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Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Printable Version

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Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Midas - 12-18-2012

m i d a s
A red tailed hawk flew overhead, its majestic body flying to and fro. Beady eyes possibly searching for another meal or a safe place to land and prune feathers—it was totally unaware that another pair of orbs was watching this predator bird, a hungry pair. Fina took to the sky, small talons extending, and flames flying from crimson hued wings. An ear shattering screech was heard before the sickening ‘thud,’ of bodies colliding. The hawk was much bigger than her, but she had fire and speed to match the misbalance. Shocked by the pain that came from being burned, the red bird tumbled down gasping in pain. Its suffering lasted only a moment before striking ground with shattering force.

Midas watched from the covering of trees, eyes unreadable and tone sober. He didn’t like to watch Fina hunt, it made stomach churn and feel nauseated, “You could try for smaller prey,” he commented dryly as she landed beside the quivering creature. Aqua orbs turned to regard him with triumph at having killed something at all; a small smile formed across his lips to show favor in her courage and inborn skill. He lay curled beneath the shadow of an old swamp tree, its mass covered in grey green moss. The rotten scent of decaying foliage overwhelmed those that traveled here for the first time. Eventually the foul essence drifted onto a back burner—he had come to this desolate place for a reason.

One that had yet to show itself.

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Apollo - 12-20-2012


How can you say that your truth is better than ours?

Since he was new to Helovia, Apollo didn’t have much time to look around and explore the land that he was now supposed to call home. Phaedra had taken him directly from the Threshold to the Deep Forest, where he met Ktulu, but other than that the stallion was on his own when it came to exploring the unknown. That was why he found himself here, in the Spectral Marsh, where the Unicorn really didn’t want to be. It was terrifying, with sounds creeping around every corner and the smells of rotting trees and undergrowth making him snort over and over, simply trying to rid himself of such a smell.

Despite the instinct to tell himself to turn around, to go back to the Deep Forest or somewhere more suitable, the Overo kept going, placing one hoof in front of the other as he delicately moved forward through the marsh. It definitely wasn’t his favorite place so far… Even less so than the dark, crowded forest.

Suddenly, from up ahead, a loud screech pierced the air and Apollo’s head snapped to attention, nostrils flaring and honey-brown eyes wide. His tail flicked to and fro, posture stiff, and he waited for whatever beast that made the noise to try and attack him. When nothing came, however, the stallion slowly relaxed, lowering his head once more. It was all so new to him… He wished that he had a guide.

Coming through a rather complicated tangle of limbs from a dead tree and cursing the damn thing for falling over in the first place, Apollo stopped cold when he spotted another. Well, two others, it seemed, as there was a strange red and gold bird feasting upon another of the avian variety. A black and white Paint Pegasus lay beneath the confines of a large tree, and the Overo immediately felt a twinge of self-loathing for not being blessed with wings. Maybe if he had them, Phaedra would like him more… Regardless, Apollo lifted his head and offered a friendly, albeit slightly fearful smile. “Hello… I hope I’m not intruding. My name’s Apollo, and I’m new here to Helovia… Why I wandered into this place, I don’t know, though.”

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Midas - 12-21-2012

m i d a s
A painted body stood nearby, watching them; the general could feel the presence long before he saw it. Midas turned gaze to meet what lay in the distance between sickly green moss and vine, finally it spoke, “Hello… I hope I’m not intruding. My name’s Apollo, and I’m new here to Helovia… Why I wandered into this place, I don’t know, though.” Fina glanced up from her meal, took a moment to rape the Overo with her eyes before returning to pulling flesh from said prey; she wasn’t one for company. Sun kissed warrior on the other hand, welcomed Apollo with warming smile, “Good day, Apollo,” uncurled legs pushed him upward toward full height.

“You are certainly not interrupting anything,” gaze drifted over icy colored horn, this lad bore a similar design to that of Mauja. Could they be related? Bottomless pits found darkened honey, “I am Midas, and this creature is named, Fina. I do hope your time in Helovia is enjoyable.” Skull dipped respectfully when simple title fled past lips, “I came to settle recent rumors, but have found nothing but decay and rot in wake of exploration.” No ghosts, no undead. Zip. Perhaps the information brought by Tor had been of something else, everything in the swamp seemed quite normal—well, as normal as it could be for a graveyard of marshland. Stories seemed to find dim places like this more readily brightly lit fields.

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Apollo - 12-21-2012


How can you say that your truth is better than ours?

