HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The little red tales - Printable Version

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The little red tales - Lupus - 02-20-2013

Let me tell you a story. A story called 'Little Red Riding Hood'.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She had long blond hair and ocean blue eyes. She was a picture of beauty and kindness. She lived with her mother alone with a cat. Her father she did not know and never had. Her mother refused to speak of him but for all the little girl knew,he could of lived in the next village or could have died in some fetal accident. There house was cottage like,with stone bricks and a thatched roof. It was small but pretty and had a nice little fire to keep the heat in the house. The other side of the forest was where the girls grandmother lived. She was old but she tried to keep strong,and most the time she did. She knitted and made clothes and she was the one who gave the girl her red hood and cape. It was beautiful,a deep blood red make of the most silky material.

One day the grandmother's strong spirit had broke and she bed bond by the doctors orders,unless or course she needed a drink or some food. Little red's mother knew of her illness and so she packed a little basket of jam and bread whilst Little red was reading before the fire. "Little red," The mother called. "Come here please." The little girl stopped reading and went skipping up to her mother with eager eyes. "Could you go and take this to grandmother and collect some flowers from the forest to but do not talk to any strangers along the way." The little girl nodded and reached up a small hand to grab the basket of her mother and went skipping out the house,calling out. "Ok mother!" And she ran out the door,nearly slamming it behind her.

The little girl ran though the forest,looking for yellow and red flowers and she knew a wonderful patch to get them from. I watched from the side line of the trees. The little girl would be a perfect meal,but she didn't know that yet. I followed her till she bent down at a patch of red flowers. I watch carefully then emerge out from the trees,a fake smile upon my face. "Hello little girl,what are you doing on this fine day?" Black orbs watch her every movement. The girl looks up at me,pulling down her red hood the revile golden locks tumbling down her shoulders. "Well,ermm,i'm going down to my grandmothers." She points in the direction she is heading of to. "She is ill you see. I think I really should be going now...Bye." I can tell she is scared,she doesn't even bother to pick up any yellow flowers and only left with red in her small hands. I call after her. "I ope she gets better soon." And when she isn't looking,I dart silently into the forest,aiming to get there before she does.

I get to the cottage just before she does,darkness slowly closing in. I silently step up to the door,knocking and then stepping to the side,out of view. A old lady opens the door to see no one. She steps out onto the door mat and looks to the right. She doesn't have chance to look to the left though. I have pounced and have dug my teeth into her neck and cupped a paw over her mouth to cover her scream. She is dead. I realise my grip of her neck,looking round before grabbing a bony arm and dragging the limp body though the open door. A fire is burning,a tap is running and the quilts in the bedroom are folded. A spoon is in a cup with and a open jar of coffee lies still. I think I have time before the girl gets her and so I start to gnaw at her body,making it bloody,ripping of skin,tearing clothes and making her look a gruesome mess. I then drag her onto the bed,pulling the quilts so she looks as if she is sleeping,of course though,at closer view,she is not sleeping at all.

A door slowly creeks open and I go to hid under the quilts by the side of the dead women. The girls voice calls out and I hear footsteps coming closer,then I hear her breathing the I hear her gasp,drop and basket and stumble back. I start to come out of the covers. Oh,by the way did I mention,at the end of the bed there was a fire? I grin,jumping of the bed,the pads of my paws land quietly. "You should always listen to mummy." I say with a grin. Suddenly I spring at her,my paws thud against her chest and she stumbles back,her head landing in the flames of the fire. Screams rattle the air around and something bursts though the door. I see a figure of a man standing there,with a axe. A evil grin whips across my face as I jump out the window then silently go running of from the scene of the crime. A shout fills my ears. "NOO!!"

"blah blah blah."


RE: The little red tales - Lana - 02-24-2013

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The small cottage I live it. I always tell my daughter how beautiful it is and I don't like. It is tucked away in the forest,one of the deepest parts in fact. I live with just my poor blind daughter and her pet cat I brought her when she was just a little girl but the cat's getting old now and I don't think it will be long before she goes,my daughter will be heart broken. Anyway,my little old mother lives at the other side of this forest all on her own. I have offered for her to move in with us but she refused but I know she will be alright anyway,she is rarely ill.

Anyway,one of the times she was ill she was home bond and so I was delivering her food supply's and stuff. But one day my daughter asked to go and so the next day I packed her a small basket and called her over. "Little red,come her please," Little red,that was the name she was known by all because of the little red hood and cloak she wore. "Could you go and take this to grandmother and collect some flowers from the forest to but do not talk to any strangers along the way." I can see the wide smile on her face as she fumbles for the basket in my hand then runs out the door. Ok mother! She was such a energetic child,so like her father.

Around a hour later there was a frantic knock on the door. I put down the stack of clothes I was about to wash and went to open the door to see her father there. Why was he here? I didn't want him here and I told him not to come to this house ever. "What are-" He is crying and I roll my eyes. It's our daughter- I cut him of. "Don't you dare come into her life!" He crys more. But that's just it,she is dead! I freeze as he holds up a burnt and bloodied red hood and cloak.

That night,we both sat by the fire and wept for the loss of our daughter.

"blah blah blah."

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RE: The little red tales - Ignita - 02-24-2013

"Words were another sword for the man who wielded them well."

I hadn't been out working for long. I work chopping the tree's in the forest down. My thoughts that day had partially been with what I could of had. A wife,a daughter,a mother in law and a cat. Well,I was still married to her,we couldn't afford a divorce,but it didn't stop her from chucking me out the small cottage and forbidding me to see my daughter but because I loved her,I obeyed her harsh words and set about finding work in the forest just so,when they go and see my wife's mother who lived across the forest,I could catch a glimpse of my beautiful daughter.

I had seen the beautiful girl going to her grandmothers alone and thought it couldn't be of any harm to sit behind one of the tree's in secret and watch my beautiful daughter. I had been sitting there less then a minuet though when there was a scream from the house. I grabbed my axe and went running in to be faced white wolf which lept out the window. And there she was,my beautiful daughter,her golden locks resting in the fire place,which flames were bigger then normal,and I know where. Here skin has almost melted in the fire. "NOO!" I notice my mother in law to,her body bloodied all over and a leg on the floor. I fall down onto my knees crying. My own daughter didn't even know me.

After a while I stumble to my feet and slowly go over to my daughter,the fire now had burned it's self out and I could just mange to rescue her red hood and cloak. With the red outfit in my clutches I run all the way to 'my wife's' house. I was worrying about what she was going to say which only made me weep more but I didn't care. Frantically I banged on her door and she came out, obviously annoyed I had turned up. "What are-" I cut her of. "It's our daughter-" She cuts me of. "Don't you dare come into her life!" My vision becomes more blurred as I remember the last time I had seen her,lying with her head in the fire. "But that's just it,she is dead!" She almost freezes as I hold up the hood. It is stained with blood and some parts are burnt from the fire.

That night we sat by the fire crying,coming together for out daughter.

"Talk talk talk".

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