HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
I don't believe we've met - Printable Version

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I don't believe we've met - Arathea - 06-28-2012

The cool air occasionally shivered with a warmer wind, made the trees whisper softly whenever the thunder did not roll through the air. The night sky was covered in black clouds and purpleish lightnings lit up the darkness every now and then. A thunderstorm without rain was something she did not discover every day, but she was thankful that the water stayed in the clouds. So far, at least...

The she-wolf moved slowly around the trees, leaving slight prints in the soft ground underfoot. Both ears and eyes moved on all directions possible, nose smelling the clear air at every breath. She was on stranger grounds, but aside from some other places she had passed, this one was filled with so many different senses. Either many passed here, or she had walked into a large herd's territory. The air was so thick with the smell of horse that she wanted to stick her muzzle into the moss. Not that she really minded the smell of horse, but this place had a bit too much of it.

As she entered a small clearing, the forest lit up by another lighting and Arathea rose on her hind legs and directed her nose upwards. She was weary after a very long walk, but did not want to stay in this forest. Should the storm hit hard, there would be poor protection by the trees. A cave would be good, or to move away from the storm in some way. Whatever she would choose, she better find the way soon. The thunder was right over the forest and the rain would probably come crashing down before the night was over.

With a sigh, she went down on all four and sniffed the ground while moving out of the clearing again. If she only found a path walked by many, maybe she could get out of the forest and to some better place. For having so many smells, the forest seemed strangely empty. Unless its inhabitants were hiding, this might just be an area where everyone walked through. For what reason, she did not know, but she thought it best to move on too. If only she knew to where...

RE: I don't believe we've met - Cassiopeia - 06-29-2012

The svelte pegasus conveyed her gracile figure onward through the Threshold as a luminescent creature sailed with ease close by, weaving and maneuvering through the palisade of trees which surrounded her in all directions. A trail of illumine danced in its wake; a radiant scatter of dust careening downward from the caudal appendage of the ethereal bird, the pyrogenic fibers anesthetized by the smothering of a gentle wind.

The night suited the celestial dame. Her magic could only by summoned forth under the cover of nightfall, when the stars shown bright against the vast blackness of space. The constellations were most prominently visible at such a time, and so it was then that her star breathing was at its most potent. This is why she loved the night. That, and now that summer was at its harshest the darkness provided a gratifying reprieve from the Sun God's wrath – or at least to some extent it did.

She had finally arrived at her destination after the journey through the Deep Forest and her encounter with Osanna on the way. She was uncertain who might be lurking in the shadows, and therefore was somewhat weary. However, the trek here would be wasted if she did not find what she had come here in search of in the first place – that of course being a new recruit for the Throat or to simply welcome a newcomer into Helovia as she had what seemed like forever again now.

The essence of an imminent storm lingering ominously through the atmosphere hung heavy in the air. Her creation could not weather the rain. Its gaseous light could withstand a small amount of it, but it would be extinguished quickly should a torrential downpour begin. She wasn't concerned about that, though. Her attention was reigned in by a lupine creature, one she would normally be expected to fear if it hadn't possessed such an intelligent aura. For a moment she studied the discernibly female wolf, pondering what to do. Columba – the supernal bird – had alighted atop the dame's withers, curiously watching as well.

A warm sensation was constituted upon her skin where it perched, as she hesitantly began to advance toward her, uncertainty evident in each step she claimed. Columba took to the air, swooping deliberately toward the creature and landing on the ground just before it.

Mutely, she observed the wolf's reaction from the cover of the trees, still mostly veiled in the shadows.

RE: I don't believe we've met - Arathea - 06-29-2012

A more fresher smell of horse came with the next caress of wind and Arathea turned head in that direction. She had been noticed and soon she would find out by what. A pegasus She had seen them before but had never really talked to any of them. The pack had rarely been having longer conversations with other races. Magical beings, they were and with this one it was obvious. The mystical bird on its shoulder teased Arathea's curiosity.

When it landed on the ground, her ears turned back in an uncertain gesture but the nose sniffed the air in the bird's general direction. A front paw reached out towards the bird, but then it hesitated and withdrew. Touching something completely unknown could be dangerous. Did it look like stars? Arathea tilted her head to the side as she studied the bird for a few more seconds, before lifting her head and look at the direction of the half hidden pegasus.

"You have a beautiful companion, horse. Do not worry; I am not a hunter of your kind. Just a weary traveler seeking shelter from the coming storm." She did not blame the pegasus for hiding. Many creatures hid from the wolves, only knowing that predators was their enemy. And of course, she was a predator, but her prey was of much smaller kind than the mighty hoofed ones.

RE: I don't believe we've met - Cassiopeia - 06-30-2012

The wolf's gesture caused the celestial bird to once again take flight, soaring urgently back to the withers of the roan mare. She had not concealed herself well enough it seemed, for she had already been descried by the russet vixen. She withdrew herself from the shadows and into the clearing, fully revealing her cobalt frame to the female. "Why, thank you, Lady Lupine. What is it I may call you?" She looked down upon her kindly, finding her to be quite fascinating.

"My name is Cassiopeia and I call this land my home." She averred, a glint of curiosity in the depths of her lustrous eyes which glittered in the liquid moonlight like stars upon water.  "If you don't mind my asking, what brings you to Helovia, land of the Sun, on a night like this?" She realized the irony that occupied the words, but paid it little heed, for she was far too intrigued by the wolfish creature before her.

She was unlike the conventual wolf: the ones the cobalt maiden had seen attack the likes of her kind before. She was larger, much larger, and claimed not to hunt horses. Her physical magnitude would easily allow her to take down larger prey (like a Pegasus such as Cassiopeia) than her smaller counterparts, and so the mare found it strange - though rather fortunate - that she would decide not to do so.

