HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Haunted - Printable Version

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Haunted - Stark - 02-19-2013

Probably not the best, probably not the brightest...

It was dark and cold as the great beast wandered, his eyes sliding over the multicolored terrain of the night. The blues, blacks, and greys let him blend in like another leaf on a tree, or at least so he liked to fancy himself. The spotting on his coat didn't have quite the aesthetic appeal that dappling did, and certainly didn't do much for helping him blend into the background around him. The long, spindly, apparatus protruding from his face gave him a good sense of when he was going to run into something, but otherwise he wasn't much for direction. He didn't have the slightest clue where he was going or what the end result of it would be. He needed direction, and he didn't have it. It was pleasant though, here in the dark, out of the world's eye. He could live a different life, but he couldn't say he was upset with the present.

He didn't have any company, but that was alright- he wasn't much of a conversationalist. His talents lay elsewhere- listening to what others told him to do and providing a rather large, rather thick, rather questionably dangerous punctuation to a threat. It wasn't a life he resented, though he could count himself out of work at the moment. It wasn't that he'd been undeniably rude to his previous employer, although he probably had, they'd just never seen eye to eye- both literally and figuratively. The great brute wasn't small, nor was he willing to lower his head down to speak to someone shorter than himself. While that was probably also rude, it just wasn't something that had ever occurred to him. So he'd been labeled snooty and aloof, and probably stupid as well, and chucked out in the cold and rain. Rain made a better picture, even though no drips fell from the sky. He was smart enough to make his story something that deserved more sympathy than 'apathetic jerk chucked out on his ass.'

Of course, Stark had never had a fan club. He'd never fit in with the regular crowd, the sort without any large blundering pieces of equipment on their faces, crowding up their view and making them the butt of some rather good jokes. He had a thick skin, and a small brain, but what he lacked between the ears he made up for in muscle mass. People tend to stop making fun of you when you point out that you could squish them flat. And the ones that don't, well to be fair, they're probably just as stupid as you are, so he pardoned them. He wanted company that looked like he did though, knowing that his parents had, so he just as easily could find others. He'd have to be quite a bit more special to be unique. He was one of a kind, but he was no wonder of the world, not even close to being a work of art. His body might be pretty, but it was perhaps the only admirable thing.

He snorted at the night, with its insistence on being prettier than he was. Everything in the world had something to pride itself on being- so what if his was average. He didn't have to sit here and take the darkness taunting him, pressing him about how attractiveness wasn't his.
"Shut up already, won't you? You're making me hurt." Not that he could say it was making his brain hurt- he wasn't that articulate. Body mass - 1, social skills - 0.

"blah blah blah."

RE: Haunted - Arah - 02-19-2013

[Image: 4hz8ty.jpg]
Credits; Carnival-ride-Stock.deviantart.com SweetDreams-Stock.deviantart.com Photomanipulator; AlexLibby.deviantart.com


'Shut up already, won't you? You're making me hurt.'
Arah paused behind the stallion. "Funny, I haven't said a thing." She chuckled, and walked up grinning to the stallion. Nodding her head in greeting the pale white mare picked her way forward to the stallion. He was a decent height above her and she felt a little nervous. Why did she have such luck to always meet stallions in this area? She was actually becoming a little concerned about her luck. Oh, and her safety. She stopped a short way away eyeing the stallion before throwing caution to the wind and standing beside him. "My name is Arah" she nodded her head in greeting, "from Aurora Basin, where mostly only unicorns live." She paused and then gave the stallion a soft smile. "We needed a few other species for intelligence reasons and lets face it, more is better right?" She walked right up to the stallion and decided to cut to the chase. "I must say, you would be rather perfect for our herd."

She smiled softy again and this time she moved so she was slightly ahead of the stallion. "So, do I have your interest?" He was actually quite...attractive. Her eyes rolled quickly over his black body and then over his spots and hide. NO! Head in the game you dumb... she thought to herself. She chased the thoughts away and smiled. "Don't worry, you don't have to be racist to be in the herd. I'm not." She wondered if she should mention that their leader was...interesting. No, she shouldn't Psyche wasn't the first person you would pick to lead you. She was a great leader and did everything for the well being of the herd. She was strong. But she could also be considered bat-shit crazy at times.

Eyes back on the stallion, she grinned again, trying to appear carefree. If she managed it, he would be her third recruit to the herd. She was become some sort of recruitment whore lady. "I'm sure you'll love it in the Basin."

