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Chasing Dragons [open] - Printable Version

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Chasing Dragons [open] - Ophelia - 11-17-2012

Ever since she had seen Osiris and the winged grey on the sands of this beach, disappearing in a cloud of emotional misery, she had not returned. However, the call of the ocean was a siren's song of her homeland, a homeland destroyed and overrun by wickedness. Though the grains of sand were different and the landscape rockier and longer, the call of the gulls and the crashing of waves still reminded her of the Tides. Ophelia's cloven hooves moved from grass and sank into the white, grainy powder. She mused that the color was similar to snow, but more of a dirtier, bastardized brother - the less loved of the earthen family.

For now, the Blue was cool enough that even the humidity of the ocean could not make the sands stick to her coat or the air become too dense. Perhaps if life had permitted, she would have moved on from her home on the Tides to somewhere else, but instead, she was forced to relocate. Interesting timing was everything.

Tinek pushed off from her rump into a backward curl before his wings thrust him upward into the cloudy, winter skies. Ophelia could not help but smile. In the darkness of her life emerged her glorious, silver light, a creature to share her mind. No other, not even her sister, would ever understand the depth and complexity of her memories, but now she was not entirely alone. His dark shadow drifted softly and slowly on the sand like a tired cloud in a windstorm. She trotted after it, her muscles straining against the deep, yielding grains.

Though lithe, Ophelia was more of a thinker than a fighter; she was agile, fast over short distances, and relatively fit, but in a race of stamina, she would sadly come up short. She should probably change that. Carefully, she shifted into a rolling, ground-covering canter, her long legs carrying her swiftly. One of her hips was burning more than the other, so she held her legs in mid air before starting forward on a new step. The wind brutally pulled on the crimson and pale fibers of her mane and tail, and she raced after her dragon's shadow as his laughter bubbled in her mind.

Tinek was not about to give up the image of her flying, and she shook her head, snorting. Impossible. Ophelia deftly jumped over a log that had drifted sadly from the open seas and then slid to a stop, trying to catch her breath. Sweat gathered beneath the swell of her belly and darkened the white fur of her chest, and she slowly walked on the firm sand near the crashing waves back north. Perhaps it would be wise to wash the sweat from her body once she cooled. Thick, white steam rose from her body, and she paced until the beat of her heart could no longer be heard drumming in her ears.

Then, without a moment's hesitation, she plunged into the water, feeling it crash over her body and turn the white hairs of her coat into a dark, bluish grey with her black skin beneath. Ophelia emerged moments later and shook the water off, her hair hanging in long, wet clumps and her tail catching around her hind legs. Tinek's laughter was still ringing in her mind, and she snorted, leaping upward and snapping at his silver tail. He hissed at her in shock and dove, playfully grabbing at her wet mane. To anyone watching, she could have been fighting with the royal beast, but they were simply playing.

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Aaron - 11-17-2012

It seemed like no matter what he did and how hard he fought the urge, something always brought the paint back to the beach. There was just something about this place.... The fact he felt like he missed his big chance for love back in the Tides... Maybe that was what brought him back here over and over. Time had passed, he had grown up and changed. No longer was he the gangly colt clinging to his dam's side. He was a warrior fast on his way to WingLeader in the Qian... He was a big brother to a filly with two sets of wings and from what Azale had said a foster big brother to a colt with lots of feathers. For so long love had began to be pushed to the back of his mind. Yet the moment his feathered hooves sank into the almost white sand, all his thoughts began to race.

He was almost glad that he had not won the hellhound, for having the thoughts of another in his mind would not help right now. He trudged on, his mind quickly turning from the fact that he had lost a chance at a companion to the fact a member of the Edge had been taken right under everyone's noses. The young red roan had fought in the invasion... Surely she was a fighter and could handle herself until they could go to the rescue. He felt bad in the fact he didn't even know her name... Aaron also knew of the campfire gathering that was to take place that night, he would alert the others of the herd of the need to rescue once he arrived. But first he needed to gather his thoughts. The bay painted knight had only moved a few paces onto the sand before he broke into a full out run. The last time he had run here he had been trying to win the race across Helovia. He had failed, coming in close to the lead three but it hadn't been enough. He let his hooves pound into the sand, the sound of sea gulls and the waves crashing filling his ears until his own heart rate did the same.

