HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Printable Version

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Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Leander - 12-22-2012


your heart is the beacon, your heart is the storm

A bronze form stopped midst the sand, gazing out towards the distant blue of the lake. He had left Kri's side once and for all, unable to stand the temper that clouded her judgment. There would be no fixing her muddled logic, her arrogant claims of ownership over the land. She cared less for the herd than she would admit, but there was no point in screaming it across the desert, even though his heart longed to. The herd would learn, in time, of their leader's faults, and she would be replaced. Leander was confident in that. There was no doubt in his own mind that he could knock her from her throne as Svetlana had valiantly tried, but what would it gain him? Only a herd of so many sheep, who had followed one mare with their heads down and their mouths shut. They would not trust him. Gold pools gleamed across the horizon, searching for only the faces of a select few. His friends. Those who he had brought to the Throat, those who had put their loyalty in him.

"Friends! I ask for you to lend me your ears." He bellowed through the air, chords more warm and determined than they had ever been. It was the voice of a friend, a brother. Some would call it the voice of a leader, but he did not see himself as above any of them. They had just as much a right to guide and protect the ones they loved as he had. Standing tall amid windswept flaxen locks, a statuesque picture against the soil, he continued.
"I will not keep my title of Sultan here any longer. I cannot lead alongside Kri; her temper and arrogance clouds her mind, and I will not stand beside that. I have tried to reason calmly with her, but she will not consider any ideas aside from her own." He stated clearly, no hint of anger in his own vocals. He was past the point of being angry at the Sultana; there was nothing but steady disappointment and absolution in his words.
"I want to warn you of her faults, and encourage you to speak to her and see with your own eyes what I have seen." He paused, breifly, taking in a deep breath.
"There are some of you who have put your faith in me, and me alone. I will not abandon you, but I will not stay within these borders. If you still believe in my loyalty to you, I ask you to follow me from here and make a new life. I can only give you my protection, friendship, and true allegiance. I want to guide you as my brothers and sisters, not as my citizens. We will walk as equals." The golden held his heart in every word, holding himself for his friends choices. There would be some who would stay within the warm, safe borders, surrounded by the sea. And maybe they would even be the wiser for it, with the Basin Unicorns so lustful to spill the blood of their enemies. The copper form of Aitheria played through his mind, and the thought of her wise violet look gave him strength. Maybe there were some brave enough to start anew, to create their own codes instead of follow ones clutched tightly by a spiteful mare. There was hope.

[ooc: EDIT: Thank you for clearing up the confusion, Blu. ^^ ]

Image Credit

RE: Only the Beginning [Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, Open] - Svetlana - 12-22-2012

[Image: vnjxbc.png]
Svetlana the Stormchaser
'There was something more about her, something that screamed a greater destiny.' - Evers the Able

I have waited until this morning to leave this wasted place- it holds no interest to me, for Leander is leaving. He and I are coming from the same cause now, and together we will be stronger than either of us alone trying to make it in this crude world. My wings set the dust dancing below as I land, back-stroking in order to bring my hind legs under me. Maybe I should be disappointed, losing a battle, but I care not for it. My time will come, the time where I redeem my lost honour, with, hopefully, Leander; he has become a close friend in the brief times we have met. Instant kinship, I suppose- we are driven by the same morals.

"Leander," I say, shaking out my black wings before folding them to my satin flanks. "I daresay we are creating a band then?" I chuckle, bumping his cheek with muzzle, as he had done only one or two days ago for me. "At least, brother, we can share with those who believe in us. I will head to the Foothills and ask for any who support me as well- where should we meet?" My black eyes lift to meet his. I think, at least I hope, we are leaders together. It is better to share the burdens.

Image Credit: venomxbaby (when downsized, signature become somewhat unreadable)

RE: Only the Beginning [Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, Open] - Ázzuen - 12-22-2012


This would not do.

"Traitors are not welcome here."

The voice that spoke dripped with a deadly poison, one that was reserved specifically for fools who dared to encroach upon a land they had forsaken. The General had been updated by his Leader, his true Leader, Kri. He had never acknowledged Leander's rank, not when it had been above his own. But he would acknowledge it now.

Outcast. Unworthy.

