HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
euphoria. [mirage] - Printable Version

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euphoria. [mirage] - Aylin - 01-12-2013

How long has it been since I set foot in the Edge? The months all seem to run together as I try to think back to the last time I was here. I can't remember when I was last in the Edge, but I remember the Foothills. Funny as it is, my last memory there is of Madyrn and Maskan and our game of tag in the water. They had been rough but in their own way they were teaching me to stand up for myself. Looking back now I realize this, but at the time I thought they were simply rough housing. What they showed my I took to heart when I left Helovia with my parents. I wonder now if I would have stayed with them if my heart had not cried out for this wretchedly beautiful land.

I move with care through the growing forest that I remember when it was burned to the ground and still smoldering after the Sun God's wrath. Offhandedly it makes me think about the weather and how mild it is compared to the blistering summer I remember. Odd. Even more odd is the fact that I am completely alone. Tallis is absent from my side and back as he stayed with my mother. I understand because he is her companion, but it leaves my heart aching from the loneliness. Thinking about him makes my eyes burn with the threat of tears that I blink away. Instead of crying I put on a strong face and continue onward.

These woods smell of Mirage.

With the threat of tears at Tallis' absence and the warm, comforting scent of Mirage now caressing my mind and memories I smile for I've missed her greatly. I wonder if she'll recognize me. I've been away for a while now and in my absence I've grown taller and filled out in places that accentuate the spanish bloodline I have because of my father.

"Mirage.." I dare to whisper the mare's name as my dark body continues to slip through the forest, now in search of her. I dearly hope to find and and upon finding her I hope she welcomes me back.

RE: euphoria. [mirage] - Mirage - 01-12-2013


How long had it been?

Mirage had lost count of the seasons since she had last seen her beloved young friend, the filly who had stuck so closely to her side as she roamed the wilds, led the Qian, and reminded her so blissfully of a child she was yet to bear herself. Brothers of shadow and flame had told her of Aylin's frolicks across the Foothills, but even they had not seen the little creature for some time. The last Mirage had been told, her parents were staying in the Foothills, protecting Aylin and her brother from the dangers of the wilds. Mirage had agreed with the notion, but their absence from even the Foothills did cause her some concern. What more could she do, aside from search throughout all of Helovia for the dark, white outlined form of the moonlit unicorn?

So when the delicate mists carried a whisper, a hint, a forgotten memory of a voice caressing the winds, to the ears of the Leader, she stopped the motion she was making, lips dripping with water that did not make it down her throat, and looked very alertly to the area she hoped contain the treasure that had been lost. Breaths were paused, forgotten, unneeded, at least for several moments. A mental brush from her beloved woke her from her reveries, Akaith sung a draconic song of welcome mingled with a light, playful admonishment. The little dragon took wing, not waiting for her bonded to wake from the stillness that had captured her limbs, wheeling her way through the canopy to burst from the leaves above where the now young mare stood, so slender but strong.

The little shadow was not far behind, delicate steps dancing their way through lean timbers, neat hooves easily clearing any fallen trees that tried to hinder her path, svelte ears twisting and turning atop her tiara as her serpentine nape curled and bent to bring her bodice closer to the border. "Aylin," her voice hummed, whispered, replied to what she hoped was real just beyond the turn. Akaith was chortling, dancing in the air above something, someone - it was her. Golden eyes beheld her, and the mare lost all pretences of indifference that she usually held. There was no hesitation, no question; only a smooth and gentle embrace, a welcoming hum swelling up in her chest, as she angled her tiara to drape over the young mare's own, so that between her chin and her chest she might cling to her, feel her flesh and test that she was truly real, and here, returned to her.

RE: euphoria. [mirage] - Aylin - 01-13-2013

"Akaith.." I said the dragon queen's name when I heard the beating of strong wings echo through the forest. My head raised and I gazed up at the canopy, waiting to see a glimpse of her golden body. It gave me hope when I finally did see her. For as long as I'd known Mirage and Akaith the two had never been far from one another. Wherever Akaith was Mirage was sure to follow and vice versa. I knew now that I had only to wait, but waiting was hard when I was so anxious to see a friend, no Mirage was more like a second mother to me, that I had not seen in ages.

"Mirage!"My voice held all of my excitement and relief upon seeing her. With a smile on my face I rushed to her and welcomed the embrace she offered. Tears burned my eyes and I laughed happily. "It's been so long." I said before turning my head to rub it against the stronger mare's shoulder. For so long I had dreamed of returning home and greeting the ones I held dear. "I'm not dreaming, am I?" If it is a dream then please let me dream forever.

"Oh, I missed you." I feel it is unnecessary to say because my actions seem to scream just how much I missed her, but the words come and I am helpless to stop them. Eventually I close my eyes and pull away from Mirage's embrace even though I'd like to just stand there for a little while longer. There is a brief moment of fear as I pull away. What if I really was dreaming? What if this embrace is what's anchoring me to the dream and it all disappears because I left again.

When I open my eyes and Mirage is still standing there I breathe a sigh of relief and extend my muzzle to her. There's so much I want to say to her and ask. I'm sorry I left, I'm here to stay, Will you welcome me into your home, I've missed you, Did you miss me, I'm sorry Instead the only thing that stumbles past my lips now is a simple greeting. "Hi."

