciation, and the slime that coat his skin. He’s lost a lot of weight, and that, combined with the water, helps Yael nudge him back towards fully dry land. Talons dig into sucking mud, with she tries to push with her shoulders, the palms of her hands, anything to move the stallion towards fully on to the ground. It comes in sudden bursts - perhaps half his abdomen at first, then another two ribs’ worth, the rest, until dragon-Yael half-crawls out of the water and leans her whole bulk into his spotted ass, shoving as hard as she can to finish the job.

Hopefully it works, because even though he’s starved, he’s a big guy - and even though she is now a powerful creature, she is still just a little dragon. A dragon covered in muck.

trust your heart if the seas catch fire

live by love, though the stars walk backwards

Image © littlewillow-art


RE: frozen synapse— - Lena - 06-11-2017

Lena the Songbird

Their venture was quiet today, elemental, earthly things sparking and igniting the chilling winds, the clamoring, foreboding airs of winter, with a soft reverence, with a careful gaze. The Songbird’s intentions had been to pick apart the last herbs and fronds of autumn before the incoming chill rendered them dormant and cast aside, done for another season, crumbled, curled, beneath the frozen dew. It kept her busy, content, eyes following untouched pathways, shifting greenery aside, lifting dried, crinkling leaves from embankments and forest layers, but finding nothing of note. She presumed to turn back the very way she’d come, bask in the salty air of the Endless Blue for a little longer, allow the wind to churn and ripple over her features, smile into the breeze, and grant a gentle aria to the gulls as they passed by. For a moment or two, they were untouched, flanked by naught but the world around them, glorious and triumphant, and she closed her eyes for a second, just listened to the ocean, to the waves, to the curl and coil of power, of strength, of dignity –
But Imogen’s chirps crooned into the gentle, lulling refrain, and when the Mender opened her eyes, she saw a bird hovering within her sights, gliding over the tide, and her kitsune serenaded out to the owl as it grew closer, and closer still, until recognition, familiarity, and understanding blossomed, bloomed, within the sylph’s heart. “Hemlock!” She cried, bobbing her head as if to beckon him nearer, gaze flickering back towards from whence he’d came, presuming Alysanne would be nearby, and she could chat with her old friend – but something seemed off immediately after. The bird wasn’t amused or jovial, calling out eagerly over the landscape, begging her to come, and Imogen’s brow crinkled, ears swiveling, while Lena’s concern became etched, sketched, detailed in her stride – extending, reaching, pouring out into the sands; forewarning sculpting its way down into her bones, her essence, her entity. “What’s wrong?” Her voice, still calm, still steady, didn’t betray the apprehensive feelings rasping down the length of her chest, and she tried to swallow down the consternation – the helpless wondering if Alysanne was well, if something had erred, if another individual had been broken and left to decay, to wither, to fade. Imogen and Hemlock appeared to have an ongoing conversation, chirping and chirruping back and forth as the Songbird followed, features knitted into fine, noble lines while her heart thudded, fit to burst, incapable of processing where they were going, sauntering past lines of sand and into murky, deceitful layers. Mauja, Imogen finally interpreted, and the band, once merry, once bright, flickered into a cold understanding, a muted comprehension.
Then they were in the Marsh, and she buried her fears, her worries, her rancor (because the last time she’d been there had dissolved into tragedy, and her songs, her wares, her abilities hadn’t been enough for the silver warrior who’d only yearned to protect her child) deep into the fathoms of her restless heart, scorching past the runes and bones, racing against onslaughts, tyrannies, and terrors, narrowed stare focusing solely on the small crowd of figures lingering in the mud. She recognized Alysanne’s painted entity, advancing onward and onward, a blistering pace, thinking naught of the dangers around, but of the beast lying there in the muck, in the murk. The Songbird forged her way along the precipice as they attempted to roll his form out of the mud – hid her fears, the wariness of how still he was, chancing only a snippet of a glance towards all the others – riveting it on Alysanne for a swift segment: “Hemlock found me,” and nothing more seemed necessary.
When they stilled and righted him (by a dragon, no less), she kneeled down beside his hushed countenance, bowed her head in reverence, in sanctuary, in sanctum, in painted brushstrokes of virtue and refuge. She didn’t ask how he’d come to be this way. She didn’t ask about the bones, gaunt and hollowed, sticking out of his frame. She didn’t ask a single thing about where he’d been or what he’d done or any lingering mysteries – and instead, opened her mouth and embedded her song into the haunting, poignant void. They were restless hallelujahs and beatific symphonies, incandescent opuses and illuminating oeuvres, compassionate canvases caressing over his prone frame – hunting down wounds and strife, bridging gaps of illness and depravity, washing away the lacerations, the unseen blemishes. The hands of time whittled away at fragments of decay, spun back hours and days, seasons and ages, gilded and beautiful, plentiful and unrelenting; a force to be reckoned with, a sylph who conveyed her strength in a myriad of ways, lending each and every fiber of her soul into healing, into soothing, into repose – not ceasing until they told her to do so.

