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Bid my blood to run [Open] - Printable Version

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Bid my blood to run [Open] - Lupus - 12-12-2012


~ Pure Wolf ~

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The journey had been a dull one. Though endless ice and frost covered mountains he had come into contact with no animal-well except the odd unfortunate bird then had fallen victim to his hunger. Gladly for him it hadn't take him ages. He was created for walking and living on that sort of terrain. It was easy. His coat had grown thicker over the days though,despite it being birdsong. A thick layer was what he needed though the ice and snow.

Passing though the Basin Lupus had kept well hidden out of sight just to take a little look around the place. On his way deeper into the new world which he found himself in he noticed there was nothing but unicorns. All had different types of horns,all were equal in beauty. Finding a small area where there were not many Unicorns he sat and waited on frost covered ground. Frost. He loved the feeling of it under foot,it was not deep but light snow really,the same crunch and touch of coldness was in both. It was the type of place he was meant to live in,if he would be accepted. He then realised that this was not truly home. His eager eyes darted from side to side as he let out a thunderous howl,putting his whole voice into it. It echoed, bouncing of invisible forces till it eventually died down. Standing up he waited still,for a Unicorn to appear. Maybe to meet the leader and be accepted?

"blah blah blah."

RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Psyche - 12-12-2012

She doesn't know why, but she feels like something is watching her.

It is a strange feeling for the Dark Empress, for she is not a paranoid creature by nature. No, she prefers to feel as though she alone is in control, as though none can sneak up on her, surprise her. She is restless, with this strange feeling, and wanders from place to place within her lands, suspicion coloring her amber eyes with a rather shrewd, challenging mood. The hot springs, though pleasant, do not shake the feeling; the caves, though solitary, do not soothe her unease. And so she set off to patrol her lands, to wander their borders. Perhaps it was a futile effort, considering that the borders are cliffs, set with small caverns. The only way in or out is the pass, and so it is in that direction that she strikes out, pistons blurring into a smooth canter.

The pass is clear, the swirl of snow dusting the rocks unbroken. Warmth has pervaded the valley, but here, the Frostbreath Steppe's wintery breath reaches, its fingers evident in the chill of the breeze. It is not the frigid gusts of Frostfall, but it is cool nonetheless, and the shadow-mare moves on. At first, she thinks that the howl is the wind through the pass; but then it strengthens, sharpens, and she hones in on the noise coming from within their borders. Lobes pinpoint the source, and she is off to greet the intruder, a scowl on her features. It wouldn't be unheard of for a pack of wolves to venture into a herd, of course, but a lone wolf was an oddity in and of itself.

Her wariness is apparent in her approach: auds tilted back, nape arched, horn prominently displayed and kept pointed in his direction. There was a deadly look in her eye, more than the general malicious tint that they generally carried. It was a clear warning: come after her, or her kin, and you will die. But her vocals held none of the aggression, instead harboring a sickly sweet harmony, poisonous in its ability to lure in its prey. "Well, hello, stranger," she said cooly. "I am Lady Psyche, the leader of Aurora Basin. Might I inquire as to your title and your purpose here?"


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RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Lupus - 12-13-2012


~ Pure Wolf ~

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Amber eyes, piercing Amber eyes. A red twisted horn,four white socks,white facial markings,teeth and feathers wrapped in her black mane. Lupus took in the scent of the Unicorn mare so that if they came into contact another time. The horn was pointed directly at him but it did not make him flinch. Instead he replayed to her cold star with one of his own. He focused his black eyes on her own amber eyes showing no emotion or feeling.

Well, hello, stranger. I am Lady Psyche, the leader of Aurora Basin. Might I inquire as to your title and your purpose here? Just the horse he was looking for. The leader. The only one who had to truly accept him here. He flicked his ears in the direction of The lady Psyche. "I am Lupus." He spoke his name with pride,raising his head higher. "Greetings Psyche. I have come her in search of a home perhaps,if you will accept a wolf in your herd." He felt slightly awkward at asking to join a herd and not a pack although he had lived with horses all his life. His ears were out turned as he waited for the answer he wanted though he wouldn't be surprised if Psyche asked more questions. He wrapped his tail round himself,his eyes softening.

"blah blah blah."

RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Psyche - 12-14-2012

What an odd creature.

In what world did wolves join the ranks of unicorn herds? Didn't he have his own kind somewhere that he could join? Amber orbs regarded him cooly, though her posture relaxed slightly. It was still the haughty stance of a queen, as was fitting for her status, but it was no longer a stance of prepared aggression. She noted his pride in his name, in his very being, it seemed, and listened to his words, watched as his plumed tail fell neatly around his paws. Well, he seemed polite enough, and he wasn't trying to rip her throat out. Yet, a voice added from the back of her mind. She viewed the predator with suspicion, as it was his instinct to hunt her kin - wasn't it?