Orbs full of honey watched as the Pegasus slowly pushed himself up to his feet, immediately noticing their height difference once the other was standing at his apex. While Apollo was physically taller, he still felt small compared to the massive wings that the other paint carried, and the way he carried himself with pride. Moving with such self-confidence and grace was something that the black and white Unicorn had yet to learn, but one day he hoped to have such assurance in himself.

’I am Midas, and this creature is named, Fina.’ Apollo regarded the newly introduced pair, clearly intrigued with Fina. What was she? She didn’t look like any bird the Overo had ever seen before… In return, Fina didn’t seem very interested in him, and perhaps that was for the best. Still, he couldn’t help but watch as the fire-colored bird tore into her prey, and a feeling of revulsion filled the Paint. He shuddered, and then directed his attention solely to Midas.

“Oh, I’m enjoying it, I suppose… I haven’t been very far other than the Forest. It’s where I’ve been staying since arriving. Those that I’ve met seem nice enough, but I’ve yet to feel welcomed.” Of course, with the painted Pegasus with deep, dark eyes, he was starting to feel welcome. Midas actually looked at him, and talked to him, unlike Phaedra’s flirting words or Alcina’s harsh insults. It was a nice change of pace… Perhaps he and Midas could become friends someday? The stallion grew quiet, his ears quirking slight at Midas’ words. Exploration of what, now? “What kind of rumors are you looking into? Especially in a place like this?” Apollo inquired eagerly, taking a few steps closer to the Pegasus.

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Midas - 12-22-2012

m i d a s

“Oh, I’m enjoying it, I suppose… I haven’t been very far other than the Forest. It’s where I’ve been staying since arriving. Those that I’ve met seem nice enough, but I’ve yet to feel welcomed.”

Apollo mentioned living within the forest and immediately Midas had thoughts unwillingly turn to a certain lady friend holding special position within those woods. Did this painted lad know anything of the Grey? Questions only to be answered if he gave them voice, but pressing wasn’t in his nature; nor was this the location to be retelling of life stories and pondering upon the temptress of his heart.

I’ve yet to feel welcomed…..

Midas half smiled and nodded kindly, “Helovia is on edge of late….but that should not be excuse for inadequate greeting of fellow brother,” glancing toward murky waters and muggy greenery, “My homeland rests not far from here, let me be the first to offer invitation and a warriors welcome.” Lately the surrounding territories seemed to be less than hospitable of late, their time of peace and plenty was trailing along the wind like a distant memory. Despite this—it was refreshing to see a polite face that could hold conversation.

“What kind of rumors are you looking into? Especially in a place like this?”

A soft snort burst from chest, humor fashioning forward, “I was informed by an influential lady that those who have already passed from this world…where rising once again. “ Walking closer to the green hued liquid Midas gazed down into the murky depths, visibility was poor at best so he could only see a few inch’s before it became too dark, “As you can see….this is probably a fool’s errand.” Case solved. Tor must have meant something else, or somewhere else.

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Apollo - 01-10-2013

"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for;

Midas kindly went on to explain the going-ons that seemed to happen in Helovia, explaining just why things had seemed so strange, so distant, so… Hectic. Was that the right word, Apollo wondered? Regardless, he listened intently as the painted Pegasus spoke, his tone always kind, always gentle. That alone made the overo’s smile grow. When he spoke to answer Midas, honey-brown eyes risked a furtive glance to the side.

“Thank you for the welcome, Midas… I needed it.” He chuckled softly, head bobbing at the motion and eyes brightening at the display of open kindness. Midas seemed like a genuine, kind soul, offering Apollo a place of welcome despite barely even knowing him. Individuals like this, well… They were precious, but far and few between. If the world were filled with creatures like Midas, Apollo was sure that it would be a better place. “But I must decline your invitation, Midas. My loyalties rest, well… They rest somewhere else, I’m afraid, but one day I should love to see where you call home.” It was as close to a thank you for the welcome, and an apology of declining the offer, as Apollo could think to get.

Meeting others had never been his forte. Due to his rough up-bringing, the young stallion knew little of social status and how to engage others in active, thriving conversations… However, what Midas said next caused the black and white Unicorn to start, his head lifting and horn extending high into the air.

“Do you mean… that the dead rise here?” His eyes had widened, nostrils flaring as he gave a snort of alarm. Surely not! The dead remained dead, didn’t they? That’s what he had always believed, despite his old herd-mate’s telling him otherwise as a youngster. Looking around, Apollo’s eyes took in the dreary sights of the marsh, expecting skeletal or ghostly beasts to jump out at them in a moment’s notice. Unwillingly, he shuddered, trying to rid the thoughts from his childish imagination.