"My apologies, but it has never been my fortune to hold a conversation with one of your kind. I have never met one like you who did not intend to eat me." She averred, quiescent laughter gently vibrating her bosom and repleting her bodice with warmth. She didn't intend to offend her in any way, she was simply speculative of Arathea despite trusting she would cause her no harm.

RE: I don't believe we've met - Arathea - 06-30-2012

Arathea felt slightly disappointed when the strange bird took flight; she had liked to look at it a while longer. Though it seemed to return to the Pegasus that now emerged from the shadows, so it was not all gone. She listened to what the horse had to say, titled her head to the sided and flicked her ears. Was this land hers? The forest, or did she mean this whole land? Helovia, was it? Arathea's head tilted over to the other side and smiled carefully at the apologizing words.

"My name is Arathea." She rose up on her hind paws, places her right hand on the left side of her chest and bowed her head. "My kind usually do not hunt horse. Maybe you are thinking of the smaller kind of wolf. They take on prey bigger than them selves." At least her former pack had rarely taken down things bigger than a deer. She remained standing on her hind legs, not having to look up at the bigger Pegasus as she had been doing when sitting on the ground.

"And why I am here... I did not intend to wander into a new land that greeted me with a thunder storm. Had I known, I would have stayed at my former sleeping place before setting out. As I said, I am a traveler. Wandering without a goal other than see what I can find. A new place to live at, perhaps. But if I am trespassing upon your land, I shall move on."

It must have looked strange for another, or maybe even for the pegasus itself that the two of them would talk to each other. Maybe it broke the laws of nature to some that prey and predator would have a conversation with each other, but for Arathea it was more or less normal. Maybe because she did not see her self as a predator towards the horse species, or maybe just because she was used to talk to other species than her own. It was like that where she came from. It just felt strange to have a talk with something one day and hunt it down for food the next.

RE: I don't believe we've met - Cassiopeia - 06-30-2012

"It's a pleasure, Arathea." She was caught unaware when the canine ascended to its aft legs, balancing upon the appendages with profound ease. Surprisingly, Arathea now stood slightly taller than the roan mare. It was almost unsettling, for instinct prompted her to feel that way. She concealed the emotion well, veiling it with a sincerely cordial smile. She listened heedfully to her words, absorbing the narrative of her voice generously. She dipped her head slightly in acknowledgement once she had finished the first portion of her speech.

Cassiopeia's ear pricked forward with interest as she offered an explanation as to what had brought her to Helovia. As she had expected, aimless wandering was the cause, as it always seemed to be. Aimless wandering is what had brought her here as well, and she was thankful.

An effusive smile snaked its way onto her features as she mentioned something about a new place to live, then sought to enlighten her as she had mistaken her as the overseer of these lands. "Not at all. Helovia is simply the land in which I have chosen to reside. This forest is but a small part of what she has to offer. Beyond these woods there is a beautiful, mysterious landscape, filled with every climate you could imagine." Her feminine voice spilled from her charcoal lips, articulating the words carefully and actively observing the other's reaction.

She continued. "She is vast, extending to the sea on three of her sides. If you do not wish to live amidst horses, aside from the herd lands, there is the Wilds, where many of those who chose not to proclaim a single area their home wander. There are many beautiful regions to explore here. If you would like, I can show you some of them." She ruffled her feathers as a cool pearl of precipitation descended down upon her figurine, followed by a menacing clap of thunder that seemed to vibrate through her chest.

She gazed upward as the incandescent bird soared with anomalous swiftness toward the night sky, disappearing into the blackness. The blank area in which the constellation had originated once again filled with the points of light which had composed it. The storm had begun in earnest.

[ ooc ; please excuse the crappiness. D: ]

RE: I don't believe we've met - Arathea - 07-01-2012

The wold listened with ears forward and curiosity glimmering in her eyes. It seemed to be a big world she had found herself in and she could not wait to explore it all. Even if that would probably take a very long time, but she was not in a hurry somewhere. If this land had something to give her, she would gladly take her time looking around.

She sat down on her haunches while continue listening and shone up in a bigger smile when she was offered a tour around. "I would like that! You do no have to show me all, but a place for me to start on would be lovely..."

A drop of water landed on Arathea's nose and she turned her eyes to the dark sky just as the bird left. Twitching her ears and frowning, she huddled a bit in her sitting position, to then stand on all four and shake her fur. "As long as we can move away from this storm quickly." She said, moving a bit closer to Cass and waited for the mare to show the way out into the land of Helovia.

[It's alright. :) I am quite rusty myself for not having roleplayed in a while. If you want, you can create a new thread in any area you like for them to visit. ^-^]

RE: I don't believe we've met - Cassiopeia - 07-05-2012

Her charcoal kissers twisted into a cordial smile, pleased by Arathea's enthusiasm. Beads of precipitation clung to her silken fur and a dulcet cooling sensation was exuded. The roan mistress welcomed it, for despite the lack of a fervent sun in the midst of the sky the air hung stagnant and seemingly void of humidity for the summer heat had all but sucked the landscape dry. They were undoubtedly due for some rain, but respected her desire not to weather the imminent storm.

Auditory receptors percolated as the wolf's voice rang through the air once again. "Very well. There's a place called the Thistle Meadow just west of here. This way." She motioned with her head in the right direction then turned and headed toward it. The meadow held a special place in her heart. It was where one her favorite moments ever unfurled: the moment in which she had crossed paths with the one whom had stolen her heart, fathered her daughter, and helped her to know what true love really is. She hoped Arathea would appreciate her choice of location.

RE: I don't believe we've met - Arathea - 07-06-2012

Arathea follows.


ooc: Brain fail.