HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Getting out more [Open] - Printable Version

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Getting out more [Open] - Takara - 03-21-2013


The small foal's mother would still be in view if Takara could see and she knew that the mare was close she just was straying a little from her. Partly because she was getting older and she was becoming more and more curious of the world around her that she knew so little about. She knew nothing of the tree's and the rocks that lay around but she took them as a part of the invisible world and could concur each one despite tripping up constantly and bashing into trees a lot.

Although she could not see it didn't mean she couldn't hear, smell or feel, in fact her working senses worked perfectly and without fault, maybe even better then they should work. She depended totally on her sense of smell to warn her of danger (not that she had ever met anyone dangerous) or the presence of others, as well as her hearing. She would not miss a noise of the smallest cracking twig or slowest tumbling rock and her touch sense she depend on for finding her way though the tree's.

As I have said, she was straying from her mothers side and was unknowing of any movements her mother might make, unless she made some sort of noise who moved place totally but really, in the child's mind, there was no harm around her and so ideally she wandered of, her painted rump bashing against a tree on her way at which she snorted in annoyance but still, the little explore ventured on.

"talking the talk"

٭٭ NơƐണí ٭٭@flickr

RE: Getting out more [Open] - Crven - 03-21-2013

Someone I used to know....

Crven had kept her ventures mostly to the borders of the worlds edge. Fearful that should she accidentally encounter the fabled Mirage that she would not know her.....though from what she had heard she was black as night and as beautiful as the morning sun. Her liege....it was strange not to even know your leader. But Thor had accepted her into their fold...and perhaps that was enough to fell anyone elses rath at discovering her on their lands. Lith marbled legs parted the grass as she carefully ventured closer to the inner sanctum of the Worlds Edge. Each step like a drum beat, and intrusion into someone’s land she had not even met, a dare, a chance. But so far so good....Was it just her mind playing tricks on her or did the grass smell sweeter here? And then out of the long grasses her pale blue eyes fell on a tiny filly.....a very tiny filly. She must have been born but days before, her painted little pelt still carrying the new sheen of uncorrupted life. But where was her mother? Crven definetly was not capable of caring for a newborn foal....she had never even been pregnant. But well....no one really wanted to breed with a naked necked mare. For a moment the thought brought a sour look to her refined face, but she quickly forced it away. Stepping closer to the tiny filly she lifted her skull higher, stretching her neck until the muscles and bones popped with effort...Ah...there was her mum. Not so far away after all. Could this be Mirage? No....she did not think so. But it was about time she met someone other than Thor....
"Hello little one..." She said softly, noticing for the first time the pale sheen across her gaze....the way her eyes did not follow movement. Blind? What a handicap that would be.....but perhaps she was wrong...maybe the tiny creature just had really pale eyes.... " Hello there" She said a bit louder towards the assumed mother of the foal. "You’re daughter is quite beautiful.."

"Talk talk talk."
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RE: Getting out more [Open] - Takara - 03-21-2013


The foal had ventured on with pride in her new found game of exploring. New smells were constantly filtering though her nose, like it was a whole new world and, unknowingly, she was straying further away from her mother. A voice broke her peaceful silence though and she halts, her eyes searching round in her dark, dark world. "Hello little one..." Unlike a horse that could see her head wondered around looking for the speaker. She eventually was looking at where Crven was, that was until she changed her mind and was looking slightly to the right of Crven, thinking that's where she was standing.

She flicks her short, undeveloped tail and whinny's eagerly, wanting to meet the speaker of this new voice. By now she had totally forgotten about where her mother was and, in her excitement, had bucked and twirled round a bit and lost track of which direction her mother was in. "Hello there. You’re daughter is quite beautiful.." She instantly raised her head, she was used to the word 'beautiful' and 'daughter', they must mean her, right? "I am Takaraa," She rolls on her name, wanting to make sure that this stranger knew her name. Then she proudly started trotting of in the direction she thought her mother was in but it turns out she was going away from her and traveling fast whilst thinking Surely I didn't travel this far from her? And it certainly was a longer distance then the distance away she had originally been from her mother.

[Bad post :c sorry]

"talking the talk"

٭٭ NơƐണí ٭٭@flickr

RE: Getting out more [Open] - Crven - 03-21-2013

Someone I used to know....

She must not have heard me.

