HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Beginnings and Ends {|| Closed ||} - Printable Version

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Beginnings and Ends {|| Closed ||} - Sulwyn - 01-15-2013

what is this world we live in?

The Threshold, cast in shadow due to the quickly setting sun, was full of life. Playful brown squirrels leaped from one tree to the next, sending a flurry of angry songbirds into the air as their perches swung lightly to and fro. The plentiful flora and fauna found on the ground housed bountiful swarms of insects and other furry creatures, both alone and traveling in family groups. Nature was at peace and preparing for nightfall, undisturbed as each critter ran off to find his den. At least, nature was almost undisturbed.

The grulla had been traveling countless nights and had almost reached her wit's end. She had started to question whether leaving her uneventful herd had been the smartest choice, and was beginning to welcome ideas of turning back and begging forgiveness. Surely her father, the lead stallion, would welcome back his own kin? He had to; she was his daughter!

The young mare was beginning to doubt her thoughts and quickly nipped them each in the bud. It had been her decision to leave her family behind and seek out other herds-- herds rumored to have wings of birds, or horns like man's weapons, or even magical qualities. It had all seemed like a fabulous world to the mare then, but now that she had been on her own for a moon she could almost believe that they were just old mare's tales.

"What were you thinking, Wyn?"

The mare spooked at the sound of an equine voice, bolting behind a fallen log to hide. It wasn't until her heart slowed that she realized it had been her voice, and she was chastising herself for leaving her old home.

It has been far too long. If I don't find another horse soon, I will surely go completely insane!

Her own thoughts frightened her; no horse ever wanted to have his mind turn against himself. In the silver mare's opinion, death would have a far more pleasant outcome than becoming mad. She didn't know what she would do if she went berserk, her mind snapping into two, irreparable.

Glancing around the now dark forest, the lonesome silver mare brought herself back onto the faint path, her head held low with weariness. All she wanted was some food in her belly and a nice, deep sleep, but for now she still had many miles to put under her hooves.

{So... Uh... Yeah. My first post, hooray! Sulwyn is open for pretty much any herd, seeing as I am so newbish to Helovia, so be nice to the newb here! XD}


RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Thor - 01-15-2013

The Edge was an amazing place to call home and I had no quarrels about it’s significance to my heart. If I had done anything differently in my life, I wouldn’t be who I am today and I have no shame in the way I live. I had discovered a new part of myself that I longed to indulge. I wanted to heal and to enjoy the sense of self-satisfaction that I would surely encounter while doing so. I could remember Adura, whom I found in the Threshold, frail and starving. I had brought her back to the Edge in hoped that she could recover and now, months later, she was flourishing within the mists of our home. She was an angel born of greed and I had allowed her to spread her wings within the veils of safety that the fog created along our borders. However, the mist wasn’t our only form of defense. Mirage the Dragonheart was a force to be reckoned with and I was more than glad to back her when she called. Many rivals tried to mimic her leadership, but in my mind’s eyes, we had ended up with the very best.

My body had grown thick in the winter months and I was certain that I could shed a few pounds, but that wasn’t my purpose today. Though, I made a silent promise to myself that I would contemplate taking up a few spars in order to sustain my former resilience. Something about the cold invited me to hibernation like some old grisly, hiding beneath the snowy mounds of frost until the sun finally grew near enough to swathe me in gentle heat. My bones had even grown brittle from the lack of activity and my knees were eager to protest as I moved across the moist earth, damp from the approaching spring rains. Around my toes, the mud began to suckle and screech beneath my weight and though I had grown somewhat accustomed to traversing the sticky remnants of Frostfall, I was greedily awaiting the hardened grounds of Tallsun.

However, the benign rays of spring light did wonders to illuminate the soft dappling along my bay coat. for once, I felt at an advantage when it came to my appearance, considering it had taken a low blow due to the deformity of my wings. But, as I thought about it, I wondered what exactly I would do with such an attribute. I was perfectly satisfied with wandering the lands on foot as it seemed that I had become more appreciative of the world around me that way.