Image Credits


RE: frozen synapse— - Mauja - 06-12-2017

i am the vanguard of your destruction
A second nose nudged the frigid neck. His head lolled. The snowflake charms came together with another clink, another flash of reflected light. The haze burned over the murky edges of the wetland.

In most ways one could be dead, they were dead. Their minds were dormant; no thought had sparked in them for seasons. Their bodies were twine and rope and fragile sticks for skeletons.

And they were so cold.

It was the warmth that woke her.

The tongue and lips, the hot exhalation, the warm spittle coating her feathers and licking off the salt and sand. She woke, but she did not move. Her eyes did not open. Saltwater took up the space in her lungs. She was afloat in the darkness, adrift, but of all things, unafraid. She knew this silence. She knew the emptiness that was the sleeping minds of Mauja and Diego, and in the void, she heard their heartbeats. That was enough for her. She began to drift away again.

Only, she didn't make it very far. A wave of warmth and light swept through her, and it brought her back, closer to the lights and sounds and smells of the world. The weight in her lungs cleared. The small cuts, below oily feathers, knitted close.

And at last, her eyes opened. By then, Hemlock was gone, and Alysanne was busy fishing Diego from the sea; he hung limp from her mouth, one wing falling open and trailing over the surface.

He looked so dead she had to turn to the sound of his heart in her mind to not panic.

She didn't care that she was supposed to be regal, haughty, and an inconsiderate jerk. She didn't care that she was supposed to be the frigid, hard-to-please lady who spent most of the time reminding Diego that whatever comfort she had offered him—whenever the hell it was, but something had happened and it made them all mopey and Mauja was useless during it—meant nothing.

But fuck that. Diego was her little brother, and seeing him hang limp from Alysanne's mouth broke her heart.

She withdrew into herself. Kept one eye opened. Tried to both watch and rest at the same time.

Mauja lay in his darkness. It was as deep as the sea.

As cold as the blizzards.

He didn't feel the struggle to raise him from the water. He didn't feel the serpentine hands curled around him, the scaly shoulder pushed against him—not the water drying on his already cold skin, as the air sucked the last of the warmth out of him. He didn't feel their gazes, nor the presence of another, as she fell to her knees next to him when he was laid out on firmer ground.

Saving him, when he'd never done anything to deserve it, and least of all from her.

And yet she came, and yet she gave, her voice both soft and powerful as it fell on his skin.

Into his flesh.

Into his blood.

His chest found in itself the power to cough; his inhales the rugged, ragged breathing of the half-drowned sucking in missed air to save his life, now that he had a chance. A mouthful of water, a mouthful of precious air, and with it, the oxygen—his heart picked up speed. The blood going out turned red again. The wheels of his mind started to turn.

(Like floating.)

Up. The heavy weight of something like sleep clung to him. His mind felt ..unwieldy, as if he had been much too drunk the night before. Bit by bit, he became aware again.

And what he felt surprised him. The last he had known, once the panic had come and gone, had been.. falling. Sinking. The light disappearing overhead, and the world turning blue. Then black. Then nothing.

Slowly, he located his body.

