HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Printable Version

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With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Jackal2 - 02-21-2013

The hurrying drum of restless hooves beat against a sea of green. A worried heart beats in a spent chest - his breath comes in deep gasps, and against every whim, he trembles. High above, a dragon keens, making wide circles over the land.

Where are they?

"Romani! Willow!" he calls, his voice like thunder rattling against the hilly land. Today is dark, with dark clouds crowding over the Foothills like bad omens, threatening rain. The King of Thieves is near frantic, and he plunges over the fair land with keen silver eyes. The absence of his healer and loyal warrior gives him endless bother - he heads toward the hill he had been inaugurated on; it is the tallest, sloping gently onto a babbling creek with the jagged pale peaks of mountains behind. Little raindrops tatter his rippling red coat, and he stands over its flat peak , tail whisking behind him with exasperation. "Foothills!" Jackal thunders, sounding less the fraught boy he was and more the leader. "The threat of war hangs nigh over our heads! Let this be a call to arms, ere they come! Our numbers may be few, but we are bold and strong at heart!" A striped hoof paws at the lush grass below, and the rain comes down with more strength. From high, the dragon swoops down to land upon Jackal's back, and he lets forth a vicious crow which echoes throughout the valley below.
if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones,
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Paladin - 02-21-2013

From the dawn of time, to the end of days
I will have to run, away
I want to feel the pain, and the bitter taste
Of the blood on my lips, again

Paladin wandered through the hills, a dark cloud over his mind. He grimaced when he finally saw the young buck who reminded him so much of his dear, old friend. The black dun, wiser with age and less of a brutal warrior shook his head at the young one. "I will not fight my family," he said clearly, a frown over his face. "Perhaps, if we had not been shackled by your diplomacy the band my daughters had formed would be turned in another direction." Paladin sighed, looking up at the summer's sky with a certain weariness. So much was unknown.

"I intended to serve you, Jackal, but I have seen that youth is no sign of innovation. You are commendable, a strong heart, and when you grow older, perhaps, I will join your side once more." He grimaced, body hanging listlessly off of a muscular frame. He shook his head. "But not today. I owed your father a debt, and I intend for it to be repaid. Should you require my services against other foes, I will lend my prowess."

He frowned sympathetically. "I know that this is not what you want to hear, but I take my leave, Chief Jackal. Please know that I tried, but my devotion to family lies too close to my heart. Friends come and go, but family is forever." With those words spoken, the Valiant shifted to leave, head hanging. Dim days lay ahead, and he would find another place to live.


RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Nadira - 02-21-2013

it has come to pass...

It started, the sprinkling of droplets. NADIRA had been watching the weather turn, and frankly she didn’t like how this game of chess was going. This game of cat and mouse wasn’t something she wished to relive again. She had been saved by Insanity from a possible attack, but in doing so, Insanity was the one who had ended up missing in action. For that, the unicorn mare at least owed something to the mare. But what exactly? It wasn’t like she was a fighter… well she would rather not fight. She had no connection to these lands, except Romani and Willow, possibly Argetlam and Nayati. But times were changing and she wasn’t quite ready to settle down quite yet. Had the Foothills been asking for this? She would never know for sure.

And then there it was, Jackal’s call to come together. So he had decided to show himself, finally. After their homeland had seen some silent attacks, leaving the feeling of this land in lost shambles. Snorting, her petite façade shook, debating on whether to attend or not. It was Paladin who caught her attention and seeing him talking to the leader of the Foothills, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to make her presence known. She would like to cross paths with the storyteller at least one more time.

As the sky opened, it poured its tears on the land. NADIRA’s ghost-like frame shimmered through the downpour, making her embodiment appear to skim and skip across the meadow, to reach where the two stallions had positioned themselves. Her lithe strides were long and carried her with ease and swiftness, coming upon the duo as Paladin’s frown creased his brow. Halting beside the older stallion, a flashback of the herd meeting visited her cranium. She gave a halfhearted smile towards him, as he voiced his renouncement.

“You are leaving us?”