"You were demoted, Leander." Azzuen hated when fools attempted to talk up their own demise to be something more honourable. There was no honour here, not for Leander. The stallion had been an asset to the herd once, but then something changed along the way - he stepped on too many toes, and when one is a Leader, you cannot afford to toss one's weight around like a useless pile of coal.

"And you, you lost your challenge." Crimson red eyes turned to look at the StormChaser, once leader of the Foothills, a Throat member for a minute before she attempted to gain leadership of this great herd. Azzuen had no time for either of them. That they thought they could stand upon the lands they had been turned out of and recruit? It was laughable.

But Azzuen was not laughing.

He approached them directly, head on, unafraid, assured of his power. He spread his generous wingspan, and then, with a smirk that held little humour in its curves, he activated a magic that he reserved only for special occasions.

Everything around him was repelled, and so too should Leander and Svetlana. He himself rose a few feet from the ground, without beating his wings, due to his magic affecting living creatures. He altered the magnetic polarity of everything, he made them repel, he pushed them away - at least, he was doing his very best to.

"Leave. Or face the consequences."


RE: Only the Beginning [Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, Open] - Kri - 12-22-2012

KRI the resolute
one cannot stop the wind from blowing, nor refuse the falling rain.

I had won the fight against Svetlana, who fought in the place of Leander, the golden stallion hiding behind a girl like a coward. It was of no consequence now, as I had long since spoken my peace against the stallion. Now, however, as his sinuous words slithered through the Throat, I began to feel rage boil in my blood once more. Leander had left without so much as a challenge against me, folding like a beaten cur under my venomous gaze and leaving. Worse yet, Svetlana had arisen the loser of the gamble she had taken against me, yet here they stood on the soil I still held court over, slandering my name.

Had I not fought valiantly to keep their idiocy from my family here? Was the limp in my leg and the chill in my muscles not enough to prove that I was more than a hotheaded bitch with a fast mouth? I swallowed heavily, quelling the anger and locking it in my chest. Now was not the time to use violence and rage to prove my point. Now was the time to speak clearly, and prove that I was not the tyrannous monster that Leander would paint me as.

My wings tilt downward, and I glide easily to where the golden bird stood, his white beauty standing with a few fresh marks on her hide. Much to my surprise, Azzuen has beat me to their little gathering, and I fall in beside him, catching the tail end of his words. I stand underneath the hovering General, folding my wings and looking out toward the mare and the stallion I had once offered the title of Sultan. "That's enough, Azzuen," I say, my voice cold and emotionless, surprisingly so. My face looks tired and more importantly bored. I did not want to quarrel with them, did not want to fight any longer.

"I admit freely that I have a temper; any of my acquaintances will vouch for you, Leander," looking toward the golden stallion with white rimmed eyes. "However, I treat my herd members as higher than myself. My title is nothing but a promise of my life to protect them, which is what I have done and will continue to do." My words are strong, holding their own without the sea of anger which I kept in my belly. The hot venom I would normally spill had no place. I needed a cool head to see me through this. "I would protect them from those who have no respect for my rules, which are in place to ensure our herd is safe. I would protect them from turncoats who try to tear my family apart. I would protect them from those who lend their strength recklessly, leaving none for our home."

"I would protect them from the likes of you," I say, perhaps a bit brashly, before turning my eyes toward Svetlana.

"Your bravery is admirable, Svetlana. I would have forgiven your rash challenge, allowed you a home here," my words are open and honest, clear as glass. There was no need to hide my intent. "I cannot forgive you for trying to tear a rift in my home here." I grew weary, tired of speaking of matters that should not occur. This should not be happening. I had done nothing to deserve this knife placed between my shoulders, pushed in with more insult.

"It is fine to have qualms with me, but do not seek to stir more trouble here. Leave my family at peace."

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Leander - 12-22-2012

[ooc: I have edited the main post - please see there to clear up some confusion. This was not meant to be open to the entire herd. ^^]

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Aryel - 12-22-2012

(Well alright then.)

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Blu - 12-22-2012

Epona, it is within your right to close a thread if it is within your right to do so in the land. i.e. any neutral land or hidden board is fine, but a herdland you are no longer a part of, you cannot close a thread to only friends and expect no other member of the herd would find you and seek to drive you out.

