HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Burdens of the HEART - Printable Version

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Burdens of the HEART - Déodat - 05-02-2013

The night was cool and crisp upon his return to the Basin, which was pleasing after the warmth of day. As the moonlight fell over his back, reflecting loose bloodied shadows onto then marbled ground below, Déodat eased into a tiresome lope. His breath became a fine mist that clouded before his face and though his eye shone with a vibrant intensity for life, he appeared fatigued. He had been gone far too long, searching for the meaning that would once again drive him home, though he wasn’t quite sure that he’d ever really found it. Instead, it was a failing sense of longing that had sent his once again through the plains of Helovia to the Basin, the place he loyally claimed to serve.

As gusts of icy wind toyed with the thick, dark strands of his mane, he reveled in the feel of the cold and the way it made him come to life. It was a dreary thing to romanticize about the frozen climate of his borders, but it was certainly becoming easier now that he’d encountered a place in which he wanted to return to. That’s not to say that he was overly affectionate of the Basin, but more so privy to the land because of its purpose and lack of one important factor- the General.

The past was a dark thing to remember, but now that he’d safely made it into the future it felt like an object of chagrin, if ever a term were fitting. At some point, he would have to make sense of such dismal emotions, but until then they would simply remain in the dark abyss of his frozen heart, waiting for redemption.

His lips formed a hard line across his beautiful face, a line that would soon become a defining feature for the man who thought so highly of passion and dignity. He was a proud creature, clearly cut out for whatever endeavors were asked of him, but only for those who’d come to earn such respect. He did not indulge those unworthy of his attentions, but rooted strong beliefs in ways of the world. They all lived and they all died, but to die with honor was something he held in high regard. He hoped to live up to his own standards one day in spite of his previous success… It appeared as though his life was only beginning here in Helovia and with it a new tale was to be spun.

When his feet had tired and his legs became loose with exhaustion, Déodat sought out revitalization in the form of a small, sullen stream hidden away behind the shadows of tall, barren trees. When he reached the banks, he looked down into his own handsome reflection before dipping his neck in order to satisfy his thirst. While he was not a self-indulging creature, he was quite attractive in such a way that complimented his primal ruggedness. He was made up of hard lines and prominent slopes and colored in the bloodied paints of the desert sands.

However, his most defining features were placed in the form of horn and eyes. The two combined made for a fiery arrangement- a jagged blade made of blood-red glass and eyes of deep indigo depths that at times were mistaken for an exaggerated purple. The man could certainly be called “beautiful”, but not in a fragile sense of the word, but more so an untouched, fabled mystery. He shared little about where he’d come from or where he’d been, but one could only assume he’d seen war and death in spite of the words never finding their way to his tongue.

When he’d drank enough to fill his gullet, he lifted his sculpted face to the skies and peered into the wide face of the moon. They gazed at one another for some time before parting ways with silent promises to return once more when the sun fell behind the horizon in deep slumber. The Basin was lit by the soft light of the Goddess’s good nature and as Déodat finally settled into the idea that he was once again, part of this –of everything that the Basin was- he was content.

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RE: Burdens of the HEART - Arah - 05-02-2013

[Image: 4hz8ty.jpg]
Credits; Carnival-ride-Stock.deviantart.com SweetDreams-Stock.deviantart.com Photomanipulator; AlexLibby.deviantart.com


Working the usual round of the border, not wanting anything or anybody to slip past her defences, the Impersonator was silent as ever. Her strides were long and elegant, her pale legs stretched out in front of her. A worried expression sat on her face, the antlered mare was thinking about the current tension between The Throat and The Basin. Arah personally didn't think The Basin had enough warriors on standby. That was why she was glad to have gotten The Greys help, Psyche had at least thought to get the strongest ally out there. Even if the Throat had allied with the Worlds edge herd, they had chosen an ally with the most trained fighters.

