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You White Child [Finished] - Printable Version

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You White Child [Finished] - Insanity - 12-24-2012

You white child,
Why is there blood on your maw?
You are not as innocent as you seem,
Are you?

You white child,
You were outcasted by your kin,
Capable of life on your own,
Yet you seek the herd of time.

Dragon's Throat: 0/3
World's Edge: 0/2
Aurora Basin: 1/3

RE: You White Child - Prometheus - 12-24-2012

Prometheus is protected.

You white child
His base coat is white, he has the appearance of a child.

Why is there blood on your maw?
Eats flesh, would have blood on his maw. Also has open wounds on some of his face.

You are not as innocent as you seem,
Would seem innocent because he is a child, is anything but.

You were outcasted by your kin
Killed by his mother, outcasted from life

Capable of life on your own
Grew up without parents, does well as an outcast

Yet you seek the herd of time
Hopes to join the Aurora Basin

RE: You White Child - Note - 12-24-2012

"You are not the one I seek, Immortal being."

Prometheus is safe.

RE: You White Child - Tamme - 12-24-2012

Varath blocks himself

You white child, --> He's gray
Why is there blood on your maw? --> the ends of his hair are red
You are not as innocent as you seem,
Are you?
--> He's a horrible kid

You white child,
You were outcasted by your kin,
Capable of life on your own,
Yet you seek the herd of time.
--> wants to be in the Basin

RE: You White Child - Insanity - 12-24-2012

"Leave me be, foal."

Varath is safe.

RE: You White Child - Psyche - 12-24-2012

Psyche says that Lupus is safe.

You white child,
He is white
Why is there blood on your maw?
He is a wolf and so eats meat
You are not as innocent as you seem,
Are you?
On his own he could seem innocent as wolfs live in packs but he will take on horses and foals are no exception to him

You white child,
color reference again
You were outcasted by your kin,
Outcasted from packs
Capable of life on your own,
Has lived on his own in search for a while and could live on his own for a while
Yet you seek the herd of time.
He has recently joined the Basin

RE: You White Child - Insanity - 12-24-2012

"Correct, Psyche. You're a clever little girl..."

Lupus was sought.

You white child,
He is white
Why is there blood on your maw?
He is a wolf and so eats meat
You are not as innocent as you seem,
Are you?
On his own he could seem innocent as wolfs live in packs but he will take on horses and foals are no exception to him

You white child,
color reference again
You were outcasted by your kin,
Outcasted from packs
Capable of life on your own,
Has lived on his own in search for a while and could live on his own for a while
Yet you seek the herd of time.
He has recently joined the Basin

RE: You White Child [Finished] - Tamme - 12-24-2012

Lupus is an outcast and no request for rank change has been made.

RE: You White Child [Finished] - Tamme - 12-24-2012

This stealth is void.

RE: You White Child [Finished] - Psyche - 12-24-2012

Hmm. I'll remind about rank change.