HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Summons [Qian Meeting] - Printable Version

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Summons [Qian Meeting] - Mirage - 06-30-2012

A sound, a call, a resonating undulating wave of harmony echoed through the trees this dusky evening. It could be described as an equine call, soft and whickery, long and drawn out. Or it could be described as a draconic call, with hints of ferocity and growling, a deep power resting just under the surface. In truth, the call was both, for both and equine and a dragon sung a long summons, touching on the eardrums of all their comrades and friends no matter where their souls happened to wander across Helovia. A mental brush of Akaith’s mind might have even stirred within the membranes of those sensitive enough to recognise what it was they felt, an image of the small clearing Mirage had located within the depths of the Deep Forest.

“My friends, comrades and family, I ask you to come forth and greet your fellows beneath the stars tonight.”

It was a request more than an order; though Mirage knew that most would follow her lead without question no matter which way she posed her desires, she did not like the idea of ruling with a tyrannical hold upon her fellows. There would be a time where she would ask her fellows to aid in obtaining their future home, which was an enormous request to expect to be answered. But she would be leading the diplomatic end, which was likely to turn physical, and she did it not for herself, but for them. For the Qian.

They waited.

[ For all members and allies of the Qian. ]

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Madyrn Maskan - 06-30-2012

They heard the call.

And they came.

The synchrony was perfect. The thoughts on similar tracks. The brothers of shadow and fire walked the line of perfect balance between their opposing elements, both in physical appearances and inner demons. They snorted, the air damp with their exhalation, though that was all the moisture did allow, it soon disappeared in the temperate atmosphere. Brawny bodices crawled beneath the thick canopy of the Deep Forest, even in the heat the sheer amount of leave above them blocked out most of the night sky. It mattered little. Their night vision was pristine, having been borne of land where no sun ever rose. Orange, demonic eyes roved the surrounds, they felt the mental pull of Akaith upon their brows, and they allowed such sensations to draw them closer to their sister.

It was curious, that the youngest of them all should rise above and lead them onwards in this life. Though they were aged, relatively older than most others that walked this realm, they looked to her with loving respect and loyalty, and a small sense of possessiveness; she was their sister, none would ever take her away from them.

Rubbing their noses along her spine, the brothers flanked their smaller, shadowy sister, nibbling at her mane, nosing the golden etching upon her nape with a silent query behind their eyes. But then they drew away, to allow the masses to view her majestic form. They lingered, upon the edges of what is the meeting place, protectors of all who would gather before them. They did not only serve Mirage.

They too, served the Qian.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Kri - 06-30-2012

K R I & O N N I
We are not our losses, we are only the extent to which we love.

The pair of Pegasus flew together in comfortable silence. Two pairs of brown wings stretching across the air, with blonde hairs twirling in the wind. Daughter flew slightly behind her smaller framed mother, resting easily on the wind controlled by the other. She too could have contorted the air in the direction she wanted, but the speed at which it lapped at their backs was something out of her range. Kri, however, was more than capable to push it forward at a quicker pace.

The forest began to expand below the mares, opening more with each second and blue eyes scoured the ground from both pegasus to find the clearing that had appeared in their minds. And there it was, a break in the forest.

Downward the pair swooped, daughter choosing a loose spiral, mother falling with more velocity toward the ground. The appearance of two stallions causes those brown wings to pull up quickly in surprise, slowing Kri's descent to avoid from collision with the extra figures. A mess of blonde hair falls upon her face upon impact, hooves meeting the soft loam. A pair of golden hooves meet the forest floor next, spiralling up to white legs with a painted body.

The pair of mares moves forward toward Mirage, Onni staying behind her mother. The girl is unfamiliar with everyone here accept her mother, but she would follow the silver bay to her end with full confidence. "Mirage," a voice says. Onni realizes instantly that she should too greet the equines. A quiet nod is given first, followed by a shy "Hello."

The stallions fall behind their sibling, and Onni watches from behind Kri curiously. Who else would appear?

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Vikram - 07-01-2012

He heard her call, her voice luring him in as it always had. Always would. Great wings carried him to the forest's edge, where he settled down with a flurry of wind and dust. Too great was his wingspan to allow a landing of any safety within the clearings that dotted the woods, especially if others had come to her call as well. So the hybrid trotted with calm assurance beneath the overhanging boughs, weaving through the close-growing trunks, until her scent filled his nares and guided him to her.

Others had preceded him, those golden eyes of his perceived their presence easily even in the dusky light. Two mares with feathered wings, one of vibrant coloration and one of dull, both small in stature but the latter strong in presence. He could scent the dry, dusty scent of the southern desert on their hides, leavened by green growing things and water. Two stallions of statures fit to challenge his in height and bulk, dark as night but marked brilliantly in red and white. They smelled of the northern forests, but the look of them reminded him of Rishima, of Mirage. Their brothers, he assumed. That gave him pause, a moment where his stride faltered, his forward step elongated for a whisper in time before he continued on.

From the shadows he emerged, taller than the rest, leathery wings folded against coppery colored sides. Bronze scales glinted in the half light, a white dragon, stretched in flight, writhing over the muscles of his left shoulder while his own long tail swayed in time with his steps. Black marked his legs, cascaded along his spine in the form of an extended mane that reached from poll to tail-tip. Golden eyes with slit pupils now narrowing to accommodate the greater light of the open space rested briefly on each of the ones already present, and his head dipped in respectful greeting to each of the pegasi. A smile quirked his lips as he gazed upon Madryn and Maskan, then he nodded to them in turn.

Then his attention was all for Mirage as he crossed to her, certain of his welcome as he dipped his head to extend his muzzle to her. Reaching for her own muzzle, but leaving the choice of that touch up to her. Moving forward another step, two, and skimming his muzzle against her neck and then resting on her shoulder. He breathed a gentle sigh of satisfaction then, his lips quirking again with a rise of amusement. He'd just pushed a few buttons, he knew. Knew Mirage would be aware of his smile, and the heartbeat of intentional stillness before he regained his composure and lifted his head to reach his muzzle next toward Akaith, greeting the gold with a soft rumble, dragon to dragon, as always.

At last he shifted away to take a position near but not too near. Always supporting, but not taking any further steps to claim a spot beside her. Soon enough she'd invite him there, he knew. But he could wait, a dragon was adept at waiting. In the meantime he amused himself by watching her brothers. Waiting to see what they'd make of his quite intimate greeting to their little sister. He waited as well to see whom else would heed that call, expecting at last to see this little family all in one place.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Aylin - 07-01-2012

The moon looks upon many night flowers;
The night flowers see but one moon

I was curled up beside my brother sleeping when, for the first time I could remember, Tallis woke me. There was an urgency about him as he nudged me to my hooves. His nudging continued even after I stood. Slowly, sleepily I walked in the direction he was pushing me. Gradually I came to my senses and began to realize how urgent he was being. Maybe if I was truly bonded with him I would know what he wanted. For me, unfortunately, he would only ever be a caretaker and a friend.

When I was awake enough Tallis took to the sky and I ran beneath him, glancing up occasionally to make sure I was still following him. I didn't know where he was bringing me, but I was confident in the dragon. He would never bring me anywhere where harm would come to me. My surroundings began to change to a forest and it became harder for me to see Tallis. My pace slowed when I lost sight of the orange dragon in the branches.

My heart skipped a beat as I began to realize that Tallis had lost me and I didn't know where I was. I couldn't even see the moon under the thick cover of branches and that made me feel even more lost. My ears twitched as voices floated through the trees. Against what would have been my better judgement had I not been lost, I ventured toward them. As the trees began to thin a bit I could see a group of horses. They were a mixture of winged, horned, and hornless. Two of them I recognized right away. Vikram, the dragon horse, and Mirage.

I inched from the cover of the trees, looking at each individual in turn before moving quickly to stand with Mirage. She was the only one I really knew out of anyone there. The only one I wasn't scared of. I inched toward her until I could feel her warmth against my hide. I only wished Tallis was there with me. Moments later I heard his familiar trill and he landed on the ground beside me and moved to sit protectively at my open side.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Torasin - 07-01-2012

[Image: tortable.png]
Evening began to take over from the harsh warmth of day, animals great and small slowly flittered their way home. The nocturnal stirred from slumber and prepared for the nights hunt. The trees rustled with a hint of a breeze, the darkness breaking upon the Deep Forest. This part of Helovia was unknown to the beacon that was Torasin. Well travelled already through Helovia's lands he was excited at the prospect of a new place to explore. But that would have to wait for later. His lobes picked up the call from Mirage, it was time to start gathering the members of The Qian band. Kiba followed Akaith's image and together with scent, sound and mind power the two found who they were looking for.

Many had already gathered already. The two pegasus mares from the Throat, Kri and Onni, Vikram stood like an immovable statue. Only, much more fearsome than stone. The little Aylin was in attendance with her mothers dragon, Tallis. However, the two that interested Torasin the most was Madryn and Maskan. They had the build of Mirage, the black depths of their fur was unmistakeable and they smelt interestingly of the Foothills. The paint had never met Mirage's brothers before, he wondered if Rishima would come too.

A loud, buoyant trill sounded from Kiba, who now rested keenly on his bonded's neck, to say his greetings to Tallis and Akaith. His bubbly, ever curious personality made Torasin snort in laughter. Creamy mane wound around dark claws. The stallion walked over to stand next to Vikram, his draconic presence was oddly comforting to him. The little brown bonded stared eyes agape at him, a many number of strange emotions being sent Torasin's way. The unseen ties that strung these mythical creatures together became too much for Kiba and so he leapt onto Vikram's back. He inspected the bronze scales of the giant stallion, every inch of his wings until the youthful dragon decided he was more dragon not horse. He trilled at him a many number of greetings before hopping back onto Tor's back, content to have satisfied his seemingly never ending curiosity.