Her golden orbs settled on a figure in the distance, a confused feeling settled on the mare. She did not normally see others on her rounds through the basin. Her small body crept forward slowly, blending with the snow and her footsteps where also muffled with it. The mare was cautious in her approach, she did not try to hide herself, not wanting to scare any potential threat. The smell of the Basin was on the stallion, but she did not entirely trust it. She had never seen this stag before, why would she trust somebody she didn't know anyway. A coy smile played over her chops and she stopped about a meter from his left hand side. He looked like someone she knew, only she couldn't quite put her mind to it.

His coat was a blood red, with a white patch starting on his lower neck and then sitting on his shoulders and back. Her eyes traveled downwards and she noticed two white markings on his back legs as well. She smiled now at his long hair, finally somebody had a length to match hers. She had always been the freak with the antlers and the long hair, now others had been accepted with antlers and here was one with long hair. Maybe she wasn't so different after all.

She took a few small steps closer again and titled her head slightly in greeting. In a soft tone, her greeting tumbled from her elegant lips. "I haven't seen you around here before." Her eyes and facial expression was openly curious. "I'm Arah, Impersonator for The Basin." The small strand of pride could only slightly be heard in her voice. "You are?"

Haunted by my eyes, the way they hold your attention even in the loudest silences.
Notes; Snuck in my reply :P
Words; 400
Tag; Déodat and Open

RE: Burdens of the HEART - Lena - 05-05-2013

Memories, like embodied portraits of the soul, wandered in the silken threads of picturesque canvases. A spark of interest poignant upon a centerpiece of birth, or renewal, demise or rejuvenation; dotted and stippled with haunting lullabies or sublime candor. A laureate’s masterpiece sonnet, written in iambic lyrics, quoted by sinuous mouths, delightful hymns, solid, statuesque barbarians or the kindred spirit of a bewitching, beguiling creature, nestled in the chest, in the heart, in the mind. The burden of a thousand suns layered and lacquered across a heathen’s brow, a stalwart determination kindled and incensed by the timeless pursuit of that one victory. The delight, the cherished chords, of a radiant day, blessed and bestowed by the convictions of smiles, combined hopes and dreams, the luminescent bliss swallowed by a molten, infernal eave. The hallowed and hollowed wounds of treachery, of deceit, of shadowy dawns and inky filaments, of veils and secrets, duplicities scattered by vital trysts and scandalous murmurs, twisted and burned in midnight gallows. The aching rhythm of a besotted day, ruptured and run over, allured to the incarnation of a spirit never to be held, never to be owned, possessing naught, having nothing. They are the pathways to a distinction, the heralding of entities, driven by their primrose paths, alighted, guided, by the sanctities of these well-wishes, of these fantasies, of these dreams left to rot, wither and decay, or the conquest, the triumph, of an ambition found, discovered. A scent buried itself upon the horizon, sifting through the breeze, wafting and woebegone, tattered and torn by the rubble of weeks and seasons, loosened by the patchwork of others, but it coiled, cherished and blessed, in the corners of her mind. It’s a restless quandary, nestled and buried into the passing hours the nymph had discarded, searching for the enigmatic, rustling in the course of elegant, finery and finesse, finding dreams and carrying them across her shoulders until their wings dried, set free into the sun. It drifted into her mind and pricked, plucked, meandered the insistent, prideful trace and trance of its masculine bravado, and all at once she remembered, thought to laugh when she hadn’t instantly recalled it.

The beast it belonged to had fostered, demanded, a change in her soul, had bolstered and maintained a presence in her regal cranium because he’d altered and segmented a purpose in her floating livelihood. He’d set her on a course of cordial affairs, where lullabies, songs and lyrics soothed, assuaged and healed rather than merely proclaiming the arch of her art. He’d given her a moment, a change, a segment of blessings and divinations, charms and incantations brimming across her lips, and even if he didn’t realize the notion, she was forever thankful for him. Déodat, a creature who tied himself to adversity, spitting cauldrons of violence that didn’t quite reach his eyes, had given the nymph, the fey, the fairy, the warbling, crooning bird, her first song. Then, like many before him on the cold winds, he’d disappeared, into mist, midst and labyrinths, perhaps forging more battles, harboring more scars, throwing the remnants of his warrior ambience into the thickened fields of war, incensed, kindled, forever aligned to the outcrops of blood, vehemence and rubble. Had he returned, restored to the chilling arms of the Basin and her Aurora, to the healing whims of the hot springs and the raw escapades of its patriots, or was she being teased, taunted by the reminiscence of his presence? She hesitated amongst the long, wavering grasses, hung silently by the lake, contemplating the outreach of her kindness again. If she were to follow the heavy musk of his deliverance, would she find him, or just shards of his intensity, once vibrant, once glowing, the warrior entanglement of dueling hues meant to play his part?