And it seemed that I was in the right place for doing just that as the Threshold had always seemed to carry a certain beauty about it that calmed my heart. On days like today, I felt more than at ease just wandering through the trees, under the shade of impending night. The soft illumination that split the clouds was that of a sweet lavender and it made me think of the first night I met Tamira. She had reminded me of the sunset with her tender personality and angelic graces. The last time I saw her had been somewhat confusing and I only hoped that one day she would be able to take hold of her own body and shut out Myriad completely- despite my current obsession with the two.

The cracking of dried foliage upon the forest floor alerted me to another’s approach. Though, I wasn’t certain if it was really an approach at all or just a mere chance that brought our paths across one another. She was a striking creature, painted in silvers and grays that complemented her amber eyes. They held flecks of gold that caught in the fading light and made me believe that perhaps they were not truly golden at all, but instead a soft rosy hue that had been collected from the sun itself. Though, it seemed as if the burnished accents didn’t stop at her eyes- there was small symbol that rested diligently along her underbelly, near her hip. I had never seen such a marking on anyone other than a few horses in the Edge and I was tempted to ask her ho she had received it. But there were always better opportunities to inquire about such information.

I smiled at her now, raising a brow to indicate some gesture of friendship. I didn’t want to alarm her with my size as I was certainly a great bit larger than she. I extended my feathered extensions and then resettled them against my spine. I wasn’t sure if she would mentioned them or not, though I hoped it would be something she chose to omit from our conversation until later- at lest if she gave me the time of day to even explain them.

Were you looking for something? Or did you come here to enjoy the simplicity of The Threshold as well?” A small chuckled followed my form of greeting and I couldn’t help but succumb to the small smile that danced across my lips soon after. I wasn’t sure if she was a newcomer to Helovia, but if she was, I was certainly more than obliging when it came to informing new faces about The World’s Edge.

RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Sulwyn - 01-15-2013

what is this world we live in?

It was the sound of mud sucking on his broad hooves that alerted the mare to his presence.

Momentarily spooked at the sounds of a large creature following her, the grulla spun on her heels and lashed out with a charcoal-colored hoof, her ears flicking forwards and back with anxiety. Her reaction to the noise surprised herself -- if she could spook so easily at the sound of her own voice, then wouldn't she be more prone to flee rather than to stand her ground? Perhaps it was a mare's intuition, or gut instinct, or her heart telling her this was no foe. No matter what it was, the young equine could not place it.

Relaxing her posture to something more presentable, the mare shifted her ears forwards to indicate she too was trying to appear friendly. So far, it seemed, the stallion had no intention to harm her in any way, but she still remained weary. A stranger could do one much damage, and this mare was going to play it safe.

"Simplicity? I hardly find this simplistic at all. Where I come from, all we have are the plains, and the mountains in the distance." Her voice was desperately trying to sound bold, but notes of uncertainty could be easily heard.

The stallion's size was a little daunting, but the smaller mare knew there was something gentler about him. Almost like he was a pastor, and she was a sinner.

After a weary pause, the mare cast her golden gaze to the feathers lining the stud's back. She had paid little attention to them earlier, when he had fanned them towards her in a gesture of welcome -- or so she figured, for she had never met another horse quite like this -- and now her amber eyes widened in shock.

So the stories are true... Does that mean... No! Helovia is real?

The mare's delight spread throughout her body faster than the breezes did on the moors of her homeland, lightning up her eyes and warming her from nose to tail-tip. She could no longer feel the mud that was caked onto her coronets, nor could she feel how sodden her hooves were becoming, or the winter coat she still wore. It was pure ecstasy, knowing that one's fairy tales rung true in other parts of the world, and the grulla suddenly felt like a young filly again.

Forgetting all about the strange wings that the stranger adorned, the mare introduced herself.

"Please forgive that horrid introduction; my name is Sulwyn. And what is yours?"


RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Thor - 01-17-2013

Simple fairy tales; we all live in them and perhaps we all die in them. From one storyteller to another, I thought I would share the story about the lion and the lamb. I wouldn’t care to hear your protest, if you’ve heard it before, you’ll hear it again. There was a small lamb- of course she would be small- and a large lion. Whatever fate brought the two together I can’t recall, but here they were, standing face to face. It was as if they had never seen the likes of something so large or so small. But of course they hadn’t, they were of entirely different species. The lion was a kind hearted creature, who prided himself in feasting on only sick or dying things. The lamb, who had not the slightest notion of this shied away from him. But he meant her no harm, he only desired a friend. I’m not even sure how the tale ends because I’ve forgotten it through the years, but no matter, I could always just come up with an ending myself. You hadn’t the need to tell me that I shouldn’t be a storyteller at all, because it is something I already know. All I really wanted to portray was just how I felt meeting this delicate lamb that thought I was going to gobble her up… Perhaps that’s why I was a healer and not some crafty-minded, well... storyteller.

I seriously needed to find some other way to depict my life happenings…

She was a quiet thing, child-like and perhaps child-sized as well; at least in my company. Something about her reminded me of a flower and the way it blooms in the spring sun. At first she was just a shell, closed-off and mysterious. But as I looked upon her now, she was blossoming, shedding her inhibitions for the light of my company. I was glad to see her prosper. I smiled slightly as she spoke, her voice a soft tinkling that reminded me of bells. Wherever she came from must have been magical, or at least from my perspective. Then again, I wasn’t about to intrude on her privacy. What kind of gentleman would that make me?

Though from the expression on her face now, it appeared as if she had been the one to enter some kind of magical fantasy. The look of sheer bliss looked well upon her face because it lit her eyes. I thought about telling her that she had in fact encountered a place that was far from magical, but I didn’t want to crush her dreams… just yet. When I thought that she had somewhat recovered from her mild sense of daydreaming, I raised a curious brow at her. “I hope I had not… intruded. I’m Thor, World’s Edge Nurse and you are in fact, in The Threshold of Helovia.” The way the words slipped off my tongue reminded me of some cheap, sleazy salesman, but hell, how else was I supposed to get through introductions without boring her entirely? “Is there something that you seek here Miss Sulwyn?

Ooc| Don’t pay attention to the problems throughout this, it’s late and I wanted to test out my new laptop.

RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Sulwyn - 01-17-2013

what is this world we live in?

His voice, his slight gestures, his whole being seemed to whisper to her, stay with me; hear what I have to say; befriend me. He was a curious creature with a mind full of questions, it appeared, at the sights of the young mare.

Suddenly remembering that she had odd markings for creatures of her kind, the mare ducked her head low and swung her branded barrel out of his view. The pause she had taken to examine the stallion would have given him ample time to check over her own structure, however, and now the mare felt like a fool. Of course he had seen the little sun; how could she have been so daft?

Then again, the mare realized thoughtfully, he is the one with the wings. Perhaps this is not so embarrassing, for either party.

Stepping closer to the brute to make up for her awkward shy away from him, the silver mare flashed a tentative smile. "I seek a herd, dear Thor. I left my family in search of Helovia, and now that you have confirmed that I have reached my destination, I would like to stay here. I have so much to learn and -- speaking of which -- what is World's Edge? And how does one 'nurse' another?"

Sulwyn's inquisitive nature was getting the best of her shyer side; back on the moors, she was not known for flirting with the other young stallions, but would only speak to them when addressed personally. Knowledge was valued highly by the mare, though, and the fact that Thor was a male was not going to stop her from obtaining more of it.

Funny that he does not bother me. I guess that since he is the first horse I have had company with in months, I don't mind his presence as much as I would have before. It feels nice, finally having a companion to travel with, or at least talk to.

