HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Cracks begin to show - Printable Version

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Cracks begin to show - Ophelia - 04-18-2013

''I sink back shuddering from the quest.
Earth being so good, would Heaven seem best?
Now, Heaven and she are beyond this ride.''
- Robert Browning

Heaven was cruelty, abuse of power and absurdity. Not a beacon of hope, but a lure of ignorance. The pedestal on which they place themselves is a tomb of the souls of the mortals, but she would not let them take her dreams any longer and shatter them among the waves that crashed around her. What remained, she would salvage. What was left of her, what was whole, she would give to the child who would be born into this chaos. In every way the babe would deserve the remainder of her youth and the smiles that were not so easily formed on gray lips. She only hoped that she would have enough to satisfy the needs of the child who would call her god, at least for a time.

Ophelia would honor her role, the mountain on which she clambered to the top through tears and heartache. What else could matter? The life that clung to her for growth was hers, and she would give until she could give no more. Perhaps she was meant to live for more, and her life still wound ahead of her, unknown. She was young, still far too young to feel so weary.

Maybe the child would give to her as well? Renew in her heart some of the life that had been stolen? Would raising a young one be so rewarding? Hototo was such an old soul; he reminded her of herself. Rearing Hototo was like trying to train Einstein in math; he already had sufficient skills to stand upon his own two hooves and even more. Phaedra's twins seemed to have agendas entirely of their own, and she barely saw them at a distance. Everyone around her seemed to be with child, and she would be the one without.

Until now. She would not be alone in this endeavor, and that brought a small smile to her lips, however weak. While she loathed being the center of attention, Ophelia could not deny that she had an entire family to support her - granted that made her guilt over the Grey and the Grey's policies even more pronounced. The alabaster mare sighed heavily and glanced over her back at her pronounced waist, thinking that she looked miserably large at the moment. While she was not one for appearances and did not care much for hers, she at least knew when she was unable to run for her life. Now, she would do more of a shuffle - a waddle. It would be pathetic, and she would probably cry.

Absently, she looked upon the amulet that hung around her neck - a gift from the God of Time. Should she have been so hard on him? A frown crossed her features. Some part of her, before she regained her memories, had to have loved him. She would not have agreed to be with him intimately if she had not, but she did not want to experience such a cheapened, gilded affection. Beneath the gold and the allure of not being alone hid the hard rock of truth that was that she fell in love when not whole. Only the innocent half of her could tumble into desire, ignoring the consequences. Perhaps she was not broken then, but broken now.

The sun started to rise, and the sparkling lights that dotted her mane and tail slowly went out. They hid from the sun's rays, and she cast her gaze down toward the glassy surface of the river, expression somber and sad. Her crimson and pale tail hung listlessly behind her, neck seeming to sit on her withers with no desire for pride.

Love was a lie, a fairy tale for children. Even the most sincere affection faded. To hope for such a farce would make her a fool. She prayed that the child within her would not face such heartbreak.

[For Midas]

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Cracks begin to show - Midas - 04-19-2013

If one had said a year ago that my heart was to be stricken over love, I would have gleefully laughed into the face of the fool that spoke. At the time I wouldn’t have thought such a thing to be true. This heart was dedicated to the lady of sand and blood; I was a warrior, a General. Yet. When I was alone with Ktulu, my thoughts were upon none of those things. Body became spry as if still a colt, I would nearly jump from my skin with anticipation every other night at the mere chance to see her. Half fear, half hope that she would return from a lofty position to mingle with a child belched from the throat of a dragon.

I patrolled the boarder, taking the night shift with hopes that work might keep my mind more occupied. But circling questions did not cease; nothing I did seemed to cure the heartache. Nothing could stop the waves of regret. Regret in not being by her side, and regret in hurting the one true soul that I held within reach. Perhaps I was the fool. For loving something that might forever be a forbidden fruit.