You are an outcast and therefore not within rights to restrict others in this land.

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Ázzuen - 12-23-2012

Thank you Blu.

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Lynx - 12-23-2012

Hope and pray that you never need me, but rest assured I will not let you down.

Black-rimmed ears swivel, catching the sound of unfamiliar voices, and one he knows quite well. Leander was close, and though unable to make out words, the tones he can hear are cold and harsh. Troubled and intrigued, the buckskin shifts from his leisurely walk into a lope. If there was a threat to the Throat, he would do his part to protect his desert home, protect those he had led here. He was responsible for them, after all, had promised them a safe place to live, and he’d be damned if he failed them now.

Yet, as he approaches it is obvious that the herd is not being threatened by outside forces, but dissent from within. Though he does not know the white lady, nor the black general, Kri is easily recognizable. From the look of things, the way the two sides are facing each other, the Sultana and Sultan are at odds

Though Lynx doesn’t know why the leaders are fighting, he easily strides forward to stand at Leander’s side. The palomino has treated him as a brother, and the disfigured unicorn has no doubts as to where his loyalties lie. Kri, in his eyes, has been a rather distant ruler, appearing to the herd only to impose her will. He doubts that she holds her supposed family in high regard, with the way she chooses to stand apart from them. How many in the Throat had even met the mare? 5? 10? A low number for such a large group.

The dark stallion beside her is unfamiliar, though he smells of the Throat. Another mostly absent creature, appearing only to throw temper tantrums when things didn’t go his way? Lynx feels nothing but disdain for the duo. Temperamental foals, playing at being important to bolster their egos. Pathetic creatures, hiding behind their positions in order to manipulate those they claimed to care for.

Eyes survey those before him with scorn, silently daring them to make a wrong move. For too long he had remained complacent, lulled by the calm and acceptance he had found waiting here. Now, with the threat of battle hovering in the air around him, his warrior spirit began to awaken. If necessary, he would teach the winged idiots why he had once been regarded as a monster.

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Aitheria - 12-23-2012


Their voices hung in the air like rocks banging against each other. Or the familiar tones of breaking bones. Such a distasteful meeting it drove me towards the ground. I arrived the moment Leander had finished his leaving claim. I knew I had given him the advice he had needed, I had put my own faith in his stake. Strictly enforcing myself to follow him and only him. My head cocked annoyed with the white and black mare, one whom I did not know. One who said such things like "we" and "brother". Are they related? Or was it such a term to say they are great friends. Perhaps possible lovers. She seemed to stake such claim as she hung her arrogance in the air. Kri though did not go on unheard ears, nor did the black stallion I've never met and therefore can not place a name. The only thing that leads me to believe this is the fiery tempered leader, is how she leads to admitting her faults. That is not arrogance or a fault in its own but rather strength and passion behind that bitchy tone. I still do not like her, or find faith behind her eyes. I can not see us moving forward or maybe that was my deaf eyes to find, as my mindset was strictly forced to Leander only.

I don't believe I feel something great and more than friendship with him but my stomach butterflies do not deceive me. Or yes they do, because I can not read them. Can not pinpoint their cause, was it his existence or the whole uneasy meeting that just keeps unraveling. Previous encounters with him left my eyes finding an ice blue outside. Cold and uninviting but a warm and positive soul. Now his eyes are golden and unmistakably inviting. Lovely and so divulging I panic beneath my hide. Heat building between the creases of my skin, sweat threatening to fall from my pours. As Kri continues I can understand her anger and strive for more. Family was wonderful, I was blessed to be under such a wonderfully put attitude but I would not say I was fond of it. Nor could I find myself well put for any situation. "Kri," I say, nervous and finding my voice "I believe your input for family is very well, and admirable in a sense, it was wonderful to be under your protection but I find myself following Leander." my purple eyes gaze over her, nerve racking emotions swirling in my head "I do hope you understand my choice and do not judge me strictly by it." if she did, it would prove her non accepting nature. Another reason I could not foresee myself staying here to bid by.