As the pure and bloodless canvas of the mare stood still, she let her glacier orbs land on the storyteller. For some reason, her question wasn’t really a question, more of just a filler of sorts. She already knew his answer. But she couldn’t exactly say she knew what it was like to have a family. And just recently she was able to consider herself to have friends… or so she hoped. She gave a reassuring smile to the steed, and nudged his shoulder in understanding. He didn’t have to explain himself.

Who happened to be his family? She wondered, but let it pass, as it was not her business, she told herself. She was soaked, as she could see everyone else was as well. What would become of the Foothills, she wondered. What was she suppose to do… she was technically not a healer… only having traveled with Willow from herd to herd in hopes of bring the healers together, to learn from each other. But maybe it was part instinct, part being born into it. She had witnessed enough and had leanred quite a bit as a human… but plant species could be different here than on Earth.

She sighed. So many things… It was then she realized she had completely forgot whose company she was in, and turning to Jackal, she bowed her regal visage, dripping of raindrops. Paying close attention, NADIRA took extra awareness as to not slice her leader with her horn, which spanned three feet in length from her brow. It meant a lot of care it took as to maneuvering and formalities and such. The rain had drowned her pelt so, it almost held a translucent appearance. Once silky locks that floated on the wind’s whisper now were weighed downed, and stringy.

“Pardon, Chief, for my rudeness. I am NADIRA. Willow’s apprentice and a good friend to Romani.”

She raised her pretty little dished profile to let her sapphire visionaries rest on Jackal. Words were light and harmonious. With nothing else to say, she decided it best to wait for the rest of group to arrive.

Thoughts || Normal Post || "Previous Speech" || "I am talking."

the essence of timeless beauty

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Aaron - 02-21-2013

"Of course he is leaving us, it's his daughters who intend to lead the attack against us." Eyes of dark brown almost black show the pure rage and anger Aaron feels. Once upon a time he had called Ophelia and Ktulu friends. Now, they were considered his enemies. His eyes locked on Paladin as he spoke again. "Tell your daughters, that I hope a piece of land that many not remain theirs is worth the loss of a true friend." Alanna had been quiet all this time, since the pair arrived at the meeting. She now growled softly, reacting to Aaron's emotions. Inside Aaron was not only angry, but felt backstabbed and betrayed by those he once called friends. He then turned his back to Paladin. It was not just his daughters the young mason felt betrayed by, but the dun himself. After all he could stay and fight, just not fight his own daughters. Clearly this did not matter to him.

At long last Aaron turned to Jackal. His eyes softened slightly from the almost black to dark brown. "Nice of you to finally come back, Jackal." Alanna placed herself at Aaron's white feathered front feet. In such a short time, the young hellhound had felt many emotions from her bonded. Anger, fear, surprise... just to name a few. Never had she felt such anger that she wanted to attack another... However she could tell from her bonded one's actions that now was not the time. Little did the hellhound pup know she would not be going with him into battle. She was to little, and he did not want to worry about her getting trampled.

The young draft was already thinking ahead. He intended to send Alanna to his mother and sister, to keep them updated on the battle. Not to mention it kept the pup out of harms way. At long last he spoke again, this time as one holding a higher position within the herd. "We did our best to fight off those that have come to sneak away our family. So far we have lost Romani, Willow, Insanity, Madryn and Maskan. If you intend to leave us again, you need to allow more to protect against such things. As it stands, you are now the only one." Brown eyes looked to the silver eyes of the red dun. Surely he had to see reason.... If they even had the numbers to hold off an attack.

"something to say"

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Locket - 02-21-2013


Locket listened as the Chief called their names, but he knew all too well, their enemy played the game well and their own leader had been caught sleeping on the job. Romani, Madyrn, Maskan... For all Locket knew, he was the only warrior of this herd left standing. A herds greatness was often measured by it's military might yet he stood alone amongst the fray with but a youthful leader to follow into war. Yet to war he would go if their enemy came, much Archibald had taught him in their last spar and if one thing it was never to run. Even if he must fight unknown faces, for pride if for nothing else. There was always a reason to go to war.