Formalities over for the little brown Torasin turned his attention to Mirage, looking at her fondly. They may just be friends now, but he still cared for her dearly. He sighed in contentment and noted the group had attracted all the races from equine to unicorn and pegasus's to... Dragon horses and dragons. This would be interesting indeed.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Rishima - 07-01-2012

Mirage's call sounded in my mind, and I followed it to the forest.

It amused me, that the youngest shadow had grown into the greatest flame, to see my little sister 'playing Queen', as I called it, yet I had no doubt that she could fulfill her position of leadership with perfection and grace. Some might have wondered if we resented her, we three who were older and therefore, more deserving of respect; if we envied the renown she had gained, the way her name was whispered across Helovia; if this could cause a rift between us. I laughed at these judgements, incredulous. I felt only pride for my sister's rise, and respect, and a dry delight that it was not I in her hooves. As long as she remained mine, my sister, she could do what she liked and I would stand behind her, just as I did now.

I stepped under the lowered branches, ducking to avoid some wayward leaves, following Mirage's call. It was not long before I reached the clearing she had chosen, emerging from the trees like a shadow, dark eyes assessing those already here. The small gathering that had arrived appeared before me held largely familiar faces, although two pegasai I did not recognize stood close together, their color and familiarity suggesting relation, their scent suggesting Dragon's Throat. The others I knew: Mirage, of course, flanked by my brothers; the little filly Aylin I had met by the sea; Vikram, completely enraptured with Mirage and being far to familiar, in my opinion; and Torasin, his little brown Kiba standing atop his back.

I had arrived just after Torasin, it seemed, and I nodded to the painted steed, both pleased that he finally seemed to have lost his romantic attachment to Mirage, and disapproving of the hurt he had caused my sister. Still, he seemed like a nice enough fellow, if quite naive. A smile was given on the heels of my nod, an offering of friendship that would no doubt confuse him. Oh well. I shifted my attention to Aylin, the little filly who echoed my own coloring timidly standing my Mirage, a dragon guarding her side. Steps were taken and I approached her, lowering my muzzle to look kindly into her face. "Hello, Aylin; I am glad to see you. Have you met my brothers, Madyrn and Maskan? They look scary, but they really just like to be cuddled." It was an act some here would no doubt deem uncharacteristic, the gentle tones of my voice that went out to the filly with heartfelt sincerity, the smile, the absence of any sort of mask. Yet she reminded me of myself, in more ways than just her coat. I threw a glance at the boys who flanked the clearing, stern and warning - they had better be nice to the child.

Rising up to my full height, I found that Mirage and Vikram had at last stopped their canoodling. A glare was sent in Vikram's direction - let them be in love, fine. I did not need to see it. I snorted at my sister, but teasing mirth and mockery were clear in my eyes as I walked past her, flicking charred locks at her hocks in an affectionate act of consternation. I circled around my siblings to greet Akiath, nickering softly to the golden dragon before aiming a sharp love bite at Mirage's flank. A grin was given to my little sister; done with my disapproval of Mirage's touchy-feely moment, I ran my cheek affectionately down her spine, nibbling at her mane, then moving away. Mirage would be the center of everybody's attention, and I wanted none of that. Instead, I drew myself to the edge of the clearing, following my brothers and finally stopping beside Madyrn. A murmur, to soft for the others to hear, mocking and amused and affectionate - "Quite the harem our little shadow has collected." I aimed a bite at my hot-header brother's ear and quickly drew back from the retaliation I was sure would follow. Then I turned my attention to the arriving newcomers, a shadow slashed with white, dark eyes carefully watching as more and more appeared.

[Image: RishiRef.jpg]

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Couth - 07-01-2012

After having spoken with Mirage, Couth had begun to make the Deep Forest her home territory, scouting it out both from the air and from the ground. The tall tree in the center of the forest which marked the pool of water was almost like the needle of a compass and she found herself in no loss for directions. She was circling above a rocky outcrop on the edge of the forest when the call sounded, and she hovered for a moment before she changed her direction and headed toward the meeting point. She had been told that there would be a meeting for the members of the Qian soon and Couth was eager to meet her fellow weyrmembers. Surely those who followed Mirage were of a good, intelligent nature and likely noble as well. Mirage did not seem like the type to surround herself with fools and warmongers.

It surprised Couth when an image of Akaith flashed n her mind's eye only moments after Mirage's summoning call. A flash of golden, coiling scales and a dusky cloud of smoke preceding a plume of flames. So Akaith was reaching out to them as well- she was amazed that the dragon could call out and reach the minds of others. From Akaith she felt pulled toward the exact location of the meeting and she knew what it looked like before she landed carefully, quietly and gracefully. She drew forward to join the group, looking around to see who Mirage had invited to join the Qian.

Twins- they had to be. They had the same looks as Mirage, though more masculine. Like Mirage they had feathering about their legs, and a high poll. They were equal in height and build and the black of their hide, though their markings- the crimson on their legs and the white of their face- made it quite easily to tell that they were twins, but not quite identical. They stood as though on guard, and Couth at once found them likeable. Not too far away was a mare and a miniature version of herself, both winged and with a demure look about them.