I place my cream hooves, then the black ones, through the sand. Carefully picking my path between Kri and the black stallion I've yet to meet. And the other I did not know either. My ears twitched nervously and lazed atop my head as emotions controlled my movements. Pace quickened and my heart seemed to pound in my chest. Beating roughly against my cage. I feel my title as a citizen rip from aura, the bright blooming purple now dull and hurt. I did not like to be judged as a traitor. My opinion was mine and I would move by my instinct. I stopped next to the golden stud. Turning around to face them all. Stepping closer to Leander I backed away in respect to give the meeting distance. Hoping to lean my shoulder against his hind end for comfort. The uneasy emotions that swallowed me whole just deafened my ears as my eyes went blank. White was all that it seemed to be, white noise. Nothing more. Just the annoying humming I couldn't not explain.

[ooc- I believe she will become an outcast with this?]

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Leander - 12-23-2012


your heart is the beacon, your heart is the storm

"If I am a traitor, than so are you, General. I have done nothing but serve the Throat since the day I landed here. Kri knows that well." The black general was the first to speak, and the golden directed his calm gaze accordingly. He had to fight the urge to smile at how blind the stallion was, siding with Kri and calling him a traitor. Even if his loyalty lay with the Sultana, he shouldn't have been foolish enough to pass judgment over those he had never truly met. Suddenly, the very substance of the air was pushing him backwards. The draft dug his hooves into the sand, his heavy weight being still briskly slid backwards across the soil. But they would need to do more than that to truly move him. Still, the magic kept him slipping backwards as every moment passed. He leaned forward against it, as much as he could. Could the troop leader not even attempt to fight those he did not want on his land? A soft chuckle left his throat, dry and bitter. The general was as distant as Kri, and as useless in his own blind temper. Of course, the chocolate form of the matriarch was not long behind. He held himself as much as he could against the force pressing him back. Kri gave her lecture and he remained silent, and after what felt like forever, the force was lifted from his body.

"I cause no trouble here, Kri. I am speaking peacefully to my friends. Or will you go so far as to limit your herd members as to who they may care for?" He asked, voice still calm and sure. Lynx had come so readily, the proud stance by his side speaking a thousand words for the mute stallion. Warmth and strength washed over him, invigorating his body rooted in the shifting sand. A thousand generals would not move him. I am not alone. Soon, a familiar chestnut made her way towards him, and then he could not fight a smile any longer. It was a loving, grateful smile, and one that was meant for all who would come to stand with him. Aitheria's warm shoulder pressed against his side, relieving some of the tension that had gripped him. Svetlana had come, as well, and he pulled his sights quickly off the flaxen leader. "Yes, Svetlana. It is safe to say we will all create a band of our own." He glanced to Aitheria and Lynx as he spoke. There would be know ruling over his friends, and he wanted to make sure they knew that. Looking back to Svetlana, he continued more softly. "This is not the time to speak of that, though, my friend. There are some here which might one day wish to cause us harm." With that, he gestured his broad crown in the direction of Kri and her General. They could call him a traitor for as long as they wanted, but he had not done anything against the Throat. His care was for its members, for the ones who weren't afraid to open their eyes nor their minds. There was no point in leading those who could only follow blindly.

[ooc: Thanks for the help, Blu <3]

Image Credit

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Svetlana - 12-23-2012

[Image: vnjxbc.png]
Svetlana the Stormchaser
'There was something more about her, something that screamed a greater destiny.' - Evers the Able

It is not long before the general appears. I know not of his name, but he is harsh and cold. I respect him for it. I would not want what appears as traitors on my land either, no matter what they may say. It is strange of me, but eh, whatever. It is only when some other force, fucking magic, pushes us back do I think badly of him. I grit my teeth and dig my hooves in, wings half-roused in defense, before I manage to halt my light frame from falling any farther back, scrapes in the shifting sand from where I tried to stop myself. It was an annoyance, this, but it would not change my mind.

Then Kri comes, cold and hard in all the ways I would've been as well. Maybe she is more deserving than Leander has put her to. Maybe not. "Kri, I do understand your choice of asking us to leave. If I were in your position I would to. Leander, I will find you in a few days. I have my own things to do." My eyes flicker towards a pegasus and unicorn who has joined us. Will any of the Foothills join me, or will I be driven off if I go back there?

