HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
What is my Destiny? - Printable Version

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What is my Destiny? - Nyx - 02-26-2013

Nyx trotted at a brisk pace through the forest. The sun's golden rays shined on her ebony black coat. The trees' shadows lay across her path.Her ears were pricked forward catching every sound, and she was on alert. Ever since she had left the Threshold there had been terror settling inside her. The scent of Azale still lingered in her nostrils. She smiled as she remembered how the little filly had offered her a home here. But suddenly, nervousness replaced her happiness. What if they didn't accept her? What if they looked at the scar across her shoulder and asked her about it? She didn't think she could talk about the big stallion who had given it to her. What if she didn't know how to act in a herd? What if she did something wrong? She shook her mane in annoyance. She knew she had to stop thinking like this. She had dreamed of being in a herd ever since her mother had been murdered when she was a foal. She had been wanderering alone ever since then, and was sick and tired of it. She was tred of being the one who other horses three wary looks at. She wanted to work and be part of an actual herd. Suddenly she felt a burst of excitement. This place might become her home soon! She broke into a steady canter, and the cool breeze blew her mane back behind her.

RE: What is my Destiny? - Hellena - 02-27-2013

Some call the fog daunting, obscuring, thrilling. I called it beautiful, gracious and informative. These mists were my home, since my birth, since the Gods threatened to destruct the entirety of Helovia. I am a survivor, I have seen leaders come and go, members come and go, I have even made friends and connections along the way - but they have left, where I have stayed. The World's Edge is not for everyone, this is a fact that I discovered eons ago, and yet still I allow myself to be drawn close to others, still I feel an ache within my breast when they leave.

Sometimes it does well to guard against those who would just leave in the end.

My lithe, pale frame walks with steps of precision, delicate, purposeful, and graced by the cool, damp embrace of the mists. My tail, long and leonine, seems to orchestrate the curious substance, with every sweeping motion, it strokes the mists into shapes, shadows, tales. I am a dreamweaver, where one sees insignificant shapes and colours, I see the future, the past, the present, I see everything amidst this misty cloak that would otherwise hide all.

"Be careful where you step."

The voice seemed to echo, rebound off every tree, rock and leaf surrounding the mare. It was a soothing, warm and comforting voice, though it was laced with a true and dire warning. The maiden ran the forests of the Edge, a land named very aptly, for in places, the forest simply stopped, and nothing but a great drop, with sharp rocks and a thrashing sea, would welcome one's body into its deadly embrace. My nape arches, as I purposefully step in the young lady's path, the mists lingering about my form as they so often do. Every move I make seems to drag them along with me, they protect me, you see, guide me, show me where my path shall be turned. I know them well, just as this creaturemay come to know them.

"I am Hellena." I proffer my name, something that I do not do in every meeting I find myself in. "You walk in the World's Edge, mare, a land where the herd named the Qian reside." The information is something I usually hold onto, but he walks without the air of an intruder seeking to cause harm upon our land, our herd. Perhaps she is seeking something else, something that the land can provide for her? I smile, my otherwise impassive façade softening as I do so, my nape bending as I nod graciously to this lanky dark fae. With a sweeping, intentional stroke of my leonine tail, I part the mists that lie before us; and they drop, revealing just how close the Edge of the World lays. I do this so that she might appreciate the warning I gave her, the choice I made to interfere with her path, to offer her something more than a quick drop over the edge of our home.

I wish to offer her something to do with her destiny.

