HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
When Will This Madness End? - Printable Version

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When Will This Madness End? - Kanti - 03-15-2013

When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not.
It's just the beginning.

Brown chocolate eyes seek comfort in the blue eyes I stare into. My mistress is roaming, and I sit upon her flat back on the look out. There is a foal beside us, my mistress’s own, and we move at a slow pace so the small filly doesn’t fall behind. It’s been an interesting few weeks. We left the Foothills after the Invasion of the Grey began, and we sat from a distance and watched as our home was taken. My mistress cried, showing the pain of her homeland being taken over by those that didn’t deserve it. She moved now, head hung low. There was nothing she could do; she was helpless to help them. What could she have done? I watch as she looks at the foal beside her and smiles, knowing that she did the right thing by staying out of it. But the Grey was no place for a new mother and her newborn child. I cannot relay this to her. My words cannot form, and even the way I think is childish, but she gives me words of more complex speech, and I try to make more complicated language, but it is very difficult still. We are struggling, and I’m also useless to do anything about it. I wish I was bigger, stronger, more able, but I’m not. I’m small, only one month now, and a little bigger, but not big enough. I think the emotion sadness grows inside my heart, and Kanti senses it. She stops and turns around and looks at me. She nuzzles me, filling me with comfort, and I smile weakly at her. We are both sad, but we need to be strong for Cat. We continue moving on, and suddenly Kanti stops. Her hooves move in a substance that’s strange to me. I hop down and land in it. It’s a strange color and texture, and the air around me smells different. She laughs; telling me we are near the ocean, and what I’m standing on is sand. Sand. Ocean. I’m still very confused, but I walk to the filly, wondering if she wants to play.

Speaking | Thinking | Doing

Notes;; From Kyan's perspective
Words;; 356
Tag;; For Catalina and Sandman

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Catalina - 03-17-2013


In Control Of My

Own Destiny And Fate.

Catalina's voice was finally working, she could speak, quite well actually and wasted no time in using it when ever she needed to voice her opinion. Her eyes were focussed on the future, the distance they had not to walk. Not the distance they had already walked. Suddenly her little legs where walking through long grass, however the wind was picking up and blowing something else around. Her mother laughs and she hears her tell her that it's sand. They moved closer to where it's wet and she can feel a smile opening on her dry lips. The walk had been hard on her little body, she was excited to finally stop and relax. Only then she didn't relax. Seeing the ocean for the first time was a big thing for Catalina. She squealed in delight and began running towards it. She stretched her legs making in each gallop sure she reached the ocean as fast as possible.

Then the filly was laughing belting around in the shallows of the water, the sun bearing openly down on her back. The water was cold, nothing she wasn't use to though. She nickered at her mother and Kyan to come play. She then followed that command with her vocals, turning around now and looking at them."COME AND PLAY!" She called out to them laughing. Then she turned back to the ocean and began to slash in the shallows again. There was no danger, just one happy-go-lucky filly enjoying the sun, sand and her swim.

Photo and Table by Tamme

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Sandman - 03-18-2013

I am easily make-believe, just dress me up in what you want me to be.

A loud call alerts him to the presence of others in the area, and, bored, he decides to investigate. It isn't like he has anything else to do, after all, and whoever it is that has ventured to his stretch of beach may provide amusement and distraction. The voice sounded young, far too young to flirt with, but perhaps the foal will have a lone mother he can use his charm on. If nothing else, he will be allowed to forget his past while speaking to the babe. A temporary fix, but one he chases, desperate for even a few moments of forgetting.

Yet, when he finally spots the foal, he pauses. The resemblance to Kanti is uncanny, with her palomino paint coloration and carefree attitude. Eyes turn to scan the beach, and sure enough, his occasional toy is standing there, looking as lovely as ever, and with a companion as well. With a smile, he prances forward, raising each leg high in an attention grabbing display. Such antics are hardly needed, but he feels the need to show off, and perhaps earn a little admiration. Yet, despite his proud actions, his mind is racing. Who sired the foal? She is obviously Kanti's, yet there is no father in sight. Had some Foothills stallion gotten his hooves on the mare, or perhaps another outcast? Or was the foal his? There had been that one time in the Grove...