And to think! He was a part of the Grey, the group of prestigious Mercenaries who were known for their work… At least, to those that knew of them. He needed to toughen up. Heaving in a breath to try and the heart racing in his breath, the stallion thought for a moment before nodding his head. Despite the fear that he felt with the possibility of running across an un-dead beast, the curiosity nagged at him. “I’m not seeing anything, um… Dead. Or alive, either, come to think of it. Besides you, Fina, and myself, anyway.” Apollo paused, head tilting slightly in genuine interest. “But… If, perchance, the rumors are true, shouldn’t we look deeper into the marsh? What if someone gets hurt, because we don’t find the truth of it all?”

[OOC: Angel… I offer you a thousand apologies for leaving this thread alone for so long… XD I love Midas, he’s so sweet, and I hope we can continue this. :3]

I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill."

RE: Exploring the truth (Apollo) - Midas - 01-16-2013

m i d a s
Our talk was all smiles and pleasantries, at least for the first brief moments of complete introduction. I had even felt the first tugs of admiration and respect when Apollo declined my offer with gentle taste. He was amusing, mostly because of respectful attitude that one could only wish every high-strung unicorn wore. It was a rare trait among Helovia’s wild children, usually their rough sunrise to sunset lives fashioned selfishness and unstable greed. In a way though, I envied his freedom--untethered by position and responsibility of clanlife. Instead I was at the beck and call of a Sultana’s whim, but what right did I have to complain? Others were surely less fortunate and wasn’t herdlife the existence I had chosen?

Above everything else, were not my vows so important that even if Kri judged all homeless lads and ladies scum of the earth and called for a mass rising. Wouldn’t I join brothers and sisters in arms and give those same orders to my soldier underlings? Would this gentle spoken man, pleasant and friendly, become my enemy? It was easy to call a brother traitorous or even see hate when they spat words of discontent, and threw weapon around to jab at what passed.

Apollo wasn’t like that, and neither was Ktulu.

It wasn’t until my mouth opened to give entire purpose that second thoughts about my judgment began to take shape. Rumor had led me here, and now it was rumor that I shared and offered willingly enough to pursue. The only creature fanning the flames of gossip was me. I stared into the murky water stricken with wondering, did he think me for a complete idiot for chasing stories of ghosts and ghouls?

“Do you mean… that the dead rise here?”

His shuttering words and snorting gave me cause to look up and catch friend gazing around with surprisingly huge eyes, almost as if he expected the swamp to come to life by merely talking about death. My lips twitched, not out of jest for his fear, but mostly in comfort of the fact that my own reaction had been of similar proportion. Tor must be proud to know she had given reason for a warrior to shiver and shake. Had I only taken a moment to think, what did all of Helovia have in common with tales of the undead and unnatural? Magic. Magic was the likely culprit in just about every instance involving stories. I wasn’t sure why this knowledge felt comforting; power could be dangerous and unpredictable, but it could also be explained.

Somehow the idea of explanation made me calm and reasonable sounding, “Those rumors were most likely the jest of a stranger who happened upon this place during the darkness of night and fell prey to childish pranks given realistic life by a mortal.”

Any location could play tricks with the mind if said hour was late and heart weak by either physical or emotional stress. This marsh was covered in sticky brown green, from treetop to moss covered floor. It allowed very little daylight to filter through the denseness, even less so on a moonless night. Shadows and smells were strong enough to tickle the sternest of resolve during afternoon hours; lord only knew what they would do when darkness fell. I hadn’t heard of any conjurors of late. Though I had met an immortal child a few seasons back, what’s to say that this entire place wasn’t full of tricks and traps?

I glanced down again, taking comfort that the Overo hadn’t witnessed anything either.“But…” Gaze trailed up curiously, but, “what?” I wouldn’t have to ask or wonder long, Apollo spoke quickly enough, “If, perchance, the rumors are true, shouldn’t we look deeper into the marsh? What if someone gets hurt, because we don’t find the truth of it all?” muzzle followed neck to proper level while considering eyes locked into the dark pools of this valiant friend.

Sure, I thought after a moment of pondering, why not?

“Perhaps your right,” I said with bemused tone, “we can keep searching for signs.” A weight rose from shoulders, and for the first time in awhile I felt relieved at finding another soul that actually seemed to care about the world and its inhabitants, “Led the way if you want, I’ll guard your flank.” This wasn’t a territory were we could walk side by side, unless one decided to take a waddle through murky liquid; which that person wasn’t going to be this sap. Just the mere thought of squishing and squashing over hidden treasures made my skin prickle.