She was quite taken by the looks of another pegasus nearby, with a pelt the shade of a hot and copper sky, with draconic wings like the ones she sported and a look that was definitely unique. His eyes were sharp and feline, but there was a mildness about his lips which proclaimed no demon. He was a remarkable stud, but Couth was quick to notice the way he watched Mirage, how he lingered near her but not too close. She told herself to put her attraction to the stud on halt until she knew whether he and Mirage were an item.

Lingering close by Mirage's side was a beautiful Unicorn filly, whose dark pelt had a metallic sheen- a slightly silverish tint to it. She looked a bit skittish- possibly a bit nervous about being surrounded by strangers, though she obviously felt comfortable with Mirage. Had she not chosen to stand by the Weyrleader, Couth might have stepped forward to offer her courage. Also with the group was another stallion, one whose pelt was awash with large patches of cornsilk and gold, who also was accompanied by a dragon, one of earthy hues. Her eyes lingered on the companion for a moment and if he chanced a look in her direction, he would have been greeted with a respectful bow of her head; for the mare knew to respect and revere the companions of others, especially those of such a high order. The only other present that Couth could see was another beautiful mare, silky black in colour with a beautiful crescent-shaped marking atop her haunches and a silky flaxen mane and tail. In a group with all the others present, Couth felt very aware that all present were those who had distinguished, elegant or unique looks. They were quite a handsome crew.

She made her way first toward the Weyrleader, ears tilting back and head lowered, making chewing motions with her mouth as horse will do when greeting one they respect. She lifted her head to reach forward and rub her nose gently against Mirage's neck, whickering in a low, rumbling tone which was meant to greet both the Weyrleader and her dragon companion. Once she had greeted Mirage she stepped back and flicked her ears forward, waiting for others to arrive- if there were others- or for the meeting to begin.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Daenerys - 07-02-2012

All I loved, I loved alone.

The lithe fae had sought shelter from the burning sun within the borders of the forest, a large oak veiling her in pleasant shadow. The leafy canopy above shifted and changed, spots of light darting across her bodice, illuminating her snowwhite hide. As Daenerys came out of her slumber, dusk was settling in, spreading a soft glow across the terrain. A couple of fireflies buzzed about lazily, and the mare shook her head to rid her ears of the noise. But then there were another; a call, of sorts, and not too far away. Dany’s curved lobes swiveled around to try and locate the origin of the summoning, finding she would have to venture further ahead. Usually, she was a very sociable youth with eyes of innocence and wonder, but this evening she just wanted to be let alone. A slight shiver went through her, her body feeling suddenly foreign; she was shamed.

The only reason that she moved was the fact that is was Mirage who had called. When she thought of her newfound sister, with her kindness and warmth, Daenerys felt a reassured smile appearing on her lips. She knew that if she stayed close to Mirage, her brother would never again be able to touch her, and she could have the family she so dreamed of. It was a promise of a more sturdy future, for her and the life growing in her belly. She did not hate the little life in there, how could she? But she hated the circumstances under which he had come to be – a child of shame and pain, he was, and those were never fortunate. Snorting, Daenerys set forward in a shaky walk, stumbling every now and then. For a while she felt disconnected to her limbs, but after a moment she composed herself and was able to approach the others with a tender smile on her face.

There were many already, she must’ve been carried away in ponderings for longer than she had expected. Her eyes went first to Mirage, instantly feeling reassurance, building herself up to meet with all these strangers. Strangers that were about to become family. Her glance wandered on to a pair of brutes, so similar in appearance that she figured them twins, and the resemblance to Mirage was apparent as well, though they were larger and rougher in built. Then a pair of pegasi, mother and daughter judging by their age and looks, with impressive wings folded on their backs. Another caught her eye, who had withdrawn himself from them a bit, half dragon and half horse. His appearance did unsettle her a little, but by his presence she figured he would be a friend, so she sent him the same courteous smile as she had offered the others before him.

Then a filly, wide eyes sporting a scared look, standing in close proximity to Mirage. A horn, yet small, grew from her forehead and she was a beautiful color of dark hide accented with white tresses. Daenerys felt drawn to her, still very much a child in her own mind, and she whickered softly to the small one. A beautiful stallion of cream and white had settled next to the dragon steed, bringing the dragon count up to three with the little brown creature that was clinging to him. Another silhouette was there, much like the one of Mirage, but with a white marking on her back. Daenerys was curious of her, and she nodded respectfully to her as she had to each of the others in turn. A golden fae with draconic wings were standing by herself a bit; Daenerys found her looks intriguing, her beauty adding to the already present in form of the other members. She felt so simple there among them, with her snowy hide and lack of companion, wings and horns.

