HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Printable Version

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The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Gaucho - 05-12-2013

It was like the night before Christmas...well...er.. if you pretend that Helovia has Christmas, and that Gaucho would understand the concept, and that it was nighttime....eh...Scratch all that; Gaucho was simply excited. It wasn't the idea of potentially ascending through the ranks and becoming General which caused his stomach to feel light and fluttery, but the fact that there were so many qualified candidates in the Throat to pick from, that a Tournament had to be held. He had felt a renewed sense of duty radiating throughout the herd since Kri had announced that they would hold a Tournament, and it pleased him to see it so. There was nothing in the world that caused him as much joy, as seeing his family protected, and its warriors strong. Gaucho would feel no animosity or even sadness should he fail to best his opponent, for at his core, Gaucho is an unquestioning soldier, who will abide by any decision of his Commander. Should it turn out that there is a soldier who would better protect his family than He, then let it be so.

Gaucho stares at the sky, willing the sun to move. As soon as it drops from being straight above, to about 45degrees from the horizon, his round in the tournament will begin. Their rounds have been staggered, so that all might continue to patrol the Throat's perimeters so as not to be vulnerable to attack, and yet Gaucho wished he still was on duty, for he found no joy in waiting for Hector to arrive. With a nervous energy, Gaucho paced in front of the naturally occurring lake. His normally stoic and stormy gaze, was now alight with excitement and possibilities. Now at this point you might be saying to yourself: Gaucho? Nervous? Why he's too stupid to be nervous! Or, he's undefeated so far! What does he have to be nervous about? Well, I'll tell you: Gaucho nervousness stems from a desire to not falter or miss-step even once during his round with Hector. In Gaucho's simple mind, he fears that should he not give his opponent his very best, then the wrong candidate might be placed in a position to unjustly rule over them all. If Gaucho looses, he must know that he has done his very best - not as consolation for coming in second - but to reassure himself that he who comes in first, did so rightly.

It has not rained in days, causing the Throat to become increasingly dry and dusty. Even standing by the Oasis, which normally infuses the air with some amount of moisture, leaves the roof of Gaucho's mouth feel barren and stale. Lowering his dark lips to the water, Gaucho stirs the lake with his muzzle, careful to only take in a few drops, lest his stomach cramps during his round. Mara hisses reassuringly, feeling her bonded's sense of urgency and anxiety. Gaucho grunts in response, mentally sending the white snake images of Hector's tusks, as a warning to be wary should she try to interfere. Hissing dismissively, she winds herself down around his chest, and pushes a small button which releases sharpened 2-inch spikes of bone, from around the collar hanging on his shoulders, as if to say: you have weapons too.

Snapping his dark tail around his hocks, Gaucho raises his antlered brow, realizing that he is merely wasting time. Moving away from the lake, he begins to tilt his head back and forth, as if trying to loosen the muscles in his neck. Picking up the pace slightly, while being careful to not exert too much energy, he begins to stretch his legs - extending them at odd angles to wake and energize the muscles. As Hector opted to stay behind and guard the Throat during the Invasion of the Foothills, Gaucho has no idea of his capabilities in battle. He is a massive creature - larger than Gaucho which for the bay, is a rarity - with fierce looking tusks. Even so, Gaucho's mind does not make assumptions about his opponent, nor does it try and per-formulate a strategy. The majority of Gaucho's movements in battle are purely instinctual and reflexive; a scheming mastermind, he is not. Still, given Hector's size, Gaucho knows that the force-based attacks that he has utilized in the past on smaller opponents such as Aryel, will have different results with Hector.

Feeling satisfied that he is reasonably warmed up, Gaucho halts with the lake to his right, again casting his gaze up towards the sky. The sun is falling...Light flares outwards, soaking the red-sands in warm light, and threatening to be a nuisance during battle, but nevermind that now..

The time has come.

[Friendly Challenge - Gaucho vs. Hector determined as per Boom for the DT Tournament for General. Standard Challenge rules apply: Fighting format includes an 800 word maximum. Challenges have a minimum of 4 attack posts total for each character, and a closing defense post for whoever attacked first. Please include post count in your fighting posts, so that judges can easily keep track. You are not allowed to edit posts once your opponent has responded.
✗- A challenge must be replied to within 72 hours of the last post, or the opponent who fails to respond forfeits.
✗-Challenges will not be fought to the death unless already planned upon by the involved characters.
✗- Fights are judged because typically no clear winner will arise, however if at the end of a fight your character is unconscious or at the mercy of your opponent you have lost regardless. If there is a planned winner to the fight, it does not need to be judged.
✗- Predetermined winners will not be awarded VP.

