HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
is the jackal hunting | Jackal - Printable Version

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is the jackal hunting | Jackal - Svetlana - 11-03-2012

[Image: vnjxbc.png]
Svetlana the Stormchaser
'There was something more about her, something that screamed a greater destiny.' - Evers the Able

Again, I was walking. Trudging through the belly-high snow, trying to keep my black wings out of the white fluff struggling to suck me down under. Ha! I was not going without a very hard fight, fucking snow. I loved Frostfall's entrancing beauty, but to be honest, it was disgusting how little I could fly. Too often, even with my wings, the black appendages iced over. I had been known for non-icing wings, but I suppose this was the bitterest of winters without the Sun God's warm hands. I halted, snorting in dismay at the towering piles of snow. Why? I glanced over to the mountains. If I were to fly up there, to the steepest parts of the slopes, the snow would be nearly gone. Lucky me, unable to fly! But a pegasus can still jump, and jump I did, leaping over the deepest drifts without trouble. Then I continued on my way to the herd, the masses of horses clumped together, all vaguely familiar in one way or another. I murmur a greeting here and there, nod my head to a couple of colts, and travel pass. If somebody follows me, I'll talk. If I run across someone, I'll talk as well. Why ever not?

I finally stopped by a small pool of ice. A black hoof smashed through it, opening up the hard crust to expose still water. I sipped at it, ignoring the cold, enjoying the drink. I fluffed up my wings, and the sun peeked out from behind the gray clouds. Suddenly, everything seemed so much brighter.


Image Credit: venomxbaby (when downsized, signature become somewhat unreadable)

RE: is the jackal hunting | Jackal - Jackal2 - 11-04-2012

Cold northern winds brushed past his thick winter coat, like the unwelcome fingers of prying relatives; he stood solitary against the relentless winter gales, eyeing the world impassively from behind a writhing veil of burnished orange. Although frostfall was hard this winter, it did not touch the valleys and crevices of the Foothills, rather, it only brushed over its mountain peaks and merely graced the ground with a dusting of white. Snow danced from the clear skies, although when the winds decided to sweep through the valley, it was chased relentlessly.
Halfheartedly, he lipped the brown dead grass, disliking the dry taste it left in his mouth. He wondered how the Heavenly Fields fared, and if its grazing was any more succulent than this stale sod. He snorted with distaste, tossing his head upwards and glancing around warily. He preferred to be well removed from the herd more often than not, and today he enjoyed (albiet reluctantly) the cold sunshine filtering through glittering snowflakes and the sharp, clean smell of winter.
For a moment, he shut his eyes, finding the darkness comforting, but the sound of what appeared to be breaking ice made him startle, and light entered his mercury eyes painfully. When he could see once more, he found a pretty grey pegasus in the distance, one he vaguely recognized as one of the new leaders, Svetlana. Not wanting to ignore her, he let a steady nicker rumble through his body, alerting her of his presence. With a moment of contemplation, the appaloosa picked his way towards her, broad striped hooves digging almost delicately into the frozen, hard winter sod. "Lady," he greeted softly, ears perked forward eagerly. The dark red tail swished gently, catching the blue light in gold. Jackal paused several feet away from the leader, grey nose pushed forward in greeting. "Congratulations on your position," the dun warbled cheerfully, "what a great honor it must be." He silenced himself quickly, wondering if she would think him an idiot for chirping so much.

forever is a long long time when you've lost your way

RE: is the jackal hunting | Jackal - Svetlana - 11-04-2012

[Image: vnjxbc.png]
Svetlana the Stormchaser
'There was something more about her, something that screamed a greater destiny.' - Evers the Able

The water's so cold, I think my lips must be turning blue. It's frigid. It's god-damn freezing. As soon as I pull my muzzle from the water, my whiskers are covered in ice, globs of frosty white pulling down heavily. I puff, annoyed, and roll my eyes, re-aligning black wings to my steel flanks. Black eyes shift, asorbing the image of a red-gold stallion approaching. It looks as if he's been dusted by the white snow, but the white flecks do not melt. It must be part of his coat color, I determine, in a rather slow way. Cold. It's messing with my head!

It's an honor. I like him already. Who doesn't like flattery? Although I do try my best not to let it go to my head, I smile. "Thank you, I do my best. Jackal, right? I'm sure you already know, but Svetlana." I introduce myself, even though I am confident he knows the name of his leader. After all, you would think so. "Frostfall. I would like it better if the grass wasn't so bitter and tasteless." I add, hoping to break any awkward pauses.


Image Credit: venomxbaby (when downsized, signature become somewhat unreadable)