{ Nah, you were fine ^^ I loved the allusion you threw in about the lion and the lamb! It fits their situation so perfectly. XD }

{Edit: I just realized that she sounds overly flirtatious near the end. She is just happy to have finally met someone, and I was trying to hint at her "lonerness" back at her old herd. Sorry if this came off the wrong way. XD }


RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Thor - 01-20-2013

She was a quiet animal, very conservative and self-reliant. But it seemed to me that she had opened her gates to allow me to come in. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she was no longer fearful of my approach, but still, I was slow and vigilant in my manner. I lowered my brown eyes to gaze into those of amber and I stayed there allowing her to look into me as I now did to her. This was a moment of pure compassion in which I wanted to honor her with the presentation of her future and the banishment of her past. This was a land of new beginnings and I wanted her to realize that, despite her broken ties that kept her bound in some kind of sour remembrance.

One feather –clad hoof was raised and brought forwards before the following of another. I was coming closer and never did my eyes leave hers. This was a moment of testing, a moment in which I would gauge her readiness. If I thought that she was unsure or afraid of what I had to offer, then I would leave her here for someone else that she felt she trusted. She flashed me a brilliant grin and behind it, I saw the pain of memories that I was not certain that I wanted to delve in. They were brewing behind those golden eyes like a tidal wave and threatened to come crashing down upon the shores of my gracious servitude. After all, this was her time to shine- not mine.

There are many herds here in Helovia. I am from The World’s Edge led by the Dragonheart, Mirage. However, The Dragon’s Throat is a fine land as well that caters primarily to Pegasi and The Windtossed Foothills, a land that strives for racial equality. If you feel you’ve a darker side to reckon with, I might suggest becoming an outcast because Psyche the DarkEmpress only allows Unicorns into her band.” I paused now to look upon her with deep, murky eyes. I was one that spoke diligently of equality and so I was also sure to inform new residents of all of the possibilities in Helovia. After all, had I not been allowed the same freedom of choice when I first came to the land?

Again, her bell-like tunes graced the open air. They were soft and mesmerizing as if meant to lure those into her company, even though she seemed shy about her appearance. She had angled herself away from me and I was afraid that it was because of something I had done. However, I did not let it affect me- not just yet. Through dark lips did my spiel continue and I was glad to appease the tense atmosphere that seemed to invade in between conversation. “As a nurse, I wish to pursue the right to heals others that are in need of my services. You may pursue many paths here, depending on which herd you choose to join and their rank options; though many are similar in course, just different names and abilities.

I smiled at her now, trying my best to figure her out despite the ominous wall that served her fortitude.

ooc| Sick with the Flu and fever, so I'm sorry for this rubbish and for the wait.

RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Sulwyn - 01-21-2013

what is this world we live in?

A tinge of alarm shot through the fae as the stud drew closer, lifting one heavy hoof and then another. Although she had reconciled with her shy nature, she still felt vulnerable, facing off to the much larger pegasus.

The mare relaxed almost as soon as he placed his brown gaze in her golden one. He had opened the doorway to his soul, and all that the equine could see there was a tender kindness like no other she had seen before. His size might suggest the stallion to be a fighter, not a nurse, but Sulwyn was grateful that he was the latter rather than the former. She might not be having such a pleasant conversation with the handsome lad otherwise.

The pause where the pair of horses studied each other began to drag on, and Sulwyn caught her breath. It was as if the walls she had put up had been taken down, brick by brick, and now she stood there; stripped of her protective barrier. She wondered for a bitter moment if Thor had had such a meeting with another horse before, but she pushed the thought away. Of course the brute would have met many other horses and welcomed them to Helovia; his knowledge of the land whispered of many years spent in this realm, and she was but a foreigner.

The sound of his voice filled the mare's silver ears, and she was immediately snapped out of her thoughts. His words captivated her, and she found herself intrigued by how he presented the other herds; not just his own.

How considerate he is to allow me the chance to leave his side, and to wait for another passerby to take me under their wing. His heart must be overflowing with kindness.

Although Sulwyn spent the time to listen to his soft words of the world that he knew so well, she knew that, deep in the realms of her heart, she would go with him to World's Edge. His considerate nature was getting the best of her, she knew, but she couldn't think of another brute that would be so welcoming, and so ready to let her make her own choice. She felt that she owed it to Thor to go with him, and to see him among his herd.

