HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The Price of Purity [Open] - Printable Version

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The Price of Purity [Open] - Equinox - 12-27-2012

the price of purity

The bases of the mountain forests were murky, and moist. The dull gray winter had come and gone at last, and the earth was blooming again. Fresh emerald grass smeared over a chocolate crust. He had been traveling for days, the muck on his ebony legs could tell that story alone. Moving around in melting snow and mud would do that to any creature that tried to move though the forests this time of year. The air was a mixture of breezes both warm and cold, fog covered the horizon. Forest ground was soft and spongy and in the mind of the coming beast, it was perfect sparing weather. The way one’s body could move though the soft soil, the risks and change factors that come with two bodies clashing against one another in an unstable environment made fighting enjoyable. It had been a while since he had a good spar with a decent opponent. Perhaps, this new place would have some potential targets. Time would tell, it was a skill that could never be rushed.

And so, the midnight soldier carried on though the forest canopy. Taking in the sights and sounds of a new beginning he moved though the trees with ease. Placing caution to his foot placing in the soft soil, he breathed deep the forest. He could smell them; taste them on his tongue as he winded his way through the misty pine. But among the smell of the Pegasus and the Equine, the Unicorn linger as well. Pray, they weren’t as his mother was, neutral to the beings that came ill-equipped with no horn. No sword and dagger, but wings and being naked completely. She paid for her sins in blood, and her life. He would never forget the day she died, because it was the same day he grew up. He never claimed to be anything special to anyone; but he was defiantly a force to be reckoned with.

The knights’ movements seized as he came upon a stream, fresh melted snow runoff from the mountain. Raven helm lowered to the surface of the cool waters as he began to drink. The liquid felt fresh on his tongue, and soothed his dry throat as it slid down his gullet. Whipcord, flicked behind him, fluidly from side to side, tresses gently fluttering against his dusty nape. Stepping into the stream, the water rushed over his hooves, and the mud began to flake off. His horn, escalated to the trees as he gazed up into the blooming trees. This is where, it will all begin. His hot breath steaming from his nostrils, as he turned to gaze down at his reflection. He knew he wasn’t alone in this forest, they were not silent, the fools. Easily detected, but what did they have to hide from? As far as this hellion was concerned, he was the only danger here. Lobes turned back to his skull as he lipped at his joints, cleaning away the dirt and mud, aiding the water as it ran over his coat. They would come, he knew that. But they should go, if they’re smart.

RE: The Price of Purity [Open] - Djinn - 12-27-2012


No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure.

Why he kept roaming the Threshold, even though the entirety of Helovia stretched out just south of there? What a question. It was like asking why not all roses were red, why some snakes carried poison in their fangs while others choked their prey to death, or why the moon decided to hide her face from the mortals once every month. There were no definite answers, only guesses where some were better than others.

If he had to answer, then perhaps it was because the forest was like a doorway? It was a place for beginnings and ends, arrivals and departures, and everyone that passed through this place was sure to have at least one good story to tell. They might be able to entertain him, might provide him with a purpose, or at the very least a chance to pass some time.

So far, the time he had spent in this place hadn't been very interesting at all. He'd met some amusing people, seen some interesting sights, but nothing that compelled the stallion to linger. A girl he'd met had promised him home and work but ultimately forgotten all about it, another had promised death and torment should he follow the first. He'd spoken to a wolf-horse, a talking snake, a stallion that may or may not have been an embodiment of death itself, he'd been pummeled by boiling rocks at the heart of the world and healed by a pegasus who feared him. As single incidents they had their worth, but when collected and compared his actions ultimately proved pointless. What purpose was there to find in a set of random meetings, what would he gain from continuing this roaming existence?

Wrapped within this cloak of thoughts the pale demon broke through the vegetation and stepped out into the creek, head halfway lowered when the presence of another was registered. Black, horned, standing in the middle of the stream a couple of yards to the left. Immediately the thick neck lifted again, and as he spun around to face the black stranger the big hooves tore up cascades of water around the legs. Cold and clear, he barely registered how the liquid began to numb the skin; too busy preparing himself for a clash, much too absorbed in the evaluation of the opponent.

At a first glance, they appeared about equal.

Djinn was taller, without doubt, rising over the other with a difference of several hands. Heavier too, but seeing as the raven-cloaked beast was built for speed and agility they would probably be an even match. Gray neck arched, chin tucking tighter to the chest where patches of pink skin and baby hair revealed a series of burns in the process of healing; the sun caught onto the crustal horn upon his brow, making the spear glitter like a sky-touched icicle in the light. The scars on the others dark pelt revealed the proficiency of this new arrival; they matched his own, revealing them both as walking hazards, living weapons capable of death and destruction.

Would they have to put their skills to the test?

"Pardon, seems like I barged in on your bath" the gray demon said, tone easy and casual but with eyes that tentatively tested the mood of this unknown unicorn.

Nor is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain.