HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Printable Version

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Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - devilsreject - 01-20-2013

Devils Reject
into the ocean

Hazel pools absorbed the surroundings and each flicker of light as her petite hooves were places carefully on the soft ground. She had wondered out to far, away from her family and her home. Her interest in adventures and exploring was often something that had landed her in a lot of trouble as a child. Other members of the family would shun her and tell their offspring to avoid her and her troubling ways. She was labeled as a heathen and uncontrollable. Her parents were the head of the herd and although the input was mostly negative, they did nothing to stop her but always cared deeply and ended up caring too much, as they were often feeding her need for attention with soft voices and loving gestures.

She was nothing short of a spoiled brat, naive and childish but just the same, she was now scared and this emotion was very new to her. She had never been fearful at home. What was there to fear? Someone was always there to catch her if she fell, watch her if she needed it, listen to her, hug her, be her ear but now, now there was a storm rumbling in the distance and the facing light had caused her to misjudge the trails and the scent here, it was unfamiliar and new. Her heart throbbed inside her chest as her mind took in her new surroundings. Everything seemed bigger to her, everything seemed to be darker and she just knew that something was around every tree to jump out at her.

The inner pink of her nares were showing as the whites in her eyes flashed along with the lightening around her. She shouldn’t be here, she needed to be home safe inside the caverns listening to the rain and letting it relax her… not standing out in the torrential downpour getting her prefect pelt wet. She could feel the adrenaline cause her muscles to twitch involuntarily, as if they too were preparing for some carnivorous beast to jump out of the shadows and rip her open." ‘Where am I, Damnit Devs what the hell didn’t you just turn around and go home when you smelt the rain?!’" she said to herself out loud. She should have been home an hour or more ago, but the sun was sinking in the sky and it was getting darker faster as the clouds started rolling overhead now.

Another crack of thunder followed by a long flash of lightening caused her heart to explode in fear and she bolted as if a wolf had come from behind and sunk its ivories inside her silken ebon pelt. Running blindly her mind started to create illusions. Each flash twisted the landscape around her from trees, to knarred fingers trying to wrap around her neck. A terrified whinny echoed around her as the thorns from a rose patch caught her flints as she ran, ripping through them and in return, ripping her own flesh. The stinging sensation of pain was also very new to her. She slowed until she stopped, terrified and frozen in place under a huge leaning pine. The blood, she could smell her own blood. The scent was intoxicatingly sweet yet sickening to her. She looked down at her flints, it was nothing more than scratches but to her it felt like deep lacerations.

Why had she been so sheltered and cared for? It was right about now she wish someone had been a little rough and uncaring towards her, maybe like that of her friend Raz. She was about the same height as herself and the same color.. In fact, they were very similar in appearance except Raz never cared to get dirty and was always fighting someone… something Dev never could do because she was to chicken shit, afraid to get hurt. Looking around she backed her hind quarters into the tree and stood with most of her body mainly sheltered from the storm. The light was fading and everything around her was turning into a muddled gray. There was no more sunlight filtering though the trees, just a mute gray look making everything appear almost dead. Her tendrils, soaked, were limp and flat against her face, obscuring her view as she stood, trying to convince herself she was alone, nothing was going to come eat her and that her parents were just around the next corner and were coming to find her… much to her dismay however.. She knew that her mom and dad were also terrified of storms and wouldn’t be out to find her, they would send a search party but that party wouldn’t try to locate her… they would say they did but they were actually glad she was gone.

Devils Reject

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Catillatio - 01-20-2013

Actions | "Speech" | Thought

A lot had changed since the last time the stallion had been here, lost and confused, yet walking with a deadly purpose. He'd met Phaedra, and his plans had formulated from there, becoming clearer and more crystalline the longer he thought about it, and the more information he gathered. Now he was here in the Threshold again, laying in wait to greet a new arrival. The sooty dun had taken shelter from the rain beneath a leaning pine when he'd heard a shriek of terror and saw a black shadow flash as lightning lit up the sky. Hazel orbs glittered in the dim light and their owner quickly joined him beneath the tree's branches. He was unsure of whether or not she had noticed she was not alone. Partly because he was on the other side of the trunk from her, and partly because he could tell she was terrified.