"Kri, you fought very well." I hesitate, unsure of where I am going with this. "I do not wish to intrude upon your premises any longer. I will leave now." I turn, and with one, two, strides, leap into the air, uncurl my wings and take off. My wings beat the air as I sail off, to the wall, and over it. Where we will go I don't know. But at least I have a family now, with Leander.

Image Credit: venomxbaby (when downsized, signature become somewhat unreadable)

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Ázzuen - 12-23-2012

The words of the honey-dipped steed fell upon deaf ears - Azzuen would hear no slander against his name, nor that of his Leader. His presence had been consumed by his family, but he was always swift to tend to his duties at the appropriate times - perhaps it led others to view him as more of a silent warrior, one who steps up only when needed - but wasn't that the most important thing of all? He was always there, for his family, for his herd, whenever they needed him. Was that not enough?

Dry amusement, cold and cruel, masks his façade as he watches his magic work. They try to stand against it, to resist, but none of them succeed. He makes his point, and his Leader's words penetrate the black ears that lie flat against his nape. Folding his wings back to his side, he abruptly contains his magic. The air crackles with the restrained static, his mane stands on end, his tail lashes at his sides. Yes, he is angry. Would they not be angry had the reverse just happened to them?

To Azzuen's dismay, others actually arrive, they actually support this fool. They are blinded, he can only assume, blinded by false promises. They were leaving something grand, a herd that had proven themselves time and time again to be the strongest in all of Helovia.

They would be all the stronger once this filth took their pathetic carcasses and excuses away.

"Our members may make friends with whomever they please; they are welcome to come and go as they like. What is not allowed, is your presence upon our lands. There is a multitude of wilds to the north; why choose a land you have abandoned to call to your friends? IF they truly were your friends, they would have heard your call no matter where you stood." The voice that offered the words was calm, polite even - a vast contrast to his previous tones. The change in his tone made them all the more serious, however, and his ears did not rise from their graves amidst his wild, dreadlocked mane.

For one who had once stood as Leader, albeit only a short time, he sure had a fucked up view of the rules. Azzuen snorted harshly; Leander's appointment as Leader had been the first thing Kri had done to make him question his loyalty to her. She had taken care of the fool, however, and had subsequently defended herself from another intruder who thought she could wrest the crown from her mighty head.

It was in silence now that the stallion stood, crimson eyes rolling about their sockets as they viewed those who would be defecting. They might not know him, but he had been guarding these borders since the Tuuli invaded; they were all vaguely familiar, at least enough to know that they had once been of the same herd.

Now they were all strangers.

"Go earn yourselves the right to a home; then perhaps, we might talk again." The advice was given quietly, almost tiredly. Electricity still crackled around him, but his magic did not rise again; he was giving them a choice now. Would they stand and attempt to talk further on lands they had openly abandoned? Or would they grow some brains, and take refuge elsewhere, to scheme their petty band?


RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - God of the Sun - 12-24-2012

The GOD of the SUN

Burn the whole world down

Like a meteor from space, a ball of fire fell from the sky. The earth beneath golden, cloven hooves split, the very sandy ground shaking and rattling. A violent shockwave resounded through the land, sending the mortals around him sliding on the ground a few feet away from his body. What power did they have against his might? Against his fire? Against his glory? Against his rage. Golden eyes narrowed, pupils turning to slits like those of dragons, and they danced between the two, winged interlopers. The Sun God was not incredibly fond of any of those who took place in here with the exception of those who adhered to the Fire and Light, but this was his realm. As long as Kri breathed, she was queen. As long as she defended the sands that he had built with his own mind, he would stay by her rulings. Besides, she held a fire in her soul that nearly matched the physical manifestation of his own flames.

Bright, yellow and orange flames danced down his back like the hackles of a wolf, and his ears were pinned flat against his neck, teeth bared in an expression that was more of a wicked smirk. The might of the Sun God stared into Leander's eyes first, and he flashed his tail around his hocks, sending flames skittering off into the sand to die. "You claim to love this land," he boomed, the very tenor of his voice shaking the rocks on the borderlands. "You claim to love its people and yet you send them into the ABYSS AS OUTCASTS!" He yelled, the fires that adorned his body flashing.

