HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Printable Version

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starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Mauja - 04-09-2013

Riven, if you want me to change any details about the journey, let me know! ^-^

mauja the frostheart. It had been an odd couple of days since he'd found Druid in the Threshold. Wary of the boy's condition and conscious of his strength (or lack thereof) he'd made sure to travel slowly, stopping often at patches of still-fresh grass and cold streams to try and replenish Druid's reserves. The last thing he wanted was for the colt to tire in the Steppe and be unable to take another step upon that vast expanse of snow. Death by cold was not painful, but slow, and he had no desire to witness it again, least of all as it came from an innocent child the fates had, for one reason or another, left alone. Would he have survived until Frostfall if Mauja had not come by to pick him up? The desire to live was there, in the instincts which had first warned him to keep his distance, but willpower alone could not sustain you.

He'd made sure the colt had got a few hours to sleep if he could before they braved the north. The further along the isthmus they had gone, the colder the air had become, but he'd been lucky for once. The day had been warm, and surprisingly windless, as they crossed the Steppe. The thin layer of snow had even begun to melt under the golden glow, but he knew that tonight, the cold would reclaim it and glaze its surface over with thin, smooth ice. Mauja's ears had swiveled almost constantly atop his head, his keen eyes scanned the horizon, knowing that opportunistic predators might take the risk of driving him away just to get at the colt.

A sense of relief washed over him when the Basin came into view. Foreboding, the mountains rose around the valley, their peaks laden with snow and ice, dark crags of stone breaking it up where the vertical walls offered no purchase. It was a fortress in many ways, accessible through a narrow mountain pass, but within, it was sheltered. Most of the time the range kept the winds out, making the air within still and calm, and the hot springs in one corner extended under the earth, or at least he suspected so as the Basin's earth thawed completely in spring and nourished lush grass. Still, out here it was cold, but he'd warned the colt, saying the journey would be worse than the destination, and he could only hope that reassurance kept the scrawny boy going.

The sun was slowly slipping towards the horizon when he led them into the mountain pass, occasionally nudging Druid's neck to keep him from walking into the walls or to alert him to shifts in the rocky floor. Within the shadow of the pass he realized that his mind had been so occupied with wondering if Faelene would kill him for asking her to nurse Druid that he'd forgotten all about the other mother currently in the herd — Delinne. Her daughter, Destry, was just a few months old, and he'd been meaning to seek her out anyway and see how she was doing. Losing Azzaron had not been easy, but it was for the best. She had to think of her future, and time had hardened the stab of guilt into a scar which barely twinged when he thought upon it. They'd all made their choices, for better or for worse, and he had to believe it was for the better.

Moving out of the pass's mouth the valley spread out before him. A faint dusting of snow covered the slopes, the large lake's surface barely rippling in the faint breeze. Most of the Basin had been cast into shadow as the mountains blocked out the sun, and he knew that the night would be cold as the clouds were thin and flimsy. "Here we are," he told the colt gently. "We're within the Basin now, but we'll go a little further, to a warm place." Flicking his tail and touching Druid's shoulder encouragingly he began to lead the way towards the corner where the hot springs nestled against the cliffs, their steam rising into the sky. With each passing second the mineral smell increased, the air grew warmer, and moister. Pausing a few yards from the nearest pool he held out his muzzle to make sure Druid didn't keep going — he was pretty sure the boy wouldn't appreciate the surprise of stumbling headfirst into a pool of hot water. "Here. That's better, isn't it?" And as he smiled at the blind colt, he reached for Irma's mind, and was surprised to find that she was already searching for Delinne.

Ina, you're welcome to say Irma was all "flap-flap-flap COME WITH MEEE" at Delinne and led her here. :]

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Druid - 04-10-2013

it’s in the stars
it’s been written in the scars on our hearts
we’re not broken just bent

Without question, Druid had heeded Mauja’s request that he sleep- and indeed he slept, soundly and without the disturbing clutter of dreams. It did not matter whether night or day gripped the land- that was irrelevant. The foal had collapsed himself into the embracing roots of the old tree; the grand oak which had weathered the fumbling of conversation between the two, and he had taken peace below the shielding presence of the stallion. Only at Mauja’s wakeful touch had Druid stumbled upwards, composing his unsteady self with much renewed vigour. Briefly he was guided to a square of grass to eat a little, and then they had set off.