As he ran his thoughts race more, this time turning to the one he constantly shoved in the back of his mind. Ophelia. The two childhood friends could not of taken any different of paths. Then again, they both had dealt with many different things growing up. He had lost his father when the shades attacked and been forced to run with his mother for their lives. They had sought out the only family left, his mother's adoptive mother Gossamer and the Oasis herd leader Smoke. It had been word of mouth and a tug in his mind that had brought him to the first Qian meeting. That meeting had changed everything. since joining the Qian, he had worked to control his magic and learned just how wicked and evil it could be. On the battlefield however he did not care as those unicorns had been trying to kill the one stallion he looked up to. He had made them feel on fire. The remorse later on, he would never tell a soul about....

It was as his thoughts came back around to Phi, that it was as if she emerged from the ocean. Startled at first he slide to a halt, sand flying up everywhere as he forelock was tossed into his brown eyes. The water looked like diamonds as she shook herself off. A silver dragon was with her, surely it was the dragon his mother had tried for and failed. He could not help but smile. She finally had her silver dragon. Confusion took over his features as it seemed they fought, but surely it was a bonded thing. He moved forward carefully, stopping a few paces away before speaking. "Hello Ophelia." His voice to had changed. No longer was it the squeaky voice of a colt not yet fully grown. It was deep, almost as if you could hear the note of power he held within the Qian. His ears were forward listening for her reply as he tossed his head slightly to clear the forelock and parts of his mane from his eyes.

"Talk Talk"

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Archibald - 11-17-2012

Archibald's movements were slow and careful. The giant's hooves were pressed down into the sand by his incredible weight. His muscles grew tighter and tighter as he walked the length of the beach. He loved training in the sand, it made him stronger with each time. The grains held his hooves tightly and made his movements slower. Archibald had never been the quickest horse, obviously, but the training on the beach made him faster on hard ground. Now, however, Archibald was not training--the Chief was simply taking a walk.

It had been a while since Archibald and Loretta had had the time to go and work on their bond as a pair. They had been incredibly swamped with patrolling and working as Generals. Now they were leading the herd. The herd was small and the three leads agreed on using the Threshold as a tool to increase their member base. In their frequenting the Threshold Archibald, Evers and their mother Mandrake had found another one of the familly. Tajheri, the rebellious, hotheaded brother. The brother was a year older than Archibald and Vincent, yet Archibald had vivid memories of beating the male down by command from Mandrake. Their mother did not like disorder or disobedience, and always used Archibald to teach the others lessons when she believed they deserved them. Despite that fact, Archibald and Tajheri remained fairly close--they got along quite well.

Snorting and shaking the memories from his head Loretta looked up at her bonded. Archibald met her eyes and snorted, pushing her with his muzzle. Loretta yipped and danced around at his hooves before loping off. Archibald followed at a trot before the sight of the others hit him. He had been approaching from upwind and did not scent them first. Ophelia and Aaron. Two horses outside of his family that he did not hate or feel indifferent to. Archibald had promised the defend Aaron during the invasion, and Ophelia pushed Archibald to rise up as leader after he stepped in to assist them from the aggressive Ricochet. Tossing his head in the air Archibald rose into a canter and let out a bellowing neigh, announcing the others of his arrival.

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Myrddin - 11-17-2012

This is what I would have you see, for the character below has lost the ability to do so.

Ophelia wasn't the only one take a dip on this day. The large white stallion was also standing in the frosty waters, but for quite a different reason. Myrddin had been immersed, up to his shoulders for long enough, that he could no longer feel his limbs. The icy water had lovingly numbed everthing it touched, biting and working its way deep into his joints. It was...bliss. His arthritic body enjoyed the icy cold, and even moreso the lack of feeling which soon accompanied it. But there was more than that - before numbness ensued, a wild pain had taken over Myrddin's old mind; pushing out all other thoughts and worries. The pain brought with it a trance-like peace, that Myrddin had not been able to replicate since the incident.

It still flashed before his eyes - and why not? It was the last thing he ever saw. The black colt. The mutt. The terror in the pup's eyes and then...nothing. Their magic had burned deep into his eyes, effectively cauterizing his vision. And then...they had disappeared. He had called out - asking who they were, but no answer was given. Myrddin did not know who it was who blinded him. But he needed to - not for revenge, for Myrddin was rarely angry, but to understand why. Why was the dog so instantly terrified? Of him? His old bones were far too ancient to be a threat to anyone.