The stallion had been caught in the storm while he was prowling for a potential member for his nonexistant herd. He only needed a few, but why stop at that? Besides, so far, his recruiting was having no luck at all. Then it had started to rain and his chances of finding a new recruit lowered even more. Not many horses would be thrilled to join a revolution while they were wet and freezing. In that sense, he had taken to finding the best tress for shelter from the rain. He'd just begun to dry off when he'd heard her approaching and had turned to look. He had not thought that any other horse would be out this late and he masked his shock rather well.

Thus, he cleared his throat to catch her attention. His acidic green eyes gleaming harshly in the flickering light of the lightning that was frequently splitting the sky apart. The sooty dun took a moment before he spoke, letting her regain her composure and recognize the sound of his cough before he introduced himself. The lightning flashed and exposed his muscular stature in sharp contrast of light and shadow. When she showed no sign of knowing he was there, he stepped out from around the trunk of the tree and cleared his throat once more, his eyes trained on her lowered head, ears pricked to catch her response.

For Devil's Reject, Played by Devs <3
Here we go again. xD

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - devilsreject - 01-21-2013

Devils Reject
into the ocean

The storm raged on around her as her mind went back and forth between home and where she currently was. It seemed as if the weather was not going to change anytime soon, and that she needed to get more comfortable and make herself a place to stay for the night. A lonely tear escaped her optic as she looked around. It was getting darker and darker and it never once crossed her mind that someone or something could be sharing the same place as she, for protection from the storm. She caught a whiff of the stag before he made a single noise and froze in fear. She imagined in her head, a huge black beast that was here to take advantage of her and her lips parted, her voice shaking “They are coming after me you know, there is no need to think about hurting me, they will kill you…” she trialed off. The sincerity in her voice wavered because she knew in her mind that no one was coming tonight… and maybe not ever.

As he made his way around her jaw dropped. This stag had the brightest green optics she had ever laid her pools on, and his bodice was marked in the most unique of ways. How on earth had she come to these lands and not known before hand, about the magical being that inhabited the world around her. Her brown/green hazel optics looked on in amazement toward him and her heart seemed to slow in her chest. She wasn’t alone anymore, someone else was here beside her but as soon as she seemed to calm, another part of her brain said be careful. Although she was naive and gullible, she knew that some pretty looking brutes existed with the sole purpose of using their charm to make the way into the minds and hearts of others like herself only to rip them open later and cause them all sorts of hellish harm and undoing . . . but for a split moment, she wasn’t exactly sure if she cared because at least she wasn’t alone in the storm anymore.

Her auds flicked back and licked the top of her dial as her thoughts went on. Even though they were in the grooves on her dial, she didn’t look angry because she wasn’t. She was scared, and next to him, tiny. He was almost a foot taller than her and his muscles rippled under his flesh. The lightening bathed him in some kind of strobe like manner, making his movements look jagged and surreal. Her optics were trained on him, unmoving as he stood now before her. Her adventurous spirit seemed to taint her curiosity as her auds flicked forward again as he stood there in front of her, his own flutes facing her. Was he also interested in why she was here, just the same as she was wondering why he was also here? She didn’t want to move too far out because the rain was cold and she was already shivering but she did move around enough so that he could also come in under the tree beside her, although… he would be hanging out a tad it seemed, because he was larger than her and she was having enough issues as it was, keeping her own sleek frame from getting wet. Without thinking, she whispered “Who are you”…

Devils Reject

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Catillatio - 01-21-2013

Actions | "Speech" | Thought

The stud raised an eyebrow at her terrified tone of voice as she spoke of things that might have scared away any normal beast. However, Tio was anything but normal, and her threats fell on deaf ears as the stallion did not move a single muscle. he gave her an appraising look as he sized up whether she actually meant it, and as he did so, she looked up at him with a look of awe in her eyes. A spark of amusement expressed itself in a small snort that caused his scarred nostrils to flutter.

Who are you...?