He forces the thoughts away once he reaches Kanti, careful to avoid stepping on the odd little creature that stands nearby. "Hello, darling," he greets, tossing his forelock so that it falls over one eye, giving him a roguish appearance. "I see that congratulations are in order. What's her name?" He purposefully refrained from asking about the sire, not certain that he really wished to know. Instead, he ran his muzzle along the flicka's(except she wasn't anymore, and when did that happen?) neck, playing the role she had cast him in so long ago(had really only been last Frostfall? It seemed so much longer...), her charming prince/knight.

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Kanti - 03-18-2013

When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not.
It's just the beginning.

I move towards the filly, and she beckons me to come and play with her. I do, splashing in the water with her. It has a weird taste, which I would later learn is a word called salty, but for now I ignore it, my mind focusing on having fun. As I splash in the water with the foal, I am not paying enough attention to see the chestnut stallion walk across the sand.

I suddenly hear a voice over our playing, and I stop. It is a voice I don’t know, and I look over to see him, stroking my mistress and speaking to her. Next thing I know, I’m running. I jump on her back, growling at him with all I have. I fear for her, but the response I want, I do not get.

I look at her, and she gives me a glare. What do you think you’re doing? No Kyan, down. This is Sandman, Catalina’s father. You where just an egg when he was here. I haven’t seen him since. Please, don’t. I look at her, astonished. Sandman, her…father? I back down, retracting my small claws, and sitting on her back. I’m confused, and I’m not sure what to do. She speaks to him now, and I’m under certain of what I should do.

“Catalina is her name. Darling, come over here! I have someone for you to meet. Sandman, this filly is your own. Catalina, this is your wonderful father, Sandman. I’m so proud of her…of us.”

Speaking | Thinking | Doing

Notes;; Kyan's pov

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Catalina - 03-19-2013


Thinking of you keeps
me up all night

Her play in the water was cut short when trouble walked in. The filly watched the stallion, at first musing over the fact that they had a similar coat colour. Then again, Cat was more like her mother, in appearance and personality. She watched the way the stallion spoke to her mother and felt an angry feeling rising in her tummy as the stallion stroked her mother. Kyan left her in the water alone, to go protect his lady. Catalina watched the entire ordeal from the distance. She listened in, the way he spoke to her mother...it raised the hair on her neck. Her mother's voice spoke to her, calling this stag her father. The word had little meaning to the filly. She walked over to the group eyes fixed on the stallion. Her blue eyes were looking so intently at her father it was almost rude.

Her manners, just as her mother had taught her, were impeccable. She nodded to her father, small head dipping ever so slightly in the stallions direction. "Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you." She smiled at him and then glanced over to her mother hoping she had done her proud. Slowly her small hooves backed up her small body, were she ended up tucking herself behind her mother ever so slightly. She was a little worried that the stallions intentions may not be all honourable towards her mother. She stuck around to make sure he did not harm her mother, she already did not appreciate the way he had walked over to her, as if her owned her mother. She told him, "You may think you own my mother, but you're nothing to me really, Sir." Manners first. The sentence didm't make much sense in grammatical terms, it was a little gabbled. However the meaning was clear to all.
'Back off.'

Speaking | Thinking | Doing

Notes;; YAY! Finally got to post, I wanted to finished the image and make my table.
Words;; 311
Tag;; Kanti and Sandman

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Sandman - 03-31-2013

I am easily make-believe, just dress me up in what you want me to be.

His greeting to the mare does not go unnoticed, her tiny companion charging across the sand to confront him with a hostile snarl. He is tempted to laugh, amused by the display of wrath. How intimidating does this creature believe himself to be? It is a ball of fluff, far too small and, to be honest, adorable to be a threat. Yet he holds his tongue, and with a simple look, Kanti settles the beast. He regards it for a moment longer, making certain it is properly subdued, before returning his attention to it's mistress.

At least she seems pleased to see him, easily answering his questions and calling the child, his child, over. No hesitation, no suspicion. Just serenity, and perhaps even a hint of eagerness. To introduce the filly to him, as she claims to be her intention, or does she secretly want to show off the girl? Prove that she can produce beautiful offspring, show him just how well she has done? Catalina is lovely, he admits, watching her stride forward, her gaze just on the verge of being insolent. She does not resemble her father in any way, at least not physically, yet that almost glare reminds him of himself. Not so much now, for age and loss have calmed his temper, but he once held the world in contempt.

