HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] The Truth Beyond What Lies || Iris - Printable Version

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The Truth Beyond What Lies || Iris - Avalon - 04-23-2013

... is simply in your eyes...

I had paced far too long along the sand. My large hooves had left many sets of hoof prints in the sand as dusk slowly began to creep in. I had paced a while, at least a few hours. My mind was just analyzing things; current events, the threat from the Basin, close to everything.

We needed more soldiers and a stronger defense, but there was most certainly no doubt that we needed information before making any moves. Any certain plans regarding a move from the Basin would need to be discovered and obstructed. With more from what I had heard, the more that my heart pounded with frustration and something I had rarely felt... anger.

Perhaps what I needed was a break for a bit. But my mind would not let me rest. I could not nap when there was work to be done. It simply was not part of my code of honor, my moral, or what made me me. I was a relentless individual that simply did not stop. I was tenacious and my perseverance told my soul to continue. I had not slept since the meeting of two days ago and surprisingly, fatigue had not yet seeped into my body.

My legs continued to pace and I shook my head, sending my ink black mane everywhere. My large antlers also followed the direction. Their strong hold on my skull made me smile slightly as they reminded me just how beautiful yet deadly something could be. Just like the Dragon's Throat and just like them.

My silver lined eyes bored straight into the ground as I stopped in my tracks. I raised my head and stared at the oasis in the distance. The small sliver of the sun was beginning to rise and was reflected upon the oasis' surface. Maybe that's where I needed to be; the Oasis. Just to relax and try to escape.

"And my, how my body will greet sleep when that moment miraculously occurs."

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RE: The Truth Beyond What Lies || Iris - Iris - 04-24-2013

Iris glided through the warm air; her large jet-black wings propelling her forward. The wind whipped at her long mane; blowing it back. How she loved to fly! Why should one be stuck on the ground if they have the tools of a bird? The wind buffeted her feathers, as she hit a strong gust of wind. She pushed her wings down powerfully, getting through it easily. She snorted with exhilaration. She scanned the ground looking to see if someone was down there or wandering, but she saw no one.

Iris recalled her meeting with Kri in Threshhold not to long ago. She was overjoyed at finally being in a herd! Finally to have a permanent home! She had wandered alone for all those days with no one to talk to, except her own mind, and now this was different. Again, she scanned the landscape below her; looking for someone but only seeing the light orange sand and the reflections of the sun's golden rays upon it. She sighed, maybe she should land after all. She couldn't see a thing from up here! She closed her large wings a slight bit and coasted closer to the ground. She felt the wind ruffle her feathers, and she angled her wings more downward.

As she became a few feet off the ground she closed up her wings, and landed delicately in the sand with the grace of a bird. She tucked her wings in neatly to her sides, and proceeded forward. Her large light grey hooves sank a bit into the light orange sand, no doubt making large prints. A far up ways ahead she noticed the oasis, the sun's liquid golden rays, reflecting off its surface. Suddenly she noticed moment to her right. She whipped her head around and peered into that direction; her icy blue eyes scanning the landscape. She saw a lightly dappled buckskin mare pacing through the sand.

Iris picked up a brisk trot trying to catch up to her. When she finally drew closer, she noticed the mare's majestic black antlers sticking out, and the feather in her tail.
"Hello there!" she called out, hoping to be answered. "My name is Iris, and I'm new to the Dragon's Throat. You're also from around her too, I presume?" She pawed at the light samd nervously. She hoped she wasn't being rude; intruding in this mare's space.

[OOC: Sorry for such a short and bad post! School and homework has been crazy! I'll try to start making my post longer though! :3]

RE: The Truth Beyond What Lies || Iris - Avalon - 04-24-2013

Staring at the rising sun on that oasis really made me zone out. Stopped in my place, I soon snapped out of it to realize that the sun was beginning to peek above the sand dunes. The sandy blanket's hue was already beginning to get brighter as the warm glow of the sun was cast upon it. My dulled coat was no beginning to shine with the reflection of the flaming ball.

I guess I began to think so hard, I began to hear voices; a voice, rather. I had never heard this voice though. This was a new voice that said hello. I quickly shook my head and my mind traversed back to the earth as I heard the voice continue. I quickly looked into the direction of the new voice as I realized that it was an actual being.

Upon first glance, I noticed that this new being was dark bay. At closer inspection, however, you could tell that this being also had large white socks with black bands. Her face was also black. I believe she said her name was Iris?

Yes, Iris. A lovely name, at that. It reminded me much of a beautiful flower I once saw. She also said that she was new to the Dragon's Throat. I was once new here, as well. Not too long ago at all, actually. I had met Gaucho and several others. I was brought here for protection and I found a family.

I smile and dip my head, the large dark grey rack on my head moving as well. My ink black tail swishes as my warm, welcoming and friendly voice erupted into the early morning air "Why, my dear, of course, I am from this lovely place."

My smile remains and though the threat from the North remains in my head, I shove it behind me. I then began walking towards the mare in a calm and friendly manner, chuckling as I approached. I had a giant body that towered over most of the beings I had seen and this mare was no exception. Sometimes I regretted being so tall but for the most part, I loved it.

"I am Avalon, Diviner of the Dragon's Throat. Welcome home."

My pelt rippled with a shudder as the rising sun began to warm my body. My silver lined eyes looked from the mare to the oasis and back again with a smile.

"I, as well, arrived in the Dragon's Throat not too long ago. At the beginning of last season, to be precise."

[[ooc: Don't worry about it. :) I know the feeling, trust me! My posts will get better as well, I promise! :3]]

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