HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Printable Version

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Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Romani - 12-04-2012

The Thistle Meadow… It had changed immensely since she had last set foot there, the white, boring snows melting to reveal the soggy undergrowth that came along with Birdsong. Grass was beginning to grow, the new, green shoots springing up from the damp earth. Nearby the river churned smoothly through the fields, the lulling sound soothing to those that were around to hear it. All in all, Birdsong held much more promise than its frozen counterpart of Frostfall. Much more life.

Standing at the top of a small peaked hill, azure eyes watched the beauty that the land had to offer now that it wasn’t marred by snow, nostrils breathing in the crisp, spring air. This was the first time the Haflinger had returned to this place since last season, as she had been otherwise occupied by life with the herd in the Foothills… There was one thought, however, that had driven her to return to the meadow. Or, more or less, a memory.

A certain handsome grullo stallion had plagued her mind since she had met him, and their unfortunate separation had left a bitter taste in the mare’s mouth that she had been unable to shake. It filled her with a harsh unfairness to the situation, despite knowing it was something she couldn’t control but hating it anyway. Whatever had happened to the grullo was beyond her power, but she had hoped since the day she had been driven away from the Endless Blue that he was alright. The psychotic, silvered mare that had attacked them was dangerous, there was no doubt about that… But surely Xanthos could have held his own if a fight had broken out?

While Romani wasn’t a romantic, not by a long shot, she had felt something with Xanthos that she had felt with no other stallion she had met before. There had been an innocent youthfulness to him, and it was contagious. The natural stress of life had melted away like the snows of Frostfall when she was with him, his golden eyes captivating and smile exhilarating. Would she ever see him again?

Such a thought was what had driven her across Helovia to the Thistle Meadow, the first they had met. Perhaps it was naïve to think just because she had come, that Xanthos would as well… But Romani couldn’t help but hope.

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Xanthos - 12-04-2012

[Image: xanthosprofilepic.png]

I will live for you
before I die

Elizabeth and Psyche had been stolen, and that was some of the best news that the grullo could have ever hoped to hear. It was unknown to him just how long they would be gone, however, and so the stallion had decided to make the best of it for as long as he could.

Despite the strict orders to remain with the herd, Xanthos found himself in the Thisle Meadow on this day. Thoughts of the golden palomino had been heavy on his mind as of late, for it was she that had gotten him in so much trouble in the first place. It wasn't that he was complaining, of course; he had loved the time they had spent together, no matter how short lived it had been. More than once he had thought of leaving the Steppe behind, or the Basin now, in hopes of finding the mare and following her home. If he recalled correctly, she lived in the Foothills, somewhere the stallion had not set foot before. Time and time again, however, Xanthos knew that it was a foolish idea... or was it? Would she be safer with him at her side, or would she be better off with him stuck within the Basin? He felt the need to let her know that he was alright, but... Then, with a sharp snort, Xanthos ridded himself of those thoughts. The answers to such a question could only be found out if he tried to leave, or if he simply stuck around and waited.

Now, he focused on where he was headed, and that was the very spot he had met Romani during Frostfall. While he had first come to Helovia in search of a home, it seemed that fate had other ideas for him. Love hadn't been a thought of his until recently, and the grullo could not stop himself from searching for the Haflinger. He longed to see her now that the snow had melted away, presenting the beauty that had lain dormant for months before. Now, the vegetation was beginning to flourish again, and the birds and other wildlife had crawled out of hiding to enjoy the warmth of Birdsong. The warm breeze had done wonders to put Xanthos into a good mood, too, and he hoped it could only get better from here. Today, it seemed luck might be on his side.

There in the distance was a golden form, and it made the grullo stop in his tracks for a moment. The flaxen mane and tail contrasted brilliantly against the compact body, and it was only a moment later that he knew just who he had found. He let loose a shrill call, for he was sure no one else was around them, not this time. Bursting into a gallop, he was quick to close the gap between them, tossing his head in joy before he came sliding to a stop near the mare, hoping that he hadn't caused her any alarm with his approach.

"Rome," he started, as if speaking her name made this all the more real. Taking in a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts, he met the Haflinger's azure eyes. It was difficult, but manageable. "I... I'm sorry, for what happened. I hope that my acts didn't cause you any harm; I should have been more careful." A smile twitched at his lips then, hoping that Romani could find it in her heart to forgive him for that day. "I'm so glad to see you, though."

WC: 587

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Romani - 12-04-2012

Azure eyes scanned the meadow, scenting the breeze from her spot atop of the hill. It was unlikely that Xanthos would be about… Things like that only happened in stories told to foals, and Romani was much too old to believe in things like that. However, just as she was about to turn to head back to the Foothills, a familiar dash of color caught her attention upon the horizon. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the approaching form, disbelief blatant in her expression. The grullo stallion who had wiggled his way into her thoughts every day was hurrying towards her, his pace set at an excited gallop and an elated expression plastered upon his own handsome face.