Druid followed Mauja intimately; the radiation of warmth from the stallion drew the small foal as close as his shy heart could possibly allow. Occasionally he would feel the brush of body against the flatness of his bobbing cheek and quickly would swing his face in the other direction, startled by the most part of such contact with another. While they remained in the forest, the thick fragrant aroma of pine filled his lungs, and Druid would lick his thin dry lips, teased when the strange coreless flavour lacquered his tongue. Though he could not pick a safe passage, the colt trusted in Mauja, and listened to try and match the thud of each step, pausing whenever his guide did so that he might not slip or stumble terribly in the darkness.

“Ma...Mauja.” He had mumbled at one point, surprising even himself when his soft broken voice slipped unintentionally, betraying a private thought. Druid had coughed a sound that was much the same as what he had spoken- a blanket perhaps, or a disguise.

The longer the colt bathed in Mauja’s company, the more disconcertingly apparent it became that something was different between them. Intently, he scrutinized the precision of each step the stallion made. It was as though some light that Druid did not share guided him along. The colt however would falter across the slightly raised tip of a rock, or balk away from the crack of a twig beneath his own careless step. He could not determine the direction travelled, nor did he understand the sudden drop in temperature as the fringe of trees thinned and were no longer. His little frame shivered as the cool still air hugged through his thin, tattered coat and with a little hesitation, Druid had crept in closer to Mauja and touched quietly alongside him so that the stallion’s warmth might soak against him. The feeling was strangely refreshing, and for some of the journey he pressed close.

Mauja continued, though Druid imagined he felt the stallion’s demeanour shift a little- he seemed to relax somewhat. It was cold, and where a light sweat dulled the exaggerated curve of his flank, the foal’s skin flinched uneasily. He listened for the sound of his laboured breath again and it seemed distant now, rather than echoing off the walls which he had frequently been encouraged away from. He was disorientated and quite exhausted, and the confusion of scents as they attacked his narrowed nostrils started a minor ache in his head. He could feel too as they walked that the warmth from above which he often sought to invigorate himself with, was gone. There was only that biting chill, and without stored fat for energy Druid suffered. The bony sway of his hip locked snugly against a groove in Mauja’s hot body, as the colt sought still closer than before. It was all he could do to ward off pursuing fatigue.

After a long, long time on the move, they stopped. Druid’s ears flattened, unsure despite the comfort he found building the longer he spent with the stallion. The terrain beneath his neat hooves yielded underneath his small weight, almost like water had fallen from the sky, something he generally found little pleasure in. Mauja spoke about that same time, and the foal thought it to be a conclusion to their travelling. He assumed that this strange new area would be relatively safe, though he could not tell what encounters might otherwise lurk.

"We're within the Basin now, but we'll go a little further, to a warm place." The tiny horse nodded in understanding, over the past few days he had grown increasingly accepting, learning to adapt to Mauja’s unthreatening presence in his life. For now the child had almost forgotten the loneliness which had plagued every moment of his life.

The air grew warmer, thicker and more comfortable and the startling contrast- no matter how gradual, intrigued Druid. Where the cold had thinned his energy and weakened his mind, this unusual turn in the climate heated his muscles, soothing them after such a trying workout. A subtle spring lightened his stride, though he remained as close to Mauja as possible, confident now and contented. When the stallion stopped again, Druid lifted his face high into the wash of unfamiliar air. The oddness of the lingering smell drowned his senses, though it wasn’t overly unpleasant. “I...It is warm...” the foal mentioned, agreeing that it was indeed more tolerable than the bitter pass through which they had come. Daringly, he took one step forward and traced the length of the outstretched leg until he found the rich substrate below- there was grass, though he found not the courage yet to taste it.

