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Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra] - Printable Version

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Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra] - Phaedra - 02-10-2013

You keep your age concealed inside,
Yet many rings you wear.
But just you wait, it’s still my turn,
So hold that jealous stare.

Convincing them you’d fill their need
You were far below the bar,
With such an unoriginal friend,
Who never strays too far.

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Phaedra - 02-12-2013


Willow was sought.

Would you bow, before you leave?
Would = Wood, bow = bough, leave = leaf. Not a clue in the traditional sense, but some tree-references.

You keep your age concealed inside
Tree's can be aged via their rings; Willow is a Arborun (tree) Lignea

Yet many rings you wear.
At 23, Willow is quite old. Double reference to her horse-blood being of a gypsy vanner; Gypsy's traditionally wear lots of rings/jewelry, etc.

But just you wait, it’s still my turn,
From her profile, ...Willow to be very brave and bold, often causing her to act out of turn

So hold that jealous stare.
Willow has green eyes. The common association with a 'jealous stare' is green eyes (hence 'Green Eyed Monster' refers to someone who is jealous).

Convincing them you’d fill their need
You were far below the bar,

Again from her profile, Enters the Windtossed Foothills as Paladin has called together a herd meeting. Watches quietly, but speaks up in the hopes of taking the Storyteller position. Is granted it, but realizes she doesn't know about this land or the duties of the rank.

With such an unoriginal friend,
Her companion is an ermine named Ermine.

Who never strays too far.
Ermine is described as often staying within Willow's boughs, Ermine spends a lot of time in Willow's tree...

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Blu - 02-12-2013

I thought it was her ^^ I forgot to tell Insanity to block though....EPIC FAIL

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Nadira - 02-12-2013

that was good a good one aud

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Osiris - 02-12-2013

I told you that I guessed who it was in like three seconds. PASS~

You keep your age concealed inside
Yet many rings you wear.
Derp, excellent clue. Pretty much narrowed this to just Birch and Willow in my mind.

But just you wait, it’s still my turn,
...Willow to be very brave and bold, often causing her to act out of turn

So hold that jealous stare.
Willow has green eyes.
Solid clue with the envy reference.

Convincing them you’d fill their need
You were far below the bar,
Again from her profile, Enters the Windtossed Foothills as Paladin has called together a herd meeting. Watches quietly, but speaks up in the hopes of taking the Storyteller position. Is granted it, but realizes she doesn't know about this land or the duties of the rank.
Merr, this is one is a little stretched. I wouldn't found it as a good clue.

With such an unoriginal friend,
Her companion is an ermine named Ermine.
Excellent clue. This is was immediately parsed Willow from Birch for me.

Who never strays too far.
Ermine is described as often staying within Willow's boughs, Ermine spends a lot of time in Willow's tree...
Plus companions can't stray far anyway! Great clue again.

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Gaucho - 02-12-2013

I think that says more about your epic-guessing skills, than my stealth writing :P

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Mauja - 02-13-2013

Argl! Pass!

You keep your age concealed inside,
Yet many rings you wear.
I was thinking about tree age rings the moment I saw this, excellent Lignea clue!

But just you wait, it’s still my turn,
great personality ref

So hold that jealous stare.
great appearance ref

Convincing them you’d fill their need
You were far below the bar,
given the explanation, I think this makes some sense, though not 100%, but I'm not that familiar with the Windtossed herd either so I don't know how aware they were of Willow not feeling like she could do this duty. but it's a decent clue, if a bit vague.

With such an unoriginal friend,
Who never strays too far.
great clues for Ermine

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - Delinne - 02-13-2013

I PASS this stealth due to cleverness x)

Would you bow, before you leave?
Would = Wood, bow = bough, leave = leaf. Not a clue in the traditional sense, but some tree-references.
Very good clue and nice thinking with the pronunciation.

You keep your age concealed inside
Tree's can be aged via their rings; Willow is a Arborun (tree) Lignea
Since I'm not so clever with stealths, I was uncertain about this one. But it makes sense since she's half tree.

Yet many rings you wear.
At 23, Willow is quite old. Double reference to her horse-blood being of a gypsy vanner; Gypsy's traditionally wear lots of rings/jewelry, etc.
Very clever clue, maybe a longshot though?

But just you wait, it’s still my turn,
From her profile, ...Willow to be very brave and bold, often causing her to act out of turn
Good personality ref.

So hold that jealous stare.
Willow has green eyes. The common association with a 'jealous stare' is green eyes (hence 'Green Eyed Monster' refers to someone who is jealous).
Nice appearance ref c:

Convincing them you’d fill their need
You were far below the bar,

Again from her profile, 'Enters the Windtossed Foothills as Paladin has called together a herd meeting. Watches quietly, but speaks up in the hopes of taking the Storyteller position. Is granted it, but realizes she doesn't know about this land or the duties of the rank.'
Also a vague clue, but it makes some sense.

With such an unoriginal friend,
[i]Her companion is an ermine named Ermine.

Hehe :3 Good clue!

Who never strays too far.
Ermine is described as often staying within Willow's boughs, 'Ermine spends a lot of time in Willow's tree...'

I suck at describing why I thought it would pass.. ^^

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra] - Blu - 02-13-2013

For way of explanation Phaedra, because Willow was just visiting all the herd lands to talk with their healers, it'd be best to say she was ambushed returning home from the Aurora Basin (the last place she visited). Nadira was traveling with her along with some Foothills body guards (unsure as who yet, depends on who wanted to go with her), but they were all tired from the constant traveling.

Willow is big, but she's not much of a fighter, but she did have her traveling companions alongside her so it either had to be a trap laid out, just overwhelming numbers against her, or magic or something. Maybe they were stopping to rest and you ambushed idk what exact specifics regarding that you prefer.

RE: Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra] - Phaedra - 02-13-2013

Since it was sanctioned by the Grey, I'll check with the people and we'll go with trap + ambush by Grey members.

I'll PM you. ^^