Perhaps she is more like him than he has thought.

She stands before him now, issuing polite words and dipping her head respectfully, even offering up a small smile. It doesn't last, though, and he is almost saddened when she backs herself behind Kanti(but why should that bother him, he does not know this filly, and does not care to. Right?). And then, she speaks again, and even though her tone is still polite, the words sting(Why though?).

He obeys the unspoken demands of both the flicka and the kangaroo, thick legs carrying his frame back a few steps, giving the small group more room. After all, he is a stranger to two of them, and he has come uninvited to the family outing, striding up in his arrogance, certain that he would be well received. A mistake, he knows that now, and cautiously, he makes his apologies. "I am sorry, Catalina, if I have upset you, for that was not my intention. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." He turns Kyan then, not forgetting that he has also offended the tiny marsupial. "I apologize to you too, little one. I know you only wish to protect Kanti." And oddly enough, he is sincere, though he still does not understand why.

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Kanti - 04-15-2013

When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not.
It's just the beginning.
She watches with horror in her eyes as I back away, but her daughter spews words of polite hatred onto what this thing is before me. Her father maybe, only related by blood, but not one of us, that was for sure. I look at the filly, a smile playing on my small lips as I look at the chestnut stallion. His answer is a good one, and I am satisfied with his answer. There so, I move down and I sit on the filly’s back, my friend since she was born. I am gentle with her, but I lay on her back, snuggling in with her small warm that the sun has brought her. She smells of that of the ocean salt, and I am suddenly dulled to sleep, but it is only for a moment.

“Catalina! Why are you speaking to him that way? He is your father, and you will have to respect that. And what on earth are you talking about?” She looked genuinely shocked, and I look at her. I speak with our mental bond, or try to at least, but I feel the concern that her daughter has.

He is…using you. No good. B…bad. He goes, no belong here. With us.

I am given another shocked look in return, and Kanti honestly doesn’t understand. Tears well in her eyes, and I climb up her leg and move toward her head. I coo her, telling her it will be alright, and she just shakes her head at me. I feel the sadness grow in her heart, and she doesn’t understand. She looks at him again, the chestnut stallion, and begins interrogating him.

“Sandman, do you know what they’re talking about? Tell me, where you lying to me before, using me? Did you not really love me at all, ever? Am I a failure because I simply have your child, but you don’t care?” The tears are back, quicker than ever, along with anger. She starts to understand now, and I feel the pain too, and I tell her it will be alright, but she knows I’m lying.

Speaking | Thinking | Doing

Notes;; Kyan's pov still

RE: When Will This Madness End? - Catalina - 04-18-2013


Thinking of you keeps
me up all night

She did not like her mother yelling at her. She removed herself from behind her mother feeling angered by her reaction. Catalina had only been trying to protect her! Her scroll was now directed at her mother. "Mother!" She protested and glanced at her father, she narrowed her eyes blaming him. The young filly watched as her mother interrogated her father. She rolled her eyes at her mother who was unwilling to listen. "Do you not trust your own daughter?" Catalina asked ever so slightly stiffly. "Or Kyan?" She glanced towards the tree kangaroo, at least he was on her side during all of this. The filly stood closer to her father, she faced him head on and looked at him through judgemental eyes. "Tell her the truth." With that Catalina wondered off back down to the water's edge.

She was still angry that her mother had sided with the stranger that was her father. Catalina only wanted the very best for her mother, and she was keeping her eyes shut tight. She was a hopeless romantic, Catalina at barely three months could already see that. She loved her mother deeply, eyes settled on the ocean she wondered what was happening in the foothills, her first home. Her mother missed the foothills, that became clearer and clearer everyday. But Catalina had only been there a few short days before it was invaded. It was hardly a home, it was more her birthplace. It would always be special but as special as it was to her mother. Maybe one day they would go back? Join forces with those who now ruled it. Or maybe the foothills would be taken over by a new group and Catalina could be apart of it.
All of this was in the future though, for now she had to deal with this stallion.

Turning proudly around she marched up to Sandman and Kanti. "You're either with us or against us." There was no pitty in the fillies tones. "Choose".

Speaking | Thinking | Doing

Words;; 333
Tag;; Kanti and Sandman