Spurned by curiosity, by intrigue, by finding someone she would herald a friend, and lord, she’d lost so many in the ventures of time and space, mystery and ruin, her hooves danced their whimsical crescendo. A fanciful step, a soft, dulcet motion, a swirling, twirling parade of beats and movements, a cadence, a flow, of earthly pursuits gathered in sienna grace and elegance, brilliant, charming, and unwinding in the nipping chords of Orangemoon. Imogen, inquisitive to where her companion flew, chased after the onyx tassels of Lena’s tail, until they became dark and light strands of glowing, radiant souls, waves of sanguine, benevolent creation, washed away from the treachery, the dangers, of sin and iniquity. Her eyes searched the horizon, fell over forest, glade, beams of sunlight and ambient boughs, twisted towards streams, glided along caverns, until all at once, they sought what she’d hoped to discover. Like he’d never been marked by the passing, idle moments outside their icy walls, he stood amongst the ground, gruff, harsh, an unrelenting, unmistakable warrior. Had anything changed him? Had he added more scars to his pelt? Did he bleed again, and did she have to give him another aria to make him whole once more? She glided now, hooves barely marking the hardening soil, Imogen trailing closely behind, until she seemingly burst with the luminescence of her grin, of her smile, of her opulent, rapturous laugh. “Déodat!” The word rushed through the air before she could meet his stance, arriving moments after another crossed into the path, and she gestured wildly to both, full of merriment, full of joviality, full of bliss, glee and exuberance for the return of one she’d thought lost, for memories forged and inspired again. “Are you well?” Her words crossed in swift, embarking tones, features tossed into ambience of color, light, divinity, before she could study the other mare, ivory and antlered (was she a relative of Aurelius, that gentle, branched creature), softening her attentions to a subtle sentiment of well-wishing and fanciful fey meandering. “I’m Lena. Who are you?” Imogen, crafty and cunning in her youth, chose to sidle closer to the unknown femme, wary of the seemingly brash stag, stopping short of her hooves, sniffing at them and chirping lightly.

her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love
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RE: Burdens of the HEART - Déodat - 05-05-2013

He had expected company; in fact he was quite certain that it was inevitable despite an inward longing to be alone. He’d only just settled when the ghostly mare appeared with jagged bones upon her brow. She was slightly queer in a manner that made her curiosity seem unnatural and the man’s hard face remained impassive even as she spoke. Her chords were entirely too suggestive and her smile was slightly disconcerting, but Déodat chose to overlook her oddities if only for the short time she would remain in his company. He nodded slowly as if to acknowledge her earlier comment, but something about the way his eyes fell short of her own wove tension between the two that was not there before. He was unsure of how to approach the “impersonator” other than with a gruff “Déodat” before simply resting an impervious gaze on the mare herself.

Nothing seemed to strike him about her or the way that she presented herself, for to him, it was all smoke and mirrors. Her body was not made to endure the long seasons and her eyes were a bit too bright for his liking, however, he allowed her his companionship without another word, because alas, there was nothing left to say.

But as all things seemed to go unplanned, fate had other ideas about Déodat’s return and it came in the shape of a mahogany woman, who admittedly softened his frozen disposition upon seeing her. A slight smile parted his dark lips and while he was not often the type for merriment, her arrival brought a shine to his indigo eyes that had been otherwise replaced with tiresome anticipation. Her laughter was infectious and the stallion could not resist a low bellow of his own joyous response before succumbing to monotonous formality. “As well as any. I see you’ve faired nicely in my absence.” His eyes had softened marginally as he gazed at her, all lightheartedness and female exuberance. He could not understand her jubilance at once again finding him here amongst the snow-fouled plains, but he was not unhappy to see her.

