HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Paralyzer - Printable Version

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Paralyzer - Kanti - 12-03-2012

The wind calls, pulls you closer to me
Your chestnut bode reaches my fingertips
The disguise you wears changes so effortlessly
But are you prepared to face this mare's fantasy?
You tease and turn, on an endless run
But come to me, become one with me, Indian and grain

RE: Paralyzer - Sandman - 12-03-2012

Sandman: No need for games, dear, if you just ask I'll be happy to oblige you ;)

Your chestnut bode reaches my fingertips
Sandman is chestnut

The disguise you wears changes so effortlessly
Sandman often uses different personas to charm mares

But are you prepared to face this mare's fantasy?
Kanti is obsessed with him

You tease and turn, on an endless run
He loves to lead mares on and play with their emotions, and is running away from his past

But come to me, become one with me, Indian and grain
Grain is a golden color, as is Sandman

RE: Paralyzer - Valentine - 12-03-2012

No!!!! I wanted to steals him...you ruin my plans dear, that was way too easy I suppose. Fine, I'll just make a thread

RE: Paralyzer - Ophelia - 12-05-2012

Teeroo, you have to explain your clues.

RE: Paralyzer - Valentine - 12-05-2012

I know I got really busy and I forgot about it

The wind calls, pulls you closer to me

Your chestnut bode reaches my fingertips
Chestnut coat

The disguise you wears changes so effortlessly
He wears masks to lure mares

But are you prepared to face this mare's fantasy?
Kanti is indeed obsessed with him

You tease and turn, on an endless run
He plays with mares

But come to me, become one with me, Indian and grain
Flax is a grain, Kanti is an Indian city