HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Printable Version

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The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Cosette - 02-08-2013

Strands of ebony and snow fell into the way of the golden orbs that searched the new distant land. Tales of wonder, and myth ricocheted off of the island into the air and traveled for years upon years, before reaching the fellow mares ears. Mahogany and ivory covered the slim muscular body. Alabaster stripes and spots covered thy legs and thy chest. A small slender x rested upon her shoulder. The wind blew her multi-colored mane, her small metal charm slapping hard against her thick neck.

The mare, of 5 years old took a step onto the shores of the land called Helovia. A large forest stood before her, calling her in, like sirens of the sea. She did not care much for land, her love was in the water. The air was warm and with brisk wind, the sun was setting revealing orange tints to her surroundings, her bay coat a dark chocolate.

She had heard tales of pirates in these lands, finally people of her own taste and pedigree. Her mind brought her here in search of a new family, a new crew.

Thy calling was Cosette, her lineage was a long line of pirates and thieves. Strength and deceptiveness ran in her blood. Her way with words was quite impressive to some, but also got her into a lot of trouble for she often can't keep her mouth shut.

Her pearl horn sat softly upon her head, the sun reflecting off it as it did her body. Her feet carried her into the middle of the woods, surrounding her were tall trees reaching to the clouds, trying to escape the hard world below on land. Her soft velvet nose touched the bark of one of the trees, taking in the sent of her surroundings. She hoped she would find someone to her liking sometime soon. She quite dreaded being on land for to long. The fish were never to happy without their captain.

RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Corsair - 02-08-2013

[Image: corsairtable.png]


Corsair had found himself in the Threshold a lot lately, though it was not a place that he took to his likings. The tallsun heat seemed to be trapped under the thick branches of the forest, suffocating the old salt. He long to feel the beaches' winds as they sent mane and corks flying in all directions, the smell of sea and sand heavy in the air.

Cloaked in sweat, Corsair's muscles glistened in the sunlight, but it was rather uncomfortable for him. He was used to being able to take a run, then linger in the ocean, washing his body in the ocean. It was not like that here, but alas, Corsair had ran anyways, now plum tuckered out.

Huffing and puffing as he moved, Corsair was still alert for any signs of life. The Pirates numbers had dwindled, they needed more members, although the life of a Pirate is hard and not for everyone, though it was for him. Without the band, Corsair would be nothing more than a seadog out of place among the land-loving horses who resided in Helovia. No. He would not let the band split, he would simply have to find more horses to recruit.

The sound of the rustling of leaves alerted Cosair, the burnished stallion stopping in his tracks. This was the sound of a creature who was obviously out of place on land. It could be anything, but Corsair could smell horse in the air. What a stroke of luck.

After only a minute of searching, Corsair found the horse he had been looking for. It was a tall lass, her height reaching above his own. She had her back turned to himself, though he could see the eyepatch behind her ear. This was no ordinary girl; she was no doubt a pirate. She was muscular, and with some training, could definitely be a fine sight in battle. At this point, Corsair had no reason not to offer her a spot within the band.

"A pirates lass, eh? 'S a fine day to meet another with a passion fouer the sea," Corsair spoke, his voice warm and welcoming. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare the mare off. He flipped his forelock out of his sparkling blue eyes, mane and corks rustling slightly at the movement. It was flirtatious, seductive, almost. The usual Corsair.

"talk talk talk"

Take what you can, give nothing back.

RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Cosette - 02-08-2013

Cosette had traveled for days just to get to these lands, and what she saw so far was beautiful. Even though she did not care really for the trees and the land, it WAS beautiful. Her gaze fell up to the sky, the darkness taking over. Sure it was never safe in the woods at night, but Cosette wasn't fearful. She stood proud and strong, that was until a voice echoed from behind her.

The gaze of her golden eyes quickly turned to look behind her. There, stood a stallion, fairly shorter than herself. He spoke words, calling her a pirate lass. Her ears shot forward as she turned her body elegantly to face the other. She took a few steps forward and spoke softly Ahoy thar! Indeed I be, 'n 'twould so seem ye be too? Th' sea be where i thrive. Her strong french accent coming through.

The strands upon her neck blew forward as she dropped her head slightly looking up at the male. Me name is Cosette, I don't suppose ye 'ave a spot fer a new crew hand? She said with a small hopeful smile. She wanted to finally be apart of something, apart of people who shared the same passion and she. Her beautiful face and confident posture was sure enough to impress the slightest of groups. She had always been one to try and impress others, always holding herself to higher standards.

Sorry, how rude o' me. Wha' be it ye said yer name was?

RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Corsair - 02-10-2013

[Image: corsairtable.png]


Her accent was thicker than his own, though he did not recognize it. Corsair was intrigued by this mare, Cosette, she said her name was, but he liked her. He stood up taller, but Corsair was still inches shorter than her. The only way he wouldn't have to look up to Cosette would be to rear, but he'd look a little stupid.

"Name 's Corsair, buccaneer of tha sea!" Corsair exclaimed proudly. It had become a regular greeting when he introduced himself. He smiled the brilliant, flashy smile he quite often adorned at Cosette. "Aye, we a been lookin' for anuther hand 'round tha band. We'd be lucky to have ye, if ye'd come."

His welcoming blue gaze never swayed from the Cosette as his eyes searched her body, but stopped upon a scar on her side. An 'X' was carved into her skin. If she wasn't already a fighter, she would have no problem learning the moves. Corsair prayed that she'd accept his invitation.

"talk talk talk"

Take what you can, give nothing back.

RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Cosette - 02-11-2013

Corsair. She quite liked that name. It suited him well. Corsair, what a great name fer such a handsome stallion! She said with a small smile upon her velvety white and brown face. She was glad this male was so welcoming towards her, some kindness was always a pleasure.

Her ears perked forward slightly. " "Aye, we a been lookin' for anuther hand 'round tha band. We'd be lucky to have ye, if ye'd come." Her stomach flipped slightly. She was so excited, she could finally be who she wanted to be, a pirate. Her heart raced as she took a few steps towards the male, dipping her head down slightly to be eye level with him.

I would quit enjoy joinin' yer crew 'n family Flashes filled her mind of rum, treasure, friendship and family. She couldn't wait to meet her new family. Hopes of a great new world filled the air.

RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - Corsair - 02-12-2013

[Image: corsairtable.png]


She liked his name. She liked his name! Corsair smiled a little more, letting the sun stream through the leaves of the trees and illuminate his dark bay features. It was a wondrous sight to see him this way; in his prime glory that is. Corsair was all too happy to be able to show off this way, without speaking a word, but just standing. Standing and being the most beautiful creature he could be.

"Ye think so? Folloer me, Cosette," Corsair said with a light laugh. He was more than happy - ecstatic, even to bring Cosette to the Pirates. It would take some time to get used to being so short in comparison to her, but with time, Corsair would definitely get used to having her around.

Muscles bunched and rippling beneath his dark coat, Corsair launched himself into a steady trot in the direction of the Endless Blue. Now all he had to do was introduce Cosette to the captain and she'd officially be a member of the Pirates.

[ ooc: get your ranked changed, then post a thread in the endless blue. i'll reply c; ]

"talk talk talk"

Take what you can, give nothing back.