By the time our morning sun had graced the horizon I was no more or less depressed then before. No joy ignited my eyes when realization came that I would have to return home and allow Cera to see me in yet another somber state. Instead I banked off, traveling to the Meadow with high hopes that an extended flight would cool the head. Wings beat with little effort, I glided in on an orangemoon breeze. Thankful for a little time to just think and not have to worry about patrols, or prying eyes that sought to assure I was ever competent and aware of every little thing.

To escape. Even for just a few minutes.

Hooves touched the ground with ease and gentleness that barely broke the surface of earth. I landed dead center of the meadow, uptop a sloping mound of raised soil. The same mound that had taught Hototo and Cera the ways of flight for the first time. It would seem that the gods would have me given choice of company today. A pale creature stood off near the trickling brook that had widened during recent storms. Curiously I gazed the strangers way, wondering for a moment who it might be and debating upon leaving whoever it was alone.

Maybe it was instinct, or my own curiosity, but for some reason I didn’t want to simply leave whoever it was to their own demise. Quietly I started toward the distant figure that became more and more familiar with each step. Her body outlined by a rising sun and shadowed by trees that bore leaves of fire to signal another successful change of seasons. “Ophelia?” Small traces of shock and larger traces of concern fluttered to life. What was she doing? Granted it wasn't any of my business... Upon approach my bottomless pools rake over her body, taking notice of swelling sides that hinted upon a special blessing. Slowing I stepped quietly to the pale ladies right side, “Are you well?”

Our colours come alive when I collide with you
with you, with you
image by imi

RE: Cracks begin to show - Ophelia - 04-22-2013

Ophelia heard her name spoken from lips that rarely interact with her, and she furrowed her brows, expression darkening some. The first emotion she felt was anger at being interrupted, darkness at calling her from the pit she had fallen into. She did not want to be saved, not now. Life was easier in the shadows; they embraced you tightly, told you that everything was okay. The light did nothing but judge, scrutinize, and illuminate your failures.

She turned her sharp gaze to see Midas, and he moved closer. The anger shifted into confusion and eventually guilt, and Ophelia clenched her jaw and stared out at the rising of the sun with a sense of bitterness. Her ears tilted back ever so slightly as he took notice of her current condition, and she dared him to mention it. Not that she would lash out in any way or form, but she was sick of everyone dancing around the fact that she was pregnant. Ophelia frowned ever so slightly at the hatred that filled her mind. She should calm, but the storm in her soul raged ever on ward.

Midas stepped to her right side, and she looked up to see the tree shed a few orange leaves in the wake of a cool breeze. She stiffened at his question. Well was a curious word. What did it truly mean? Was she well? Well, certainly. In a sense. She was alive, living, breathing, existing and passing on her blood to another as it formed inside of her. So in a sense, she was evolutionarily quite superb. Emotionally? Not so much.

"I am coping," she replied honestly, and she was. Ophelia may not be the best at managing her own emotions, but at least she was not verbally screaming at anyone who gave her a sideways glance.

Midas did not exactly look to be in the best of states either, and she could not keep her compassion from leaking into her eyes, softening them ever so slightly. "You look unsettled," she commented, trying to be kinder in words than her actual impression. In all honesty, he looked as if he had the world beneath him torn out from his hooves. "What happened?" she asked curiously, genuinely desiring to help in some way. Perhaps that would absolve her of her sins.

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Cracks begin to show - Midas - 04-27-2013

When she said, “I am coping.” I frowned, my eyes flickered to her soft form now enlarged swelling. Was it because of the baby that she appeared so let down? Ktulu hadn’t mentioned that her sister was pregnant, nor had she hinted upon a mate that had been dug up. At least we were both on the same page; or so I could assume, that it was romantic problems which caused Ophelia to seem depressed. I turned away politely, not saying anything more. I knew very little about the struggles of being with child, but one thing was certain—mares got hormonal around this time, and stallions were best seen and unheard. Or so I had gathered from lingering too long in their presence.