Her mind turned to Bazilisk. He, too, was a predator, but she hadn't for a moment feared that he might turn on her - why? She felt a certain kinship with the snake, but not with the wolf. And how would the herd react if she allowed this creature to stay? There were some who questioned the addition of the serpent. But she had spoken, and so he had stayed. So it would be with Lupus, if she chose to allow him in. But first, questions. "Why should a wolf seek acceptance into a herd?" It was absurd, really.


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RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Lupus - 12-15-2012


~ Pure Wolf ~

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Why should a wolf seek acceptance into a herd? She spoke the word herd in a slightly different tone,as if she thought it strange a wolf asking to join a herd. Well why wouldn't she? It wasn't everyday a wolf asked to join a herd. "My mother died during birth,so I was never placed in a pack and I probably would have died unless I was found by this foal who persuaded his herd that I would be good. Not that I wasn't,but can you imagen a wolf in a goody goody herd? A herd always shying from danger. Something I think this herd does not." He showed no feeling when he as talking but only looked up at Psyche. "And now joining a pack would be nearly impossible."

Studying the Unicorns he noticed a look of uncertainty in her,as if she was thinking of something else that was related to what was going on now. Perhaps she did not trust him? Cocking his head to one side he thought about it. He was a wolf for a start and supposed that he was hard to trust. He wouldn't try and make her trust him if she brought it up,instead he would give her the choice. He wasn't one to lie and force others.

Not ones he liked anyway.

"blah blah blah."

RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Psyche - 12-17-2012

"My mother died during birth," the wolf told her, and she listened in silence as he relayed the brief synopsis of his life. To be honest, it might have bored her, save for the complement of she and her kin. He had a point, of course - the Basin was the least likely to shy away, especially now, after their humiliating defeat under the leadership of the FrostHeart, who had, of course, disappeared. How convenient for him, to leave his homeless herd and go galavanting off into.... where? And here it was again, the bane of her existence, the question that kept her up at night, prowling the shadows, probably much like her wolf friend here. And so her thoughts made a complete circle.

That joining a pack would be impossible doomed the canine to life as an exile amongst his own kind, in which case he would either be very lonely or die, or sentenced him to life amongst his prey. She wondered how that felt ever so briefly, and then put it out of her mind. Again she considered him. He told the truth, she could tell that from his smell - he held only the slightest stench of wolf, and it was his own. It was not a trick. He was truly alone. She debated only for a moment further, and then offered her welcome. "You may stay, but your loyalties are to me and my kin. You are, of course, your own being, and may do as you please, so long as none of us are harmed. And should we require your assistance, you would be expected to give it. Do you understand?"

[OOC | What rank would he like? :3]


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RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Lupus - 12-18-2012


~ Pure Wolf ~

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You may stay. That was enough to tell Lupus that he could now call the Basin 'home'. A sly smile crept onto his muzzle and he absorbed all that Psyche was telling him,nodding to it all. so long as none of us are harmed. Well he knew where that was aimed at. His cannibal apatite-but he didn't take it to heart. Usually horses were potential prey,not that they weren't still but he could resist. Most the time anyway,she had only said about not harming this herd,not the others. Surely a few couldn't hurt? Maybe a further question.

"Thank you Psyche. I swear on my own freedom and life,that I shell not harm any of your herd. And I shell give assistance when needed,more then willingly." He would do just about anything now he had been accepted by Psyche But he still had one more question to ask that he remembered just as he started to turn away. He turned back,looking back up at her. "By the way,what are your rules against other herds? And the other races? If I decided I wanted...a slightly bigger meal the a bird." His big,wolf eyes,looking up at her.

"blah blah blah."

RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Psyche - 12-19-2012

His words piqued her interest, and she regarded him now with a slightly warmer gaze, allowing herself to relax more. Though she still held herself with a great deal of pride (bordering on arrogance), she rested a hind leg easily as she considered the wolf. She offered a predatory smile. "My dear friend, if you should wish to hunt outside our borders, be my guest," she told him with a touch of amusement. "My brethren an I share no love of outsiders, particularly when they are not of our blood." She wondered briefly if he would ally himself with the Plague, but shook the thought away; her followers would skin her alive if she admitted a non-unicorn into their ranks, regardless of his allegiances. But he would prove useful, she was sure, if only to her.

[OOC | Blah post is blah... I'd consider this done, hmm?]


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RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Lupus - 12-20-2012

[Yea same-forgot to put which rank sorry:P could he be at soldier rank please?:) ]

RE: Bid my blood to run [Open] - Psyche - 12-20-2012

[OOC | Yesh :3]