HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
You are Glittering - Printable Version

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You are Glittering - Rapha - 12-14-2012

The light is on you
And your brethren too
Your wings you will lose
Your heart is too true
You know it's all soon
Dedicated to the cause
It will stop soon

RE: You are Glittering - Midas - 12-16-2012

Midas protects himself and Kri.

The light is on you
Kri - has a lightly colored mane
Midas - has a kind heart, and golden markings

And your brethren too
Kri - not sure
Midas - his son has a kind heart as well, and is lightly colored

Your wings you will lose
Kri - Kri is a Pegasus
Midas - Midas is a Pegasus

Your heart is too true
Kri - she is devoted to her herd, position and friends.
Midas - isn't racist, doesn't like causing trouble, and generally a good guy

You know it's all soon - Fluff

Dedicated to the cause
Kri - is dedicated to to the herd, and her family. She is also dedicated to building a wall around the Throat
Midas - is dedicated to Cera, and protecting his family. As well as defending his position within the herd.

RE: You are Glittering - Avira - 12-16-2012

Avira protects herself.

{perhaps a stretch, but better safe than sorry}
The light is on you
- right now she is questing for healing magic, perhaps this is a reference as to her 'show' right now?
And your brethren too
- not sure
Your wings you will lose
- she is a pegasus, perhaps the Basin is upset that she healed Farai and is threatening to take her wings
Your heart is too true
- she is a pure soul, happy and loving, but deep inside she is broken
You know it's all soon
Dedicated to the cause
- dedicated to healing?
It will stop soon
- if she is taken prisoner, perhaps they will beat her and 'stop' her.

RE: You are Glittering - Tor - 12-16-2012

Spot on Angel :D

Midas was sought.