Hello Ophelia

Myrddin's large moose-like ears suddenly snapped forward, his meditation broken. Someone was here. The ocean dampened the sound so effectively, that he had not heard Ophelia nor Aaron come into the vicinity. He was, after all, lost in his own mind, and while it was true that Ophelia's gait was both light and rhythmic, he still should have been aware. What was that saying? About the loss of one of the senses increasing the others? It was bullshit. Or maybe, it just didn't apply to the elderly.

Myrddin pondered momentarily what it was he should do. He was too new to this land to be able to traverse it merely on instinct - it was scent alone which brought him here, but not easily. His white hide was now stricken by many gashes, some deep, some shallow. His forelegs had been heavily cut up as well, due to many falls and trips during his trek. He was too old for this, far too old.

"Is someone there?" Myrddin called out - his voice sounding like an old blues singer - one who had inhaled far too much smoke. He turned his blind gaze to where he believed the sound had come from - In fact, he was looking much to the left of Ophelia and Aaron - closer to where Archibald was moving in, from.

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Chester - 11-17-2012

You are now invited to the other side of sanity

A whirling dervish of fluff approaches from the other side of the white stallion, a flurry of pink roan and purple striping that blurs together as the diminutive pony spins about in a complex dance that seems to involve an endless pursuit of his own candy colored tail. Motion stops abruptly, sulfurous stare locking upon the familiar steed. The other three have either escaped his notice, or have been deemed unimportant for the time being, for he ignores their presence completely. The call Myrrdin issues causes the tiny creature’s lips to peel back into an abnormally wide grin, a sure clue as to what the lurid one truly is, should one know the proper stories. “Would it matter if there were?” No greeting, no casual queries as to the health of the stag. Chester had never been one for conventional conversation, preferring to speak in a befuddling manner that few would be able to keep up with.

Cloudy eyes, and the vacant look Myr directs toward the small gathering farther down the beach clue the Cat to the elder’s new blindness, and a faint chuckle escapes him. “It would seem that you no longer see clearly as well, Elderstag.” It is a recall to their previous meeting, and he wonders if the wise lord will remember. Either way, he does not much care, though the wordplay had been engaging enough that he hopes some remnant of their encounter lingers in the complex brain.

A glance is spared to each of the other nearby horses, first focusing on the crimson-dipped mare and the silver dragon swooping around her. Not a proper dragon, he thinks, but more of a dragonfly. Such creatures had flitted through the Lotus Forest frequently, chasing the abundant horseflies, and so he is not startled by the metallic figure as some would be. Instead, he regards the pair with interest, observing the way they appear to fight, yet are both seemingly relaxed in each others presence. An odd relationship, one he is vaguely fascinated by and resolves to learn more about.

The second, the hornless painted boy, is far less captivating, though Chester wonders who painted him and whether the colt was white or brown to begin with. An absurd thought, but he had seen packs of cards coating snow roses with red, and so the idea that one might also take a brush to the coat of an equine is no less ridiculous.

Then, yellow pools snap to the last members, the draften stallion and the dog prancing about nearby. His uncanny smile fades a bit at the sight of the red and white figure, he has never much liked canine animals. The potential threat remains near the small group however, showing no interest in the once-cat and antlered ancient. Black steed moves with confidence, the calm assurance of a king, and this too piques the little one’s curiosity. Over whom did the beast rule, and did he often order beheadings?

Amusement shines behind the lanterns of his eyes, and he knows that soon he will approach the impromptu gathering. He refuses to leave the Elderstag behind though, and since he is unwilling to immerse himself in the water, he must simply wait for the old white to emerge from the ocean’s embrace. Rather inconvenient, but Chester has no desire to endure the wet. He was, after all, a former cat.

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Ophelia - 11-20-2012

Heavy steps of made a foreign sound against the yielding granules of sand, and Ophelia stopped snapping at Tinek to shift her strange gaze to the figure who approached. Aaron. He had grown considerably since she had last seem him in the Foothills, and he seemed to have been training as his musculature was sharpened for battle. Curious. Had he fought for the Qian with her father? The pale mare had avoided that battle, her loyalties torn between the Ice King, Mauja and her father. She watched the colt turned stallion toss his lofty forelock from his lovely eyes as she stood dripping wet, and the words he spoke were almost comical in their seriousness. Phi smiled. "Hello, Aaron," she replied before backing away a few feet and holding her breath. Then, in a spray of water and fluff, she shook out her coat from her head to her tail.