“You look unsettled.”

Closest ear flicked back a notch, one eye swiveled to glance at her with surprise. She had tenderness in those dual colored orbs, one that I had seen often when those took pity on what they saw. It was my turn to stiffen and frown, head swiveled back to her—a smile started to plaster itself across my facade but for some reason it faltered when she added, “What happened.”

Just like that. My matchbox self-fell apart, gaze drifted down and I didn’t try to fake smile. Push her pressings away for the sake of conversation. I needed someone to talk to about life struggles—someone who would understand. Was she that person? When asked a direct question I didn’t want to beat around the bush so my lips parted with truth ringing, “Ktulu asked me to come with her….to the Foothills,” I began with something simple, wondering if she would understand the hidden meaning, “I desire to give her everything, yet— I withhold myself when requested to join her company.”

It wasn’t just. Land. It was my land, my home, my family.

Our colours come alive when I collide with you
with you, with you
image by imi

RE: Cracks begin to show - Ophelia - 05-15-2013

Ophelia's keen gaze watched the way his muscles tensed ever so slightly from under his dual colored fur, head turning away as if to hide while putting on the mask of happiness. A smile that was too sweet to be real. A smile too fake to last. And it did not. Moments later, she watched the hastily applied expression falter when she asked him what happened to cause his suddenly depressed mood.

She listened objectively, brows furrowing at his answer. Something about Ktulu asking Midas to leave his home to live among mercenaries seemed wrong. Perhaps the Grey was Ophelia's purgatory. Her self made prison where she belonged while the gods cast her out from their favor. In the back of her mind she knew that the Grey did not stand for those who could not stand for themselves. She had fabricated their purpose in order to align her sister's dream with her own morals. And even now, that fabrication had yet to be shaken.

But her heart knew, and it reacted to Midas' words honestly. A noble warrior who fought for family and loyalty did not belong among the bottom-feeders of mercenaries. But to Ophelia's conscious, she only saw a severe disconnect and a selfishness. With a slight frown, she furrowed her brows and gazed out at the long, sloping meadow, the sound of the river a gentle whisper in her ears.

"My father experienced the same, I believe," she said quietly. "The love of one's land can be just as strong. He still has not recovered from the Tides. I saw him on the hill when we invaded, and he looks tired. He gave his life to our old home, and it was torn from him." Ophelia turned her gaze to Midas, her dual colored eyes showing sympathy.

"I have never experienced this tie to a land that has driven so many. Perhaps that is because I was displaced as a young child, but I know from my love for my sister that any tie of emotion is strong. The Throat, Kri, and the sands were your first love. I lived there once, and I know of its beauty." Ophelia smiled kindly, and then recalled her early memories of the desert sands. She much preferred the north, but the golden waves of dunes were like a vast ocean on which your hooves could dance. She could understand the appeal.

"If I am speaking honestly, from my opinion which is from only my mind and therefore severely one sided, I would say that asking you to abandon your first love is unfair. Traditionally, mares follow their stallions home. Ktulu and I were not raised traditionally, however - as evidenced by our status. You are both trapped, I think." Ophelia realize then that her lack of ties were a blessing and a curse. She would never have to be torn between two fractions of her heart. Or so she thought.

"If I were to make a guess about your personality, I would say you are fiercely loyal, and that is noble. I will not try and sway you either way, but you can always have comfort in knowing that Ktulu is safe and you are always welcome. Ask yourself though, what would it mean being in the Grey?" Ophelia said, her gaze darkening ever so slightly. "Are you comfortable with fighting for a contract? What if your enemies hire you to hurt your friends? The Grey is intended to be impartial, holding no loyalties except to our own. For some of us, that is easy. The world was not kind and our ties were broken, but for others, loyalty is as strong as love. Many times, I have seen the struggle when presented with this conundrum, and ultimately, they have to act on what they believe is right. And 'right' is a state of mind, varying with individuals and backgrounds. Truth is not a fact; it is an interpretation. Morality is what you choose it to be, not an absolute."