In fact, he could not find a name in which to describe her effect on him, which at the time seemed entirely natural for a beast such as himself.
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Ooc| Still settling in guys. >.<

RE: Burdens of the HEART - Arah - 05-16-2013

[Image: 4hz8ty.jpg]
Credits; Carnival-ride-Stock.deviantart.com SweetDreams-Stock.deviantart.com Photomanipulator; AlexLibby.deviantart.com


Déodat, what an odd name. Silence fell between the two as both stared at each other studying their differences. Arah felt relaxed, but still watched him cautiously. She felt like she was invading in a friends happy reunion. So, even after he had to introduced himself to her, and the other mare had rushed in, Arah remained silent a small smile playing over her lips. She let the two friends inspect each other before she quickly answered "My name is Arah." Her eyes studied the mare who introduced herself as Lena. A grin as her eyes rolled off her stunning bay coat. "Lovely to meet you Lena." Then she studied Lena's companion. She believed it was called a Kitsune. Still, Arah was fascinated, having never laid her eyes on one before. Her golden eyes look to Lena and her voice, as soft as rain drops asks, "What's this little fella's name?". It was such a cute little animal, though she did not doubt the damage it could do. Being a smaller mare you were constantly doubted, your abilities and your skill were undermined and under estimated. So she understood just how dangerous this little darling could be.

Being alone was not Arahs thing, she loved to have company and so greatly desired a companion of her own. In fact her deepest wish when it came to a companion was for a white Gryphon. She had only even seen one gryphon in her life and it was the most beautiful creature she had ever laid her eyes on. It was large, white and regal. It's wings were made up of an enormous wing span, making her mouth fall agape as it soared so freely over her.

Coming back to the present Arah looked back and forth from Lena and Deodat. "I feel like I'm interrupting a reunion here." A silky laugh tumbles from her lips, golden eyes gleaming with good humour and understanding. She didn't want to be in the way of to friends reuniting and Lena did seem partically glad to see her old friend. Arah took a few steps back and smiled at them both waiting to be dismissed if she was indeed interrupting them. Meeting or seeing old friends again was a very exciting thing, Arah knew all to well. When she saw Roland again after missing him for a long time she had practically cried in delight. Friends where something, that most of the time, where irreplaceable.

Haunted by my eyes, the way they hold your attention even in the loudest silences.
Notes; Well that sucked :\
Words; 411
Tag; Déodat, Lena and Open

RE: Burdens of the HEART - Lena - 05-18-2013

She’d sing sonnets, she’d brandish laurels, and she’d chant carols until she was hoarse, until she was mute, for her friends and companions. They were the reason she lived, breathed and warbled, blessing the convictions, the promises, the benedictions she so carefully cherished, she so delicately offered in each bestowal of her precious existence. They were the reason she traversed across the earth with whimsical smiles and fanciful grins, with an enlightened brow and a regal heart. They were the reason she spoke with a mellifluous air, trilled melodies by starlight and hummed refrains by the sun’s luminescence. They were the reason she strove to become stronger, sturdier, valiant and courageous, why she stoked the fires of damnation, reaching in, grasping, and pulling away the raw embers clinging to their skin. To have one of them returned to her, the creature that had once tugged a melody from her throat, that had her gift granted by the Sun God, was a magnificent gesture, a heart-rendering escapade, that, even when his low grumble reached her ears, sounded awe-inspiring. The nymph missed the sway of her brethren, the gentle, kindred spirit of Aurelius, the capable, determined Larkspur, the soft rain of Huyana, and the countless other whispers of comrades lost to the will of the earth – but at least they’d been given the return of Deodat. Despite his gruff exterior, his penetrating silence, she admired the tenacity, the grit, the pernicious sweep of his powerful presence, promised to protect it when it became seared, scorched and scarred from the ailing tides of turbulence, animosity and vehemence. His entity, alive and well in the halls of their chilling enigmas, in the majesty, the mystery, of their hallowed chambers and corridors, would set her at ease, wouldn’t compel her to apprehension or concern. Though she was certain he would find enough danger or peril in the midst of their calculating runes, she was glad to see that he wouldn’t be out alone, adrift in the forlorn, bleak desolation of impairment and suffering. Even still, the sylph lowered her cranium, tilting her head along each side of his body, a teasing inspection, to ensure there weren’t any long, hopeless scars, blemishes opened and festering, lacerations needing the careful assuaging of her voice, her poems, her lyrics. Her vocals became a mocking decibel of light, airy laughter, and even in the mist of its exuberance, she knew he would hear her unease over his frame. “No wounds that need mending?” Her smile blossomed ever further as she paused, honeyed stare an immaculate gleam of prosperity, tones curling into arias, into ditties and birdsong, a glimpse of her fortune. “I’m glad to see you’ve returned.”