Cascades of curly mane dance in the dangerous sky as he comes finally to gaze upon Jackal the King of Thieves, his body like flame against his angry backdrop. There were others, Paladin who seemed less inclined to go to war and more inclined to flee in the face of family. Locket looked over the dun but said nothing, he knew next to nothing of their Storyteller, he had no right to judge him even if his words did speak of cowardice. Locket knew nothing of family, a beggar from birth, never troubled with the emotion that was 'family'. Though others voiced there disagreement, he noted the name of the alabaster femme with a pretty face, Nadira. An apprentice of their stolen healer, maybe the only one here who knew how to heal if only a little. Locket nodded his head once to her in friendly greeting. The other was their Mason, Aaron, who seemed a little more vexed with Paladin and Jackal than others. He wondered what ailed him, was there bad blood here or was it nerves of an impending war getting to him? How should the panda boy to know, he knew little of his herd as it changed so quickly in such a short space of time Locket had barely been given chance to breathe. It seemed in a flash that he was promoted to the ranks of warriors, not the he minded, Locket was proud to stand as the militant symbol. Even if it was just him.

"'ocket, warrior, reporting for duty, Chief Jacka'." The 'L' sound always got to him. With an elegant proffer of his head, the Arab stood boldly forward in the line of unknown faces, fit and ready.

Night has always pushed up day
You must know life to see decay
Image by imi

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Argetlam - 02-21-2013

Whooo went the wind and out went the lights.

It was one of those praises, Argetlam had never really thought about that deeply. It sounded like one of those cutesy phrases parents told their foals because it was spooky, but mostly just rhymed nicely. Yet it popped into his head suddenly, and there was an enormous impact on him suddenly; wasn't that like the situation the Foothills had been placed into? While the wind howled, the lights went out, and they were left in the dark, sitting ducks waiting to be snapped up by marauders and beasts. But the metal-bender wasn't quite sure what the wind was- the thieves of some of the Foothills herd, maybe? Maybe. So the great shire continued to ponder the phrase while he grazed, rubbery lips shifting over teeth mildly yellowed from grazing, tail swishing when the occasion demanded, driving away the pesky flies. His thoughts turned from nursery rhymes to those who had been taken in the past few days, slipped away from the herd remarkably quiet but picking up in pace recently. Madryn and Maskan- he had never met personally before, but through the vague way of communication that occurred when the herd moved together. They had been taken just very recently. And Insanity. Despite her darkness, Argetlam felt he owed loyalty to her, for introducing him to the herd and allowing him inside. Actually, he owed loyalty to everyone in the Foothills, a quietly binding oath he took to heart.

His slightly shaggy ears, caught up in the wild tangles of his flaxen mane, twitched as a voice carried along the air, sweeping forward and bolting his head upright, quivering slightly, nostrils flaring to carefully test the air. It was a familiar scent, of course, one he had never really considered. Always, it had blended into the background, there but not there, vague but consistent. Yet the voice accompanying the scent was filled with a magnificence nobility to it that was like a leader's, and Argetlam began to trot, hooves thudding dully upon the rocky soil. War, he hears, the voice thundering and booming like a furious storm, crackling with electricity. Even he is caught up in a sense of hysteria, the gentle-hearted peacekeeper. Call to arms.

Argetlam arrived quickly, and despite the fact he could probably get away with ramming through the horses with his bulk, he did not. He peered above and around heads, over coats chestnut-red-copper and alabaster, black-and-silver, white and chocolate. Carefully he maneuvered himself around a unicorn with markings akin to an exotic panda, to settle himself beside Aaron, with a nod of his head in greeting. Friends come and go, but family is forever. Yes, but wasn't this his family? Paladin, the silver dapple recalled, the storyteller. Former storyteller? Wha'... Did he have family in the Gray? He said something about daughters. Unaware of the connection between Paladin, Ktulu, and Ophelia, a slight frown remained upon his dark muzzle, and still he listened.

