HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Seven Devils - Printable Version

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Seven Devils - Elizabeth - 04-14-2013

[Image: 515b635abe40d]


There was something aloft about the black skinned mare the sauntered around the Aurora Basin. The Corporal had returned with high spirits, but they soon scattered into a million pieces as if they were ashes left behind from a great fire. So much had happened since; she just couldn’t wrap her head around it. She felt lost, alone, and more importantly, used. She walked away from the herd, walking slowly. She was growing bigger everyday, and her skin was stretched a million miles more than it should have.

Crowley…what really was he? Was he the Weaver of the Aurora Basin, a fellow member of the Plague that was one of the four only allowed, for the moment, to recruit, or the devil himself? Whatever the brindled bastard was, she sure didn’t want to know. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but she saw now that it was just a weak moment, a moment of lust. Her body had craved for the warmth of another, the touch and love she thought it would bring with it, and for once, she was right. It had, but like everything else, it had a price. Why did such things always happen to her?

The snow piled around her hooves, as she just stood out in the open, no shelter from the coming storm. Why would she? This child owed her nothing, and she would owe it nothing. For the moment, that was how it would be, but she had no wish to bring this child into the world. She looked at her belly again, as she often did now a day, and gave it a glare. She had no time for this. Warriors didn’t get pregnant, and they certainly didn’t let their child walk away unscathed. She could feel the child move ever so slightly, and even if all her anger was at Crowley, she truly couldn’t stay mad at the invisible thing inside her. She thought about it now. What would motherhood be like? Would she be able to take care of the child, or would she fail because she simply didn’t know how? She sighed again, and decided to keep moving on.

Moving through thickening snow, she went forward, toward the hot springs. What better place than to heat up your chilling body, or aching one at that matter? Her joint hurt like hell, not used to carrying such weight from her middle. It was a task just to get her in. She couldn’t climb in, and she was afraid to herself, or the foal. She had to carefully maneuver her way. She ended up backing up, because she didn’t know if there were steps leading down, and falling in was not a pleasant option. Having never been to the springs, it certainly was something new.

She found a somewhat deep, hot place and sprawled herself about. She was in the water up to her neck, but she kept her front left hoof on a solid rock below. She stayed like that for a while, keeping her self a float by half swimming half standing. The warm water took her mind, and she started to slip, her mind sinking into the waters by which she lay in. But with it, her body sank to. At first, she breathed, and it felt normal, but it in fact wasn’t. Silver eyes opened to water, and she was sinking in the hot springs, being pulled down. She panicked, and tried to bring herself back up, but she couldn’t. Her front hooves reached up and touched the surface of the water, but that was as far as she got.

She gasped in water, and started to choke, panicking more. What could she do now? Sit here and drown? She looked down and realized her right back hoof was caught between two thin rocks. Her foot was the perfect size, and she was just enough below the water where she couldn’t get air. Her life began to flash. Her parents, coming to Helovia, the Plague, and Crowley were all that came to mind. She was losing air, and she started to lose her vision. This wasn’t happening, this wasn’t happening. She wasn’t going to die like this, not with a foal, her foal. She moved her powerful black legs, and managed to get them out of the rock, but she didn’t reach the surface before she passed out.

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

Table Header credits go to baylee.
Imge credits go to ISOStock.deviantart.com

RE: Seven Devils - Arah - 04-14-2013

[Image: 2dh77yo.png]

Haunted by my eyes,
the way they hold your attention,
even in the loudest silences.

Arah was quite sure that the other mare hadn't noticed her. The darker mare's thoughts where deep and Arah sat in the corner thinking quietly to herself. Arah payed no attention to the other mare for a while, she had her own relationship problems. Crash and her had settled into a relationship, but her wanted kids. Just the thought of the little brats squirming around inside her wanted to make the young mare throw up. No thank you! Arah shook her head and looked over to the darker mare. It was almost as if she was falling asleep in the water, she looked so calm so peaceful thinking about her own issues. Arah turned back to her own private little panic session.

