HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Losing My Mind [Open] - Printable Version

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Losing My Mind [Open] - Murdock - 03-16-2013

The deafening clamor of battle still rang in his ears, reverberating in his skull as he squinted dark eyelids shut. It was always gruesome; always an ugly display of prehistoric inhibitions and barbaric instincts. He had been trained for war, though, and he was raised to fight and to defend his home and those he loved. Was it worth it? Perhaps this was a sign that he was finally falling apart, and the fractured pieces of his mind were beginning to disintegrate into oblivion. Emerald eyes opened slowly, taking in the great green spread of the Foothills as it stretched out below him. Silver hooves rested on the firm slate of a ledge that curved from the hillside, spray from the falls to his right misting against his dirty hide and coating his feathers with droplets of cool water.

This was his new home. It was beautiful. The sharp, dark cliffs struck a sharp pang of remembrance into his heart as his eyes traced the dark lines of the distant mountains. They were crowned with snow and misty clouds, the scent of rain hanging thick in the damp air. His body angled forward and down as he found his way onto a firmly packed path between tufts of green grass, hooves slipping across the wet earth as he descended the steep slope toward level ground. His bruised elbow ached as his weight was thrown onto his forehand, his curled tail draping over his hocks and trailing across the dew-soaked grass. His joints had grown stiff in his idleness, and his throat was parched and sore.

He set his course for the pool at the foot of the falls, his chin tilting down as dark lips touched to the water’s surface. The cool liquid revived his weary body, bringing life back to his aching muscles. The ragged flesh-wound upon his shoulder stung as the cool breeze swept over his body, and as he finished quenching his thirst he turned his head back to eye the dark stains upon his pale feathers and black hide. It was not a critical wound, but the pain was constantly nagging at the back of his mind and he had not been able to fly or even spread his wings as the movement tugged at the bloody laceration. He thought of washing it, to rid his matted coat of the dried blood and prevent infection; however, he was not able to reach it himself.

Turning away from the falls, he stepped carefully over the uneven ground as he wandered toward the sparse forest. The sky was hidden by pale grey clouds, the threat of a rare summer rain looming overhead. Murdock hated the rain, but at this point his mood could hardly be dampened further. He found his way over the rocky ground to the shelter of the trees, his wings shifting painfully over his shoulders as he tucked them in against his body. A great oak rose up from the damp earth before him, thin stalks of green grass curling about its twisted frame. He tipped his head back, eyes tracing the scarred bark up to the twisted branches that reached out in all directions as if searching for the sun.

“So…how are you?” His voice was a weary drawl, ears swiveling back on his head as he watched the leaning oak. It said nothing. Not even the creak of ancient branches responded to his empty words. Rude, Murdock thought as he turned his back toward the tree. He didn’t often speak to in-animate objects, though he managed to find a sort of silent comfort in their presence; it was simply one of his many oddities. The last time he had sought conversation with such a ‘being’, he had been splayed out upon the wind-swept snow with the dark mare standing over him. A faint sigh escaped his lips, his weight shifting on his hips as he looked out toward the mountains. She was the only one he could call a 'friend' in this new land, but they were two worlds apart and he avoided the possibility that they might never see each other again. Eye-lids flickering shut, he pressed his shoulder into the bruised bark of the oak to take the pressure off his aching feet.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

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RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Ailith - 03-19-2013

No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed
This is my kindom come, this is my kindom come

She watched him move, a mere shadowed vision of war-beaten wreckage, and it made her heart ache watching as he went. Next to the misted falls, she was his bird, tilting lightly in his trail as if the slight swaying of the breeze would hide her eager footsteps. Curiosity overwhelmed the mare as she watched the soft spray cleanse the days of battle from his coat and it was all she could do to keep herself from moving forth to touch his wounds. She too suffered from the warlord’s assaults but her wounds were little in comparison which made this warrior something of a commodity in her eyes. The rarity of her lavender gaze never left him as he moved once more from the water’s edge and into the forest. Above them the songs of summer strung out half-heartedly in a dissonant tune. Part of her wondered if the music had died away with the heart of the Foothills after such a battle but then of course she had only now begun to pay attention to the magic of its harmony.