For it was a red roan who spoke, and he had a dragon, magnificently bronze-plated and undoubtedly with a flaming maw. Enthusiasm erupted up from inside him, bursting him into pieces, engulfing every moment of him. Argetlam did have a bit of an obsession with dragons, after all- could one be surprised he was so joyful to finally see one? Hardly did he hear Aaron speak or 'ocket, as Locket said, say anything. He was distracted by the dragon, the glorious creatures who deserved many praises, and perhaps could help him with metal projects! Provided Jackal was willing. For it was Jackal, the metal-crafter realized, with a slight pang of guilt. All this time he had thought Jackal away, but he was simply blending in the background, working on his own projects without a doubt. Leader-ly projects. Never had he thought to introduce himself! Neither had he ever noticed the dragon, which would've warranted a long, rambling paragraph of speech in itself. Feeling the need to introduce himself, the polite Shire spoke up- "I am Argetlam, Aaron's apprentice. I will do my best to help protect the herd, but I'm afraid I'm not much of a fighter. What are we going to do for Romani and the others captured?" The peaceful stallion smiled hesitantly, swishing his sooty, dirty yellow tail. For he wanted to do something for those lost to this world, but what? What could unravel this problem?

[I feel like this is a rambling post but with nothing good in it D: sorry]

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Ailith - 02-21-2013

No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed
This is my kindom come, this is my kindom come

Did she find it queer to answer his call when those strange tunes finally found their way to her ears? She had not seen the face that drew her to the heart of the Foothills that day and perhaps she didn’t care to. It was more than his lack of attendance that had made her somewhat bitter and she could not find anywhere in which to lay blame. Could she blame the Grey for invading? She couldn’t without reason… Nor could she blame Jackal for his time in relative isolation. It was in that moment that she was content to forget everything but the service she was to provide. It was obvious that the Foothills needed her help, which would be gladly given, if she was provided a reason in which to stay. She wanted to see something that day, something in these creatures that would motivate them, something other than anger and revenge.

She needed the chance to call the family, but alas, she had yet to even meet them all face to face. Her gait was slow and perhaps a little reluctant because this time she felt that there would be many in attendance than she had previously met alongside Argetlam. She could scent them all from a mile away and yet she moved toward them with a sense of untimely fear. But this was bigger than her self-esteem and much bigger than her selfish favor of reclusion. When the time came that she was upon them, her nerves quivered and made her shake. When was the last time that she had been able to face someone she called “Leader”? So far six had made it into the clearing and while some were entirely new to her, she happened to recognize Nadira, Aaron, and Argetlam. She was glad to see the big Grey stallion in their company but she was not quick to run to his side. She needed this time to form her own opinions about what was to come.

Ahead, she looked into the eyes of what was assumedly the great Jackal. He spoke with so much fervor that she was almost convinced that his words rung with truth. However, in her debate, she noticed that one of his followers seemed more distressed about the invasion than even Jackal himself. He was a large Warmblood with a coat made of coal with crimson frosted threads. She hadn’t been able to decipher much of what he’d said other than his expression upon his final retreat from their gathering. There wasn’t much to know of the large shadowed stallion other than his decision to leave in their time of need. But how could she blame him? Once again, she did not know his reason.

Another stranger caught her eye though she wasn’t sure what his name was way due to a slight speech impediment. There was no curious smile upon her lips now though because while he was amusing enough to her, there was nothing amusing about why they were here together. He was a beautiful creature that did not appear fit for war, but she had learned that she could not judge a book by its cover.

But as she listened to Argetlam speak of his duty to assist, she felt that they did not have enough of really anything to get through this invasion without fail. Her lids fell over beautifully colored lavender eyes before she reopened them, purpose thriving within their depths. “I am Ailith, newest addition to your herd and I’d like to offer my services wherever it is they are needed. Though, I believe we have a long way to go before we are fit for the battle that’s headed our way.

She moved closer to them, hopeful to find a bit of comfort in their presence before all hell was to break loose.

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Resplendence - 02-23-2013

and i'll find strength in pain and i will change my ways
It seemed as though quite a few things had occurred during Resplendence's time away. "Romani! Willow!" the leader's voice called out as she stretched her graceful Morgan frame out into an easy-going prance. Tail flicking just a little at the base as it trailed behind her much like a veil. Her long locks falling across her eye and then some of it spread across her back and down to the ground as she stopped close to the area that some horses were gathering to the horse's call. It was obvious his wits about himself had returned as he told the herd to be strong. But the rain that pounded down caused her ear to pin tightly against her cranium as she shook her head fervently. No. Fighting was bad. They had to understand that. Fighting caused pain.