May the stars tuck you in at night,
May the Moon watch over you, always.

background pattern by Patrick Hoesly @ flickr.com

RE: What is my Destiny? - Nyx - 02-27-2013

[Image: 512e83fdd10e0]


Nyx's thoughts were jumping all over the place as she walked delicately across the path. Thoughts of having a home in this beautiful place; of maybe even raising a family here. She hoped that she wouldn't be judged on her past; on her scar. She shook her mane to clear her thoughts. Suddenly, her eyes widened with surprise as an elegant mare walked across her path. She was a light grey unicorn, with violet eyes, and every step of her's was long and graceful. The mists surrounded her lithe frame. She had a pure white mane, and a light grey tail that flowed behind the mare as she walked toward her. Her horn seemed to glow. Nyx felt nervousness well up inside her. Who was this mare? Was she here as an enemy, or part of this herd? She took a deep breath and told herself to stop being such a wreck.
"I am Hellena You walk in the World's Edge, mare, a land where the herd named the Qian reside" , she said.

Her voice was soft, and sounded like the tinkling of belles. After she spoke there was a stillness. Her words seemed to hang in the air. Nyx felt a burst of excitement well up inside of her. She was from the World's Edge after all! Nyx also knew she had to be extremely polite.
She bowed her head deeply and respectfully toward the unicorn.

"I am Nyx. I have just recently left the Threshold, and am relatively new to this land. I have been wandering alone for some time, and have been looking for a herd. I've been alone ever since I witnessed the death of my mother. Ever since then, I have vowed to start a new life here."
She paused. She didn't usually give this much information about herself to perfect strangers. But this was an exception. this mare was from the World's Edge, and for some unknown reason, she trusted her already.

Talk talk talk talk.

RE: What is my Destiny? - Hellena - 03-05-2013

The youth spoke, her voice honest, her words offering my svelte ears with a short recap of what she had been through, what had brought her here. It was curious to me that she divulged it so swiftly, though I suppose it was only as curious as the way I offered her such information with such forthrightness. I listened with obedient patience, absorbing what I could about her, hoping to be able to tell whether or not she lied to me, whether she was trying to deceive me, fool me into granting her entrance into these lands. If she proved to be a threat, she would swiftly learn that if she threatened the security of my home, the health of my lands, if she insulted the sovereign Goddess who gave us permission to live here, she would not rest easy even after she passed on. I hoped to convey this in my silent stare, my violet eyes boring into her own, my expression somewhat guarded as I latched onto the silent pleading behind her words. She longed to join us, but for what cause, what reason?

"You have been through much." I say simply, acknowledging her words with my own soft reply. "I cannot promise you that these lands will be any easier for you." My words were honest, somewhat blunt - there was no guarantees that upon finding a home here one would be safe from harm, Helovia was a wonderful land where adventures often directed one in unexpected ways. "You long to start a new life.. What is it you see yourself doing, exactly?" I take a step forward, tilting my tiara at her, pressing my penetrating gaze upon her, as if I were using my very eyes to draw the answer from her lips. I wonder if she knew what it was I asked, if she understood that to live here one had to contribute, protect, love, and devote themselves to the land, the family, the friendships that could be forged here. I wondered if she knew just what it was she sought.

May the stars tuck you in at night,
May the Moon watch over you, always.

background pattern by Patrick Hoesly @ flickr.com

RE: What is my Destiny? - Ink - 03-09-2013

A black owl sits on a tree.

It's nearby the two horses that stand before each other, lost within the world of themselves and the importance each now plays upon the existence of the other. One perhaps more important than the other in this scenario.
Wide eyes flood the grounds below, probing through the mists to watch. Head swivels from side to side, granting the feathered ears an opportunity to absorb their conversation as it drifts like smoke on the wind.

The child has lived a hard life. Most children of Helovia have. Most adults have too. The hardships do not end. There is no word that goes by easyships. They do not exist.

Life is something we must work to maintain. Death is easy and simple.

Tears do not matter.

The owl reserves his judgement of the youth that has come seeking. It is not his place to decide when the moon walker has already come. She brings with her a darkness as rich as the night sky, but like the stars, she is speckled with sources of light and kindness.

She will be fair and just. She will do what is needed, as she has always done.
Doing what she must, what is needed, what is just, does not always bode well for those that come here. The Edge does not survive because of numbers alone, as some herds might. The Edge survives because it is filled with able bodies and minds.

A black owl sits on a tree.