Again, she followed diligently as he sought the shelter of a tall oak whose eyes peered down at them both with an ageless wonder. The stale fragrance of a summer rain made her skin crawl with excitement as storms were something of an infatuation to her. She quite enjoyed the soft pitter patter of a passing shower upon the faceless leaves above. It was like another song that came with living within the dunes, one that made her heart race in remembrance of all that had happened. However, in her time spent dwelling upon such trivial obsessions, she had barely the mind to catch the warrior’s words upon the growing winds. Something about them put her at ease and she finally moved forward from her shadowed position amongst the trees.

Her eyes were soft as she moved toward the stallion, who was still seemingly enamored by the lengthy truck of his oak. She debated what to say before smiling quietly at him because there wasn’t anything that needed to be said just yet. However, a soft murmuring passed her lips as she drew closer still, forgetting all sense of mannerism that had formerly inhabited her. When she had finally paused before him, she nodded towards the wounded shoulder in which he seemed to favor. “Are you alright?” With wide eyes she assessed the open wound and then stepped forward to extend a curious touch. The scent of dried dirt and blood seemed to overcome any other musky scent of the wood and when she thought it best to pull away, she proffered another soft smile. “I’m Ailith, of the Grey now I suppose. And who might you be?

Whatever had come over her was something that took her actions by storm. There was no stopping her now, not when she so fervently put her mind to something.

OOC|| Haha, I was laughing to myself when he called the tree rude. <3 Poor Chern x Murdock, it makes me sad.

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Murdock - 03-19-2013

Now alone, Murdock finally had time to ponder the events that had passed in the previous days. He couldn’t decide whether this solitude was a blessing or a curse, but he knew that the reality of the Grey’s actions would come crashing down upon him sooner or later. He didn’t regret what they had done; he was content with their decision to invade the Foothills to find a home for their expanding numbers. What he couldn’t come to terms with was the brutality of battle that had been all but forgotten by the black stallion in the months since his final days at home. Perhaps it was not a surprise that he was finally falling apart, after his mind had been left shattered by his days in captivity and the pieces had remained tied together by a delicate thread.

His peaceful thought was suddenly disturbed by the most unpleasant sensation of eyes upon his back. A growing sense of unease took root in his heart as he felt as though he was being watched, and not just by the trees that stood around him in council with one another. His body turned slowly, emerald eyes meeting those of brilliant magenta as his gaze rested upon a buckskin mare. She was indeed a sight for sore eyes, and despite the overwhelming sense of despair that had settled within his chest he managed to find the energy to smile weakly at her. Ever so slightly his head dipped in greeting, his muscles remaining taught with the precaution that she might not be as harmless as she appeared.

He held her gentle gaze for a moment longer as she approached, stepping quietly so as not to unhinge the stallion further. He wondered whether or not she had been watching for long and if perhaps she had caught him speaking to the tree. His side brushed against the rough skin of the oak as he shifted his weight, chest rising as he breathed in the damp air to soothe his aching muscles. Rain would soon fall upon the lively green plains of the Foothills, and Murdock only hoped the disgusting droplets would not manage to penetrate the sparse canopy overhead.

Unsure of how to react to the unfamiliar mare, he allowed her to speak first, her voice falling soft and gentle upon his ears. At once he relaxed, watching her lavender gaze stray to the ugly wound upon his shoulder. He held her hallowed gaze for a moment longer, his expression remaining one of seriousness despite the abstract tendencies of his mind that willed his stony features to break in the tense silence. “That has never satisfactorily been determined.” Came his reply, his voice betraying the ruggedness of his exterior as a soft chuckle followed his words. Of course she had been referring to the weeping wound he wore upon his left shoulder, but his mind was a much more fascinating subject and he tended to bring it up as often as he could. Call him arrogant or self centered, but was it not natural to be proud of one’s uniqueness? “Just a mere flesh wound. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” His smile was guarded but sincere, his head dipping down toward the stranger in a show of gratitude for her concern.

The little mare smelled strongly of the Foothills, though he couldn’t say he had seen her before. Her quiet introduction struck uncomfortable realization into his heart, and at once he became unsure of himself. She was of the Grey now. That meant their factions had fought against each other a mere matter of days ago. Would the tension be forgotten? Would she blame him for her loss? He tipped his head slightly as he watched her, his face a mask of curiosity despite the uneasiness he felt. She was part of his unit now, surely all would be forgiven.