She shifted a little as she heard another speak up. Her eyes flickering around until they had landed upon the darkened frame of the speaker. It was obvious that he didn't want to fight either. And as he explained it was merely understandable. His family must come first. If she still had her she would do the same. Allowing her eyes to close for a minute she took in a short breath, no longer able to really pay attention to the voices that she couldn't recognize. Really, she hadn't even recognized the voice of the one who had spoken of his family. She needed to get to know these people she now lived with. But, it was with great difficulty that such would occur.

Res could pick out the sound of anger upon some of their voices. Quickly, she felt herself pulling away. Her frame trembling ever so slightly as she shuffled backwards - away from the head of the crowd and all the people near it. More spoke up. Asking about how they would proceed. Her nostrils flared. It was obvious that if they fought back most everyone would easily be slaughtered. This herd was nowhere near ready for a battle. She didn't need to know them to see that there were only a few who held such great chances of being able to hold their own against whoever it was they fought. And she was not one of them.

Finally, she allowed her orbs to open again, peering up at the leader of the Foothills and to the people around him. Her gaze falling on them from behind as she had needed to distance her frame from all the heated bodies of equines as the thunder boomed in her ears causing her to jump forward a few steps before meekly regaining the little bit of her composure she had left to own. It was as soon as the thunder had died down that she allowed her quiet voice to raise just enough to be heard. "I don't think we should fight, sir." Her ear flickered backwards for a second as she shifted uncomfortably. "No one is ready for battle... We lost those who could help us the most..." her voice broke, body twisting in the air as another clap of thunder sent her a few more paces closer to the pack of animals. A shaky breath escaped her as she spoke up again. "I think... perhaps we should let them think they've won... and then... try and pull a mutiny. We'll be stronger. We'll most likely have Romani and Willow back, along with any others who can help." She paused, ducking her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Sir, I just believe that going into fight as we are will get everyone killed... for nothing." she finished before remembering she had yet to introduce herself, so stumbling over her words she managed to add, "So sorry, I am Resplendence, and I'm new here. I understand if y-you don't want a n-newcomer's opinion," her voice dying out at the end as she shifted herself farther back from those circled around him. She was the odd one out. The one who didn't want violence. She had seen enough. Her gaze stayed lowered as she concentrated on her soaking mane that clung to her legs and chest, forelock doing it's job in hiding her face but lacking the fluff to cover her lack of an ear.

Did they even have a chance? Or was all hope really lost?

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Quilyan - 02-23-2013

But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride...
...he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him.

Every wingbeat brings him closer to her.

He has cursed himself endlessly since he last allowed her to leave his presence, his mind overwhelmed with worry. She is so easily afraid, so easily injured, so easily killed... no, he will not allow himself to think such thoughts. If you ask him why he holds such fears, he will be unable to tell you a reason behind the uneasy feeling settling in his chest, but he will be able to tell you that it is there. It had haunted him morning, noon, and night, until finally his bonded had pulled a piece of his mane, chirruped in was sounded like a vaguely irritable tone, and sent forth a flow of intense, complicated emotions that he knew were his own reflected back at him. And her image. It was a much different view than the one he saw, for as he towered over Resplendence, Zarina was considerably smaller, but it was her nonetheless. After allowing a bit of guilt and the slightest of apologies trickle through the bond, he had set off to the Foothills, where he hoped to find her.

Now he soars high above the land, eyeing the gathering clouds with dismay. He has only recently begun to take to the skies again, now that he trusts Zarina to know to hold on tight. Every time she feels his worry for her safety, she makes a sound that sounds remarkably like a snort and he feels her scoff through the bond. She will not fall, he knows that now, not wound in his banner as she is. She has taken to brushing her tiny paws through the strands, separating, untangling. It is usually a relaxing process, but as thunder booms through the air around them, he feels her quivering mass bundled in a pile of mane. She is afraid, and he is uncomfortable; he drops, not the powerful fall of a fighter, but the soft glide of a stallion searching for his mare.