Gathering the courage, she moved toward Mirage gracefully, stretching out her muzzle in a humble greeting. She so wanted to introduce herself to the others as well, but the words were long underway. The femme cleared her throat and spoke, her melodic chords erupting from her lips. "My name is Daenerys. I’m delighted to finally get a chance to greet you all, in hopes you will accept me as part of your family," she spoke; her voice a little shaky from both nerves and exhaustion, but her handsome face betrayed her not. The smile never faltered as she withdrew, taking a place next to the cream-coloured Pegasus and waiting for whatever would occur.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Solstice - 07-03-2012

Solstice & Aaron
No bond is ever stronger, than that of a Mother and Child

They moved swiftly, mother and son stretching their legs out long. The mental pull had only been in one, Solstice, but both answered the call. Hooves pounded over the drying and dying earth below them. The painted fem had been interested in the strange black mare she had met in the Threshold oh so briefly. There was something about her that made Solstice was to know more.

However it was Aaron, who pointed out as they moved that they were not the only ones from the Foothills to be answering this call. He had insisted on tagging along. With his Dad among the missing, the colt's more peaceful side had snapped. Now more often than not he was wandering in hopes of seeing his father... but also training. He had met the brothers not long ago, and they were pushing him. It was just the push the colt needed.

As they entered the forest they slowed. Solstice took more of the lead, arriving quietly and merely nodding her head to the warrior brothers and the others she knew in turn. The mother and daughter pair caught her attention.... As one seemed to look fairly familiar.... She snorted and turned her head back to the gathering speaking quietly to her son. "Stay close." Her words were simple. Aaron snorted and softly spoke "Not a newborn anymore Mom..." But a stern look from her hushed the yearling. He instead looked to the brothers. Oh how he wanted to be strong like them.... Together they waited...

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Kiara - 07-03-2012

Red Roan Blanket Appalossa | 2 Years Old | Equine | Appaloosa x Quarter Horse

Timidly, Kiara to arrived at this meeting. The pull in her mind had been strong, strong than she could of imagined. She had made the meadow where Mirage had taken her after arriving in Helovia her home. The heat was extreme but the abused fem would much rather handle that than what she had back home. Shyly she entered the forest, the scents of many gathered made her reluctant. The smell of stallions spooked the young girl, but the pull in her mind kept her coming. She stopped, just on the outside of the gathered group, listening intently. She just could not bring herself to walk any closer or step among the group.... Not with so many.... Stallions around. She knew not of the Qian, just that where Mirage was seemed to be safety.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Smoke - 07-03-2012

Another came, approaching from the Foothills at an easy canter, shadowed by jewel-bright wings. The beckoning of a gold's call was plenty of reason for the blue to outpace his bonded, but instead he kept pace with the grulla mare who took her time answering the call. She was not truly part of this group, merely an ally who had her metaphorical hands full raising a daughter, training warriors, and keeping her herd safe.

So it was that she was not among the first to arrive, but she was one of the more quiet arrivals, slipping through the forest's shadows and sliding into the clearing unobtrusively. It was the blue who darted closer, his wings no longer gleaming now that the sun wasn't shining on them directly. He flew to greet Akaith with a happy trill, then settled beside Tallis, also a familiar dragon, with a chirp of greeting.

Smoke instead moved to stand by Solstice and Aaron, greeting the painted pair of mother and son with a warm smile. "Mirage has friends in many places." She said observationally, studying the many different sorts represented in this gathering.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Gossamer - 07-06-2012

A pale white mare, having been requested via dragons, canters easily up to the scene, nearly the last to arrive. Her appearance is regal, shining, elegant, and surprisingly quiet. She floats up to the meeting quietly as an ally and not a member should. There are many many horses gathered and Gossamer smiles to see that mirage was truly a popular mare despite her denial that she ever really wanted such a thing. She takes a few moments before she finds the horses from her herd and walks up to them. Solstice and Aaron with Smoke. She smiles at the three and nods as she hears Smoke's words.

Lazzuli leaps from her back and flies to the congregated dragons. He bows to Akaith, one whom he is still hopelessly in love with, but will never garner her favor, before turning to the others and churruping a hello.

She looks about and awaits for the meeting to begin.
{I'll be slow, so skip me and Noise/ Anthym if you like.}

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Noise - 07-06-2012

In the darkness, through the trees, one sees a light at first. Green and bright it rips through the darkness like a fire. Then comes spikes of glowing colors in green and purple, blue, orange, yellow, and pink. So many one could really never see it all. These lights and glowing colors continue to become clearer and clearer as they are cut less and less by the trees. Eventually, suddenly, they all come together in the form which is Noise as he bursts through the branches to stand beside MadMax the Gold Dragon, and Mirage. Intimidating, bright, and otherworldly he stands as a notice to all, just as the presence of the other stallions in her harem, that Mirage is not one to be messed with. He smiles and gives a friendly wink to her before focusing on the already gathered. There are many here and he glances about, here and there, there and here. Many odd spaceballs here tonight. Then he sees it in the back, a white ghostly poofball. So delicate and pretty and he almost giggles. Ooooh, he wanted to play with it, well her, the mare. She was very poufy and cute. Why she held herself all grumpy he didn't know, but whatever. He shrugs and goes back to looking manly.
Maybe he could get laid tonight. That would be BAMF yo!