and we can learn to love again

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Delinne - 04-10-2013

Where was Destry? She was getting older and older by each day - I could almost not believe that she was two months old already. It had gone two months since I left Azzaron... But he hadn't given up. He had visited me here in the Basin and broke me apart as he left me alone with my daughter, a memory that still hurt in my heart. He had left us... And then he got caught by Deimos.
I had learned the black unicorn's name since I met them two, even though it wasn't useful for me at all. Worried for Destry's sake, I observed the area closely. Where was my daughter? Why did she run away all the time? What if something happened to her? I would never be able to live again if my heart's treasure got injured.
Azzaron had been my lover. My mate. And I had been dumb enough to think that he really loved me and my daughter - that it was true love. But I had just been another flirt...

My thoughts were disturbed as a white owl flew over my head and landed in front of me. What the heck? I looked at it and suddenly recognized the icy eyes of the snowy owl. It was Irma, Mauja's companion. But what did she want from me?
Irma barked at me and flew up in front of me, trying to hover before me. I tilted my head in confusion and looked at her.
"What are you trying to make me do, Irma? Has Mauja sent you here?" Well, that was a dumb question, but who knew? Irma barked again and swooshed over my head, making me turn around. I guessed that she wanted me to follow her after all.
We walked in silence, she didn't make a sound and I tried not to. I was just very curious. Why had Irma come to get me?

Did Mauja want to talk to me?

It could be why he had sent Irma after me. But what would he want to talk about? Me and Destry possibly?
I sighed and watched as the heat from the hot springs rose up to the dark sky, getting more confused by each second. Was Mauja here? The evening sky was almost completely transformed into the night we all knew so well, decorated by stars as they appeared one by one.
The hot springs appeared before me and I gasped loudly. Mauja. He was so elegant and handsome, my King, and just seeing him made my wonder why I ever left him.
How could I have left him?
"Mauja... Did you send Irma to get me?" I asked him, my voice curious and confused at the same time. I always spoke to my King with a soft tune - or I tried to. He had given me and Destry a home, so I was forever thankful to this stallion. My beloved King.
I glanced behind Mauja and gasped again, this time much more quiet. A foal. A beautiful, little foal. I raised a 'brow at Mauja, confused by this scene.

The colt had an appaloosa-coated body, with three gray horns and... Gray eyes. Completely gray. Wait a minute... Was this foal blind?!
He was so young! And so helpless... Where were his parents?
Immediately I think about Destry. But this foal was much older than her, maybe a half year old or so. Maybe he didn't have a mother? Or a father?
"Mauja, who is this colt? And can I be introduced to him?" My curiosity was about to explode if I didn't get my questions answered soon enough. I wanted to know who this colt was.



ooc: Excited! ^_^
word count: 617

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Leyra - 04-12-2013

Nimble pillars carried the brutish mare through the Basin, snow crunching under her cloven hooves. Leonine tail swayed back and forth while her audits moved to and fro. Swinging her head to the side, the mare felt the cold creep up her spine. Shaking her mane, she broke into a swift gallop.

The mare cut through the Basin, nodding at the few members she spotted along her way. Skidding to a halt, she saw the familiar figure of Mauja accompanied by a small foal. The mare perked her ears, wondering what he was doing with a foal. As she strode forward, the mare noticed that a lightning marked mare was also wondering what in the name of Loorien Mauja was doing with a foal. The lightning marked mare was familiar, in fact, the brutish mare had went to the Edge with her. What had her name been? The mare pondered on the question for a moment before she was able to draw the memory up. Delinne! Her name was Delinne. But now, there was a long scar stretching down her side. Frowning and moving forward with haste, the mare reached Mauja and the colt.

There were three black horns that were sprouting from his forehead, each one growing smaller as they neared his snout. He had a brown coat, but a large white spot blanketed his body. He had dark brown hair and cloudy gray eyes. The eyes.. they met only one thing. The child.... was blind. Lowering her head, the mare slowly made her way towards them, coming from behind Mauja. She lifted her tail, hoping to at least touch Mauja's white coat with it's dark locks.

