HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Printable Version

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of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Lace - 11-16-2012

It was to be expected of course, that a place rumored to be home to all kinds of monsters, like blood drinking ghosts and zombies, walking corpses of those loved and lost, would be on Lace's 'places to visit' list. What was life without a little excitement? Granted, the most recent adventure had ended up with him and Fajira swallowed into the heart of the world and faced with a fire gremlin. It was absurd to the point where he had to question his own sanity - but somehow it also left a taste for more. More exciting events, more situations where the heart beat faster and adrenaline blocked out all thought besides the ones that were important. While it was kind of nice to be a part of the family in the Edge, life there was peaceful on the verge of dullness, so much that he even had time to mull over things like magic and religion. It left a bad taste in the mouth, and was the main reason for this somewhat reckless decision to head for the - according to rumors - haunted Marsh.

It was a strange place, alright. Waterlogged trees dripping with moisture, some sporting icicles where the wind managed to penetrate enough to lower the temperature. Not unlike the Edge, this place lay so close to the coast that the sea eased the climate, staving off the worst of the cold and often delivering frigid rains rather than snow. The ground was full of rotting logs, deep moss and soggy earth that splashed high onto the legs for each step, so much that the black stockings and dark barring of the legs soon was all but memory.

"This is not a place I'd choose for a date" he grimaced and slipped away from a particularly nasty looking patch of earth, where the surface looked silken and smooth but most likely contained a mixture of water and mud that would suck him in and probably drown him if he was careless enough to step into it.
Fajira trilled in agreement from her favorite place his back, too lazy (prudent) to engage the slippery lichen that hung from virtually every branch in the forest.
It was your idea to come here she remarked dryly through the bond.
"Yeah, don't remind me. It was one of the worst decisions since coming here." He snorted and made another grimace as a rock slipped away from under his feet, splashing stinky mud up against the face where it landed.

Despite the complaints though, a slight smile seemed glued to the maw as the stallion continued forward, slowly searching his way toward the center of the bog. He'd heard that there was something special about that place, but none he had spoken to had been able, or willing, to describe it in more detail.
"I wonder if there really are ghosts" he mused, the lips finally splitting into a rather boyish grin of excitement. It only grew wider as the dragon sighed, a trilling sound that was virtually a rolling of the eyes.

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Tor - 11-16-2012

Why did I decide to come here again? Oh yes. The ocean staves off any extremes of temperatures. And the need for adventure. Which was fully ridiculous, as never before had Tor felt the need to explore and run into the heart of danger and all manner of funny things like that. Really! When faced with a pack of mangy wolves, surrounded by possible friends, she had turned and ran. And now she was in the heart of disaster, the Spectral Swamp, which was constantly pumping out horrors and conjurations that made the fearful one weep when alone, and left you fumbling in the dark for light. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Tor. Now, the draft's feathers were clotted with cold globs of sticky snow-mud, clinging to her skin and dripping profusely with some sort of matter Tor didn't really want to know about. I suppose I may be able to find some herbs or fungi at least. How the mare wanted to plunge into the water and rinse her legs. No, it wasn't a matter of vanity- have you ever felt such filth rubbing and encasing your legs, pieces of stringy feathers clotted down to your skin? If you had, you would understand the extreme discomfort. To make matters worse, everything in this swamp smelled of decay.

The painted draft paused, brown eyes slipping around to watch the scenery carefully, mentally leaving markers on the treacherous path she was following. Yes- over there, the tree bent double with the long trailing finger-branches brushing the ground, with the rock between its roots. It marked the beginning of the path into the Marsh. And ahead, if you looked carefully, you could see a couple of stones with glyphs on them, pointing straight ahead. That would be useful, so long as they didn't point in the wrong direction.

Tor continued through the marsh in annoyance, cold water seeping through her fetlocks in her big bones, the disgusting squish of something popping under her left fore, a quiet voice... What the fuck?! Tor jumped in alarm, legs splaying, jerking onto her hind end, quivering ever so slightly. The poor terrified mare had not realized it was simply the vocals of Lace, a horse somewhere between friend and enemy for Tor, lost in the neutral lands. Wait... there it was again! The only word she heard: Ghosts. A shiver ran through the mare's spine. The healer inhaled sharply, exhaled softly, attempting to calm herself. I should really keep a store of lavender handy, the mare tried to tell herself to shake off the fear. Yes, lavender. Lavender has the properties to calm and soothe. Chervil can help cure infections. Eucalyptus can heal open sinuses and cure colds. More and more plants she listed, until the quiet repetition finally cured her fear, left her breathing deeply and smoothly. With soft feet she approached, ignoring the chill of water soaking through, cautiously peering through the obscure mist that seemed to cling to the Swamp, giving everything a mystical air.

