HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
where they met again (open) - Printable Version

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where they met again (open) - Aswane - 11-20-2012


we're all as free as dandelion seeds, we fall, we float, we drift

   This was the place where my parents met again after the war, I could tell by the warm holiness humming away from the elevated ground. The system here was different. The sun didn't melt away all of the snow but oddly the air wasn't crisp and brisk to my lungs. Inhaling reminded me of love, or at least what it would be to me. Love was an intangible warm thing that wrapped itself around your neck in a snugly abundance of tranquility. It was simply put a beauty to behold.

   I wish I had what my parents had.

   Life is now all up to me. My sister said it best. 'Be what your heart and soul agree on.' It means nothing by hope to me know, but I can imagine that later my heart and soul will beat harmoniously to one passionate drum - it would be the same drum that my parents beat to. My mind is set on the free questions. They are all the same and they are all rhetorical. These questions are the questions that every child of love asks their parents in return for an answer that sets their mind one way. One may say that my view is completely skewed; how my life and comfort is in the wide daylight of nature and philosophy. I thrive on the questions that nobody dares to ask because they are innocent and enchanted by the pure necessity of thirst. We all thirst for knowledge to some degree, or we wouldn't be living because the point of living is to experience every day for yourself until the last when you are at last retrieving the ultimate wise and the utmost greatness. It is only then that my mind will be truly developed.

   My eyes fluttered for a second, so lost in the world of life, misconception, and cause. I shifted myself, resting on my back hooves. My emerald eye held the sun for a moment as it rose into the cherry colored sky. I felt the ones who did know the answers smiling at me. They patted me with their connection and almost whispered one day, into my ears. It is that one day that I'm here waiting for.

[ I figure that over this break I'll have time for a couple of threads. I really want to get her active because she means a lot to me right now. This is open for anyone :) ]

[Image: owbPn.jpg]

RE: where they met again (open) - Lena - 11-21-2012

There is love in your body but you can't hold it in,
It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin,
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts

Lena chose to be light that day – buoyant, beneficent, and magnificent in all of her dulcet deliverances, mellifluous benedictions. Her convictions usurped the howling wind, the vacant chill, the corroded, distorted armaments of shattered hearts, of wandering moralities, of a wayfaring group she called family. Determined, resolute, stalwart, her assurance rose upon the plains of her ethereal incandescence, on the divine grace showered postured, poised, prosed along her body, twisting and turning in the vacant threads of earth and sky. A bloom, a blossom, before the waking strands of spring nestled its warmth, she drove onward with the indulgence of restlessness, angelic defiance, the siege of prevailing goodness, the arch of alluring cordiality. Finery, laid waste in the dim, listless winter, reclaimed its former pedestal as she waltzed in petal soft motions, beguiling sin, tempting serenity, harkening to the brooding earth that she too could heal, mend, slide and slip away from the melancholy toils of bitter, rancorous glades. Taffeta wings, seraphic grandeur, the abandoned entity of ardor, raised her soul to the heavens and prospered it to ring aloft the satin chords of the fields, into the arms of virtue. Refusing to drown in the murky, muddied depths of calamity, of sorrow, of misery, she sang amongst hostile corridors, not stolen, not absconded, by the whims and fantasies of licentious greed. Elegant movements would not be wasted by the furtive, specious savagery, callous cruelty, would not be mauled by bestial delusion – affable, fae, and fairy polished by the mercies of tranquility, by the aspirations of dreamers. She knew anarchy, calamity, and villainy, had drenched her frame in its cool embrace, but always, in the end, strayed from any further grasp, caress.

She danced in the eaves of the heavenly fields, postured her finesse in the grooves of eloquence, elegance, twisting and turning along the parlors of halos, honeyed and candied. And when she caught the florets of another, the glimpse, the presence of an individual, strange, unknown and foreign, she swiveled her pirouette into a laced crown, brushing the strokes of her motions towards the unrecognized. She wouldn’t balk, wouldn’t waver, upon her quest for nothing, her odyssey for absolution, her crusade for glory. Radiance, reverie, prevailed; she advanced with little qualm, warm eyes scouring the horizon for the other creature, enlightening further when she caught the cerise streaks of life bolstered against the sun. As she grew ever closer, she studied the youth further, the glow of childhood, the regal, lost look upon her features, shifted into another world. For an instant, Lena didn’t want to break her away from whatever realm she had chosen, from the palace gates she’d scoured, from the long tapestries she admired. Yet, she still advanced, slow, quiet, hushed in the fine, subtle, airy shifts of her body, gestured a lingering nod towards the equine - ah, then a smile, long since withering, emanated across her lips, a burst of song melodically mingling with her throat, her voice, into the juncture of silence. ”Hello!”

RE: where they met again (open) - Aswane - 12-28-2012


we're all as free as dandelion seeds, we fall, we float, we drift

   And it occurred to me that even those cherry blossom clouds had shadows. Through their near mystique I saw the sun's light skew in the stacked vapor that was eventually blocked by an omniscient loom. The loom reminded me of life. It reminded me that all of this talk of love and hope would come - but before it would come, Loorien would need to take it's turbulence out on the answers. Those answers needed explanation, and I guessed it was the investigation of light. Even the brightest of lights would be shortly followed by a dark blockage. Life needed explanation, otherwise the world would be a big bright smear, and everyone would be blind.

    My green eye stayed fixed on the violet stain under the cherry cloud. I wondered quietly amongst myself and the gods, feeling their presence. My thoughts turned again to Aylin, the moonchild, who felt ever compelled to settle under the limestone stars. She had her heart floating in the hopes of the Moon Goddess, effortlessly dancing under her constellations in the swirling black tides. But I did not feel the presence of only one god. I felt them all. I believed in all of their voices and their divine magic, so much more than in Aylin's fairytale. I knew that one day one of them would introduce themselves to our generation. My little heart was quickly beating to the drum of that hope.

   My seeing eye adjusted to a new thing on the horizon, squinting hard against the golden, cherry wind. She was a silhouette to the sun and she danced ever forward holding beauty and unbound reverie in her posture. The thick locks of mane seemed to dance in the sky like silken nomads cheering for their own gods' arrival. She was one of the prettiest things I'd ever seen. So mysterious and magical. The sun danced off her dark coat and fell into my eye which traveled up to her glinting, twisted horn of obsidian. I paused as she smiled and looked at my feet, unsure of how to approach. I wondered to myself if she were a god. Her voice echoed through my ears and as she sang out her hello, I glanced at a mouth replaced with a brilliant smile.

   I quivered shyly, and pawed my unmarked leg. "Hi."

[ I apologize for the terrible wait. I should be back on my schedule now. ]

[Image: owbPn.jpg]