“Murdock. Executioner of the Grey.” He responded mechanically, his left wings sweeping forward lightly as if in a bow; however, he halted the action immediately as the movement pulled against his wound. A grimace replaced the tentative smile that had momentarily pulled at his dark lips, and instead he dipped his head to her in greeting. “Lovely weather, hmm? Do you like the rain?” His chin tilted downward curiously, studying the intricate markings that stretched across Ailith’s buttermilk canvas. She was a diamond in the rough, and right now a little sane company was just what the stallion needed. “Can’t say I’m a fan of it, myself. However,” his words trailed off as his gaze strayed across the rolling hills in the distance, admiring the vibrant greens that filled the land with life “it brings life to our home and beauty to the land.” A thoughtful smile curled at his lips as he watched her, his mind sobered by her presence and soothed by the cool breath of wind.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

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RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Ailith - 03-20-2013

No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed
This is my kindom come, this is my kindom come

Had the rain only made her more aware of his proximity or had she only done as much on her own? The ground began to give beneath her weight but she was not afraid to lose her footing amongst the swells of life under her toes. She smiled lightly as she looked into the clouds debating whether or not to snatch a damp leaf from the limb above in order to bring it to the midnight colored stallion. Her thoughts began to twist and turn with emotion at seeing him hindered by the pain of war and she was uncertain for a time. The seconds seemed to tick away in silence before she was finally able to bring herself to lip at a particularly wilted leaf quite heavy beneath the weight of gathered raindrops. Pulling it away from the healthy limb took a bit of effort but she finally managed to free it with minor damage to the leaf itself. Carefully, she moved back towards the stallion, he eyes wide with question though she knew that the wound needed cleaning before infection set in.

Closer again she came, her lips quivering with anticipation and curiosity. She knew that her actions were brash and perhaps unwarranted but she was strangely compelled and so she acted. Each step that made the distance between them become smaller and smaller was slow and deliberate as if she had practiced these steps before. When she had grown near enough to inhale his scent, an odd mixture of musty forest and dried mud, she tilted the leaf onto its side so that the rainwater that had pooled on its filmy surface fell over the stallion’s shoulder wound. When the dirt was smoothed away she smiled, dropping the lead as she did. “Perhaps it had better be investigated then, hm?” Her tones were light and breathy as she gazed into eyes of mint green; his welfare was enough to push her outside of her boundaries and she had no problem doing such with the pretense of being helpful.

I hope I do not offend, but if it were to become infected I fear you would be a lot worse for wear.” With a pause she looked to the wound again, clearly trying to justify her lack of manners; she had come a long way since her youth and perhaps he was lucky enough to find that she hadn’t simply groomed the thing clean herself. However, when he propositioned her for answers once again, she decided to make herself comfortable despite her behavior. “I enjoy the rain quite a bit and I find its presence soothing. It brings life when the world is in need and I would have it daily if it were up to me.” Her eyes lit up at the idea, so nearly childish in her fantasies of better days that she hadn’t even thought to question his choice in company earlier in their visit when she had stumbled upon him conversing with the oak that eyed him from above. Perhaps it had no voice to share, but it was still happy enough to bend its branches down and around them to allow them shelter. Wasn’t that answer enough?

Tipping her chin up slightly, she too eyed the stallion as he spoke once more, announcing his place amongst the Gey. So they were kin after all… However, not the kind that would require her call him brother but more so a friend. She admired his good looks and gallant charm but beneath his poise lie something far worse than bad intentions- pain. She wasn’t sure what troubled him and perhaps thought it rude to ask and so ignored the issue altogether in hopes that she would find out soon enough. “Maybe one day you will learn to enjoy the rain as much as the rain enjoys you… You are part of the life it gives for without it, you are nothing.” Such sobering thoughts overwhelmed her and she longed for nothing more than to banish them, but instead offered him a look of pity. However, the warmth in her eyes was still present and she wanted him to find comfort there, she wanted to ease him of any pain. After all, it was not often that she shared her kindness with anyone other than herself.

You know… I am glad that we’ve met this day. I think that I have much to teach you.” A quirky smile worked its way onto her charred lips and she laughed. The sound carried into the forest around them and when it died, she merely sat and listened to the pitter patter of the rain- this was her definition of living. This was her definition of bliss.