RE: euphoria. [mirage] - Mirage - 01-15-2013


The dragon chortled happily as her name dropped from the lips of her friend, aerial acrobatics becoming more complicated as the excitement and happiness of the moment only grew. With a light, graceful move, the golden queen made to land atop the charred rump of the lass, her own scaly tail dangling over the edge of her muscular croup to mingle with the stock of pale, silken strands that was Aylin's tail. As her bonded came nearer and embraced the young femme, Akaith brushed her paws gently against the muzzle of Mirage, which was closer to her now as it reached over the youth's back.

Angelic, musical laughter rose harmonically from the dark femme, reassuring and playful, as with a soft lipping motion, a sweet caress, the Leader replied with her warm, accented tones. "And I have missed you, Aylin. More than you can imagine." Though she suspected the young mare did have an idea of the pain her separation had caused, for the nervous, excited way in which Aylin quaked was so similar to the feelings of relief and happiness that danced their way about Mirage's heart. As their embrace ended, and neither of them disappeared, the Leader thanked her lucky stars - she has truly returned! - ecstatic was an understatement of the joy it brought her.

Cherubic tones danced forth once more in the form of laughter, as the mare returned her young friend's greeting, reaching out to give another nudge, a breath of warm air against her forelock. "Hi indeed." With a playful, energetic toss of her tiara, the mare danced a few steps away from her, inviting the youth closer into her home. With a devious glint to her eye, she draped the cloak of her magic about her, only for a handful of strides, before resuming her solid form once again - she may have looked like a dream, so ethereal with her magic cloaking her, but that should have been more proof than anything else that she was indeed, real.

"Welcome to the World's Edge, Aylin." Once again the smooth, honey-warm, accented tones spoke, this time with a deeper pride, a hint of tales untold, a promise to reveal all if only the youth would step forth and accept her silent offer to be welcomed here, to never leave - to stay and be by Mirage's side, always and forever. Nape arched, her crest holding her soft, silken mane in a beautiful arc so that the salty sea air could tease and dance amongst it, the golden tattoo gleaming from its hiding place beneath the strands. A smile, true and packed full of meaning, curved the lips of the fair maiden, who stood, every inch of her posture inviting her friend closer, ready to show her the home she had earned.

RE: euphoria. [mirage] - Aylin - 02-03-2013

The weight of the dragon on my back was familiar and heartbreaking all in the same instance. I missed Tallis dearly, but he was mother's dragon and was bonded heart and soul to her. I had not the gift of bonding to a dragon even if I did have equine blood flowing through my veins. It was the blood of my father, unicorn blood, that made me what I am. A unicorn. Incapable of capturing the soul of a dragon. The heartbreak was healed by Mirage's embrace. I laughed with her and when she said that I could only imagine how much she missed me I shook my head.

I didn't have to imagine. I knew.

Mirage danced away from me and, naturally, I followed eagerly. When her body began to seem less solid and more dreamlike my gut twisted and I felt my breath catch in my throat. She had felt so real? Was it a dream after all? Were the gods so cruel that they would deny me my one request, to keep dreaming if it were a dream? Seconds later Mirage became solid again and my steps slowed until I was at a standstill.

She was real?

I had not the time to dwell on her realness before she welcomed me to the World's Edge. The land of the Moon Goddess. "Is his my home now?" I asked uncertainly. Would she really offer me a place to call home after I had left without even saying goodbye? I would love nothing more than to live in the land that the Moon Goddess called herself the patron God of. "You are too kind, Mirage." I said as I tentatively stepped further into the Edge's territory.

RE: euphoria. [mirage] - Mirage - 02-09-2013


That departure of Aylin previously had hurt Mirage - she had been busy, distracted at the time, invading the very lands they stood upon, organising the herd into some form of order, peace. The mare had blamed herself for pushing away those dear to her, her time and attention had been stretched so thin that it had been evitable for her to accidently neglect those nearest and dearest treasures. Aylin's absence was abrupt, unexplained, and hurt all the more because of it - but she had come back. She had welcomed Mirage's embrace, she didn't run or turn away from the shadowy little mare despite the time that separated them. She had grown, matured into a lovely little mare herself, she had had time to think about her place in life, in Helovia - and she had chosen Mirage's company, Mirage's home, Mirage's herd.

At least, that was the impression that was given. The little shadow mare had perhaps assumed too much, assumed that Aylin was here to stay, forevermore, assumed that the little filly had forgiven whatever wrongs she had done to her, assumed that she would want to linger here, to call this glorious land they stood upon her own home. But the question that dripped from the charred lips of the young fae only deepened the happiness that held Mirage's own façade together, a soft, kind, harmonious laughter bubbling from the mare's curved gullet.

"It is my home, the Qian's home, our home, Aylin, my beautiful little friend." Deep, melodic tones hummed the words into existence, the honesty behind them making her accent stronger, the feelings of love and excitement causing the dragon above to dance upon the winds that so often shifted the branches and leaves of the forest. The mists danced beneath their feet, welcoming a new sister into their clutches. Soon, Aylin would realise what the rest of the residents already knew; that the mists guided and comforted its brethren, that they offered protection and a cloak from unwanted eyes, that they could be dangerous to one who was not careful enough in their trespassing of the land. With light steps, the mare continued her dance, leading one of her oldest friends and newest herdmates towards the fantastic view of the sea that rimmed their triangular home.