HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Printable Version

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I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Totem - 12-28-2012

Time waits for no one, so do you wanna waste some time?

Aurora Basin. A frozen land, as beautiful as it was dangerous. Fire eyes scanned the herdland disinterestedly, taking in the landscape for convenience only. Then, the silver bay was rarely interested by anything for longer than a few minutes. Totem was an odd stallion, an unbelievably lazy nature mixed with frightening ruthlessness and cold apathy. Though he had been led to the all unicorn herd some time ago, he had remained apart, and this was his first time venturing upon the land granted to them by the monochromatic god. This was the first time he had felt the need to. His leonine tail swished languorously behind him as he took his first step across the border, moving him from the unclaimed wilds into the protected shelter of a potential home.

That was why he was here, of course. To take his place in the herd, to immerse himself in the safety of a large group of horned equines. Means to an end, passive as it was, using this ‘family’ to preserve his own precious hide for a while longer. And perhaps he could find a few allies while here. The cinnamon stag he had met before, Tolio, had seemed friendly enough, if not the smartest creature he had ever encountered. Then there was Lena, the dancing mare who had brought him to the Steppe in the hopes of rebuilding a ruined empire, though he doubted that she would be easy to manipulate, hesitant to fight. Or perhaps not. However, for now the both of them were irrelevant, and so he easily dismissed them from his mind. He had more important things to focus on.

Finding someone with the power to formally accept him was one such thing. Deciding on how to go about such a task was another. If he waited here long enough, surely he would be discovered, and then it would be the simplest thing in the world to ask the whereabouts of the herd leader. Or, he could actively search the land for the horse he sought, scouring the Basin until he obtained his goal. The second option seemed like too much work, his ridiculously laid-back side protesting the idea of so much activity. He would wait then, remain where he was and hope to be stumbled across.

RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Psyche - 12-29-2012

You can sleep with a gun but
When you gonna wake up and fight?

It was the key to the world. Some might argue that love ruled the world - that love conquered all, that love was what made the world go round, what called the sun to rise in the morning and set in the evening. She laughed at their naivete and plotted their demise. No, it was power that ruled the world. Those with it fought to keep it, holding fast as though their lives depended on it (and in truth, they often did). Those without it hungered for it, lusted after it as a stallion does a mare, eyeing it from afar, dancing ever-so-slowly closer, in turns pleading, seductive, cajoling, forceful. If you don't have it, you want it; if you do have it, you want more.

And there was always more to have. This she knew better than any. She had returned to Helovia with nothing - her title had been stripped away, as it should have been, she knew that it should have been, and her once-lover had shied away from her affections (can you even call it that?). But she had risen. She had gained back her place, led her followers to a new land, been proclaimed ruler by a god, and yet still, she hungered. She hunted. She wanted more, this Dark Empress, and she wanted it now.

But so too did she know that she must wait.

And so she did, wandering her lands daily, familiarizing herself with every rock and crevice, learning the best ways to defend, the best areas from which to attack intruders, finding ways to enter and leave other than the pass through the mountains. Beneath her skin, light muscles rippled where they hadn't before; she had been fit, of course, but she was becoming hard, hardened by the land and by her position in it, physically and mentally. Her thoughts darted, constantly, flickering from one thought to the next, making plans, settling scores, moving, always moving. There was very little time, now, for them to settle on the things that she would rather not think of.

The FrostHeart had not crossed her thoughts for days - some might suggest that she had forgotten him, but they would be wrong. He was a ever-present ghost at her side, ruling her actions and her tongue. It had been sharp, once, and perhaps it was still; but more often than not she found herself sheathing that blade in favor of a duller, more politically correct one. She was learning diplomacy, and she was becoming quite good at it, finding that her words became more and more believable each day. As she lied to others, about her motives, about her thoughts, about her actions - well, she almost found herself believing.

But not quite.

A sound caught her attention, pulling her mind to a still. But only for a moment, and then the thoughts reappeared. They never stopped for long, these days. Lobes swiveled, pinpointing the intruder, and she struck out in a strong trot, head held high like the queen she was. Keen amber orbs surveyed her surroundings and, when she arrived, the newcomer. He was a strong sort, thicker-boned than she, with a chestnut coat and flaxen banners. Darker hues adorned his shoulders, and a spiraling horn anointed his brow.

"Hello, darling, and welcome to Aurora Basin. I am Psyche the Dark Empress, the Lady of the Basin. Might I inquire who you are and what you desire?"

[W/C | ---]

Walk walk walk.
"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.


RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Totem - 01-07-2013

Time waits for no one, so do you wanna waste some time?

It took longer than Totem liked for the mare to appear, striding toward him with head held high, acting like she owned the place. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, but she was doing a piss-poor job at defending her borders. He could have marched an entire army through the mountain pass in the time it had taken her to arrive, or snuck out with a valuable herd member. As a former border guard, he knew well the dangers of leaving the sole entrance to your home unguarded, and the serious lapse did nothing to make him think favorably of this self-proclaimed Empress. Still, knowledge of such a weakness may prove valuable later, and so he sees no need to inform her of his professional opinion. Being a newbie in this herd, he will need to find and exploit every flaw in the leadership that he can. If nothing else, it will provide entertainment.