As Lena tended to the stag, Imogen paid close attention to Arah, drifting nearer to her long, wispy strands of mane, gliding tendrils that danced in the wind, fluttered across the ground. She batted at them for a moment, confused and perplexed by their wondrous movement, excited for the chance to waltz along with such a formidable foe. Only when the other mare asked for her calling did the fox chirp and trill again, aligning her gaze to the stare of the femme and swaying back to Lena’s side. The fairy grinned, turned her sugared gaze towards the Impersonator again, posturing, pouring, the warm, dulcet tones of her clear, harmonious chords once more. “A pleasure to meet you, Arah. This is Imogen.” She ceased for a few moments, lifting the box of her curiosities open with a simple, cordial pry. “What do you do for the Basin?” They all had their purpose, their stature, their calling, Deodat with his soldier prowess, Lena with her nursing, soothing tendencies, but curiosity remained unbound and tossed into the atmosphere: what did Arah commit to the Basin? She was sleek, slender, lithe and limber, like a frond, a willow, a fern dancing in the dusk, perhaps gentle, and in other instances tough, forceful, persevering, insistent.

But then she laughed, insisted that she’d interrupted their reunion, seemingly floated away from them, straying, digressing, traversing into the wind to find another avenue, another world to pursue. Lena immediately regretted the atmosphere, felt somehow she’d been responsible for lavishing too much attention on one individual more than the other, wanted more companions to treasure and prize, and stepped away from Deodat. Like a hand reaching out for another’s, salvation and liberation strummed along the strings of harps, her words extended into the sky, full of hope, full of compassion, full of tender understanding. “Oh, please stay. Reunions should involve many, not few.”

her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love
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RE: Burdens of the HEART - Déodat - 05-30-2013

If a smile were able to pass his lips, perhaps it would have found a way, but as per usual it fell short of a humorous smirk that looked entirely unnatural upon his hard lips. Lena’s pressing did little to encourage much more than a soft grunt and though he wanted to say more to the pale one with ghost-like tendrils that fell around her face and shoulders, there was little he could even think to say. However, he was immediately distracted by the virtuous scent of femininity as his mahogany Queen grew closer, her eyes wide and curious as if his wellbeing was something that truly intrigued her. He endured her proximity for some time before nodding quietly and then quickly adding, "I am exceedingly well friend. Not a blemish to speak of.” However, when his eyes finally met the Nurse’s, his satisfaction at finding her once again was plain to see, though he would never speak of it so willingly… if at all.

When the silence between then had grown thick enough to cut, Déodat was surprised to find his attentions resumed by the alabaster ghost that stood distractedly in their presence. Now that he had been overcome by Lena’s arduous affections and wealth of curiosity, he found it a bit easier to face the other with sense of understanding. His Queen had softened him somehow with her amiability and perhaps it was well enough considering he was to call this pale sister his “family.”

"Stay. Your presence is required.” He looked to the ghost with a hardened gaze, certain that if she should inspire Lena, then she too would inspire him. He hoped that she would not take offense to his gruff approach, though her feelings were of little weight to him in spite of the obvious heft they held over his Queen. With that said, he was content to observe their banter long after he had lost himself to endless possibilities of life itself.