She settled herself beside Delinne, only fairly closer to Mauja. "Who is this child, Mauja?" The tone that came from her dark lips was not demanding, nor was it any bit annoyed. It was in fact... joy.The mare lowered her head, smiling at the small foal. He was weak and scrawny, but if he was fed... he could easily become a strong, healthy colt. Maybe with the right hand, he could easily become a strong soldier. Yes... that sounds nice... The mare pushed her plots away, her motherly instincts taking hold of her. She was staring at the colt, smiling. "Hello little one, I'm Leyra." It was rare to see the mare smiling these days, especially after her beating.

"Blah blah blah"
image credits
table by whit

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Mauja - 04-15-2013

mauja the frostheart. Despite having fathered three children, there were some things Mauja was unused to. Someone pressing against his side, fitting snugly against the curve of his flank, was one of them. Snö had been taken from him young, and returned old; Tamlin had been kept often by Lotus, and Sielu... It was a shame, how little time he had spent with his second daughter, but it was not until Psyche had accepted the fact that it was his brood that whatever iron fist had gripped his heart had relented. And suddenly, he could watch the smoke-maned filly without feeling like he couldn't breathe.

Druid pressed against him often during their travels, especially the further into the cold Steppe they came. It was strange, but not unpleasant. He had, after all, kind of taken on the role of surrogate father, and despite his icy demeanor and his position within the minds of his followers he was not a cold creature. Something about the quiet trust in those simple touches warmed him to the core and chased even the bitter Orangemoon air away — even chased the bitterness out of his heart. Untroubled by the air toying with his long mane he was Druid's shield against the wind, and as they stopped just within the Basin, he felt the press of that bony hip against his flank again. It felt almost cruel, to push him a little further after they had already come so far, but he would recover better by the warmth of the springs. Until he was healthier and had glossy fur and fats to protect himself from the cold, he would have to stick where it was warm.

And so, they found themselves by the hot springs, Mauja's white head rising into the calm air and his blue eyes peering around while Druid explored his new surroundings. He agreed that it was warmer here, and the older stallion hummed a quiet agreement. After such a journey it felt kinder to let him take it in in silence for a while, before bombarding him with words or questions he no doubt needed a few days in order to answer properly.

The rustle of wings returned, Irma's pale shape soaring just a yard above the ground. She caught the last of the sun's light upon her barred back before angling up, and alighting upon a rock nearby. Letting his gaze trail in the direction she'd come from he spotted the dark shape of Delinne approaching, and sent the owl a nudge of thanks. She clicked her beak, told him Leyra was coming, too, and then took off to hunt. "Druid," he said gently to capture the boy's attention. Would two mares crowd him, and intimidate him? There was little he could do about it, though, except try to make the best of it. He had meant to introduce him to Delinne only, to let him settle a little before he met the vast herd. "Two of my friends are coming. Can you smell them?" Perhaps, with ample warning, he would not be too fazed by it.

Delinne came within range of hearing first, her voice quiet and a little confused. The black mare was soft-spoken most of the time, and he lowered his head a fraction in answer to her question. Then, she spotted Druid, and Mauja gave her a crooked smile, wondering what she thought — that it was his, perhaps? Tamlin bore much the same coloring, with the snowcapped behind. Her voice was charged with curiosity, and as Leyra slipped up on his other side, the tuft of her trail brushing lightly against his flank, he merely smiled at her. Leyra asked him the exact same thing, before introducing herself to Druid. Wondering how he was taking it, Mauja peered down at him before reaching out to try and touch his withers, and breathe reassuringly onto his neck. "Druid, I want you to meet Delinne, and Leyra. They are two very nice mares, and Delinne has a daughter who is a little younger than you." From beneath his snowy forelock he looked at the two mares, at Leyra's smile and Delinne's rapt curiosity. The lopsided grin returned slowly to his face. As long as Druid accepted them, Mauja was certain he'd have two new mothers very soon.