He takes his time before replying to her inquiry, sizing her up and forming opinions. Physically, this Psyche is unimpressive, neither tall and bulky, nor overly beautiful. She must rule by intelligence then, not strength or seduction. The herd must either be full of dim wits, or else just be completely unmotivated. Or there is always the possibility that some are like him, scheming in secret, working toward their own secret agendas. Admirable, if it is the truth, though it makes the band dangerously unstable. With a mental shrug, he dismisses the thoughts of chaos and anarchy. It is not his concern.

Now, it was time to speak. But how to respond? His foreign accent often resulted in others underestimating him, considering it to be the speech of a simpleton, and he had often used that to his advantage, playing the fool in order to further his own ends. Would that work here, or should he present himself as capable. It is likely that the Basin Lady is looking for those who can be useful, he figures, and so that would probably be the best approach. “Totem. I be lookin’ ta join thar’s herd, if thar’ll have me. Lass named Lena said thar may have use ‘o me.” A simple enough explanation, and composed entirely of the truth.

RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Psyche - 01-08-2013

You can sleep with a gun but
When you gonna wake up and fight?
Perhaps her actions were slower than what one might have liked; it did indeed cross her mind that she should step up her border patrols. He would not have been the first in these past weeks to wander into her realm; but then, she had seen no inferior beings creeping through the pass, making it past her guards, and so to her thinking, they were doing their job. Her followers knew that unicorns were welcomed within her lands, and though they should still be greeted, they were not treated with the distrust and disgust that skyrats and the other hornless creatures were. Besides, since when did greeting newcomers become her job? She was a busy fae, with many things to attend to as the Lady of the Basin. So where were her patrols, anyway?

She filed the thought away for later review, and took a moment to size up the stallion before her. Of course, she had already glimpsed over him to get an idea of his appearance, as was customary for any lead greeting a stranger (or so she assumed). But now she considered what use he could be to her. A muscular form, to be sure, but she had plenty of warriors. She supposed one more could never hurt, but she did rather hope that she would find her herdlands more blessed with those of a different talent. She felt surrounded by meat-headed stallions who were more brawn than brain. Would this one be any different?

"Totem." Straightforward enough, but a short answer did not make him stupid. She listened further: "I be lookin’ ta join thar’s herd, if thar’ll have me. Lass named Lena said thar may have use ‘o me." His tones had an odd lilt to them, an accent unknown to her and quite unlike any that she had ever heard. Perhaps he did not sound like the most learned steed in Helovia, but there was something that prevented her still from categorizing him as stupid. She would not assume that he was as intelligent as he was, for she was no mind reader, but she certainly would not ignore his presence.

"You are certainly welcome within my herd, Totem," she told him, her orange gaze never wavering from his. "And I am sure that we will find many uses for you. Tell me, darling, where do your talents lie?"

[W/C | ---]

Walk walk walk.
"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.


RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Totem - 02-02-2013

Time waits for no one, so do you wanna waste some time?

Talents? A simple question, but there were so many answers he could present. He supposed that being lazy was certainly not what the fae was looking for, nor was scheming, for that could result in a negative reaction. So, what else could he do? Guard, of course, assuming the mare didn't have strict definition for the term. His version of guarding consisted of simply standing where he was stationed, though often enough it proved effective. Fighting, too, was something he could do, though he found it didn't quite suit his taste.

Perhaps it would serve him best to point out her lack of border protection and offer his services to remedy that. It would be an easy job, with this pass being the only easily accessible point into the unicorn's domain, and it was one that apparently had yet to be filled. "Well, I be a fair 'oof at watchin' fer intruders." Infernos drifted around their surroundings, tinged with contempt. "It would seem thar doesn't 'ave too many o' those." True, criticizing the way things were run might not be the best idea, but perhaps his honesty could win him some brownie points. She seemed the sort the value the truth, even if the words weren't something she wished to hear. There was always the chance that he was wrong, of course, but it was a risk he was willing to take. After all, if things went wrong he could always travel to the other herds and seek acceptance there. The Basin was simply the most convenient.

Boring though. Already, Totem could feel his interest in this conversation wavering, drifting across the ice-ridden land in a vain attempt to provide amusement. The most minuscule details began to seem fascinating, simply because they had gone unnoticed before. The odd arrow shape of a rock, the exact shade of gray that painted the sky, the way one of the mountains rose above the others slightly. They, too, would lose his attention in but another moment, but for now they kept him rooted, held in in place so that he did not simply saunter away from disinterest. It was tempting though.

RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - Psyche - 02-03-2013

You can sleep with a gun but
When you gonna wake up and fight?

She bristled slightly at his criticism, though outwardly she only pursed her lips and regarded him shrewdly. Who did he think he was to waltz into her domain and tell her that her patrols were lacking? He is correct, though, a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her. It was a thought that irked her, and she reminded herself that she would need to speak with her soldiers, remind them of the importance of their borders. Yes, they were surrounded by mountains - but that did not mean that they should be complacent. There were always comings and goings from the pass, and with such a small area, it would be easy to slip in unseen should no one be here to greet them.

Finally, she spoke. "It would seem that you are correct, Totem," she admitted wryly. "I do believe that you would make an excellent addition to our ranks. Perhaps you can whip some of our other soldiers into shape, hmm?" She flashed a winning smile, though it did not reach her eyes. "Come, then, and familiarize yourself with our lands. Welcome home, darling," was her final statement, and then she turned her back on him, walking back the way she had come. She did not particularly like this stallion, but he had spoken honestly, and he would fill a role that they were, apparently, lacking. If nothing else, he would be useful.

[W/C | ---]

Walk walk walk.
"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.