He was glad to be back in the Basin, if only to entertain his time with company that was not altogether as useless as it had once seemed.

May Angels Protect You
image by frostie

RE: Burdens of the HEART - Arah - 06-05-2013

[Image: 4hz8ty.jpg]
Credits; Carnival-ride-Stock.deviantart.com SweetDreams-Stock.deviantart.com Photomanipulator; AlexLibby.deviantart.com


A gentle laugh of open friendliness, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Lena." Honestly ran clear through her tones. Deodat was a little too gruff for her pleasure at the moment. However time may change that, if she wasn't interrupting a reunion. The elegant doe skilfully hid her awkwardness, by standing relaxed and wearing a settled calm mask on her ivory face. She watched their interactions with a grin. "I'm an Impersonator, I work mostly under Faelene's guide." Arah's tones were soft and quiet. The impersonator was thoughtful as she studied Lena. She believed that she would grow to like this other open and friendly mare. Golden orbs watched the little wolf cub and a smiled turned over her lips. Lena laughed, at her comment causing Arah a slight flush of embarrassment. With Lena's friendly tones insisting that she should stay as well as Deodat's...'encouragement', she decided to stay. Arah smiled at both and tried to settle into the conversation. Eyes back on Lena, her voice friendly, Arah spoke to her mostly. "Thank you both, I didn't want to be rude." Her laugher ran out softly, like a light shower of rain. Eyes sparkling she turned mostly to Lena.

"How about you Lena, what do you do?" She liked the mare's openness. Looking over the pretty dark mare, she saw nothing but honesty and kindness, it was admirable. She guessed that Lena was either in the business of creating or helping others. Now her eyes turned to Deodat, her smile remained on the lips but she wasn't sure what her feelings should be towards him. He was gruff, seemed rude and quite frankly she was a little concerned about his sanity. Still that did not stop her from trying to be friendly with him. "And you Deodat?" Her voice was still quiet eyes trained on him as she softly pawed the ground. So apparently some of her anxious was going to show through when talking to him. Still Arah had managed to befriend d'Art, the Time Mender. Maybe she would be able to figure out a way to gain an understanding with Deodat. It was her job after all to have a way of understanding people. So now her eyes studied him for a moment, watching his mannerisms, the way he moved, spoke and acted. He was also quite the interesting character.

Together Lena and Deodat seemed like the most unlikely pair. Even for friends, then again Arah wasn't one to speak. She had a habit of charming herself into even the most black of hearts. A few steps closer to the other two, no intention to invade their space, but their differences interested her so much. Calculating eyes, yet a genuine smile all the same, Arah waited for the other two to speak and fill the silence.

Haunted by my eyes, the way they hold your attention even in the loudest silences.
Notes; Sorry about the wait guys! <3
Words; 471
Tag; Déodat, Lena and Open

RE: Burdens of the HEART - Lena - 06-08-2013

The sylph fluttered and flickered like a bright fey and fairy, mixed and contained in the harmonious plunge of comrades, the mellifluous grace of friends. Her exuberance and enlightenment made gold, radiant, resplendent, glowing, luminous things shared by and for brethren, wild, untouched glory murmured by besotted hallelujahs. If she could paint a picture of hope, of contentment and satisfaction, the tapestry would be stroked by Déodat’s hues, mahogany, ivory and ebony, the enriched ruby cauldrons of his sword, and Arah’s woven fibers of silvern snow, long threads of satin tassels. It was repose, it was peace, it was serenity, safety and sanctuary, a world encompassed and held in the fine elegance, to holy grace, of homecomings, resurgencies and revivals, the sanguine touch her beating heart had missed in the intrepid days of scattered runes and enigmatic puzzles. Black clouds misaligned and drawn away from the corridors of her mind, hope christened and anointed by the majesty, the magnificence of this grandeur, this splendor, this rapture she refused to have torn away from her. Her smile became wider, incandescent, illuminated by the fixtures of her benedictions, by the soft, light sigh of relaxation, realization, the gruff warrior welcomed back into open arms, no longer plagued or ailed by injuries. Rendered upon him, the grin was cheeky, delighted and cordial, ramparts of euphoria and jubilation long-since missed, and her tender stare matched his gaze for gaze, euphonic, amicable, amiable, the tender twist of a satisfied nymph. And though she longed to query, question and inquire over his whereabouts, the worlds he’d drifted through, the shifts and changes he’d made to heart, mind, body and soul, she still refused to pry, locking her curiosities into capricious, whimsical things, tossing them aside for being in the mere presence of her stalwart, valorous brethren. So she uttered nothing, nodded her acquiescence, and struggled not to gleam anything from the vivid, piercing, puncturing gaze he sent towards hers; an iron gaze melting, or another calculating stance from a soldier, from a mercenary, longing to see the icy world they’d left?