"Lace?! Is that you?" Tor exclaimed, relieved and off-put. All she could think of was their strange up-and-down relationship.

just because i trust everyone does not mean i'm a fool.

slime-stock | Burtn | Tay-Studios

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Lace - 11-16-2012

"Hm?" The stallion halted and turned the head at the sound of the voice, so caught up in the process of moving forward that he hadn't noticed the presence of another. The sight of the painted mare brought a wide smile to his lips though, and without caring about the splashing mud he splashed over towards her.

"If it isn't Tor! Ha, I knew it something good was bound to happen if I went this way." A cheerful laugh escaped his maw as he reached out to nudge her nose in a friendly greeting; whether he had forgotten about the awkward last meeting or simply chose to ignore it was hard to tell.

The dragon on the back of the stallion didn't appear quite as thrilled, but she made no attempt at chasing the mare off. She was greeted with a somewhat short trill, an acknowledgment of her presence and little more. In Fajira's eyes, Tor had messed up. It would take more than talk to bring her back in the good book of the companion, even though she was white and Lace seemed to enjoy her company.

Ignoring the biased feelings of his soul mate the grullo kept smiling toward the healer, rather curious about what would bring her this deep into a place that was admittedly rather unsettling. "I didn't expect to run into you here of all places" he commented, remembering without saying anything the retreating backside of the very same mare, when confronted with a pack of predators. Even with all the goodwill in the world he couldn't call her brave, so why on earth was she visiting a place like this?

"Feeling adventurous, perhaps?" Perhaps she could be persuaded into coming along on his little quest. This time he would make sure not to expect anything from her - hopefully though, she could be convinced to stick around to patch them up if something came along.

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Tor - 11-16-2012

Tor chuckled softly, as the stallion's cheerful laugh reached her ears. The presence of darkness seemed to retreat from the two embodiments of good-will, slipping a little farther away. She returned the greeting with a gentle bump to his neck. "Hello, Mr. Lace of the famous World's Edge." Seeing as he was forgetting past wrongs, she let the bygones be bygones and spoke to him with all the kindness she offered to her friends. A high-pitched trill announced Fajira's presence of Lace's back. "And dragoness Fajira, of course." Tor dipped her head towards the companion, somewhat uncertain of what to think of the white reptile. After all, she was fairly certain the companion was intent on making her pay for leaving Lace and Sohalia to the wolves. Taking a step back, as not to carry on the conversation talking into one another's muzzle, Tor replied to his question simply.

"Looking for adventure and some healing plants. I've changed a bit since coming to Helovia, I suppose." The draft mare relaxed a foot, but kept alert for any sign of zombies or dead returning to life. "I've heard that some undead are around here, and I was rather silly enough to think I could come here alone. Would you like to travel together?" Warm brown eyes met Lace's- she wanted to actually get to know Lace, instead of having rambunctious meet and greets before swift departs with frosty goodbyes.

just because i trust everyone does not mean i'm a fool.

slime-stock | Burtn | Tay-Studios

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Lace - 11-16-2012

The grin turned a wee bit sheepish as she mentioned his new title. For some reason he always forgot to mention it to those he met, unless they specifically asked for herd affiliations. Sometimes it was better to seem like the rover he had always been - made outcasts relax, and offered a world of information that sometimes remained hidden to those who led comfortable and cozy lives in safety behind borders.

When the mare explained her reasons, he allowed the smile to fade slightly, though still maintained the lighthearted facade as he nodded at the mention of undead. Was it improper to hope that some might actually appear? If so it didn't bother him, and the offer to join her was exactly what he had hoped for.
"You read my mind" he admitted and began to turn, the legs so sunken into the wet ground that they only parted from the earth with difficulty. A smacking sound could be heard as the stallion stepped away, carefully avoiding the deep craters he had made while standing still. "I was hoping to have your company, if only for a little while. It's always more interesting to have company when you're on adventures." Not that he ever was alone, with Fajira as a constant companion. But somehow it wasn't the same. The dragon was more like an extension of himself, and she wasn't always thrilled when forced to come along on his explorations. Change was always welcome, especially if it meant spending some time with Tor.