Though he knows of the invasion, he also knew not to worry for Resplendence. She is no fighter, not when she barely knows any of the faces of those with whom she lives. She will not stay to face their demise - will she? He feels that he knows her better than that, but what if they are surprised? What if the attack comes before she can escape? Should something happen to her, he will never forgive himself. He knows it, and even his young marmoset knows it. His hooves touch the ground as the first of the rain begins to fall, the ground still hard beneath his hooves. It will turn to mud quickly enough, of course, but for now, his ivory pelt, accented with gold, will remain unmarred.

He is late to the gathering, and no doubt unwelcome, as he holds no alliance with any of the herds. He doesn't care. His violet orbs scan the crowd, and he knows that he could simply leap into flight and run if he is unwanted. Not that he'll leave her behind. Finally, the lacing across her back draws his eye to her small form, and he realizes as he approaches quietly that she is speaking. He raises an eyebrow and says nothing as she argues for peace. She may seek a way out of a fight, but such is the way of women. The deposed prince knows better. He knows that it is better to fight and die than to live with the hooves of oppression on your neck. The thought makes him think of home, thoughts that he abruptly pushes away.

She finishes speaking, and he nickers softly, drawing his wings tightly against his bodice. He doesn't think she's used to them quite yet, and though he longs to drape one protectively around her, he resist. Still, he does reach out to brush her shoulder gently, a peculiar, almost adoring light in his orbs. His eyes roam over her quickly, and he is satisfied when he sees no injuries. With a nod of his head, he turns to address the apparent leader. "Good sir," he begins, "I know that you do not know me, nor I you, and perhaps many would say that I have no place in the fight to come. But I will protect those I care about," he glances at Resplendence, "and those that she would call family. My skills are yours, should you wish it." He finishes with a respectful bow of his head, though it pains him to do so. He is not used to being a follower. He would have been king, once.

But for her, he will toss aside his crown.

[W/C | ---]
Walk walk walk.
Talk talk talk.
Think think think.

RayoDeSoleil.deviantart.com | Ness8Bit.deviantart.com

RE: With foes ahead, behind us dread; herd rally! - Ariadnê - 02-24-2013

[Image: wgui47.jpg]

She wears a coat of color, Loved by some,
Feared by others

The day was rather warm for the this season- it had been a month since she had felt the energy of the sun's rays, the brightness of it shining down upon your familiar territory. Though she had not claimed this land and could not, and there was no way she ever would, she liked to think of it as her home and wanted to join. The sky- such a rich, baby blue, the scarce amount puffy white clouds floating in the air as if they had nothing else to do, no rain to pour, and no sun to hide. Around her, the rolling foothills were bustling with what little life had remained awake through the perilous winter, and she heard various critter greet each other with chitters and songs. The chipmunks were about, gather the little piles of acorns that they had stashed for their winter break, and the bluejays were already hopping from around from time to time, their symphony beautiful and airy, much like the crisp, birdsong air itself. A smile graced her velvety silken maw, and she walked lazily over the thin blades of green grass. She'd lived here nearly none her life- but every now and then, she wondered about, and she certainly loved to socialize- and for her, it was easy to attract new stallions- for her exterior design was certainly eye-catching. Today, the sun was extravagantly bright, and it's ray soaked into her frosty pelt, making her seem almost glassy with spots of sweat starting to bead down her pelt a glassy figure in motion. Her tail was black as night with straight fibers- the light was hitting it at just the right angle, and a dull, but obvious rainbow was cast inside of it's figure. Her cyan blue eyes wandered around, curious at what new bringings the day held for her. A shiver went up her spine, and she smiled, her features brightening at the sight of the rally. She halted behind the growing crowd. ”I am Ariadne. I seek to not only join your herd, but to help in the invasion.” Serious gaze fell on hatred for Jackal, the stallion. She hated stallions with a fiery passion, but wanted to so desperately join the foothills. She walked closer where her figure wasn’t obscured by other horses. She could see Jackal perfectly and he could see her.

”I want to fight for you.”