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Murdock - 03-20-2013

The seconds passed by in comfortable silence as Murdock watched the mare, his ears tipped forward in a show of curiosity as her eyes scanned the sparse canopy overhead. Ailith’s lavender gaze traced over the drooping boughs of the oak before settling upon one curled leaf, its edges folded in to form a perfect dish. Her lips reached out to grab the wilted leaf, absorbed in her careful task as she pulled it free from the branch, taking care not to spill its contents of cool rainwater. Murdock’s head tipped to the side as the mare tenderly stepped toward him, her body nearing his as she reached out for his wound. He turned his head to follow her movements, silent so as not to disturb her from her work while he looked on.

He was impressed, if not slightly confused, by her focus in this task. Wide green eyes watched intently as her crown tilted to the side, frosted forelock falling over her eyes as she reached for the coagulated laceration. Cool rainwater spilled across the smooth surface of the dished leaf to fall across the wound, his skin twitching as he inhaled sharply against the cold. The dirt that had accumulated along the edges of the lesion was washed away, leaving it much cleaner despite the dark blood that remained matted into his short coat. Despite the renewed pain, the irritating presence of dirt had been banished from the open wound. The stallion’s eyes lifted to meet hers, his lips curling in a smile of appreciation as he nodded his head to her words. He should have sought out Apollo as soon as the battle was finished, but he knew that his wounds were mere scratches in comparison to those others had received, and so he had waited.

Her eyes lit up at the mention of rain, and Murdock couldn’t help but smile at her childish excitement. He had never liked the rain. Snow on the other hand, had always appealed to him; as a child he would spend an infinite number of hours playing in the deep drifts until his mother called him away from the cliffs. He was pleased that his new home in the Foothills was close to the white plains of the north, and every now and then a breath of wind would carry the scent of snow down through the mountains. Now, the dampness of rain filled his nostrils, and from where he stood beneath the sheltering boughs of the oak, the occasional drop of water still managed to leak through the protective barrier of branches to dash across his black hide. It splashed gently upon his pale feathers, streaking down the smooth vanes to drop back onto the soil and return itself to the earth.

Following his hesitant introduction, Ailith seemed to eye him with thoughtfulness that bordered upon judgment. He tensed beneath her lavender gaze, but her face remained soft and kind and her gentle voice soon broke the silence once more. Murdock dipped his head in acknowledgment, a soft laugh shaking his sides. She was remarkably intelligent, and he was impressed by her insight. Perhaps she was a scholar, though originally he thought her to be a medic of sorts; she seemed to know what she was doing when it came to handling injuries. “Perhaps I owe it a second chance, then,” he said with a smile, looking out toward the vibrant green fields that spanned out for miles in every direction.

At the mention of ‘teaching’, Murdock’s ears perked in curiosity. Despite his thick drawl and colt-ish appearance, he was quite intelligent and enjoyed learning whenever the opportunity arose. His eyes brightened inquisitively as he studied her, his head tipping to the side as his lips parted. “Are you a scholar?” He asked, his weight shifting in the damp earth as he leaned his shoulder against the tree. Ailith looked the type to be a warrior, but her knowledge seemed to hint at other fields of study. “I am a most willing student if you would care to share these teachings,” his smile broadened expectantly, chin tipping down to meet her gaze, “after all, knowledge is power”.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

Image Credit

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Ailith - 03-24-2013

No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed
This is my kindom come, this is my kindom come

Quietly, the mare assessed her work and smiled. Whatever had encouraged her to push through her mental walls had been something that was altogether out of her knowledge. She possessed no understanding of the emotions she experienced while near this strange warrior, but they drove her to stay by his side in the storm. Everyone needed someone to lean on when things got heavy and this ebony vision was no different. His face had told her that he had once lived and lived by his heart no less. The curvatures of his lips made her want to brush the tender flesh around them, make her question why he appeared so pained. Was he missing a part of himself that she was not aware of? There were many things that she longed to know and yet she held herself back and away from his curious gaze. Her heart had long ago been turned to stone and nothing in it would stir until the day came that her heard somehow connected to her heart once again. However, she did not believe that such a day would come anytime soon- this was just the beginning of her own war and she intended to fight for it.

She could still remember small parts of her past in spite of the distance she had placed between herself and such dismal times. Her mother had been a creature very much like herself, one who had been so devoted to life and the meaning therein. She longed to mimic her mother’s passion one day, but it would be something that proved to be long out of her grasp.