"Are you heading somewhere in particular?" he asked, making sure to move around a bit more so that he wouldn't get stuck again. The shifting made him seem restless, hooves never resting in one place for very long. "It's my first time coming to these parts, so I only know what rumors have told me. Which, honestly, isn't much. People were oddly reluctant when I asked about this place..." It was probably that very reluctance that had triggered his desire to see the marsh for himself. Sometimes curiosity was like a disease, leading you on from one odd situation to another.

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Tor - 11-16-2012

Lace's warm smile seemed to fade the slightest touch at the mention of zombies, and with a sweet grin, Tor teases gently. "Certainly the mighty Lace does not fear a few undead coming to suck out his brains." With what appeared to be some difficulty, the grullo frees himself from the clinging mud with the mud giving a reluctant smack as its hands left the grullo legs. As for where Tor wanted to go, she wasn't quite sure either, and Lace seemed restless as he moved from leg to leg. Ready for a new adventure. The draft thought to herself, tail flicking across woolly flanks. "No, I'm not sure where to go. Horses don't say much about the Marsh- it seems like they try to avoid it altogether, and the few that do come out don't speak much more than random riddles and pieces strewn together. But let's walk, so we don't get sucked back under by this mud. Perhaps we'll find someone who may be able to help us find an adventure." Tor began to walk, careful to keep out of the waters, gazing with a mix of curiosity and fear as she traveled among the path. What had happened to them? She could almost hear their eerie whispers, the haunting echo of a scream as they had been sucked greedily under the ice-sheathed water, into the brackish depths below. In fact, if she looked closer, Tor could make out their faces, pale floating faces twisted from horror and shock. A unicorn... a horse... some beast so warped it did not appear as an animal.

"The dead." The whisper falls from Tor's lips, deathly quiet, yet seemingly an explosion in this cocoon of silence.

{I figure we should wait for Azulee now...}

just because i trust everyone does not mean i'm a fool.

slime-stock | Burtn | Tay-Studios

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - NPC - 11-18-2012

Written by Aud

The marsh is full of real sounds, and ones that you're sure, you only imagined. Like the foot-falls of the un-dead, just behind you. But of course they can't be real, for when you turn to look, no one is there.

But let me tell you this: this is definitely a real sound. So real in fact, that even the thick muck reverberates with the vibrations of the scream. And who is screaming? Why a sweet little foal, a foal much like Azulee:


From deep within the marsh, something was projecting the voice of a panicked young foal. The sound of something pulling something else from the mud could be heard, as the terror-filled plea dissipated. A sickly squelching sound reached Tor and Lace, as if something huge had just risen from the muck. Closer.... thought its primitive mind. The swamp seemed to dim subtly, both audibly and visually. It was like someone turned the volume and the saturation down at the same time.

There was only one path through the marsh, visible at midday. If Tor and Lace ventured down the path, would they be able to find 'Azulee' in time? Even if they did, would too much daylight have been spent, barring their exit from the swamp?

It waited in the shadows, positive that Tor and Lace would take the bait, but just in case they needed any more convincing....Another of 'Azulee's' projected screams rang out into the stillness which had befallen the marsh.


RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Lace - 11-20-2012

Lace nodded with a smile and turned, carefully following after the painted healer. The ground was treacherous, roots plentiful and holes hidden beneath muddy brown water, deep enough to let you sink to the knee - or break a leg, if he weren't careful. Sure he had a healer with him if that happened, but if it could be avoided the stallion would rather prefer to never experience that kind of pain again.

The thought of Tor made him remember something else though, and after picking up the pace enough to bring him up next to the mare he opened the mouth, voice casual and calm as if they were walking across a sunlit field rather than through a potentially haunted marshland.

"Say Tor.. Do you think there's a chance you could show me some basic first aid tricks? I came across this pegasus a while ago that had fallen and broken a wing, and I've probably never felt so useless in my life. I mean, I've been injured before, lived as a merc and all, but I never payed much attention to what the healers gave us back then. As long as it stopped the blood it was good enough."