The question shocked the stallion into action as he shifted his weight off of one of his hind legs. He flicked his tail, which was hanging in a collection of wet clumps, against his hocks. This also served the purpose of wafting his scent towards her. The stud smelled of ash and sea salt. "My name is Catillatio. You may call me Tio, for short." His voice was soft, almost calming. The expression did not reach into his eyes, which where as infuriatingly unreadable as ever. He looked her up and down, knowing that she was a purebred of the same lineage he shared half of. They weren't related, he knew that much. He'd never seen her before, and knew that shortly after his birth, his father had been killed. She was a lot younger than him, and in any case, there were a lot of genetic strains out there that could lead to the beauty of this mare.

Movement came to his legs as he moved a little closer, circling around the trunk of the tree to stand beside her shoulder, facing the opposite direction. He paused in the motion to sniff her muzzle, and then run his nose along her neck until he had to turn his neck back to sniff along her spine. He was memorizing her scent as he gave her skin a number of gentle nips. He was a skilled charmer and hoped that the kindness would calm her down more. "I suppose you want to know where you are." He mused aloud, training one of his ears on her head so that he could catch her response. He didn't wait for it. "This is the worst time for travelling to a new land, I'm certain. Your family must be worried sick about you, but there's no one coming for you now. You have to be lost in order to find what can't be found. Welcome to Helovia."

He nickered the greeting, continuing to sniff and nibble at her body, pulling the hair of her coat back so that she would dry off quicker. It would not do for either of them if she caught a chill. He talked in between nips with his teeth, running his incisors against the grain of her hairs, lifting them up in tufts. It would look weird and mess up her beauty quite a bit for a while. She may not like that, but it was the practical thing to do. In doing so, he also gave her an up close and personal view of his muscular back and the dun markings and white brindle stripes that dripped against his sides and shoulders.

"Now, who are you, and where do you come from?" He asked after a moment of silence in which he concentrated on helping her dry off. The shelter that the tree provided was a bit cramped but they managed. It was easier for them both to get in out of the rain in the position he had chosen for them, so there was more than one reason as to why he had decided to take it upon himself to care for her at the moment. He only hoped she wouldn't mind.

For Devil's Reject, Played by Devs <3

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - devilsreject - 01-21-2013

Devils Reject
into the ocean

She watched his body language as he stood before her. Shifting his weight, flicking his soaked tendrils as he looked at her, sizing her up.. Or downsizing since she was much smaller than he was. She had a look of curiosity cross her eyes again as she watched him move, and then the soft words came out of his lips Catillatio she thought to herself. What an interesting name. Her own name had been derived from her father, jokingly enough who said she was as black as Satan but too beautiful for him, so he called her the Devils Reject and it just seemed to stick. Mostly, everyone simply knew her as Devs or Devon. Devon came from her friend who has thought that her nick name was in fact short for Devon. She never wanted to correct her because in all actuality, Devs preferred Devon a lot better than ‘Devils Reject’. Her father has after all, always been a tad odd and her mother would always laugh and play right into whatever he said as if she were his parrot. That was something that always annoyed Devs, she never understood why her mother didn’t go off and do more things on her own and why she was so worried with what her father had to think about things. She snorted at her own thoughts before her attention was turned back to the brute before her, who was moving in closer to her.

Her heart fluttered inside her chest as his muzzle touched her own. In her family herd, there weren’t any colts around her age and the older ones that had interest in her, she deemed unworthy because they were either ugly or plain stupid. Arrogance and lack of intelligence was something that always bothered her. Her father, odd as he was, had always been so knowledge about everything. The stars, the best grasses and herbs to fix illness and even understood more about how the seasons were shifting, than anyone she had ever met. She froze in thought as she felt his warm breath trace along her spine. Immediately she felt her heart jump forward and her mind go into over drive, but her body was relaxing under him. There was a knot, a hearted knot of fire inside her guys, traveling through her blood as he got closer to her. Whatever this new found emotion was the he was brining into her, she found it confusing and simply wonderful.