Anthym lurks in the shadows of the gathered, not really wanting to be seen, but makes eye contact with Mirage and smiles. The older mare was kind and a mother to her now that hers was lost to her.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Mirage - 07-09-2012

It did not take long, for the mare to allow the sounds of the Forest to engulf her, for the darkness to crowd around her, for the whispers and mutterings of the undergrowth to hum their sweet nothings in her ears. Golden eyes drooped behind lazy eyelids as she seemed to lean into her surrounds, embracing the effects of nature around her. Footsteps could be heard, or rather, felt, and the maiden smiled, opening her eyes to watch as those with gazes like a predator’s crept in from the outskirts, brushing their whiskery muzzles along her sleek hide like she were their possession. A warm greeting rumbled in her throat to her brothers, Akaith joining in with her somewhat reptilian addition to the vocals, before their dark forms melded with the shadows again. Soon after, wingbeats could be heard, and the mare knew they were not the wingbeats of her lover, of Vikram, for even though she had selected a spot that allowed a gap in the canopy, it would take far larger a gap to accommodate his wingspan. No, these wingbeats belonged to her friends of the Throat, and her small smile and respectful nod to Kri and the extra welcomed their presence. Though she knew not who the youth was, she could pick the similarities, and wagered that this was Onni, the chocolate mare’s daughter. “Hello,” she spoke in response to the femme, not wanting to appear unwelcoming or ungrateful for their arrivals.

The next scent to tickle her nostrils triggered an immediate reaction within her, that of warmth rising from somewhere deep down, a pleasant sensation of being swept away, almost unbearable and yet annoyingly addictive. Heavy footfalls announced his arrival, the looming beast that was her mate, her golden eyes picked his with ease from the shadows and locked onto him. He came close, and she loved it, relished it, soaked it up like a sponge absorbing honey. The devious mare knew exactly what he was up to, but she encouraged it, leaning into him, never wanting to push him away, only ever yearning for his nearness forevermore. The queen upon her withers bumped muzzles with him affectionately, the strange vibrating hum that one can only describe as a draconic purr reverberating within her breast at Vikram’s presence. The dark mare threw a quick glance at her brothers, stilling whatever brash actions they had in mind upon spying the couple’s open display – let it be known who her chosen was, she would not shirk away from such a thing any day. A sultry smile followed Vikram as he moved his bulky hide to the side, and the shadowy mare nodded in understanding of his choice of place – she would indeed be inviting him closer later on.

A small one arrived next, with a dragon Mirage had come to understand was Tallis, Evangeline’s true bonded. He was a diligent off-coloured red, always keeping guard upon the little filly, and the mare felt at ease knowing that he was supervising the happenings. Aylin was precious to Mirage, she loved the filly as closely as one would love their kid sister, perhaps even as a daughter. Akaith returned Tallis’ trill with her own queenly harmony, welcoming them, as Mirage bowed her tiara to gently comfort the moonlit flicka, whickering quietly, and warmly to her all the while. “You’ve nothing to fear here, little one.” Accented melodies hummed soothingly from her maw, uttering deep into the concave flutes that sat atop Aylin’s pretty tiara. A mental tug from Akaith announced the approach of Torasin, his magnificent hide clear even in the dusky light, the healthy young brown with him receiving a welcome from the gold with an amused twinge as he met Vikram for the first time. He is a fine bronze, Akaith once again hummed within Mirage’s membrane, and Mirage wasn’t sure whether the message was sent only to her, or to Kiba and Vikram also. Being draconic in nature, and so closely bonded to Mirage and Akaith now, it wasn’t an outlandish idea that he might pick up snippets of their silent conversations.

Her attention turned away from her friends as yet another arrived, this one far more devious and alike herself than all the others, including her brothers. Though not bonded by blood, they were sisters on a deeper level, one of magic and moonlight. The mare smirked at Rishima as she suggested Aylin snuggle up with their brothers – certainly the steeds would welcome the filly’s presence with all the love a big brother could provide. The shadowy mare did not flinch as Rishima’s bite seemingly randomly pinched the skin about her flank, instead she happily accepted the taunts and cheers – she was not ashamed of her love for Vikram, nor her open displays of affections – at least, not in the crowd of trusted friends and followers. A flash of crème amidst the timbers alerted the mare to one of her newest acquaintances, a charming Pegasus whom she had taken a great liking to almost immediately. Her own deep voice huskily nickered in reply to Couth, her tiara giving a graceful nod and her muzzle welcomed the gentle contact. Akaith had crept up Mirage’s nape, and chirruped happily at Couth, approving both her method of greeting and the simple fact that she came this evening. The happiness was almost overwhelming for Mirage, and she knew not whether it was originating from the equine soul or the dragon. It was probably safe to assume both.

