HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] twisted little dancer [open] - Printable Version

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twisted little dancer [open] - Histe - 03-25-2013

your breathing sounds like the sickest
music playing backwards in my head

"I don't like this place." Came Huinne's voice. "I told you already. This place gives me the creeps. It should creep you out, too."

Histe's ears tilted back against her head and she snorted at her brother's voice. He was always complaining about everything she did and everywhere she went. "Shut up." The brindled mare growled at the voice, her teeth grinding together as she spoke. A few steps ahead of her, Merikh glanced back, one of his rounded ears twitching before he looked back ahead once more. The tip of his tail twitched back and forth before he took to the trees, moving gracefully from one branch to another, balancing precariously over the water.

"It's getting late." His voice had taken on a nervous edge that made Histe roll her pale eyes. "You shouldn't be here after dark."

"And why not?"

"..zombies." Huinne's voice whispered.

Histe threw back her head and cackled. "Zombies? You have to be kidding me." She laughed as she ventured to the water's edge to look down into the face of the rotting corpse that was there. Rather than frighten the mare it intrigued her. The twisted thought entered her mind that if she were to go she wanted to be in the water, her soul never at rest and her body there to frighten those who came close enough.

Maybe Huinne was on to something with this zombie thing.

The brindle waited a moment, but when the voice did not come back she snorted. "I pissed him off, Merikh." She said to the cougar, who had laid down on one of the branches and was gazing down at the body infested water. He chuffed and twitched his tail. "Baby." The cougar grunted in her mind, to which she grinned her agreement.

ooc:// changing this thread from reserved to open as of today.


RE: twisted little dancer [open] - Prometheus - 04-24-2013

Prometheus & Pyr</style>

I am rattled. Today you spoke and I ran. I ran from the sound of your voice ringing in my ears for the first time. I am ashamed, I am shocked; I am incapable of handling the situation as I should. I am grown now, or at least as grown as I will ever be. The world around me has not truly changed in any significant way, but I have changed from within it. I have lost some of the stupid and fearless ambition of my twisted youth and instead have grown to favor more practical pursuits. I have melded wings to my flesh and compromised the purity of my pursuits. I have lived under command and been cast from my place beside desert queens and ice kings. I have earned magic only to abuse it. I have lost you.

But through all of that you found me once more. And through all of it you have stayed silent and loyal. Today we had lain beside each other, you resting from the day's journey and I wide awake, firmly watching over the surroundings with pus-colored eyes. I had not slept, for I never sleep. And then you had spoken in that new voice of yours, as if you had known it was there all along and only chosen now to trust me with the gift of hearing it.

I cannot cast the sound of your innocence from my mind. You had sounded so young and wise as your voice mixed with a faint purr and an arch of your cat's back. You had asked me a question. Was it to be the first of many? And what to even say?

What do I say on that fateful day when you ask me why I hurt you?

My organs seem to churn even as they rest rotting in the cage of my bones and sagging flesh. My bare rump lifts and falls as I run and stagger back to the marsh where I first woke up. When I first woke up... that was what you asked me.

Brother, can you tell me the story of the day you first woke up?

That was all you said. And then I remembered the ravens, the blasted beasts pecking at my eyelids and ripping apart my sides. Now I stand alone at the edge of the marsh, waiting for you to catch up with me. Surely you will find me again. You always find me.

A tattered ear swivels from its place as I find a distraction. A mare dark enough to almost blend with the day's premature shadows in the marsh, with her nose pressed to the water's surface. Once I had awoken to birds pulling me from beneath that water. Once I had gasped to breathe, only to find that I need not. She speaks of zombies; creatures of the dead. Is that what I am, then? Am I really defined by no more than a word as brash as that?

I become aware of your presence suddenly and fear fills my. You stand before me like a shadow crossing over my still heart.

I am sorry.

It is the first time I have ever apologized to anyone. It is the first time I have spoken to you. I expect a reply, but find nothing more than your firm and steady fire-filled gaze meeting my own. You understand, but you speak no more.

Someday I will tell you the story, brother.

The same silence. The same trusting glance with the faintest edge of hurt, until you turn from me and walk towards the mare by the water. You are suddenly brave and strange. The fiery touch you possess trails behind in the burned wisps of dying grass. You introduce us in silence coming to the mare from behind and casting a reflection in the water she watches, and I can do nothing but follow, ashamed. I stumble after you, looking for all the world like a fool and a follower.

I have never been a follower before.