The once perfectly combed mane and smooth fur on her coat were tangled and puffed, and she would have to have Tinek work out the knots later. "How are you?" she asked, glancing to the side at Tinek who flicked water off of his scaled tail in annoyance. The tenor of his voice had deepened considerably. One of her ears flicked to the side then, her strange eyes moving to the side as another set of heavy steps and a deep, bellowing call carried on the wind. Archibald. She had not seen him since she had been clipped on the hip by a rogue stallion named Ricochet and had assumed the dunskin's title. Ophelia nodded to him kindly and smiled. "Are the Foothills well?" she asked, having a certain soft spot for the land since she had spent part of her childhood among its trees.

Another voice called from the crashing waves, and Phi furrowed her brows, watching an older stallion with a deer-like horn move from the water too. She looked him over, finding him to be severely aged, but what concerned her most were the open wounds and gashes that covered his legs, and the mare glanced at the two larger, fit warriors before briskly trotting toward the old gray. The color of his eyes was off, and she wondered if they were like those of Reverent or if he was truly blind. Given the male's age, she wandered to guess blind. "I am here," she said quietly, moving to his side and blowing her breath into his nostrils in greeting.

A voice, mocking the elder, reached her ears, and she had to look down toward her cloven hooves to see the speaker. What an odd, strangely colored pony. Compared to the two, towering warriors and herself (who was not short for a mare), the tiny, pink creature was amusingly unmatched, and she smirked a little, lowering her arched, elegant neck to observe him, heterochromatic eyes taking in his strange, animalistic yellow ones - like a predator. "Bold words for one so challenged by his own height," she replied before taking stock of the elder once more. "Are you all right?" she asked, gazing into his milky eyes with furrowed brows.

Tinek was suddenly fascinated by the pink pony, and the silver dragon bounded in his direction, scaled tail wagging back and forth with interest. He stretched his spiny neck toward the creature before glancing up at his bond-mate, sending a simple "?" through their mental connection. Ophelia snorted a little and shook her head. "Tinek wants to know why you are so much shorter than the rest of us. He has never seen anyone like you before; neither have I, for that matter. I am Ophelia." Phi gently rested her grey, soft muzzle on the elder stallion's neck to lead him from the sea to the spot where she, Aaron and Archibald were speaking. "My friends, Aaron and Archibald are here with us."

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Aaron - 11-22-2012

Her voice was a beautiful melody, one that just seemed to make him turn into mush around her all over again. Hesitantly, he started to reach out to nose her cheek. However as the pale dove stepped back he worried he had done something wrong. Instead he to smiled as she shook herself, trying to rid her coat of the excess water. Once again she spoke, this time asking how he was. "Staying busy, i've become a protector in World's Edge and big brother to a little filly. Enough about me, how are you? I see you finally got a dragon." Ever since they were foals, Phi had wanted a dragon and now she had one. Chocolate brown eyes looked to the royal silver before returning to the red and blue eyes of Phi. They were not alone for long as soon Archibald with his bonded pup arrived. His call was carried to them by the wind, and Aaron whinnied a warm greeting in return. As the larger draft approached the painted knight nodded. Her question about the Foothills had him looking in confusion. What had happened to Paladin and Soleil? He turned to the warrior he had fought along side and looked questioningly.

Their attention was soon turned to yet another arrival. Phi spoke to him as well, letting the elder stallion know there was indeed others around. In his deep voice Aaron added "We are here." He watched as Phi moved to the pale stallion's side. The words of the strangely colored stallion caused Aaron also to move to the elderstag's side, making sure he did not get to close but enough to show the shorter odd colt like stallion that he would not allow harm to come to the elder. "Indeed, especially when in the presence of those quite larger than you." His ears however flickered back to listen as Phi checked on the elder. Her words to the odd one nearly made him laugh. He committed the silver dragon's name to mind in case the silver ever was present like Mirage's Akaith ever did. The golden queen was fond of checking on Qian members often. As Phi rested her muzzle on one side of the elders neck, Aaron did the same as she spoke his name. He was all to glad to return to their small grouping with the pale one between them.