"A herdland is a sacred place, a sanctuary guarded by the very gods to keep your tender, mortal flesh safe, and you SPIT upon its purpose." The Sun God took steps toward toward the mortal, golden eyes turning hard, cold like unforgiving metal. "May a curse be set upon you and all who follow, for you disgrace me. Do not return until you find the heart and courage to do what is right. May you face a thousand trials and bleed a thousand times in your outcast. Not until you rise like a warrior and claim what is yours will you be recognized." Then, the Sun God turned to the white pegasus with the black wings, eyes narrowing.

"And you..." he growled, his tenor taking on a violent sweetness, like a gentle touch along the cheek with the point of a knife. "You lost everything, and I still see the same, foolish pride in your heart. As if you deserve anything, you pathetic mortal. When you can earn what is yours, fight for it, bleed for it and not leave your subjects because of your own inabilities will you be worthy of the ground upon which you stride."

The God of the Sun stood next to the charcoal warrior and the chestnut queen, a burning flame of glory, beauty, and anger. He watched those who took after the pair, making note. The Wilds were named for a reason; they were dangerous. They were untamed. Ancient creatures, foul demons, and predators stalked between the trees. There was a very good reason why the mortals chose to live beneath the umbrella of the herdland's protection. There was a reason why outcast bands did not survive long. Helovia was beauty, like a rose with thorns. One way or another, those thorns would snatch lives, sending souls into the underworld where they would scream in torment.


RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Kri - 12-24-2012

KRI the resolute
one cannot stop the wind from blowing, nor refuse the falling rain.

I would speak, but Azzuen has beaten me to the words I would have given Leander. Instead, I just look toward my General, nodding with solemn approval even as others begin to flood onto the scene. My heart wrenches as I see faces that I knew, leaning toward the side of the golden stallion. My face would fall, if not for my pride holding up my head, keeping the mask in place. I do not meet the chestnut's gaze as she speaks to me, though I hear the words spoken plainly to my ears. "I will not stop any from leaving if they wish. I do not hold the citizens of this land prisoner." It was the only response I offered to the girl, for I was not certain I could promise holding my judgment. I was not one known for forgiveness.

The next words from Leander, spoken toward Svetlana, I do not take kindly to. My eyes dart up, the flames I had been holding back beginning to burn once more. "Just who wishes to harm whom here, Leander?" I say, my voice cutting like a knife. "The bitch you are speaking to joined the herd solely to battle me. If anyone is in danger of being hurt, it is certainly not your party." I look are him, the fire breathing back into my face. Those who stand in our midsts now are lost causes, and I am gaining nothing by holding my temper, as it obviously does little to increase the value of my words in the minds of these idiots. "You needn't worry, anyway. I would not waste my time chasing after a band ruled by you. With a weak leader, it will fall apart on its own without any aid from me."

Little did I know, Azzuen and I were not the only ones to share this sentiment. The ground begins to quake as a brilliant flash of light shoots from the sky, landing uncomfortably close to our small gathering. My head careens over, seeing a beautiful burning figure approaching, murder in his golden eyes. Judging by the crown of horns upon his head accompanied by wings adorned with fire, I guessed rather than knew this was the God of the Sun. I bow my head slightly, likely due to the fact that I was so fucking confused as to why a deity was showing up to watch my humiliation unfold. I half expected the God of the land to denounce me here and now, being unable to keep my members from the grips of illogical thought. Before my head even lifts back up to its regal position, the God's voice rings out, hotter than any I could have dreamed of speaking.

I was known for my anger, but I could practically feel the flames shooting from the God's throat in a barrage of verbal fire. Needless to say, I am impressed.

As his speech continues, I stand stunned, my dark blue eyes wide with shock. I have pissed off a deity before, but I think even Sepagus may have cowered in fear from the look given by the burning sun standing by my side. I almost feel bad for Leander and Svetlana, the deity speaking to them directly, scolding harshly. Almost. I am sure I look a bit smug to the opposite party, standing as a group of abandoners while I stand at the right hand of a God. Was I truly an unworthy leader?

RE: Only the Beginning [EDIT: Aitheria, Lynx, Yiska, etc.] - Lynx - 12-28-2012

(You guys can go ahead and skip Lynx this round, I'm having some trouble with his muse.)