Then the pegasus spoke of his path as a nurse, and she immediately fell into the trap of his calming voice again. His mentioning of several different paths to follow sparked much interest into the mare, and she wondered if she would be given the chance to see which path her future lay.

For the second time since their meeting, a flicker of a smile spread across the mare's silver lips.

"I will go with you to World's Edge, Thor," golden eyes searched brown ones, unsure of what they hoped to see in them. Trust? Gratitude? Delight? Or maybe it was disappointment she was looking for, and the vixen was looking for a way to back out of the deal that she had just made. "And I look forward to meeting your herd."

No, no. The wait was not so bad, I just hope that you are fairing well with your flu. Get well soon! :c


RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Thor - 01-21-2013

Like a scared lamb, I watched as her eyes grew wide in reaction to my approach. In light, she may have been just shocked at my audacity, but as I gazed at her, I could see it there, nestled among other emotions that brewed within her golden eyes- fear. I didn’t want to see that hurt upon her face, I didn’t want to be the one that caused it. But I was determined to make her face it, face her discretion and work through it. I was not here to hurt her or to detour her. I glanced around, gesturing to the wide open expanse of The Threshold. She was free to leave whenever she desired, I wasn’t going to hold her back. Helovia was about freedom and choice. I could not keep her from making her own decisions.

But the more I spoke, the more she calmed. She seemed to relax into me just as I hoped she would. A gentle smile spread easily across my lips as I thought of the few similarities she shared with my beloved Tamira. They were few, but the kindness and the way she wore her heart on her sleeve was enough to paint a vivid picture of the mare that I had fallen completely head over heels for in my mind. Sulwyn wasn’t exactly Tamira’s twin, so to speak, but there was enough of her that seemed to ease my thoughts while I was in her presence. Maybe I just had a soft spot for those softer females that knew a little something about sticking to their initiatives.

And just like Tamira, she said yes.

was eager to follow me home to The Edge and I was more than delighted, ecstatic even. I wanted her to feel just as welcome as I had felt when mirage had asked me to come to the Edge with her. She would find that our family was close-knit and growing. We were becoming an empire and I was glad that she would be able to see it as it was rising from the ashes. I figured that as soon as we returned home, I could tell her of the perils that The Edge had faced as of late. We had lost our lead to the merciless clutches of The Basin and from that, we had grown only stronger.

We had become united, a formidable adversary.

I smiled genuinely now, a bright thing that turned my dark lips and rested somewhere within the depths of my eyes. I was happy that she had decided to give us a chance. I was glad that I had given her one. With that, I turned on my heels and looked back at her, all playfulness and child-like attire. “Then allow me to assist you to your new home, Miss Sulwyn. I think you’ll find it more than appealing.” I turned then, headed towards my home, her home. This was a life of many new beginnings and Sulwyn’s was starting now.

RE: Beginnings and Ends {|| Open ||} - Sulwyn - 01-23-2013

what is this world we live in?

As guarded as the mare was, she couldn't help but feel touched by the emotions shown in the brute's eyes. It delighted her to know that he was happy to hear her accept his invitation to his homeland, and she found herself impatient to get a move on. But a moment of hesitation made her pause.

The grulla knew that by following Thor, she gave up the life that she had had before arriving in Helovia. There was a chance that she would never see her family again and, in time, her memories of them would slowly begin to fade. The fear of having no one to link her to her family tore at the fae's heart, but she fought to control her fear. She had left them in search of adventure, of that something more, and the mare believed that she had found that something in this fairytale land.

Letting out a calming breath, Sulwyn shut her eyes and cleared her mind. There would be no weighing of options, no second-chances. Her only choice was to do, or to die. Follow this brute she now considered a friend, or forge her own way -- alone.

Opening her eyes and resting her gaze on the slow-moving figure of Thor, the fae made her choice.

Moving to follow the pegasus, the sun-branded mare ended her final chapter in the place she had once called home; starting a new one, here in Helovia.

And so,
the lion lead the lamb.

And she willingly followed.

End of Sulwyn; Epilogue: Beginnings and Ends.