Setting: Dragon's Throat, near the Oasis. The sun is at about a 45 degree angle above the horizon.
WC: 794
Attack 0/4
Closing Defense 0/1
Magic and Companions: 0/2
Gaucho will be using buffs Dance and Swift]

Image Credits

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Hector - 05-13-2013

No time for lies and empty fights

In the morning, Hector had been dozing beside the vast ocean that lay before the borders he kept safe alongside fellow warriors. His heart had begun beating just that little bit faster and the days had slowly counted down until finally the time had come for the tournament rounds to start. Veci had felt his bonded's anticipation and was unusually quiet, soothing his friend just by being present at his side. The boggart had never been used in battle, Hector would not forgive himself if something happened to companion. Though he knew it was unlikely as Veci was of course, for all intents and purposes, a spectre that couldn't be seen unless he shape shifted. The only real downfall to that was the fact that, most of the time, Hector appeared to be talking to himself. The giant stud wondered how many of his herd mates thought him mad or even how many had sensed the presence of Veci. Helio had that one time, but he was one of the few. Looking out across the blue horizon the soldier came to the conclusion that, if anything, Veci was a very good set of eyes that he could use to a much better advantage when their bond strengthened. All in due time that was, all in due time.

As the sun peaked and began to set once again the orange stallion sighed shakily and unfurled his wings. The time was upon him. Already he could feel the weight of pressure shifting onto his shoulders, it was similar to that time he had fought against Kri, the pressure of impressing a Leader. His most revered. This was no different, he had another chance to show off his skill and finally a path that leads to a higher role. Even if he was defeated on this day, there was much he could learn and much to experience, if he was beaten it would be because his opponent was simply stronger. That he vowed to himself as he took off and lifted high into the air, angling his body in the direction of the oasis. His opponent was to be Gaucho and even that was sweat worthy. He had heard of this soldier's fighting prowess though never seen him in battle, it was that animosity that made him both excited and nervous. Thinking back to previous herd meetings, he remembered the stallion talked little if at all, big for most horses he had met, though not quite towering to his own heights. The bay stud had antlers if he remembered correctly, there was something in the back of his mind that echoed the confusion he had felt that day. Never before had he seen another with headgear and wings as he had.

Did that mean they were the same species? Or not?

Hector had not had the chance to find out. Maybe today he would. There was a tiny fire of hope inside him that wished he was not the only tribrid in the whole land ... Not the only freak.

Finally spotting the prehistoric form of Gaucho the undefeated with the vibrant azure of the lake beside him, he angled himself downwards and landed with the intentions of them being face-to-face. Smiling in friendship and bowing his head in comradeship. "It is an honour to fight such a mighty warrior. May the best soldier win." He said kindly to the Hanoverian stallion before lowering his head, checking Veci was still hovering by his side, and preparing his attack. There was no point in waiting after all, he gave Gaucho some moments if he wanted to say something out of politeness, however. The suns glare was going to be a problem if it dragged on, he swallowed to wet his dry throat before leaping forwards into a bold gallop.

He kept his wings to his sides, they were too vulnerable to be shown nakedly as his equine hooves churned up the parched grass of the oasis. He shied outwards when he thought he'd nearly reached Gaucho's left side and turned in attempt to plunge teeth into flesh. Angling his bite in hopes to attack the withers whilst trying to power his body into the mud coloured stud. If anything Hector was brave and bold, his attacks were always large and powerful, his body emitted that naturally. The only problem was when he encountered speedy opponents like Kri, his power was simply useless if he couldn't hit the target. In fact, it became more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

He just hoped he'd learnt enough from the fight with his commander to benefit from it in this crucial mini battle.

[WC: 775 | 1/4 Attack Posts | Companion Use: 0/2
Description: Hector gallops forward and attempts to power into the left side of Gaucho and aims a bite for his withers.

ooc: Good luck Aud dear!!! <33]

Image by imi

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Gaucho - 05-13-2013

Although Gaucho's gaze was partially obscured by the sun's gradual dip towards the horizon in the west, it was still fairly easy to spot the magnificent tri-brid as he soared towards Gaucho. Just as Hector was wondering whether Gaucho's antlers were real, the bay was wondering whether Hector's were fake. Antlers bring magic he thought to himself, narrowing his steely gaze to lessen the glare as Hector neared the ground. Did that mean Hector had magic too? Although the idea was daunting - a creature of that size, with both horns and wings alike, also possessing magic -yet Gaucho was unperturbed. He welcomed the challenge, as an opponent of this caliber would truly prove whether he had devoted enough of his time training to protect his family, or whether more was needed.