She was stolen from his stare by Arah’s response, and sent an alluring, affectionate, half-grin towards his essence before becoming enraptured by the other femme again, the clarity of blooming, blossoming generosity kindling her inquisitive nature once more. Imogen, however, drove her attentions to the stallion, poking her tiny claws at his front feet, growing braver as the moments passed. Lena invited the convictions of the fellow fae, reached and pleaded for another of kindness, of benevolence, where cretins stepped and mysteries became tangled knots never to be cut, slashed or unwound. She listened, genial and regal, an ear twisting to gleam the replies and answers she’d sparked. Arah, the Impersonator. The rank spoke of secrets, of enigmas, of bewitching kingdoms and wily, cunning monarchs, sovereigns that yielded nothing, tongues that revealed naught, encased sanctities of furtive splendor. Lena would probably never have touched upon such a herald, for while she had once dallied in politics, diplomacy and emissary proclaim, she wouldn’t wish to become consumed with the network of shadows, the long hallways, the rash corridors of sly conspiracies. The mention of Faelene, however, still rendered the same vibrant, strong smile. “You have a wonderful guide. Faelene will teach you well.” The seraphic creature was rendered attentive again when Arah tossed her own inquiry, and Lena glanced towards the brute again, offering the warble, the trill, of a giggle to melodically trace her throat. He knew her profession, occupation, better than anyone, had granted her the gift, altered the scheme of her purposes, her motivations, her dreams and sentiments. Her eyes reached again for the ivory femme, varnished in the glow of her stature, her finesse, her divinity. “I’m a Nurse.” She brought herself closer to the mare, pretending to usher a conspiring whisper, murmuring a crooning a bird hymn, toying and playing with the earth’s fancies and delights, a soft, dulcet hastening of arias. “I heal by song.”

her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love
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RE: Burdens of the HEART - Déodat - 06-13-2013


Her smile is infectious and all-consuming. For a moment, Déodat is content to merely look upon her with adoration- his Queen, his friend. He is taken with her, intrigued by her, and furthermore quite confident in her abilities to draw him out from within himself. It is a sickening thing that confuses and unsettles him, but he is forgiving if only in her favor. However, is it not long that he is allowed to muse over her meaning or the way her eyes seem to set when laid upon him, no, he is called away from his daydreaming in order to accommodate Arah- the Aurora Basin Impersonator.

He chuckles at the title, amused that such things were even possible among Unicorns, but he is compliant nonetheless. Arah is adamant about her duty and perhaps that is all that is needed to convince Déodat of her worth. She does not fight alongside him in battle, but perhaps she is somewhere in the warzone working to improve their odds… But when she turns a curious eye to him, it is all he can do not to smile at her expense. “I am but a basic soldier, no bells or whistles to my service- just the primal instinct to protect what is mine.

The slightest glance is cast away from the ghostly Impersonator towards his Nurse and unprotested friend; would he fight in her name or simply in the name of inclusion, of family? The thought troubles him and he decides to abandon it immediately because there is nothing worthwhile about worrying himself over imagined delusions of the heart, only burdens in the name of love. Instead he begins to busy himself with the persistent banter of the two mares, more than satisfied to listen to their quiet tones echo through the dark caverns of his equally quiet mind.

The songs they sing are healing, inspiring… and he is lost to their chords only because they allow him escape.
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OOC| They will get longer again, I'm just trying to get caught up. <3