However, even when the opportunities seemed to present themselves, Ailith could not help but struggle with her choices. Even now as Murdock grew still beneath her scrutiny she could not help but wonder why. Had she not showed him compassion, friendship? She wanted to believe that he thought the best of her but it was not entirely critical because first impressions were not always things that one could live by. She didn’t want this stallion to think her ignorant or arrogant in spite of her hasty introduction, but instead strong and willful… Maybe he would see such attributes in her in their time spent together, for surely they would see each other around more often than not. After all, even if he had wanted to steer clear of her, she was already too intrigued with him to stay away.

You owe everything a second chance if you ask me. I think everyone is owed a mistake or two, don’t you think? Even if they are unchanging like the rain, there is still a goodness about them that should be acknowledged.” Her heart seemed to thud with every word as if marking them for sincerity. She was entirely new to such interaction and in most cases she would have avoided such revelations entirely. But she felt that she could share herself with Murdock because she trusted that he would have faith in opinions no matter how threadbare.

When his eyes seem to light from within at her mention of schooling him of her knowledge, she smiled deeply. There was something about the stallion that made her curious even if she could not put a name to it. He was exuberant at times, almost like a child that craved attention, which was a defining thing for him. That’s not to say that she thought ill of such a trait but more so found it endearing; she quite enjoyed his sense of curiosity because it was a light within these dark clouds of grey. “I am no scholar by any means, though I appreciate the workings of the mind. It is something that all too often defines a creature and you my fine friend are a curious creature indeed.

Her eyes grew still upon him now eager for response as if she had posed a question for him to answer and perhaps she had, if only figuratively so, and now desired an answer that would explain his sudden change of heart. She was certainly interested in all that he had to say and even more so by the things he didn’t.

OOC|| I'm sorry about the wait, I've been swamped. x.x

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Murdock - 03-30-2013

Curiosity seemed to spark in Ailith’s eyes like it did in the eyes of so many others. What was it about him that was so fascinating? He had never found himself to be ‘special’, though others would say otherwise. He was merely an outcast from his homeland, someone who didn’t belong but would spend the rest of his life searching for a place where he would feel at home once more. Perhaps he would never find that place, but he would continue looking. He enjoyed staying out of the spotlight, avoiding the eye and scrutiny of others around him lest their judgment prove unfavorable; however, his antics seemed to do quite the opposite for him.

Ailith, on the other hand, was a truly curious being. Everything from her compassion to the intricate markings upon her back had him yearning to know more, yet he allowed no questions to flow from his mouth. He tended to talk too much, especially in the presence of those he was not well acquainted with. However, he felt that the mare could become a good friend to him, as they seemed to think alike. Of course, her mind was nowhere near as eccentric as his, but her patience and knowledge was something he admired.

He cocked a heel in the damp earth as she spoke, ears perked as the rhythmic tune of rain drops sounded in the leaves overhead. His sides shook slightly as he laughed, and he nodded to her. “Indeed, I do see your point.” Could he really have been so ignorant? He was never one for deep thought, but she had presented him with such an interesting proposition that he couldn’t help but ponder it. His eyes drifted out to the dark mountainsides, his gaze tracing the sharp edges of the cliffs up toward the haze of clouds. Rain made for poor flying weather, but really, it wasn’t all that bad.

A smile grew upon his lips as he turned back to her, the dull pain in his shoulder forgotten thanks to her assistance. He laughed as she spoke once more, dipping his head in acknowledgment. “If you appreciate the workings of the mind, I invite you to study mine,” he said with a broadening grin. His ‘original’ personality had always been a topic of interest for both medics and philosophers alike, and he was pleased to find she took note of it as well. Perhaps he was not truly insane, but he hid the truth deep within his mind.

His thoughts inevitably drifted back to the invasion that had taken place a mere few days earlier, and with a slight shake of his head he tried to dismiss it; but it was not so easy. It had not truly been a victory, though the Grey had won, but they had an immense advantage of numbers on their side. Jackal had not even shown his face. How did that affect the morale of his warriors? Murdock tipped his head slightly, emerald eyes meeting those of soothing magenta. “Tell me, is it hard to have to switch sides? To suddenly have to call the ‘outsiders’ your family?” Perhaps it was not smart to bring such a topic to light, but curiosity killed the cat, not the horse, he reasoned.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

Image Credit

Got my computer back!