Stoically Gaucho stood, as Hector landed, and lowered his muzzle in a bow. From what Gaucho could see, Hector's build was strikingly similar to his own, save for the fact that the orange giant stood easily a hand taller. He did not appear to be stocky and slow, the way Arrche-balt had been - his only other opponent who had ever stood taller, and stronger - but appeared to be capable of the same dextrous movements that Gaucho had long practiced. This would not be easy, and Gaucho was glad for it.

His large ears clumsily flickered, capturing Hector's words and trying to hold on to them long enough to work out their meaning. While some of the subtext that he may have been implying about comradeship or politeness were lost on the brute, words like honour and best...win clearly struck a chord. Extending a foreleg, Gaucho took a knee, and knelt down gingerly placing his antlers upon the sands. Snorting into the dust, he extended his wings to the side, making himself completely vulnerable to his opponent, as a sign of good faith. Raising himself back up to a standing position, he nodded sternly to the tribrid, his gaze alight with a surprising amount of emotion. "Honour." He repeated proudly, as he folded his wings back into his flanks.

As Hector charged forward, all emotion and light dimmed from Gaucho's eyes, and a primitive calm fell upon him, as his cognitive mind slipped away to make room for his primal nature. His mind calculated that he could almost surely dodge Hector's attack - but just as Gaucho craved an opponent who would test his every limit, so too would Gaucho test his opponents'. In battle, any real threat would not dodge such a move, thus neither would Gaucho. Ears pinned against his skull, he lunged forward to meet Hector, bracing himself for impact. Lowering his head slightly, Gaucho prepared for a horn attack from Hector, which did not come. At about a strides' distance, Gaucho thought he detected a subtle change in Hector's steps, as if meaning to bypass his head entirely, and instead attack his body. With a grunt, Gaucho pushed off from the ground, leaping to meet Hector. His intent was that as Hector's body collided with his left side, that the increase in height would cause the spiked-collar around Gaucho's shoulders to scrape and tear somewhere on Hector's left shoulder, or wing, should he keep them at his sides. As Hector's body slammed in Gaucho's left flank, causing his hind-end to be pushed to the right and the air to be knocked from his lungs, he felt an oh-so familiar sensation of teeth grading along his rather boney wither. That place, caressed only days ago by the fallen angel Sohalia, now had a neat row of teeth marks, and pain radiating from it. Feeling her bonded's pain, Mara took advantage of Hector's closeness, lashing out with a bite of her own. Although she was not yet fully grown, capable of moving at speeds of 4m/s, she still was very fast. As Hector's teeth lashed against Gaucho's wither, Mara aimed an attack for the meatier part of the warmbloods thigh. Although he was lithe, he was not so slender that the snake feared she would hit bone. As Gaucho grunted a cry of pain from Hector's bite, the white streak of snake lunged forward, holding onto Gaucho's antlers for support and releasing poison from her fangs, before recoiling back.

As he found his footing again on the sands, from where Hector's impact had knocked him slightly to the right, Gaucho twisted as best as he could given his size, to buck in Hector's direction, hoping possibly to strike his left hindquarter or thigh. Gaucho tucked his nose close to his chest and slightly to the right, defending himself from retaliation, as his hind hooves touched the ground. Veering to the right, attempting to keep his considerable ass pointed defensively at Hector, he headed towards the Oasis.

[WC: 796
Gaucho lunges towards Hector as they collide, hoping to injure him with his spiked collar. As Hector bites his wither, Mara tries to attack and poison/bite at Hector's thigh. Gaucho tries to buck at Hector's left thigh as they pass, lowering his head defensively and keeping his bum pointed towards Hector, as he moved towards the Oasis.
Attack 1/4
Closing Defense 0/1
Magic and Companions: 1/2
Gaucho will be using buffs Dance and Swift

Eee!!! You too! <3]

Image Credits

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Hector - 05-18-2013

No time for lies and empty fights

All the worries, insecurities and trembling knees were left behind as soon as hooves began to churn into the lush ground of the oasis. What remained was the thundering force of desire and undying loyalty tinged with a hint of happiness. For there was no better place for a warrior then in the heat of battle, it was where his heart belonged and his passion raged. The erratic, metaphoric sound of a fast ticking mind as cards were played and two beasts of the Dragon's Throat went man to man for the first time. For a split second eyes widened in surprise when Gaucho made no attempt to dodge and instead turned himself to seemingly bear the brunt of his charging attacks. This move was new to him and in Hector's eyes, almost completely insane. Realistically speaking, the orange stallion's experience of battle was limited to basic spars as a colt and his one, high tempo spar with Kri. As impact was imminent, hooves tore into the earth as ginger ears peeled back, there was nowhere else to go except for straight into Gaucho.