She thought, still peering at the distant form of an equine. Suddenly however the little filly came to life, proudly proclaiming her name and prancing about. Suddenly her gait quickened and the seemingly blind filly strode off....away from her presumed mother. "Uh..." Well...this was not what she had been looking for when she wandered inland...babysitting duty. Briefly she glanced at the mare, wondering if by the time she got her attention the little filly would already be gone. With a snort she took off after the little creature, wondering how on earth she managed not to trip on a loose rock or stumble when the incline changed. She was fast...surprisingly so, her long foal limbs casting her further and further out. What was it she said her name was again? "Takaraa...Takaraa!" It felt strange to yell at someone she did not even know.....especially a tiny blind filly. But with her mother seemingly not noticing her disappearance she felt she was burdened with the youngsters safety. "I...I think you are getting too far from your mum!." There....if that did not stop her Crven had no idea what would. And she was not about to physically turn the foal about...for one thing it was not her foal...and an overprotective mother could easily take her actions the wrong way. Secondly....she had never touched a foal....though she had snuffled one briefly before being shooed away. She remembered their scent as being sweet, warmed by the sun. Their coat looked impossibly soft.....she couldn’t imagine the tiny soft filly falling into harms way.

WC:288 ((bleh...bad post))

"Talk talk talk."
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RE: Getting out more [Open] - Takara - 03-22-2013


In a purposeful way she trotted forward, still convinced she was heading towards her mother but she was still wondering surly mummy wasn't this far away? But still she ventured on until she heard someone calling behind. No not her mum, ahh she remembered, the other horse! I didn't know she wanted to play! She flicked her head round as her name was called. "Takaraa...Takaraa! "I...I think you are getting too far from your mum! Turning almost exactly 180 degrees and heading back in directly the direction she had come from, toward Crven.

She halted almost exactly at the spot she had told the mare her name except her hazy eyes were looking slightly to the right off her. Holding her dainty head high she giggled a little then spoke. "What's your name?" A glee filled smile never left her maw. The painted filly was almost jumping up and down on the spot in excitement so you could probably guess, she was a excitable foal and would not let even being blind put her down.

She already had her eye's st on being a explore and discover new places. That was why she had wondered of slightly in the first place until she had been called back by the stranger. Any other foal may not have been so eager to meet a complete stranger, even with sight, but Takara didn't care who they were, she just wanted to play with them!

[Another terrible post...they will get better I promise D:]

"talking the talk"

٭٭ NơƐണí ٭٭@flickr

RE: Getting out more [Open] - Crven - 03-24-2013

Someone I used to know....
((no worries, foal posts are always hard for me to make XD ))

With a wrinkled brow she watched the tiny painted beauty gallop further and further away...And then it seemed her words had sunk in, she spun perfectly about and began galloping again....this time towards Crven. She quickly came to an ungraceful stop, one that threw her bum up in the air and filled her nose with dirt...But still....she didn’t smash into the delicate filly. Takaraa came to a stop a few feet away, dancing about on her lithe feet as if unable to contain herself. "Crven." She said with a grin, perhaps her glee was contagious? Suddenly an urge hit her to play....and like a foal the usually shy Crven leapt forward, only trying to brush her nose against the small shoulder instead of biting at it. She leap away several feet on nimble legs, clucking softly with her tongue to give the blind creature a way to track her.

Briefly she cast her eyes to the filly’s mum, hoping she would not care for her to play with the lovely little filly. And then she threw herself back into the game. "Betcha can’t catch me!." She called, whirling about on the foals left and attempting another brush against this shoulder before darting away with a series of tongue clicks. It was nice....to feel the summer sun warming her skin, to play with a bright young filly, to feel the untainted innocence that rolled from her in waves....How nice it must be not to see the world as a prison, but an adventure. She could not remember the last time she had felt in such a way.....

((so bad...i am so sorry <3))

"Talk talk talk."
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RE: Getting out more [Open] - Takara - 03-26-2013


As any foal did, she loved games. Weather it was tag, chase, dodge, racing, play fighting or dares she would always take part. Her favorite games were dares, tag and racing. They have her the thrill of doing daring things, running away from the 'enemy' and then beating the enemy in a heated race. So as you can probably guess when this new Crven said ""Betcha can’t catch me!." that the thrill of the game that was about to begin was running though her already. Already, when Crven, had brushed past her and clucked the idea of a game was in her but now, she was ready for a full blown chase.

The touch of the mare brushing past her again had indicated where she was and the clucking noise, which Takara was grateful for, was helping a lot to. She instantly headed in the direction of the clucking at a excited, speed canter. She threw her head back and laughed in joy at the game. As long as she didn't trip or bump into a tree at speed she could enjoy the game to the max. When ever she did trip and scrap her self or bump into a tree and bruise herself though it ever ever stopped the young filly from taking part in the fun!

She hoped she would be able to brush into her or bump into her, either way she didn't mind as long as she wasn't 'it' and so with excited laughter and many tripping over she was soon heading over to the mares side left, possibly about to charge into Crven.

[teehee, hopefully when her character develops it will be a little easier with her:3]

"talking the talk"

٭٭ NơƐണí ٭٭@flickr