Ophelia's gaze faded into her mind, staring into the vast beyond of nothing. She was speaking to herself as much as she was Midas, wondering if she still had any ties strong enough to challenge her complete loyalty to the Grey. A few, she thought. She had a few, but they were not in her sights and easily put out of mind. Or well, in her case, not exactly out of mind - just not actively recalled.

She stood silent for a moment before blinking out of her trance and frowning a little. "My apologies. You did not need a lecture. Only know that I understand. I stood where you stood once, but the world was unkind." She said with a tight smile. "My loyalties have been disregarded." Ophelia let out a heavy sigh. "I am here for you, Midas, should you need a friend. Though I may not be of any help, I can at least listen should you need an ear to vent at."

we run away forever from this misery

tangled-stock | Salsola stock

RE: Cracks begin to show - Midas - 06-02-2013

I had never spoken to Ophelia at length before; never sought her counsel, or that of others (save for my Lord). It was natural to doubt that she would truly understand my meanings of love for land, and perhaps I didn’t want her to comprehend the workings of this young male mind; maybe I just wanted to be heard. “My father experienced the same--,” her rolling voice wasn’t full of reprimanding words that would kick my hinny into gear as Kri might have—nor was she overly showy with whatever amount of pity that was being given. For both I was thankful. “He gave his life to our old home, and it was torn from him.” This last statement caused my heart to quicken a beat; just the idea of losing the desert to eager marauders made my nerves quiver at their ends. It seemed impossible, and Kri almost made us believe that losing our home was just that…an impossible dream…a dream that only jealous harbors could hold. We were too strong, too proud. Too proud.

“I have never experienced this tie to a land that has driven so many.” For the most part I had been avoiding her gaze—not out of shame or any amount of dread…Yet now I glanced up as she shared a small portion of her history. Offering some light to a dark spot that I still knew little of, even after having been with Ktulu for almost a full cycle. My pools softened and for a moment there was a brush of compassion for this wayward oracle of a woman. In a way, a distant way, Ophelia reminded me of my Ma.

Questions were given, and I stood slightly by and by. Listening, holding each word and spinning it in my mind a few times so that it might sink in more deeply. The realization of this whole conversation was what I had already known to be true; she only solidified it. I wasn’t going to abandon my home, not without having it beyond my grasp; my soul knew this, Ktulu knew this, even Ophelia seemed to know this. Why for heaven’s sake couldn’t I let this simple fact sink in? Barely was this tranquil soul able to hold onto the oaths of childhood and complete my duties as a Soldier, a protector; but to fight simply for the sake selfish gain?

The creature who might have agreed to this wasn’t in existence; what stood before the pale twin was a man of heart, a throbbing one that would do and give anything to see both of his families well cared for. I wasn’t someone who traded my vows for the sake of personal gains, it simply wasn’t who I was destined to be; nor was it someone that Ophelia struck me to be. My Lord had known this (as he knew all things), and had denied me the one opportunity that might had tainted me enough to give into Ktulu’s desires.

She ends with an apology, but it isn’t needed, and I shake my muzzle mildly back and forth a few times as if to tell her that it wasn’t necessary. My energy feels crestfallen, a solemn state settles in, “Your advice is welcomed, and I thank thee for taking a moment to listen and give wisdom.” Swallowing the bitter taste of disappointment I add with mournful tone, “I fear that this journey we undertake will lead only to heartache unless one of us gives into the other…though you are right to judge in the fact that I am unable to leave my home—I harbor no desire to sell my swords.” I am unable to leave my home period. Mostly to myself I murmur, “I do love her though…how do we go about a relationship that will be doomed for failure before it can even take wing?”
Our colours come alive when I collide with you
with you, with you
image by imi