It didn't feel like his.

It ached. It felt old. His throat burned as if it had been on fire, and with conscious effort he forced himself to cough again. The water stung like bile on the way up, and most inelegantly, he choked a little on it before going still again.

He was conscious enough to be ashamed. He was conscious enough to know that letting yourself drown wasn't really socially acceptable, because it hurt a lot of feelings and left some questions unanswered, even if he had the annoying habit of coming back to life after his little masochistic, lonely please-notice-me adventures.

He was also unconscious enough to not quite be able to process what went on around him. The world was muffled; it smelled awful and weighed something awful on his head.

Waking up from death always had two questions; how are the owls, and who saved me?

The first one was always easy. Either they were there—asleep, unconscious, whatever, but there—or there was what he could only imagine to be a massive hole yawning wide in your soul.

He had almost let Ophelia kill him once, when he was still mortal. He had almost taken the owls down with him when Tembovu had set him on fire.

They deserved more, and better, than what he had given them.

And everyone else?

He wanted to go back to the sea. Fill his lungs back up again. Fall into oblivion. Into freedom from guilt and shame. Pass into legend, and never be washed up on shore.

That is to say, the easy way out.

Finally, Mauja's blue eyes slid open to a world so bright it quickly forced them closed again. "Ouch," he whispered, so weakly it was barely more than a breath.

He was an idiot. He should've said thanks.


RE: frozen synapse— - Canaan - 06-12-2017

Mauja moves only limply when I nudge his neck, still showing the barest of bare signs of life. My action to take the white owl from the water seems to have helped spur a little action. I'm feeling at a loss - there's little to nothing that I can do to help except provide moral support. And I'm not a very good choice for that. The spotted pegasus... Al...Alysanne? The memory comes to me from the basin containing so many vague ideas and thoughts. Yes... queen of the World's Edge, another herd. Alysanne sends her companion (Hemlock?) to go find help. Yes, healing help would be a good idea. Though of course it hadn't occurred to me that there may be equine healers. Not sure who I thought it would be instead....

She went to the water and got the other feathered friend out of the water. Soon it appeared to be another owl, though of a different sort than the white one I had pulled out. I glance down and see the white owl start to open its eyes, and my excitement at its awakening leads me to start to speak. Except that as I look up to announce this exciting change, I see something I had very much not expected.

Not just a dragon-like horse. No, the golden pegasus had become an actual dragon. I gulped and almost pissed myself. Not that I would EVER ADMIT THAT. I felt a pang in my chest as my heart tried to compensate for the blood coursing through me as my gut prepared the fight-or-flight response. Hnnnnnnnng!! I thought I was prepared but NOT for that. I watched, frozen to the spot, as the dragon rolled and shoved Mauja from the murky waters onto the solid ground. The dragon is nearly as disgusting as I and Mauja after her efforts, and if I had the wherewithal to speak I would have applauded her.

Hoofbeats in the swamp, noisy as the mud sucks and slurps around them, distract me from the shiny golden scales. A unicorn appears out of background and upon her arrival simply says "Hemlock found me". This must be the healer that Alysanne had sent for. The bay mare begins to sing - beautiful notes that bring peace to my soul in a way that I haven't felt for ages. They can't unlock the part of me hidden deep inside, but they soften everything surrounding it. The Songbird. Of course... her singing makes it click.

I nudge the owl softly, but find my way back to Mauja's side. He looks terrible: gaunt, underfed, coat ragged and scraped up. He's slimy like the seaweed from the ocean and I wonder how long he's been there. How long could he have been there any survived? More mysteries. I walk to the water and take a mouthful, then spit it toward the stallion's side, hoping to help remove some of the mud and slime from the spotted pelt. I'm pretty worthless when it comes to this, and my ears have begun to droop against my skull as a result of my self-pitying. But then a noise comes from Mauja's muzzle and I gasp audibly. All he said was 'ouch' but... He's alive - he spoke! His eyes opened! Joy split my cracked lips into a grin. I glanced at the mares and.. dragon.. glee lighting up my visage.

screams of the innocent
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