"Talk Talk"

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Archibald - 11-24-2012



ready to ignite

As Archibald approached he shifted his gates down and settled in near Aaron. Archibald nodded gently to the painted colt and turned his attention to Ophelia as she spoke. With a calm and confident air the Dauntless spoke, "The Foothills are much better now, without Ricochet myself, my brother and Svetlana are fairing well at re-establishing the greatness the herd deserves." His golden eyes glistened with a slight pride, his chest puffing slightly. Archibald's new title was something he took with intense seriousness, his devotion seeping through his very pours.

Before their conversation could grow any further another voice called out. The dark stallion's ears flicked towards the newcomer and Loretta followed on Ophelia's heels to the older stag. Snorting Archibald kept stride with Aaron to greet the older one. Archibald quickly recognized the stallion's impairment, which was so apparent in the Chief's own life through his young brother, Casimir. The grey unicorn was also blind, a punishment and lesson given by their mother. Archibald wondered if this stag's blindness was a punishment as well, or if he was impaired by nature.

A thick growl pulled the draft out of his own thoughts as Ophelia and Aaron treated the white with compassion. Loretta stood near Archibald, her tail erect and ears pinned forward aggressively. It was a growl Archibald had only ever heard once, when Loretta and Mandrake first met. His mother had been in her secondary form of jaguar, causing Loretta to run back to her natural programming--feline vs. canine. Recognizing the growl for what it was Archibald found the bright pink thing. It was tiny, really, around the same size as Loretta. Archibald smirked at the comment Ophelia made. "I could squish you so easily, break your neck with the flick of my tail." The Dauntless added, eyes narrowing some. Snorting at the bright creature Archibald turned his attention back to the elder. "If you are interested you may seek refuge and safety within the Foothills."

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Myrddin - 11-24-2012


Myrddin had realized that his blindness had begun to impact how he perceived time. Things either happened very slowly, or very quickly. And right now, things were racing. At about the same time his mind registered Ophelia's body entering into the water, he heard Chester's voice. He knew instantly that the disturbance in the water was not caused by the little pony, but was not surprised that his voice seemed to float to his ears, seemingly unaccompanied by a body.

Would it matter if there were? the little would-be cat had asked. And yes, it did matter. Myrddin found himself at the bottom of Maslow's pyramid suddenly; his mind could not focus on philosophizing, not when death was lurking so close. Perhaps this was punishment, as Archibald had wondered. He had failed to protect his herd, his entire family, and now they were all dead. Perhaps this was the God's way of reminding him that he was too old to start over, that he should just give up and die already. They had ignored him at the Veins, had they not? So yes, it did matter. Because Myrddin was not ready to die, quite yet.

Before he had a chance to answer Chester, he finally heard the voice of the one who had first disturbed the waters to come towards him. Female. I am here, she had said. He could feel that she was taller than the average mare, as she did not have to stretch up quite so much as one might, when she placed her muzzle on his neck, leading him. I am Ophelia....My friends, Aaron and Archibald are here with us. "Hello Sai Ophelia. Long days and pleasant nights to you." Myrddin said in a gruff voice. The next few snippets of conversation, as Archibald and Aaron drew nearer, seemed to blend together. The sound of the displaced water as the group exited the ocean, accompanied by the acoustics of an open beach, made it impossible for Myrddin to place where the voices were precisely coming from. That and has bad hearing, as well. He did hear both males issue challenging statements towards Chester, which brought an amused smile to his face, momentarily. He was sure Chester received that sort of greeting often. So far, it didn't seem like the males would be the type to get Chester. Ophelia had spoken of a Tinek, and whoever that was, seemed interested enough. Perhaps Chester would find another playmate, after all.

If you are interested you may seek refuge and safety within the Foothills He heard one of the males say. His large moose-like ears swung in the direction of the noise, followed by an uncertain tilt of his head, in what he believed was Archibald's direction. He laughed heartily once he believed he was looking in the direction of the Stallion (and for once, he actually was). His milky white gaze showed no emotion anymore, making Myrddin look quite a bit sterner than he actually was. Exhaling, the old Unicorn shook his head. "I needn't be anyone's burden, youngster. But I thank you for your kindness."