Then there was Roland, Crash didn't know about him. The other Phantom, they had saved each other and helped each other before Roland had even become a phantom. Arah wasn't sure if her feeling for him where more than friendship. How did you decide on topic like this? It was too freaking hard. 'Men! she thought angrily. 'my life was easier without them.' She rolled her eyes and thought about children again, who actually ever really wanted them? Some people must just be made with the mothering instinct. Arah wasn't one of them.

Arah soon become aware of the bubbles forming on the springs surface where the other mare had been. "What the...?" Arah wondered out loud. She approached the water with caution and peered in. What she saw made her dive into the water. Two hooves where resting on the surface but the rest of the mare's body was passed out under the water. The darker mare was either drowning, or had drowned. Arah hurried into the water slashing every where, she filled her lunges with air and sunk under the water. Thank god her mother had taught her how to swim, after all it wasn't a natural thing for a unicorn to do. She sunk below the black mare until her shoulder was resting on the mares rump. Kicking her feet and legs in a awkward fashion Arah began to quickly propel them to the surface. Thank the gods water made beings practically weightless. The only hard work was when the mare's pregnant body broke the surface. She was heavy! Arah pushed on through, the air in her own lunges vanishing. Managing to push the mare far enough up the edge of the springs, so she was propped on the side of the small pond Arah gasped in her first breath of air.

Walking out of the springs with shaky legs she grabbed the mare's mane between her teeth and pulled her a little further up the side of the springs. Once satisfied that she wasn't going anywhere Arah looked down at the pregnant mares face. She fell down beside the mare exhausted. "Alright! Come on! Speak to me!" No way did Arah just risk her life for this mare to die on her. She gently pressed the mares chest with her chin. She became angry when the mare didn't move. "OI BITCH, IF YOU DO NOT MOVE YOUR ASS OF THIS GROUND NOW, I WILL...." Well she had nothing.

The point was still the same though. Even through her panic, Arah remained calm for the sake of the mare.

Notes; This probs has a lot of mistakes but I'm so tired.
Words; 555
Tag; Elizabeth


RE: Seven Devils - Elizabeth - 05-23-2013

[Image: 515b635abe40d]


During her unconscious state, she drifted. There were lost memories in her mind that she floated back to. Her father beating her mother, making her sisters and her watch as he did so because she had given him nothing but daughters. Her father almost letting her bleed to death while he tried to teach her to fight when she was three months old, pushing her past her limit and leaving a long scar that she still has close to her heart. Her mother, after all the abuse, finally snapping; going completely crazy, and killing her father, then killing herself afterwards. Her own small sister taking after her mother and ending her own life at 6 months old. As much as she wanted to act like her family was nothing but loving and kind, no one knew the destruction and pain they had caused her since she was born. All of the abuse of her father had turned her into a hard mare, and watching her own mother and sister commit suicide had short circuited her heart. For a long time, she had felt nothing; no mercy, no pain, no empathy. She didn't care what problems other horses had, let alone try to help them solve them. In her twisted eyes, every horse was responsible for everything that happened to them, and they were on their own with fixing it. Asking for help was a call to the weak. If you couldn't do something yourself, then you might as well crawl in a hole and die, for you were worthless and useless.

She breathed, and for a long time she did not come back to be conscious, but at least she was alive. Finally, her eyes opened. She turned to the side, coughing up water, choking on it. She looked around, not seeing Arah at first. She stared up at the sky, the sun sinking into the depths of the other world as she almost sank with it. She very slowly moved, turning to her side, and using her front hooves to stand up a little bit. More water spewed from her maw, and she felt sick, but water was not supposed to be in lungs.

"What...what the hell happened?"

She looked to the side where the white antlered mare was sitting after a tiring journey to save her life. She stared at her for a second, completely in shock. She had almost drowned, and this mare must have jumped in and save her. But why, and how? Who was this mare?

"Who...who are you? Did you just save my life?"

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

Table Header credits go to baylee.
Imge credits go to ISOStock.deviantart.com