HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
A Sunless Day [Open] - Printable Version

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A Sunless Day [Open] - Mesec - 01-21-2013

Blessed with wind and darkness</style>

The day had been like any other inside the protective barriers of the Aurora Basin. Although it is Birdsong, the warm air that coursed through the rest of the land didn't quite reach the mountainous region. Still, it was warmer than usual, even on this bright, moonlit night. High in the sky, the orb of light shone down on the unicorn's homeland, casting playful tendrils of shadow across the snowy ground.

An otherwise quiet night was interrupted by the quiet footfalls of a young colt, each step seeming magnified in comparison to the silence that enshrouded the land. Whenever he would walk from the cover of the scraggly trees and the light would hit his pelt, he seemed to glow just like the moon above. He was engima in this land, the only soul with both a horn drilled into his forehead and a pair of sleek wings melded into his shoulders. For four months he had lived amongst them, otherwise unbothered by the unicorns. Some of them had different mindsets than others, he knew, for more than once he had seen a poor, naked equine being beaten and ran down by his herdmates.

Why they would do such a thing, he couldn't understand, but from the shadows he had watched silently as it had all went down right before his eyes. For as young as he was, he knew he was powerless to truly do anything about it. Perhaps he would finally question his father about it whenever he ran into him again, or even his adoptive mother, the sweet mare named Kou.

A swirl of breath was expelled from his nostrils as he gave a sigh, finally coming to a stop near a towering pine. Tipping his nose skyward, his glowing, pupiless eyes took in the sight of the midnight sky. It was clear of any dreary clouds, revealing a blanket of jet black sprinkled with shining stars. The aurora borealis could be seen shimmering to the north, creating a brilliant display of light in a section of sky. It was enough to coax a gentle pull of the colt's lips, revealing the smallest of smiles.

"blah blah blah."

RE: A Sunless Day [Open] - Frost Fyre - 01-21-2013

Frost Fyre
You Can Never be Too Young

Such a beautiful time of day, the night. My emeralds glitter as they stare into the glorious sky. The stars twinkle above me, my mind trails off, making me wish I had wings. It would be fantastic to soar into the sky, letting all the stress of the world drop off your shoulders. To glide through the sky without a car in the world, to not have to worry about anything or anyone. I sigh, relaxing my muscles. If only I did have wings. If only...

I look up, my eyes catching a glimpse of a dark being, a horse. My eyes drift to the wings, and then to the horn atop his head. This was a young colt, he was almost the same age as I was. My small black kissers form into a delicate smile, the moon shown down on this boy, his eyes are a majestic silver. He's a seal bay, but where the lighter parts should be it's replaced with silvery parts. They reminded me of the silver stars above us, twinkling in the silent night. When I'm able to see the young boys' face I feel this burning feeling in my heart. My stomach does flips, and I feel sick. This feeling, what is it? It feels as though butterflies are trying to escape my stomach through my throat.

I try to push this feeling aside but I just can't, it remains there while I'm in his presence."H-h-hello? I-I'm Frost Fyre. You may call me Frost. May I ask what your name is?" My words are laced with respect, the delicate smile remains on my lips, my ears feel hot, and I want to go and hide under a rock.

I stare up into the silver eyes of the stallion, my small cloven hoof scratches the earth, and I feel a strange feeling. One I had never felt before. Was I the only one who felt this way? Or were other horses feeling this too? Was Mesec feeling it? I push these thoughts to the very back of my head, making sure to lock them up tight. My lion tail swishes slightly, and my eyes remain focused on the majestic brute that stood before me. I save my words for later in our conversation. For now I would wait for this lovely brute to speak and reveal his name.

[[Lubby-dubby post. xP]]

"Chatting with others."
Thinking up her moves
Putting her moves to work

RE: A Sunless Day [Open] - Mesec - 01-22-2013

Blessed with wind and darkness</style>

It's the sound of crunching snow beneath small feet that alerts the colt that he is not alone. Twitching an ear backwards, he listens for a moment before finally twisting his neck around to look upon the other foal. It was a filly, looking a dark shade of bay until the light from above hit her rump, showing off the large spots that were sprinkled into her hide. A curved horn sat proudly upon her forehead, an unsurprising feature to find upon an inhabitant of the Basin. Her figure was ever so slightly blurred, for the young colt had been born with a temporary blindness, but he was able to tell these things. When she sent a smile his way, he shifted in discomfort, unused to the simple gesture of friendliness.

When the filly spoke, she stumbled over her words, which, admittedly, caused a quiet chuckle to escape the colt's throat. Mesec was unsure as to why she would seem so nervous standing before him; was she afraid of him? He was different in this land of unicorns, but he had never done anything to anyone. Was it his frightening eyes, or maybe the way he glowed beneath the moonlight? If she were truly afraid of him, though, wouldn't she have simply gone another way?

"Hello, Frost," he spoke up in return, managing to form another smile upon his face in a meek attempt to make the filly more at ease. Her name was certainly fitting considering the environment of their home. "My name is Mesec." For some time, he simply remained silent, pupiless eyes drinking in any sort of reaction he might have stirred from the filly. But he could not be silenced for long. "Frost," he finally spoke up again, "Are you alright? You look... well, I'm not too sure."

"blah blah blah."

RE: A Sunless Day [Open] - Frost Fyre - 01-22-2013

Frost Fyre
You Can Never be Too Young

He speaks. When he speaks I swear it's a beautiful and harmonious melody, in my mind anyway. A soft chuckle sounds from the colt's throat. I can't help but laugh with him, my soft giggle seems sweeter than I wanted.

When the colt speaks his name my heart flutters, almost flying into my throat. Once his name was spoken he does not speak again. Silence comes between us, and I want to speak, but instead a lump in my throat stops me from doing so.

"Are you alright? You look... well, I'm not too sure."

I freeze up, wincing. Why'd he have to do this? I want to wail out, but instead I bite my lower lip. The sweat beads return, coating my body. "I-I uh... I don't know really. My stomach is feeling all weird." I stare deeply into Mesec's silver eyes, they resemble the stars, they my stomach do flips and whirls and all sorts of other moves I don't know of.

I feel hot with embarrassment, why? I don't know. My delicate kissers form into a delicate smile, and I try to play it off. But of course, I fail. "It's nice to meet you... M-Mesec. Who are your parents?" I stutter a bit, trying to keep my words friendly. I guess this is just something all foals want to know. Who their parents are. Or, at least that's what I want to know. My green emeralds drift towards his hooves, and I lower my head a bit. If horses could blush, I would be a very bright red. My one ear is flicked back, while the other one remains pointed at the black colt. He was a dark angel, one that was giving me a strange feeling. What this feeling was, I had yet to discover.

[[Aww... Frost is like, WHAT HE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?!xD]]

"Chatting with others."
Thinking up her moves
Putting her moves to work