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Druid - 04-16-2013

drawing by Riven

it’s in the stars
it’s been written in the scars on our hearts
we’re not broken just bent

The air was thick and balmy; a pleasant relief from even the bitter Orangemoon nights Druid had spent alone in the Threshold forest. He placed his petite hooves forward, one after the other, and the physical contact between the stallion and the foal which had offered the appaloosa such security over the past few days, was severed. At first he did not notice, because there was no touch of forlorn coldness against his lukewarm hide. Instead he dabbled bravely forward across the yielding, lush rug of grass. There was not the strength in his brittle bones to play, but the invigorating taste of mineral and moisture against the sensitive hairs in his nostrils tempted such thoughts through his imageless mind. Druid lowered his dark rough muzzle once again, this time toying with the dense green tussock which his twitching lips found.

The ruffling flutter of feathered wings triggered the foal to fling his head upwards. He recognized the sound, though could not pick the cause. Lifting his face into the humid air he searched in vain for the scent of another, but the sticky clammy air choked any sign of company. A startled snort burst through Druids nose as he turned peering through his blackened world for the familiar stallion; the colt could not find him. “ Druid” Came the voice, familiar and earnest, and the young horse stepped towards it with flickering, attentive ears. “Two of my friends are coming. Can you smell them?” Druid paused, glancing to the left, and then to his right, drawing a deep breath on each occasion. “I...I... no, I cannot.” Regardless, the colt tried again and through straining ears found the quick step of hoof against the damp earth.

A confusing combination of fear and excitement pulsed with each pound of his tired heart. “ Mauja... Did you send Irma to get me?” The voice was soft and feminine; strange and worrying. The skin gathered across his bony hips flinched as he swayed timidly, across his long thin legs. A light gasp, and Druid’s knee bent warily, lifting the hoof high so that it tucked tightly beneath his elbow. “Mauja, who is this colt? And can I be introduced to him?" Tender, nurturing even as it seemed to recognize his need. He had been called ‘colt’ before, and knew instantly that the stranger was referring to him- that he had become the dreaded centre of all attention. Almost immediately, a third voice found the discontented jerk of his ears. “Who is this child, Mauja?” There was cheer underlying the words that was alien to the foal and he balked at the suddenness. “ Hello little one, I'm Leyra.” Each voice seemed closer than the next, echoing loudly through his head; violating the only touch with reality he had left available.

The hoof fell as a worried stamp and his head tilted away from the barrage of sound. “M...m...m....” He tried to call the stallion, but Mauja’s voice was already stroking down the prickle in Druid’s nerves. The stallion’s warm breath soaked against the ratty fur across his lean neck and the foal settled a little, guided by the familiar horse’s encouragement. "Druid, I want you to meet Delinne, and Leyra. They are two very nice mares, and Delinne has a daughter who is a little younger than you." No words found placement over his motionless tongue though, and while he understood Mauja’s introduction, he was not entirely convinced that this situation suited him well. Abrasively, the colt snorted, insisting the preservation of his space for now. With one ear flattened, he sent his quivering muzzle outwards to meet the first of these two... strangers.

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

Image Credits- Haptic

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Delinne - 04-16-2013

Mauja smiled at me. I softly returned the smile and walked closer to him, nudging his shoulder before I backed a step again. My leader... He owned a big piece of my heart and soul, almost as much as my daughter. I would never let my King down. Never. And he hadn't let me down - yet - and I hoped that he never would.
I gaze upon the colt and frown a little. He was so small. How could anyone ever leave such a young colt to survive on his own?
But who knew, he could hide a certain strength behind his cloudy vision. How else had he survived until now? I observe the colt with a motherly softness in my eyes and move my gaze to Mauja. He introduced me and another mare to the colt, saying our names.
"Druid, I want you to meet Delinne, and Leyra." Leyra? Why did I recognize that name? Confused, I looked around and found the mare named Leyra right next to me. Where had she come from?