Haunted by my eyes, the way they hold your attention even in the loudest silences.
Notes; Yay!
Words; 346
Tag; Stark

RE: Haunted - Thor - 02-19-2013

*Note: You don't have to read the 1st four paragraphs because I'm afraid they'll bore you guys! Again, so sorry!

The air moved with an electricity akin to the promise of war and perhaps such a thing was not so far out of reach as I had formerly thought. After all, with the Grey moving to the forefront and drawing figurative swords whispering possibilities of invasion, no one was safe. My sweet Thor was unaware of the imposing threat but of course I had no way to bridge the connection between animal and creator. I was quite surprised to learn of the potential theft of Lace from the Edge because it was awfully close to home considering Willow and Romani had been from the Foothills. Maybe there was something I was missing? I knew that Thor wouldn’t know of the impending threats, no not yet. He was all too concerned with his relationship with Tamira and the birth of his new daughter Essetia. Along with his personal affairs came the duties of fighting for his position as Captain. He was more determined than ever and how could I blame him? He was becoming a valued member of the herd so why wouldn’t he try to position himself as such?

But that didn’t keep him from visiting the Threshold from time to time. When he wore the title of Captain, would it change his morals or perhaps the way others viewed him? He was but a mere Nurse now and no one seemed to fear him or even find interest in his name. Would becoming Captain lay a big fat red “X marks the spot” on his back? For curiosity’s sake I hoped it did. Though I’m not sure the big draft would ever agree with such an idea.

He was looking a bit rough after his spar with Mirage the Dragonheart and his pretty little hide had been marked with cuts and bruises. But that didn’t take away from his imposing heft or the fact that he was all around large and in charge. After all, what better attributes to become Captain? How I humor myself. From time to time I found him growing soft in the arms of love and the fresh idea that he belonged with soul mate Tamira but she wasn’t as sure of him as he was her and how could I blame her? Didn’t all females fall for the “bad boy”? Maybe he needed to take a few tips from a member of the Basin, like the Doctor. Maybe then he would have Tamira swooning at his feet. But alas, the day that Thor stooped down into the muck of the Basin would be the day that he took his own life (well the day that I took it for him.)

I digress because that was not what I intended to narrate today and perhaps I needed a new day job too but I guess things such as these were just as well. Thor was a sap and I was very much his bitchy mentor without the bells and whistles; we get what we get. Thor had come from the Edge that morning, thinking happy thoughts about life and family as always. Perhaps they strayed to darker things like war and the like but he would never let anyone believe those kinds of thoughts would ever cross his cheery mind. Besides, I had a few things in store for him and living in a fantasy world forever was definitely not one of them. Once again, I digress- do forgive. The heat of the day was enough to make his skin shiver beneath the thick rays and if it were me I wouldn’t be traveling on such a day, but it was duty that called him. The Edge needed soldiers more than the earth needed rain; there wasn’t much in the way of protection if they got invaded anytime soon and God only knew that they had plenty of nurses.

It had taken most of the day to travel to the claiming grounds and before he knew it nightfall was upon him and out of mere determination to come home with someone rather than empty handed sent him into the pit without a second thought. His muscles were tired by the time he finally ran into a stallion that I thought rather queer. It was his voice in the silence that had drawn Thor to him after all, but as many will do, he was having conversation with himself. I figured it was loneliness that made them do it.

He was a strange sight to see, what with yelling threats into the shadows as if they would answer him. Of course I found it entertaining but Thor was kind enough to remain unwavering. He was also a strange looking creature as well. It was as if some painter had bought a black canvas and then proceeded to dot little white marks all over him on the backside while leaving the front half completely untouched and boringly white. How quaint. At least he was pretty- but don’t mistake my affections for the lad to be something Thor would mimic. No, instead he nodded to the stallion before introducing himself kindly. Sometimes I grew bored with his antics merely because he never took the chance to step out of the box. He needed to get out a little more.

Of course, once he thought he was on the right path, destiny always seemed to throw an odd ball in his way so that he was forced to step over it. A white mare emerged from the shadows before him and maybe it was shock or just dubious frustration that stopped him at the scene. She was pretty enough but something about her made him cringe. I knew what it was because of the cheesy little smile she wore on her ugly little- Well not, I’m getting ahead of myself. Basin members seemed to have that effect on me. She was sharp tongued and well, just girly and flirtatious. Thor was eager to force her out and toss her scraps to the dogs but once again he let his heart get the best of him. “You get right to the point don’t you? I guess it must be something they teach you in the Basin in order to mass produce.” A sweet smile for the first time he actually used sarcasm to get his way. I may have had a hand in it, but I’m not pointing fingers.