As he spoke, she appreciated and eyed his unique colored coat., the different colored hairs laying perfectly in lines to create such a vivid pattern, marking him in his own unique way. She couldn’t stop her own muzzle from tracing along his muscular back. His scent was intoxicating and for a moment, everything seemed so distant. His vocals were flooding her mind just as much as his scent and she felt her own body relax to the point she caught herself leaning on him as she lipped at his colorful coat. The way he was touching her, was stirring something in her that she had yet to feel and unbeknownst to her, it was causing a release of her own pheromones. Of course, she was innocent and had no idea but being the brute he was, he was sure to catch it. Her own tones leaked out of her maw with softness, almost inaudible under the rain. “What a unique name, Tio. “ She paused as she felt him lick her hair in the opposite direction followed by soft nips to her flank. It was a good feeling, being cared for once more and having him beside her at the moment, even if she didn’t know his intentions. “My father said I was black as Satan was, but to beautiful to be in his presence, so he called me the Devils Reject. Please, call me Devs however” she said as she inhaled his own scent.

Her mind wondered back to home as he had asked her about where she came from. Her homeland didn’t really have a name; it was just a valley and a cave. She wasn’t sure exactly what to tell him, but he was right about having to be lost to find this place. “Tio, I’m not sure…” she started out. “I don’t really know the name of my homeland; it was a little valley and a cave where the family band stayed. There wasn’t any more than a dozen or so of us there. You’re right though, this isn’t the weather to be traveling in at all…. “ she looked up at thunder cracked and another bolt of lightning zigzagged across the sky. She then pressed her face into his side as he continued to help her dry off. Before long, her shivering had stopped altogether.

Devils Reject

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Catillatio - 01-22-2013

Actions | "Speech" | Thought

He raised an eyebrow as her scent changed. This had to be a new record of some kind. And it was clear by her body language she didn't realize she was giving off the scent of a mare in heat. In spite of himself, even if he had no intention of soiling her quite yet, his pride untucked itself a bit. He kept a tight grip on his instincts, however, and refused to do more than continue to dry her off. He listened to her explanations, her voice soft, and still quavering slightly as she relaxed against his attentions to her back and sides. He felt rather than saw her return his gesture in a half-hearted sort of way. He wanted to snort in disgust but held the reaction back. It was clear that she was a baby in a mare's body. Her mind was like silly puddy in his manipulative grip. Mares like her were a dime a dozen back where he came from. Still, he'd learned not to be very picky in this place.

In fact, his luck could not have been better. This child-like mare seemed to be a blank slate that he could stain her in the way that he wanted, fashion a warrior out of her over time. She would learn to defend herself well in battle, and all the while, her kind heart would be none the wiser to his sinister plots. At least not until he decided she was ready to know such things. He stopped nipping her fur when he felt her stop shaking and moved away slightly to break the contact. He looked her up and down once more and then nodded, almost to himself. "...Devil's Reject? What an odd name. I would never dream of calling a lady as beautiful as you a Reject of any kind." He snorted, reeling her in with the truth of a compliment to her appearance. Then he continued speaking by telling her a little about how he came to be here.

"I wish I could say I had a better place than this to take shelter from the rain tonight, but I don't. I haven't had a home in a long while now. Part of it's my fault, I suppose, but you see.... I was kicked out of my home south of here. It's under the control of a cruel mare now, who thinks she's stronger than me and the sad thing is, she's right. For now." His lie was was honeyed by a light strain of self-guilt, covered by a clear desire for revenge. He was using his emotions, false as they may be, to manipulate this mare into agreeing to follow him for a time.

"I've not had much luck so far in getting help from anyone, and I was out looking for just that when I got caught in the storm. That's how I met you here, so... it must be fate. What do you say, Dev? Would you mind helping me win back my home?" He asked. There was a glint in his eyes was a tiny bit unsettling. It could be easily missed, however, as warnings often were... even when it would be best if they were heeded.

For Devil's Reject, played by Dev. xD
Told you he's not going to just soil her right off the bat. ^^;

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - devilsreject - 01-22-2013

Devils Reject

The world around her seemed to shift as the green eyed beast beside her continued to talk. Somewhere deep in the darker corners of her mind, something told her his demeanor had slightly changed and that maybe he wasn’t as sincere as she was allowing herself to believe but no matter, she couldn’t change anything and she was enjoying the company. Being alone to her, was far worse than being around someone distasteful, to say the least. She simply didn’t believe that anyone could harm her for no reason because she had done nothing wrong here to make anyone angry enough to harm her. Oh sure, she heard the tales of others who were crazed and would eat you while you were still alive but that was just tales told in the dark to scare little fillies and colts, right? She snorted at her own thoughts and then looked back at his eerie yet captivatingly charming green gaze.