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Ailith - 04-08-2013

A i l i t h
these arms of mine, they are burning, burning from wanting you
Invitations were all that were required for Ailith to move closer, not yet fully understanding why she did or how she felt about it. The rain began to pick up around them and she used its strength to draw herself closer to the stallion with alabaster wings that shone even in the dimness of the grey that surrounded them. She found it fitting that such dismal weather had graced the lands so soon after the Grey had overwhelmed the Foothills. She still wasn’t sure if she blamed them for her loss or not, but something deep inside assured her that nothing had ever really been lost. In fact, she had only gained from the experience… She had not only learned more about herself but those around her as well. There was a change inside that allowed her to see beyond the mere ideas of another but instead into the very being of them- the reality of them. She wanted to believe that this stallion was different from the rest and perhaps he was, but even so, there was still a part of her that doubted his truth.

“Is there something deep and dark that I should be aware of before I start prodding?” The casual smile that followed did little to indicate the severity of her words. She did intent to delve into her personal past, but was careful to take her time. There was much she wanted to know, much she even wanted to share… but it would all come in time. She nudged him playfully, her velveteen muzzle running over his nape as if in loving embrace. However, she did not feel shame for doing as much because she wanted to reach far beyond his limits in order to endure his boundaries. Once she was able to tap into whatever lie within, only then would she feel satisfied.

If you’re asking if I feel any regret for my decisions, then no, I do not. It is certainly not easy to surrender who I thought I was to the Grey, but I don’t suppose I ever really knew where I was supposed to be anyways. I was never so connected to Jackal and the former Foothills that I could miss anything other than the strength I find in the land itself. I call this place home… not the resident in it.” She looked hopefully to the storm clouds above as if they would offer justification behind her choices. But of course she found nothing other than the rain that fell from the eyes of heaven. She would not find comfort in the skies above and so she looked back to Murdock, praying for understanding. Perhaps once she had shared this bit of information about herself he would allow her the chance to delve into his inner workings as well.

But tell me, why did you choose to join the Grey?
image credits
table by whit

RE: Losing My Mind [Open] - Murdock - 04-09-2013

The rain gradually picked up its pace, bouncing across the leaves in a soothing song only nature was capable of creating. Despite the fact that the poor weather made for unfavourable flight and a miserable afternoon, it had its own sort of beauty. Murdock watched the grey skies with a new sense of enlightenment, his eyes tracing down the hazy edges of the cliffs to the green fields of the Foothills. It was different from the snowy peaks he was used to as a child, but he loved it all the same.

It helped to make friends when trying to make a new place feel like home, and Murdock could satisfactorily say that he considered Ailith a friend, or at least a close acquaintance. Anyone who was patient enough to remain in his company and tolerate his antics for more than a few minutes was definitely worth recognition. He offered a lopsided grin at her words, laughing slightly as he met her violet eyes. "Deep and dark? Only bright colours and nonsense up there." He smiled teasingly, skin twitching as rain drops dripped down between the branches to splash across his haunches.

His weight shifted slightly in uncertainty as the smooth velvet of her muzzle brushed across the muscle of his neck, but in the end he bumped his nose against her shoulder playfully. His curled tail, damp and tangled, swung against his hocks as he turned toward her with a mischievous look in his eye; however, his actions were cut short when her smooth voice rose above the rain once more. Murdock dipped his head in understanding, shaking his rain-soaked forelock out of his eyes.

Her question was pondered seriously for a moment, before his lips parted in a childish grin. "I liked the name," he replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders, holding back laughter as he regarded her seriously. However, he could not wear the mask for long, and finally he gave in to the pressure. "At first, I chose the Grey because they were a small group of mercenaries. I didn't want to be part of a large herd again, as I find the inner workings of a smaller band to be much easier to comprehend and contribute to," he paused in thought, thinking back to his father's fleet.

"All my life I was brought up to fight and to protect, and so naturally that's what I would want to continue doing. Also, the Grey is a tight-knit family, and after having been separated from my mother for such a long time, I was eager to feel part of something special once more." He smiled faintly, minutely aware of how his words would sound to her. He had been little more than a child when his father had been killed, and not much older when he was forcefully captured by the enemy. Returning to his final moments at home was painful, but he shrugged the memories away in favour of a bright smile.

"talk talk talk"

Wind me up, put me down
Start me off and watch me go

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