When he suddenly slide to a stop before her, Romani could only stare for a moment before an equally brilliant smile splayed out across her own lips, an ecstatic nicker leaving her throat. So excited as she was, the compact mare hardly noticed when she stomped a hoof as she took a step closer to the Unicorn. “Xanthos,” she responded in kind, relief clear in her voice, “There’s nothing you need to apologize to me for… I’m just glad to see you’re alright. I was worried, after we parted ways.”

In perhaps what was considered a bold move, the palomino mare stepped closer to the taller creature and stretched out her neck, pressing her muzzle to his in a rare display of affection. The closeness did wonders to confirm that yes, this was real and wasn't some sick dream. As she took in his scent, Romani relaxed, barely believing her luck that they had been reunited. His scent, while also the same as she had remembered, seemed slightly different, but the mare couldn’t figure out exactly why. Perhaps something had changed back where he lived…? The mystery of it all did nothing to quell the happiness she felt, however.

There was more she wanted to say, questions that she wanted to ask regarding just what had happened when they had parted ways last, but Romani was unable to find the right way to word them. Who was the silvered mare who had brutally assaulted them at the Endless Blue? What kind of punishment did Xanthos receive for whatever he had done wrong? Regardless of those questions that were brewing in her mind, one lame statement ended up coming out of her mouth.

“I’m really happy to see you again… You look good.”

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Xanthos - 12-05-2012

[Image: xanthosprofilepic.png]

I will live for you
before I die

Words could not express the joy that Xanthos felt to be in Romani's presence again. Even though their time spent together had been short, and they barely even knew each other, there was something about the Haflinger mare that drew the grullo in to her.

Arching his thick neck, the stallion returned her gesture with a brief push of his muzzle into hers. It was a relief to see that she held the same excitement that he did for their reunion, and letting loose a warm breath, he tried to relax and shifted before her. It was easy to see that the mare had so much she wanted to say, surely about their last experience on the shores. The wound on his neck was slowly turning into nothing but a nasty memory now, for the hot springs in the new Basin had done wonders to suck the throbbing pain right out of it. It was an ugly, jagged scar by now, a grisly reminder that he should not be here now.

And yet, here he was.

"Elizabeth is not the most sincere of my kind," he clarified with a low chuckle, "But at current, she has been captured. Unfortunately, I don't believe it will last long at all." The grullo could only imagine the silvered mare's rage at finding him here with Romani again, for she had yet to truly punish him, but this time, it wasn't a worry of his. She and Psyche were gone, and he wasn't sure anyone else would have their eyes glued on his every move.

"Thank you, though," Xanthos responded to her, "I suppose I could look much worse, considering, hm?" Speaking of their last encounter did nothing to put the stallion in a good mood, and so meeting Romani's cerulean gaze with his own, he attempted to switch the subject to something hopefully more joyous. "Now, if I recall, Romani... You hail from the Foothills? What is it like there?"

Xanthos dropped his head ever so slightly, taking pleasure in simply standing with Romani and speaking with her. Perhaps one day, when the time was right, he could leave the unicorns and the Plague behind. But not yet.

WC: 365

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Romani - 12-08-2012

Romani snorted. She easily remembered the name of the feral mare who had separated both Xanthos and herself from their playful romp at the beach, and hearing that she had been captured filled the palomino with a mixture of emotions, all of them far from sympathetic. There was no care in her heart for the ebony creature that had obviously been so cruel to Xanthos, and a dark part of her wished that Elizabeth was as uncomfortable as she could be wherever she was now. It was perhaps unkind of her, but… With another snort, Romani shook her head to toss her mane aside. There was no point in wasting any more thoughts on Elizabeth; the dark Unicorn wasn’t worth it.

Eyeing the stallion before her, azure eyes roamed over his features, and easily she spotted the puckered skin, a result of a past injury. It wasn’t old, she noted, but Romani was certain that it hadn’t been there before, when they had first met. Opening her mouth to comment upon his healing wound, she refrained at the last second, not wanting to bring up any painful memories.

“You look as handsome as ever, Xanthos.” Romani said in response to his question, offering the grullo a caring smile. She didn’t know if the stallion was self conscious of the new mark he sported, but she wanted to him to know, in a subtle way, that she didn’t mind it at all. Perhaps it was bold of her, but the palomino didn’t care. Right now, there was no one around who could stop her from saying what she wanted… Nor would she even if there was. Still standing close to his larger body, she shifted her weight, enjoying the moment. This was a better turnout than she could have imagined.

At his inquiry, the femme tilted her head, forelock falling back into place. Resisting the urge to toss it from her face, she hummed softly under her breath before answering.

“Yes… It’s, well… It’s warm. Even in Frostfall the snow wasn’t as bad as in the lower lands of Helovia. It’s also beautiful, with green grass and the waterfall... I couldn’t ask for a more peaceful place to call home.” Pausing, Romani’s expression drooped for a moment before a brilliant smile lit up her face, ears perked forward and head lifted so that she could easily meet Xanthos’ golden gaze. “Perhaps one day I’ll show you.”