He turned to the innocent lad that was about to be corrupted by the lady in white, though I thought it should have been black. Maybe it would have explained her freakish tendency to remind me of a witch. Once again, we get what we get right? “Having troubles are we? I don’t think you’ll hear anything of note if that's what you're looking for." He looked towards the little Arah (little mare who I deem many names other than the one she pointed out) to emphasize his point. "I’m Thor by the way- World’s Edge Nurse.” The title seemed to flow so naturally from his tongue now and I couldn’t wait for the word Captain to appear somewhere in that speech someday. He smiled at the boy and it reminded me why I thought him so earnest. Maybe there was hope for him yet, but I thought that he would be better suited as Captain. Maybe he would take on that “bad boy” edge after he did and then Tamira would like him more. Maybe.


RE: Haunted - Stark - 02-19-2013

Probably not the best, probably not the brightest...

The turn of events took him rather by surprise, as if speaking to the darkness could allow one to automatically manifest exactly what they wanted. Except, they were different, clearly, in both appearance and mannerisms. One looked rather like himself, but smaller and white, like fresh coat of snow, while the other was darker, either brown or black like he himself was. The first sported an elegant twisting pair of antlers that sprouted as many prongs as a hunter's lifetime prize buck. The second, more like him in build, rather than having a great, blundering facial protrusion had an elegant pair of wings sprouting from his shoulders, well-sprung and certainly attention grabbing. It was, well, very different . The first voice to grab him was that of the mare, elegant, lilting, and perhaps just a tad suggestive, but that much was lost on him. "Sorry, no, not you..." he trailed off. He didn't seem to see much point in convincing her of anything. Females never had been his strong point.

"...Stark..." he responded, when she offered her name and locale. "Never heard of it. Frankly, I'm not sure I'd be perfect for anywhere." It seemed such an understatement. He was large, bulky, unruly, and not particularly intelligent. Perfect, in his mind, was someone who came with the initiative to get something done, not someone with the bulk to. He really had no idea just how perfect he really was. The more she spoke, the more questions that assaulted his poor, abused cranium, and caused him to wrinkle the skin above his eyes in confusion. "Why exactly would racism be a staple of herd living?" It wasn't that he was opposed to the idea, he'd just never lived with it before. She looked like he did, was there some ingrained function in their DNA that said 'you know, you're really supposed to dislike this bunch?' Was he faulty because he didn't? "I suppose I just don't know how to be a....unicorn did you say, very well? I've never known anyone who looked like me besides my parents. This... thing has always just been a disadvantage. " It had been, really. Always slamming into trees, having to measure more carefully where he was going, unable to interact with his companions in any sort of the awkward facial social gestures because he was afraid of poking their eyes out. He was quite far from perfect.

And then the other one spoke, and he wasn't nearly as kind as the first. The words weren't an assault on Stark himself, and he wasn't jumping up and down to defend her pride, but he didn't understand the situation. Was this where the tensions were, the racism that the white mare had mentioned? He looked the stallion up and down, wondering if this was perhaps the time he ought to say something about not being such a jerk. But he didn't understand the history, and he didn't really understand either of the equids in front of him, so he kept his mouth shut. The darker one introduced himself, and he repeated what he'd already said. "Stark... You're a what?" The stallion had called himself a nurse, what kind of title was that? He was unfamiliar with it, just another thing that he'd never encountered before. Perhaps this was all just a bad dream, or he wasn't quite where he'd intended to end up. Guidance did not come in the form of sparring dark and light on either side of him, coercing him away from the other. He wasn't just another game piece, was he?

"I'm afraid neither of you makes much sense to me. Could you try it again, and perhaps a little less confrontationally? " It wasn't helping his headache to have people face off right in front of him, and he didn't know which side he was supposed to be interceding on the behalf of. In his own interest, he really wished they'd just both shut up and give him a simplistic overview. At least the mare hadn't said anything assaulting, he was just so used to expecting the response to harsh comments in his head. That wasn't how he wanted to make a decision, with arguments he was imagining splitting his ears. So far too many problems to make him perfect...

"blah blah blah."