The next pale figurine to emerge caused a stir of concern to swell up, and the mare felt horrid for not addressing it sooner – she would have to speak to Daenerys soon, to find out exactly what happened on that one night. Her brothers had enlightened her as to their own ideas, and they had been keeping an eye upon the slimy brother, Viserys, while he was within the Foothills at least. It was not obvious, the little mare’s discomfort, merely a twitch of sadness every now and then that disrupted her otherwise charming parade, but Mirage knew well enough of the different masks anyone was capable of wearing; her own was an unreadable, stony façade of indifference – though she did not wear it tonight. Brushing her muzzle against Daen, she welcomed the speech and greetings, nickering softly in encouragement of the words.

Those next to arrive surprised Mirage, but she recognised the mare from the Threshold, and was able to pick that it was her son who strode beside her. The scent of them was of the Foothills, and with a glance to her brothers, she wondered if this was the young colt they had mentioned had potential to do great things, if steered in the right direction. They were happily providing that steering, it would seem. The little shadow mare nodded to them, and greeted them with a hushed whinny, at least communicating that they were welcome here, either as allies or members, if they chose. It was Akaith who alerted her to the next being, the youthful Kiara, whom Mirage had helped not so long ago. She was a beaten, battered femme, and the mare could understand her want to stay back from the crowd, especially one that contained just as many stallions as mares. Golden eyes sought her form out, and upon thinking she had focussed on Kiara, she smiled, and tried to beckon the belle to come stand closer to her, though she understood if the roan appaloosa chose not to.

Smoke then entered, and made herself comfortable with the Foothills residents, and Mirage looked to this mare with the respect she deserved, nodding her tiara and once again wishing for a time to speak alone with the dappled maiden, for she seemed as fascinating a creature as Mirage herself was. But another time, another day. Zaffre was greeted by Akaith enthusiastically, the gold was getting quite pleased with herself and her ability to draw more and more of a crowd in. Mirage could only smile in quiet amusement, as yet another dragon emerged from the Forest, one Mirage recognised as the bonded of Gossamer, Lazulli. Akaith once again trills an eager tune in greeting, and Mirage inclines her chiselled façade to the Leader of the Foothills. Strange lights then caught her attention, but only for a moment, as the behemoth Noise emerged from the forest. He was a strange one, but it seemed Mirage enjoyed collecting the strange, and he was good – when he was coherent, at least. The wraith of a mare who stood back amidst the shadows of the forest did catch her eye, and Mirage was glad to know that Anthym was present also.

It seemed then, that the time had come to speak, and the mare straightened her posture, flicked her mane about her nape once, and Akaith made a curious call to gather the crowd’s attention.

“You have all come to my call, and words cannot describe the gratitude and humbleness I feel from your presences.

The Qian has summoned you here today so that you can meet your fellows and allies; remember their faces and names well, for they are your family, each devoted to protecting you as you are devoted to protecting them.
You see before you representatives from the Windtossed Foothills and the Dragon's Throat, they have offered their homes as a sanctuary to us, in return we help ensure no harm comes their way. Gossamer and Smoke are each leaders of the Foothills, Kri is the Leader of the Throat, and we owe them our thanks for their generosity.

I shall introduce those present who are a part of the WeyrFolk of the Qian; my brothers, Madyrn and Maskan. Aylin, Torasin, Rishima, Couth, Daenerys, Noise and Anthym. Those who I have not named fear not; I recognise you as a trusted ally, and you are welcome to take the pledge of the Qian should you wish.”
Here the mare paused in her rhythmic words, peering at Solstice, Aaron and Kiara, not necessarily expectantly, but just a little bit curious as to their reactions. But she paused her speech only a moment before launching into it again, for there was still much to be said, you see.

“The WingLeader of the Qian shares the responsibilities that you have bestowed upon me as you WeyrLeader; I ask Vikram to rise by my side so that the weight of such an honourable responsibility can be aptly carried through.” Here the mare bowed to the side where Vikram stood, her elegant form beckoning him closer to take the crown of the group, their group. The Qian was as much a part of Mirage now as Akaith and Vikram were; she was truly devoted, they were her life. Smiling at her mate, the happy expression dampened a little, and her voice took on a different tone, as she beckoned forth more of her colourful, accented words to grace the ears of those present.

“I fear I have spoken much, but I still have more to say; the Sun God has been angered, my friends, his instability has the potential to harm us all, his wrath is clear upon the lands – myself and my brothers have felt his heated touch upon our very hides, though we were fortunate enough that our injuries heal swiftly in the waters of the Endless Blue. I will be trekking to the Vein of the Gods, and I ask for anyone to follow in my steps – I will be seeking counsel with the Goddess of the Moon, for she has been a guiding figure for me all my life. She has marked me a dragon, and labelled me her ally amongst the mortals, and as an ally I only hope she too can help us restore the balance of the gods.

Who will make the climb with me?”

