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Long Hard Road | Svetlana - Printable Version

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Long Hard Road | Svetlana - Evers - 12-17-2012

Evers the Able

So heavy were the antlers that now adorned his neck, from a distance he looked like a moving tree. Slowly making his way up the path to the heavens, coat a new vibrant red in oppose to the normal blue roan. Lastly, a belly that jiggled from side to side, yet the boy never really ate all that much. If he ate at all. One of his most identifiable traits was his sheer skinniness. Which appeared to have remained in his dyed white hair. It was warm at least, in the blue sky and sun that kissed his pelt and kept him comfortable in it's pleasant gaze. Rays stretching light years to show him the way in the backdrop of vibrant azure. A beautiful day indeed.

With a last wheeze and tired hoof, Evers reached the top and stood a moment to catch his breath. Taking in the glorious sight of the fields in all it's glory as the sweet grasses touched his feet. He wanted to frolic and run like a new born colt, but his withered body told him otherwise. Instead, he gently walked further into the fields and laid his head down to take his share. Delighting in the juices that now filled his mouth and satisfied his aching barrel. Slender tail flicking from side to side in happiness. The only thing missing was his brothers, his mother and maybe even Svetlana. The latter he hadn't seen in a very long time and he wondered if she was doing okay, if Archibald had found her? Was she waiting for him at home now? These were just the scarce few questions that not plagued his mind, of hope with Tajeri and despair at the absence of a lead. Even in the shelter of the beautiful fields Evers could not find complete solace. Too much was happening, and far more was to come. Mandrake would not wait long until she took the throne, her opinions of mares was absolute. Her reign would be mighty and he and the others would stand proudly by her side as she took the Foothills to another level.

Lumping himself over to a small steam he took a small drought before turning back to walk across the field. It was time to go back home, but he could not quite yet, his quest needed finishing. A friend in bond he sought, and he would not return without out it. Sighing, Evers picked up his metal bucket given to him by Bazilisk and started to walk out of the fields.

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RE: Long Hard Road | Svetlana - Svetlana - 12-17-2012

"You abandoned me." There is a rustle as I fold restored wings, watch him with melancholy eyes. Him, my dear friend and co-ruler of the Foothills. Him who did not come for me when I needed him most. When the insufferable, stuffed-up unicorns attacked me and taunted me, teased me and bit me. I had needed him in my darkest hours, and he had not come. I was not an idiot- I knew that my heart was fearful now, not the same as I once was. Maybe somewhere deep inside me there was the Stormchaser who had been chased by the storms of the unicorns, but for now, I was only a wounded filly.

The sky was too beautiful in comparison to my gray mood, but I closed my eyes and that bright blue went away to be replaced by rain pattering on the snow. "I needed you Evers! I needed you and you didn't come! No one!" My voice cracks as I step closer. I care not that he is a jolly red and antlered. He is still the same inside, and maybe not what I thought he was. "Do you know what they did to me? Do you! And you didn't come. Why Evers? You insufferable, pot-bellied, lily-livered, scared-kitten, yellow-bellied, wobble-legged unicorn!" I don't know when my fear and sadness transformed to anger as I bristled at him like some hell-sent demon. Unfortunately, I still had a halo on my head and my wings were a soft plush white, which I think ruined the effect.

My eyes are wet suddenly. I don't know why or how.

"You left me!"