The topic was casual, as was their stride. He noticed her obvious unease, but didn't pay much heed to the sensation of something crawling down the spine. If something ended up being there, so what? As long as it didn't attack them it was just fine, and besides. Fajira was a perfect lookout, perched on her back and scouring the area behind them as they walked. She'd alert them to anything unusual...

Then a horrific, bloodcurdling scream tore through the quiet. It was so sudden and panicked that instincts kicked in with the stallion, making him start and leap to the side to get more room to move on; Fajira tossed herself into the air, exalted cry ringing out to answer whoever it was that called. Lace exchanged a glance with Tor, excited and wary at the same time - should they go?
But as the second scream broke the silence he felt he couldn't wait anymore. It wasn't the sort of scream that allowed you much time, and whoever called must be terribly young. It was the voice of a foal, a foal that was injured, hurting, frightened and...

He took off before the painted draft had time to say anything, sloshing and careening through the forest with Fajira by the shoulder, in the general direction of the voice. He didn't pause to consider the fact that it somehow knew their names, even though he weren't acquainted with a great many kids. And how would someone who was here before him know that he could listen?

Questions that would haunt him later, but for now only set the hairs on the back on edge, without really knowing why.

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - Tor - 11-20-2012

It seems that their rough beginning to friendship has been smoothed and even gilded to a friendship that is growing. Not instant and completely untouchable as Ophelia's and Tor's seemed to be- gentle, quiet, but blooming quick. Adventure brought horses together in a way that mere conversations could not begin to fathom. For a few minutes, the only sound of them walking was the squelching of mud sucking at their hooves, the near-silent lap of brown-gray water under the thin layer of ice that lay moaning like the dead itself. What would happen if Tor were to cross it? Would she plunge through? Be sucked under like the many others now dead that seemed to be reaching out to the living? Her thoughts were disturbed at the sloshing of wet, muddy grass as Lace quickened his step, slowing at her side. Tor gave him a curious glance, but her curiosity was answered immediately. "Of course I will Lace! It's always important to know at least the basics, even as I should technically know the basics of fighting." Not that she did. Maybe Tor would ask him if he could teach her as well, but he seemed to be more of a... crafter. Not really warrior, persay, but certainly not a healer.

Only a few seconds passed before the first screams split the silence. Cut it along the seams of eerie quiet with a precise knife, a glittering blade. Tor jerked up, half-rearing and nearly stepping into the perilous water, before recovering herself. Lace acted likewise, seeming as spooked as she did by the sudden and devastatingly loud cry broadcasting through the air. Another wail for help split the air, playing loud and bold, calling for them. Unlike the stallion, Tor immediately was worried by the fact it, if it was a foal, knew their names- after all, she only knew Azulee. But as another bloodcurdling screech rent the air, there was no choice, no option. With a glance at the stallion, she began to run at his flank, towards the source, splashing through the edges of the swamp itself, disregarding her own safety.

All too soon Tor would know the trap they had fallen into.

just because i trust everyone does not mean i'm a fool.

slime-stock | Burtn | Tay-Studios

RE: of ghosts and other unnatural things (Tor, Azulee, NPC) - NPC - 11-20-2012


Malicious red eyes appear out of the darkness before the worrying, trotting horses, yet the words emerging from black lips are words of youth. "Tor! Lace! There's a monster coming to get me!" A mirthless chuckle comes from those dark lips, the red eyes sparkle with gallows' humor. When the stallion emerges into the daylight, even a brave soul would resist the urge to quel under him. For one thing, he's massive, even larger than Tor, nearly a giant, with black wings rotting on his gaping frame. Bones stick out of his threadbare coat- literally. Strips of his rotting skin fall away from his body, revealing innards and muscle. Most grotesque of all on this bloodied zombie is the heart pumping in his chest, a ebony heart visible through his ribcage, and a broken little doll hanging from a mane filled with knucklebones. A twisted fragment of a horn sprouts from his forehead.

"I am Gazul the Black Wizard, and if you pass me, you will find incredible wonders hidden in the swamp." What he did not say was that the wonders were seven twisted, mangled corpses, each with rubies over their eyes. "Give me a riddle. If I answer it correctly, I shall drink your souls for your bodies. If I do not answer correct the first time, you may pass and visit the ghosts creeping through the swamp, and hear their sorrowful tales. If you run, you die." Two more monsters rise at his flanks, each a squat, ugly gargoyle. Mere statues, but it adds to the hellish effect with great strength.