She was a blue roan with a white blanket upon her rump, her eyes were pale blue and the horn upon her brow was brown with a red-tinted tip. When I came to think of it, her whole body was tinted red. And covered in scars.
But I still recognized her from somewhere. Leyra... Leyra!
It was Leyra! The one who had traveled together with me and Mauja to the Edge, during my very first days here in Helovia. It had gone three seasons since I came here - almost four now. Had it really been so long?
I shook of the thought and looked at the colt, giving him my attention again.

Druid... The colt's name was Druid? Hmmm... Once again I looked at the unicorn colt and smiled. It fit him. I saw how he raised his front hoof with an insecurity that made my heart skip a beat, and slowly putting it down again. He was so... Helpless. Even though he seemed to be strong, he would always be helpless with his blind vision.
He reached out with his muzzle and, carefully, I move forward to Druid to gently bump his muzzle. I feel my heart grow as our muzzles touch, and I caressed his face softly.
"I'm Delinne." I whisper to the colt, smiling as I talk. I didn't want to frighten him.
"Like Mauja said, I have a daughter. Her name is Destry, and she's much younger than you. Would you want to meet her some day? She's friendly, just like Mauja here." The smile on my dark lips got wider and I glance at Mauja, not moving an inch.

This colt made me feel warm inside, and it actually confused me a bit. Had I become such a softy lately? Or was it just the mother in me shining through?
I hoped that it was my motherly side, and nudged the colt's face a little. He was gonna be just fine, especially if Mauja would take care of him. Everyone was safe in Mauja's hands. That was one of the reasons I trusted my beloved Ice King so much.
I loved him, as my leader and guide in life.


ooc: <3
word count: 514

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Leyra - 04-30-2013

The mare watched slowly as Mauja placed his muzzle to the colt's withers and spoke to him. She watched with icy orbs, noting Mauja's every move. He smiled at her, and she returned the smile, tilting her head in greeting. The way he spoke to the colt, his breath running down his little back, it made the mare wonder.

She knew Mauja had a child, Sno, yes, her name was Sno. And who else? She could've sworn there was yet another child from Mauja, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. All she knew was it was a colt. Of course, she was oblivious to the fact that Mauja had just had another child as well. A little lavender child she had met not too long ago. But she didn't realize it was a product of Mauja. She only knew Faelene was the dam. And now this colt had appeared, blind and broken.

She pulled herself from the depths of her mind, and ocean of jumbled thoughts. She fixed her gaze back on Mauja, her gaze softened slightly. She suddenly caught sight of the colt reaching out for one of the mares. Delinne got to the colt's muzzle first. As she withdrew, she stepped forward to meet his muzzle with her own dark muzzle. She extened her neck a little farther to meet his muzzle. She gave a puff of her own air, allowing a little misty cloud to fall out of her nostrils only to be sucked into the colt's. It was a 'greeting' between most horses. Hopefully the colt knew this. She murmured her name, it came out as a gentle, "I'm Leyra.". Withdrawing her muzzle from Druid's, she broke the connection between them. She gazed at Mauja, smiling towards him. She flicked her lion tail gently, letting it brush against the ground.

"Blah blah blah"

[[So late! I'm so sorry! ^^;]]
image credits
table by whit

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Mauja - 05-01-2013

mauja the frostheart. [ I might have a hard time getting back into this, apologies in advance if this is bad... ]

It filled him with a certain sense of pride to see the shy, blind Druid explore his surroundings, lip at the grass and dare stray from Mauja's side... While the Frostheart had no plans to leave anytime soon, the faster the child found confidence and a place here, the easier it would be on both of them. It would not happen overnight, though, or at least so he figured — Druid seemed unsettled by the strangers who had come, raising a hoof in a warning that was not as confident as the one Mauja had received in the Threshold. Once his nose had found the scrawny colt's neck and withers, he kept it there, not only to comfort him but to let him know, without a doubt, where he was. Should he need to hide behind someone, he would not have to look and flail to find him. It was with a gentle gaze that he peered up at the two mares, imploring them to be patient, just in case they didn't realize they had to be all of their own accord.