Growing silent, the red mare lowered her head, nostrils breathing in the smell of the soft grass beneath their hooves. There was so much she still wanted to know from Xanthos, more about him, but she didn’t know if such questions would be allowed. Still, he was such a gentle soul… Perhaps he would indulge her?

“Xanthos, could I ask you something?” Romani paused, azure eyes flicking up to read the stallion’s expression before continuing on, “Of course, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, I’m merely just curious, but… Where do you come from? In Helovia, I mean. Elizabeth,” And here her tone changed to one of disgust, practically spitting the silvered mare’s name as if it was poison on her tongue, “She claimed that I was ‘lesser’, that you couldn’t spend time with me because I wasn’t graced with a horn… Why do you associate with such foul creatures?”

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Xanthos - 12-08-2012

The wound that was etched into the grullo's hide had done nothing to put a damper on his spirit. It was ugly, yes, but it told a story. It would wither and fade with time, he knew, but it would be with him even when he was an old stallion. There was no use in fretting over it.

Romani's comment was something unexpected, but pleasant to hear. He wanted to toss his head back and show off to the mare, jokingly of course, but he would save that until they had grown to know each other better. Xanthos might be a gentleman, but around those he truly loved, he knew how to cut loose every once in a while, as shown during their first encounter. "Thank you," he said with an unstoppable smile tugging at his lips, "And you, Romani, just as beautiful as before." A brave compliment, perhaps, but one he found himself unable to hold back. They may have only met for a short time before, but with Romani, he felt something invisible drawing them close together.

When the palomino divulged of her home in the Foothills, a part of the stallion felt a pang of jealousy. Even though the Basin was not quite as cold as the Steppe, thanks to the natural protection of the mountains surrounding it, it would never feel the warm breeze of Birdsong, or the heat of the sun's rays during Tallsun. While he did love the unnatural beauty of the Auroran realm, it simply was not the same as the open fields and rolling hills that he had spent years exploring. "It sounds lovely, Romani. I'm afraid today would not be a good time... But I would love to behold it one day, if I am welcome."

Suddenly, the mare looked lost in her thoughts, and his own expression turned to one of concern. But before he could question it, she spoke up, and his concern morphed into one of thoughtfullness. She had every right to question him on such a subject, and drawing in a deep breath, he prepared himself to explain. "Currently, I reside in the Aurora Basin. A newer land than the others, yes, but it is an enigma of itself. It is beautiful, if I may say so myself, but... That beauty is lost when such ugly souls are littered and strewn about it." For a moment, his words had turned bitter, but he was quick to correct himself. He did not like to show his anger, even if it wasn't directed towards the smaller equine.

Once readjusted, Xanthos exhaled softly, black-tipped ears turning back ever so slightly as he went on. "I would say it wasn't my choice, but I'm afraid it was. She offered faux hope to me, and I was a fool not to take a step back and weigh my options like I should have. If I could leave, then I certainly would... I am just unsure if it's the safest option at the moment." His words were undoubtedly spoken in truth, for the grullo feared that if he truly did up and leave the Basin behind, it would not be the last time he laid his eyes on the dark forces of the Plague.

I can see you're losing it

RE: Somewhere With You [Xanthos] - Romani - 12-13-2012

Xanthos was a gentleman, through and through. Through her journeys, Romani had met many stallions, all of which ranged in personalities from bulking brutes to creatures as sweet as fresh spring nettles. None, however, left an impression upon her quite like the grullo before her did. His words were humbling and his voice soothing, and the palomino was finding that the more she spoke to him, the more she simply wanted to hear the sound of his voice. It was a balm, comforting to the natural stresses of life.

With great focus she listened as he spoke of this new land, the Aurora Basin, and of the creatures that surely lived there and called the land home. It still came to a surprise to her that Xanthos lived with such bitter creatures, when it was obvious that he didn’t share the same views as them… But Romani understood that if he lived with ruthless animals like Elizabeth, leaving wasn’t exactly an option. There were probably more like Elizabeth that lived there, and maybe even those that were worse than the silvered mare. Just the very notion of that being true was daunting.

Romani made an indignant sound in her throat when Xanthos finished speaking, ears swiveling back slightly. It was clear she was unhappy with the situation. “It sounds like they all need a good throttling, if you ask me.” She said unhappily. It wasn’t fair that Xanthos was held in such a predicament, almost as a prisoner within his own kind. “If I can ever do anything to help, please, don’t hesitate to ask, alright? I’d hate to see someone like you waste away with such pitiful individuals… You’re worth more than the lot of them.”

Such things were surely unpleasant for the grullo, and Romani figured that it would be best to change the subject. Besides, dwelling on the unfortunate would only dampen the time that they had together, however long it may be… Time was something that the palomino didn’t want to waste, not when they could be interrupted as rudely as they were last time. Her time with Xanthos was a precious treasure, and she would make the most of it.

Taking a step forward, the mare lifted her head and tilted it slightly, regarding the stallion with a good natured look. “Let’s go down to the river,” she suggested with a smile, flicking her tail towards the unicorn so that the white strands would brush against the stallion’s back legs, “You can tell me more about yourself… Like where you came from before coming to Helovia?”