She was more focused on the color instead of what was behind them. A skilled being might could have told that his intentions were ill hearted or not of the best kind but her, no. She had no experience in having to weave through others words and phrases to pick apart hidden meanings. Everything in her life had been put out right before in, black and white. It was or was not. Others were kind to her or were jealous of her that was all it was. No one ever hurt her. The only pain she had felt in the five years of her life happened to be when she was learning to walk, stumbling to the ground and right now where the bloody spots on her legs were from running blindly though the briars.

She let a grin slip across her features as he complimented her.
“Well, you are quite dashing yourself… Tio”
She said softly as his body pulled away from her. For a second her heart leaped in fear afraid he was going to leave her just as he found her but he didn’t leave. She was taken aback by his movement for a second because she had already grown comfortable with the closeness. Blinking and regaining her composure, she took in a deep breath of air and swished her tendrils back and forth. She wondered how old he was. His looks told her much older than her but she didn’t want to ask and seem rude. She could only guess that he already knew that she was young; it wasn’t hard to figure out after all. Listening to his words, her mind hung on every one of them.

Suddenly it dawned on her she had been asked a question.
“M…Me?” she laughed. “What help do you need from me? I mean, you are… well… LOOK at you. You are built like a bear! I don’t think I have seen a more muscled brute in my life and you want me to help you? “She laughed. She didn’t stifle it at all. Laughter rang out through the storm like soft bells.
“Tio, what do you want me to do? Gain the enemies attention with my beauty?” she giggled without realizing that, that may actually be a possibility, you know… a spy sent in to gain the lusty intentions of a king while another killed or stole his queen.
“I am no spy by any means and I am so small compared to others… I will follow you if you are wanting to take me as your friend but when my family comes, I must depart from you” she said with her most serious tone yet . . . but it was evident she didn’t even believe her own vocals. Looking back at those green eyes she sighed and looked away… What WAS this place?

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Catillatio - 02-02-2013

Actions | "Speech" | Thought

Tio flicked his ears forward at her laughter. His expression remained as the perfect poker face and he shifted his weight a little to rest one of is back hooves. He knew she was young and also naive, but if he could train her, he knew she would be a valuable asset... in time. He turned his head to loo at her with one eye, inspecting her more closely with a raised eyebrow. No matter how hard she laughed at him, he would make it clear by his body language that he was being serious.

"Dev, I know more than most the raw power that a mare possesses. Your role in the herd is built around protecting your offspring, and only a fool would challenge a nursing mare. You have the inborn instinct to protect what is dearest to you. You have the ability. You need only to see it." He snorted a little and stamped a back hoof. "I do not expect you to do anything until you feel you are ready. I am building an army, I need recruits of all skill levels. Those, like you, who are not up to par yet will receive training. You will learn to be as brutal a fighter as any mare that ever lived, and no one will ever dare harm you, for fear of what you can do." He said, painting a picture of teaching her to defend herself in the hopes that it would spur her interest in the idea of not being a damsel in distress anymore.

"Your family is not coming for you. That much, is certain. There is no way out of Helovia once you enter, and it is nigh impossible to find without being lost yourself. Even if a relative were to appear, they'd be just as lost as you are and unable to find their way back. You might as well accept that you're going to be here for a while. You have nothing to lose by joining up with me, I can assure you." His words were honeyed lies, and yet he made them sound like truths told from the mouth of an angel. He seemed to be really in his element here. He looked her up and down, wondering if she was the type of mare he had hoped she was, one to take productive offense at being called weak, and gather a drive to become strong in spite of what he said.

Devil's Reject, played by Dev.
Sorry this took forever! D:

RE: Lost in Space {Closed} For Tio {loon} - Catillatio - 02-24-2013