At Druid's snort Mauja's small smile turned into a grin of sorts, but it did not alter the even rhythm of his breath. For a moment longer they remained fairly motionless, but then he saw the boy tentatively reach out, blindly, into the air. Delinne was swiftest of the two mares. Aided by her sight she met the child's nose, speaking softly and gently, and Mauja felt that there was no need for him to speak. Instead, he shifted his hips and rested one hind hoof on its tip, and relaxed. They would sort this out, for they had to — he couldn't force neither of the mares nor Druid to like one another, or arrange some kind of relationship between them. They had to figure those things out alone, but from the way Delinne was watching the colt, she had a fair idea of why Mauja had fetched her.

RE: starting over [Druid, Delinne] - Druid - 05-02-2013

it’s in the stars
it’s been written in the scars on our hearts
we’re not broken just bent

He waited with baited breath, his dull tatty coat trembling with uncertainty. He could not feel the caring, maternal stroke of Delinne’s patient gaze, though the overly sensitive nature of his nerves found naught but unwavering peacefulness to feed off. The humid air penetrated easily through the patchwork of coarse brown fur as it clung loosely to the emaciated furrows of his stunted frame, and his withered skin absorbed the revitalising moisture readily; it was rich with nourishing minerals that were guzzled with greed. The foal’s core slowly began to warm through, and even while strain burdened his immature mind, comfort seeped gradually with the coursing blood through his veins. He wanted to surrender himself to the overwhelming comfort of Mauja’s hot, pressing breath, but as the bow of his neck straightened to extend his little face, that soothing vanished. Naked and meek before the scribes of his future, Druid was vulnerable.

Then a connection was felt. Lips that were velvety soft, supple and warm touched the rough, calloused purse of his muzzle. Breath which was warm and uniquely sour filled the narrow quivering slits of his black nostrils, blowing slowly so as to grace his awkward tension with comfort. The foal’s top lip twitched curiously, warily, and the pearly glaze of his unseeing eyes danced desperately against their dark prison. In that same sentimental moment which seemed to him to continue through an eternity, words had been whispered in such soft and billowy fashion that his tiny cupped ears were beckoned from their bed of spiked, oily mane. "I'm Delinne." She had whispered through the gently embracing exhale that was his first impression; and he lingered a little longer with her in their world- to him it was isolated and private. A breath had been taken, and he felt the chill as she sucked the warmth away to nosh her lungs. Longing for that secure, gripping and hot murmur stirred within him. His wait was short, though in that second a divide formed and her tone was not so smooth to cure his yen. It was smiling now, he could feel the sentiment filling the air around them with casualness. "Like Mauja said, I have a daughter. Her name is Destry, and she's much younger than you. Would you want to meet her some day? She's friendly, just like Mauja here."

The colt did not answer her humble question, nor did he greet the fond nudge of her nose gladly, instead withdrawing his gesture; all too easily overwhelmed. Milky white eyes shifted through the smothering blanket of discomfort, though while they turned towards the direction of Mauja, he held his own; clumsy in his unbecoming independence- much like their first meeting in the days before. He had survived alone, accountable to only himself for the few moths of his very short life, and the defiant shadow of his anti-social soul would not quickly accept asylum- no matter how deserving he was, nor loving the offer.

Quickly, Druid remembered there had been a second mare and instinctively his eyes began to search in vein through the perpetual night’s shade. Again he offered the tentative reach of his muzzle and Leyra responded considerately, offering a similar breath so that he might presumably remember her identity as well. Indeed he would- of all the senses he had left to draw from to create his lonely world, his ability to scent and memorize as such was undoubtedly the greatest; possibly far beyond the comprehension of a typical horse. “I’m Leyra...” The second mare affirmed gently and the colt’s ears received her title obligingly. Almost as quickly as it had been offered, Leyra pulled her muzzle from his reach and Druid found himself stepping to follow, drawn by that which he had only been offered to taste in brief. A curious rumble was trapped between his clenched jaws, as he paused to consider all that had come to pass. An echoing growl mocked the sound, simmering in the emptiness of his starving belly.

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

Image Credits- Haptic