HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Nebulous | Prometheus - Printable Version

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Nebulous | Prometheus - Ghost - 12-12-2012

Will your smile always be beautiful?

Even if you hide your true self.

Bird Song may have arrived but the snows of the North remained, the odd patch of hardy grass proving the only decent meal for the little Ghost. A filly of stark contrast to the ice world around her with pelt as black as pitch, vacant pools and a razor horn that had grown like her body, slim and solid. It was her wings that broke the endless cycle of darkness, her feathers sporting white and red, a parting gift of her late father who she never knew. The little filly's mother had always said she looked like the image of her sire, with the only inheriting gift from the malicious dam was cold eyes and a sharp horn. Typical of her mother, who had now disappeared from the land of Helovia. She knew nought of other relations, even though she had many, none had ever spoken to her and so the Ghost never knew.

Thick snow lessened as she walked onto a spare patch of grass, leaning down to take a clump and chewing it with speed. Thick fur lined her growing body, she was used to this landscape now and it's echoing halls, not a soul came to find her. Not a soul would know who she was, expect maybe the ice King or the bay unicorn warrior of the Foothills. It was a sad life, to be born to such a vibrant busy land and know so few. It made her withdrawn, uncaring, her mother had raised her well in her own eyes. She could now spear things with her black sword and sharpen it on stunted trees, the wings were cumbersome however. Little Ghost didn't know how to fly, for who would teach an outcasted filly like her. No one cared about little Ghost who was shunned for her winged appendages and she watched, with emotionless pools, as a red feather fell to the white snowy floor.

[Image: ghosttable.png]
image © imi

RE: Nebulous | Prometheus - Prometheus - 12-20-2012

Prometheus & Pyr
our own little corner of the world

Oh inverted life of ours! In the distance, through the cold, is a picture of lone, small dark filly, with wings of pitch white and red. Together we stand, lighter than the ice beneath us, I with dove wings smattered in red and lined in midnight. The wings of the fallen Irc, the foolish, beautiful beast that fell to his end and left himself behind for us to scavenge. Ourselves and the stranger, who stands a shadow amongst the steppe- complete opposites, yet still we encounter our tortured selves. What a chance meeting, what a curious happening, is taking place in the cold of the Steppe today.

But we are no scavengers now, no. You are the hunter's pride and joy, bold and wild, powerful and sturdy. I am in the form of a stallion majestic, with wide white wings that blend perfectly to the flesh of the prince. I walk with wings spread and feathers ruffling in the cold air of this place, this place which lives eternally in frostfall. My horn is long, precious; it cuts the ice upon which I walk, drags behind and leaves a line for you to follow. And follow you do; blindly, plagued with love and yet totally unattached by any former bond. What we have lost between us is made up for in other ways; in the sharing of blood as it smatters across our hides after the hunt, in the sound of tearing flesh and the faint whisper of death in the air.

The land here is curious and the air tastes of a foul future lying naked before us. I let my tongue trace the outline of my teeth- my fresh, living teeth. I feel powerful and handsome, wonder if my life might be more cavalier if I did not carry my mind within this sculpted skull. I consider myself a creature of the gods, worthy of their company yet never deigning to keep it. Yet still I consort with mortals, wretched and foul as they are. Still I keep your company and still I walk closer to the filly in the distance.

Walk closer until there is barely anything between us.

[[Sorry for the wait, was working through exams]]


RE: Nebulous | Prometheus - Ghost - 01-04-2013

Will your smile always be beautiful?

Even if you hide your true self.

She watched the strange child with a blankness and incomprehension. An urge to shudder came over her yet she knew not why, the cold steppe's dreary sigh of damp clung to her pitch mane. Bedraggled and sodden, she moved not an inch nor did she flinch as Prometheus walked straight up to her. Head managed a shift in his direction, lonely eyes met his for the first time and Ghost almost found an understanding there. This child was different too. Not accepted but yet, he seemed more content within himself. Another urge. This one to flee, for a tiger was in his presence. Yet Ghost resisted all emotion and remained still. She drew her head up fully now and regarded the colt, he seemed marvellous in his form. Strong and powerful. Impressive to a young femme. It made the little Ghost wonder, what brought him here? Had he too been outcast? Did he really care?

"Poor boy" was all she offered the varnished steed, her voice so quiet and like a whisper that echoed. Her breath clearly visible on the cold air. Ghost unruffled her wings and flicked the snow from them that had collected there during storms, it revealed a skinny bodice that made her seem like simply skin and bone. There were caves around she could shelter in, and forage that now grew around her. Yet, Ghost often lost herself in her own dream world that she forgot about where she was and the growls of her belly.

She examined the red haired boy once again. He had wings like her own, and white feathers that she too possessed. Her father, a foolish bird whose feathers she wore, was the reason she was no longer accepted. Pity was all she could feel for the stallion in front of her, who seemed to be of the same species as herself. If only there was a way to rid herself of her cumbersome appendages, then maybe she could return home.

[sorry for holding you up Alex!!]

[Image: ghosttable.png]
image © imi