RE: Haunted - Arah - 02-26-2013

[Image: 4hz8ty.jpg]
Credits; Carnival-ride-Stock.deviantart.com SweetDreams-Stock.deviantart.com Photomanipulator; AlexLibby.deviantart.com


She paused, her eyes still resting gently on the stallion. "Some aren't comfortable with other races. They feel safer in a herd of their own kind." She shrugged deciding not to go on that many believed unicorns where the more superior race. She looked up at his horn and then actually laughed. "Oh no your one horn?" She asked teasing. "Mate, I have antlers!" She dipped her own head to make sure that he noticed them, nearly poking his eyes out. "So, you have nothing to worry about!" she continued teasing in the light friendly manner. Then, only after a small pause, the pegasus made his arrival. She looked up at the stallion, he was a rather impressive sight. “You get right to the point don’t you? I guess it must be something they teach you in the Basin in order to mass produce.” She was actually taken aback, what on earth had she done to him to make him be such an arse to her. Her face remained passive and her her locked onto their new target. "We don't mass produce if anything we are a greater herd." She narrowed her eyes as he introduced himself.

"I’m Thor by the way- World’s Edge Nurse.” She chuckled lightly. "Proof that assholes come from everywhere." She looked back to Stark, speaking honestly again. "The final choice of where you go is totally and completely up to you, don't let anything he says sway you." She looked back over to Thor to whom she had done nothing wrong too. Why had he insulted her so viciously? He clearly didn't have an issue which unicorns, she was speaking quite politely and respectably to Stark. Maybe he just didn't like females? Maybe he was upset because he didn't have a female? Or maybe because he had someone on his mind but couldn't get her?

Still none of that made sense as to why he was just such an ass to her. She sighed and looked over to the distance where her home was calling her back. She wanted to get back as soon as possible. Arah, who had been roaming the Threshold for a while now was ready to go home, with or without Stark. She looked over to Thor and wondered what the heck she should say to him. "Listen, I don't know what's up your ass but be nice. I've done nothing to you." She shook her head slight, shaking out her forelock. Golden eyes back onto Stark. "Got an idea of where you want to head to?" She asked politely, her eyes resting once again on his horn for a moment.

Haunted by my eyes, the way they hold your attention even in the loudest silences.
Notes; Sorry about the wait! I lost power for ages.
Words; 407 [not including character quotes]
Tag; Stark, Thor.

RE: Haunted - Thor - 02-27-2013

OOC| Darlings, just skip around me because I'm quite museless at the moment. ;_;

RE: Haunted - Stark - 03-08-2013

Probably not the best, probably not the brightest...

The entire situation made him just a pinch uncomfortable, looking at the two squabbling creatures of entirely different persuasions. He could feel his mind gravitating, and his body physically slightly as well towards the antlered creature nearby. She didn't perfectly resemble him, but she was certainly closer than the other creature, who had seemingly started the argument aggravated. He wasn't making a great argument for himself by picking on the mare. She wasn't exactly a perfectly fitting shoe for him either, but at least what she was saying made a tad more sense. Her words were a balm, at least for his confusions. "Well, at leas that's relieving I suppose," he muttered trying to sight down his nose to the horn. Of course, like every other equid he had a blind spot there, but it didn't stop him from trying. It put his eyes in a rather awkward position, and so he gave up. "Your antlers are rather nice. I bet they don't get in the way as much as this ruddy thing. "

So no one was going to force him anywhere. A pleasant declaration, but he already felt pressured. No one was making it an easy game either, although the other brute didn't have much to say. Stark lowered his large head and sniffed at the ground a moment, stealing away from the lofty heights of head carriage to try and think. His gears turned slowly, as he worked on piecing together which place he thought would suit him better. He couldn't really see himself going with the winged stallion, even if the little white mare did somewhat put him on the spot. She was reasonably straight forward, and she'd been kind enough to him. He could stand to stay around that for awhile. He bobbed his head to himself, finding that he could think a little faster now. Life was so much easier when decisions weren't weighing down your brain.

"I feel like your basin... did you call it, would suit me best. I did come in search of more creatures like myself. " He wasn't sure he would fall in with the racism and the uncertainty, but he could stand to see some faces that looked like his own. They wouldn't judge him, at least not for his appearance. His mental qualities might incite a few jokes, but he'd rather know that he was included than excluded. "Do you think they'll take me? "

"blah blah blah."