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Chester - 11-28-2012

The trio, or quintet should he count the dragonfly and dog, seemed to decide to move from there to here. Pleased with the way things were going, he smiles again. First comes the snow-clad lady, and he wonders if the cards had tried to paint her too, but had only been able to touch her mane and tail before being called away. The sea doesn’t wash away the crimson as she steps in, aiding his blinded acquaintance. Not paint, then. Dye?

Suddenly, the dog is growling her displeasure, drawing a hissing snarl from his throat, yellow eyes snapping around to lock on the red and white beast. She doesn’t attack, however, and the other horses are speaking, so he shifts his attention to hearing their words and responding. His height seems to be the object of discussion, or ridicule to be more accurate, and he heaves a mental sigh at the boring topic. Still, the pony knows he can easily turn the conversation to other things, should he wish to, and there is still fun to be had in answering.

It is the threat from the Dauntless that he replies to first, the black lord boasting about how easy it would be to cease the tiny stallion’s biofunctions. “Surely you could,” he agrees calmly, “but it wouldn’t do you much good.” Whatever else he might have said is left in silence as the silver dragon leaps forward, calling Chester’s easily distracted attention to something far more interesting than hollow challenges. Again the white mare speaks, though the words are not fully her own. It would seem that the voiceless reptile uses her to communicate. How perfectly intriguing.

“Perhaps it is not I who am short, but everyone else who is large,” he retorts simply. “Have you been eating cake and mushrooms?” Tail flicks dismissively behind him as he regards the gathering of horses, feeling oddly apathic toward the group. “Or I may have sipped from the Drink Me bottle and shrank.”

Again, his interest is pulled to another stimulus, settling on Myrddin. It wouldn’t do to have the old stag stumbling about. Very impractical, in his opinion, and he rather enjoys the thought of more informed banter than that he would likely find elsewhere. “If not a home, Elderstag, then perhaps a guide may be of use? For ways are tricky things, and may disappear should you not keep an eye on them.”

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Ophelia - 11-28-2012

Ophelia chuckled at Aaron's words, and at the mention of "dragon", the silver creature peeked his head from her mane and blinked at the pinto draft, spiraling down one of her long, slender legs to say hello. Tinek stood on his hind legs and extended his wings for balance, lifting his arching neck and extending his nose to her friend. "I have," she replied with a soft smile. "My sister's cleverness earned me the egg, and I protected it like we once did with Adele and Vera." Those were such fond memories. Sneaking into Aera's equine herd had been a foolish and fantastically fun task, and she mused on the fact that she and Aaron always managed to be on two different spectrums with alliances.

"Congratulations on being a protector," she said, bowing her head a little. "I assume you followed Smoke from the Foothills?" she asked curiously, having gleaned what had happened with Paladin and the elections through Ktulu's mind. Though her father was an excellent warrior and leader, an organizer, he was not. Soleil had balanced him in that way, but her mother was busy herding their twin brothers, and from what she heard, another young sibling. Ophelia held no feelings toward the new addition to their family either way, but she fretted that the darkness of Riekahn would taint his blood as well.

The thought of Ricochet brought a shadow of an ache back into her hip, a remnant of a memory. Ophelia nodded to Archibald, remembering chasing out the young buck with Osiris and the Dauntless. "I am pleased, though I still am concerned for the judgement of your herd members," she replied with a tight expression. How had they missed that racist taint? She supposed that she could not blame them. "Should you require mine or... other assistance with the herd, you need but ask," she replied with a mysterious smile. "The Grey will answer."

After fetching the blind stallion from the waters and making introductions, she listened to his gruff voice and smiled. Long days and pleasant nights. Now that was a true and proper phrase of greeting, though she was surprised at how adult it could be taken, and she could not help but raise a pale brow ever so slightly. Though what Ophelia was more amused by now was the tiny pony with the witty sense of humor, and she chuckled the sound of chiming bells. "I had not considered that, but you just may be right, little one. Perhaps we are the oddly sized creatures," she responded. The small creature offered kindness to the blind stag after he refused Archibald's offer. "A noble thought," she nodded in agreement.

[OOC: Dark Tower reference FOR THE WIN. I nerdgasmed when I read that. Thankee Sai]

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Chasing Dragons [open] - Aaron - 12-05-2012

-permission to skip me, lack of aaron muse. ill try to post again by the time my turn comes around again-