[Don’t worry too much about posting order for your replies – skip over Madyrn and Maskan]

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Couth - 07-09-2012

Couth was quite surprised to see how many equines called themselves a member of the Qian. The majority of them seemed to be either equine or Pegasus, though Couth's opinion of Unicorns was that they, in general, tended to stick to themselves or with their own kind. Still, the number that arrived was pleasant to see, though she did feel a bit overwhelmed by the task of getting to know the Qian members- especially when they did not all necessarily live together. So while others arrived she made sure to make note of little things about each horse present so that even if she did not remember their name when she saw them again, she would at least recognize them. She was quite pleased to see how many equines had bonded with a dragon; secretly, she hoped to do the same. Finally, when she had made little mental notes about each one present, Mirage began to speak.

The first part of her greeting was mainly casual and light-hearted, a welcome. She glanced to see the horses who were already members- and leaders- of other herds. If she felt the need to join a herd, she would likely join with the groups Mirage had spoken of, though if Mirage did not join a herd, Couth doubted that she would. She wanted to life a lifestyle as close to that as her Weyrleader as possible, unless she was assigned the task of joining a herd. She made a mental note to mention that to Mirage later.

Mirage introduced all the equines in order of the way they stood, so that Couth could put a name with each face. Her lips twitched slightly when Mirage confirmed that the two dark steeds, fraternal twins, were her brothers. She had suspected so, and it was gratifying to see that she was right. And she had also picked up on the relationship between Mirage and the dragon-like stud, whose name was Vikram. If she memorized only a few names on that day, his would definitely be one of them, as would the names of Madyrn and Maskan, by association with Mirage. She was also taken by Rishma- one she suspected was also close with Mirage- and in particular, Daenerys, who had a somewhat melancholic look to her pretty features. The mare had spoken before, with a light and gentle voice and Couth turned her head to gently touch her nose to that of the aforementioned mare. She had spoken of wanting to be accepted as family, and Couth felt the same. She decided she would make a point of getting to know Daenerys.

When Vikram was proclaimed as the Wingleader, Couth tossed her mane and stamped one foot against the ground in congratulations, blowing out a soft huff of air to show her approval and respect. Yet another equine she would have to become acquainted with, as he had been chosen by Mirage to hold a respectable position within the Qian. She quieted quickly, though, picking up on the change in Mirage's behavior in a flash, as the ebony Weyrleader's facial features grew serious and grim. She spoke of the God of the Sun and his warring ways. Couth stood perfectly still, listening intently, and as soon as Mirage finished and asked for others to stand with her to seek the counsel of the Goddess of the Moon she immediately responded, causing her long, silvery tresses to wave once more as she nodded her head and squared her feet. "I will climb with you, Weyrleader." Came her voice, sounding almost foreign with the amount of confidence it carried.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Mirage - 07-09-2012

For those who do wish to follow, I have made Mirage's VotG thread here: click

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Shirah - 07-10-2012

the true side

She showed eventually. Tail hung loosely behind her as she trailed through an unknown forest. It was quite odd how strong the scent of Mirage was there. And the twin brothers who gave her a home in the Foothills. Shirahs chocolate coat shifted through the scenery almost un noticed till she stepped forth into the group gathering. Making it just on time to hear the black females speach. Green eyes spotting each and every one of the beings before her, as Mirage asked to remember her family's faces.
'Note to self, take the pledge.' when was she to take it though? She would talk to the black one about this soon. Cocoa ears held firmly to the position of the owner to the band. As Vikram was to stand by her. A tall, dragon like, being. How odd his very presence. Shirah must get to know such a spectacular sight. As she asked for us to make the climb with her, one being, a pale one at that, gave her presence to be there. "As so shall I." smiling to her black lady. 'I will stand by you as long as I can.' thinking silently. Kicking back once more, leaning towards her rump, she gave a polite snort to Couth and quieted to listen for all her other new beings.

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Solstice - 07-10-2012

Solstice & Aaron
No bond is ever stronger, than that of a Mother and Child

They stood, quietly listening to all around them. It was the arrival of Smoke that caught Sols attention first. She nodded to both the lead fem's as they arrived, neighing softly a greeting a daughter would give to her mother to Gossamer. After all she had been there as a mother when her own mother had not had the heart to do so.

Aaron looked confused for a moment as his mother acted as if the pale white fem was his granddam.. He then focused his eyes on the brothers at the front. Oh how he wanted to be like them. It was then that the ebon mare started speaking. Aaron was the first to speak up "I wish to pledge." His mother stared in shock at first, and then approval. Her little boy was growing up. She for now would rather remain an ally than pledge into a group she barely knew. However when it came to making the trip to see the God of the Earth and Goddess of the Moon the pair spoke in unison.

"I will go with you."
"I will go with you"

RE: Summons [Qian Meeting] - Smoke - 07-11-2012

"You will need the God of the Earth's ear as well." Stated the grulla calmly, gazing at Mirage with an expression of warm amusement. "It seems fitting that one of the leaders of his lands should be a part of this, so I shall join you as well."

Her gaze drifted to Solstice and Aaron beside her, and her muzzle dipped to brushing approvingly against the colt's shoulder. He would remain one of the Foothills even if his loyalty spread to another, until he chose otherwise. This she would see to, as Smoke hadn't a problem with the brothers doing the same, and clearly Aaron was influenced by them.