HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
A Lost Soul (Open) - Printable Version

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A Lost Soul (Open) - Hailsie - 05-05-2013

My name is Hailsie, but I prefer Ail. I was born into this world just like everyone else, I had a pleasent childhood nothing to terrible happened, in fact up untill a year ago my life could have been something along the lines of, perfect. I had a herd, one that accepted me and loved me, I had never known the pain of loss, nor true evil. In someways I should be greatful to live in such an innocent dreamworld. But now, all I feel is resentment. I wasn't prepared for the harsh reality of the world and because of it my mother is dead, my freinds are gone and all i've ever known has vanished. I now wander the lands void of hope, accepting death as my only fate.
The mare stood in the forgiving shade of a willow tree in the midday sun, her thin body lacking nutrients to provide her with any strength. Her coat no longer beautiful or shiny, just dull and caked with mud. The spirit lost deep inside and no sparkle to her eye. She was lost in her own mental battle just to live another day. Days blurred into nights and nothing was worth fighting for anymore, not that she would have the strength to fight. Even fear had dissintergrated all that was left was just a ghost of what she once was. Little did she see that she could be whole again, magnificent and powerful.

RE: A Lost Soul (Open) - Casimir - 05-05-2013

A heart knew came into being, and it leapt with all it's might. It's master, a whiting draft, leapt with the beat of his heart, and it took him out of his new home where his family was stationed to live. He was more than just happy, finally being apart with them. And though the images of his lifeless mother laying before him still hid in the back of his mind, it did not mean that he still couldn't go out and enjoy the day. It was scary to see something like, and even more scary to see that it was himself that helped kill his mother, but he knew that the image spawned from where was not correct. He almost thought he was going crazy, but he wasn't. He knew that the creature was real, and he would have to go looking for it, and sometime soon. He continued on.

The day was giving raise to a cool breeze, and it lapped at his long multicolored hair and feathering. Forelock swirled into his icy blind eyes, and he tried to move it out of the way. While he was distracted, a small branch was there, and he ended up poking himself with it. It dug a little into his skin, enough to make him exert a noise, but he didn't know if he had hurt himself. With a sudden look up, he saw the outlining of another. He couldn't tell the gender, but from what he could get, was that they were of a darker coloring. He decided to call out, wondering if he might make a friend today.

"Hello, is someone there perhaps?"

RE: A Lost Soul (Open) - Hailsie - 05-05-2013

She heard softly spoken words in the breeze, but dismissed them as her imagination. she drew her head upward very slowly with only a small amount of energy left in her weak shell. Turning her head slowly in denial, assuming that her mind was once again playing tricks on her, she searched the land around her for anyone that may have talked. A shadow was cast on the ground in the distance but might have been cast from the trees, she wasnt sure. "Is anyone there?" She spoke in a mocking tone, trying to prove herself insane. She took a nibble of grass as she waited to see if anyone would reply.