His adversary leaped from the ground and in only a few seconds did there bodies touch, pain filling the senses of Hector. It was the first time he'd seen such a necklace up close as it ripped across his left shoulder with him raising brown feathered wings just in time to keep them from damage as well as using them to balance. His teeth had better luck as he briefly grabbed hold of Gaucho's wither, but the idea of grabbing hold of him to overpower the antlered stud before him was completely out of the window now as he already began to retreat backwards. A feeling of alarm filled Hector's senses as Veci became wildly fearful of the lunging snake that shot towards his bonded. It was warning enough for the startled hybrid to flick his leonine tail and shy quickly to the right, losing grip and any advantage he had over Gaucho in the processes as his body twitched and the whites of suddenly fearful eyes could be seen. In the heat of the first charge Hector had completely forgotten about the snake that tended to be woven around the antlers of his opponent. Maybe if he didn't have a bonded connection with his invisible friend then the fight would have been over there and then.

The one two combo of attacks that Gaucho and Mara produced was very effective in catching Hector off guard who continued sashaying to the right, grunting when Gaucho's hoof connected with his left thigh causing orange eyes to wince in pain. Unfurled wings, lifted high as not to receive any damage, began to flap downwards when Hector finally found proper purchase on the ground. Lifting his orange body off the dusty floor that was littered with small drips of his blood from Gaucho's necklace. Once he was little more than hovering the stallion advanced once more on his adversary, orange eyes narrowed as his mind tried to grasp all the intricacies of what seemed like a pretty simple savage. Careful now to watch out for the spikes and the snake, the injuries he had taken would not be in vain as he powered forwards on large swoops of his wings to advance on where he hoped Gaucho would still be. Lashing out back hooves in attempt to land a blow on the top of Gaucho's rump before angling his body upwards and away from his opponent briefly. Turning in on his left when he'd thought he'd gained enough height to swoop down once again, trying to appear on Gaucho's right side this time, aiming another kick for the hip area.

He moved in a way of horse who carried a new wariness, with the harsh necklace, snapping reptile and not to mention those antlers, simply going near the front of Gaucho was like a death trap. The air almost seemed like the most safest place to be and the strategically better one. Though only time would tell if his opponent was as proficient in the air as he was on the ground. He didn't seem as gritty and tank like as Kri did in battle, but he was built finely with a body that surely could reach some high-speed.

The setting sun waited for no one and already Hector began to squint his eyes and curse as he strained his vision to keep tabs on Gaucho and his white assassin with his only comfort being the closeness of Veci as hooves stretched to try to meet their target.

[WC: 769 | 2/4 Attack Posts | Companion Use 1/2
Descrip.: Hector suffers damage from Gaucho's necklace and shying to the right when Veci's overwhelming emotion alerts him to Mara with Gaucho's kick finding some purchase on his left thigh. Hector then becomes airborne, hovering over to where he thinks Gaucho is and aims a kick for the top of his rump. Before flying upwards and turning back in attempt to be on Gaucho's right side, aiming another kick for his right hip area.]

Image by imi

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Gaucho - 05-20-2013

As Hector rolls to the right - orange eyes suddenly eclipsed by white - a fury blooms within Gaucho, as he senses his opponents fear. Opening his mouth, a wholly primitive sound escapes his jaws, as he feels his hoof connect against Hector. "NNnnnnnnnnuuuuuhhhHH!!!" His teeth gnash together as he bitterly stifles the cry. NO FEAR his mind bellows towards Hector, as their bodies pull away. FEAR FOR WEAK. - but there was no time to reprimand the younger stallion for his natural aversion (perhaps after) for an enemy would use Hector's fear against him.

Even as Gaucho's large hooves carried him to the right, and towards the Oasis, the reddish sand was not so dampening beneath him that the primal warrior was dumb to the fact that only 1 set of hooves were now treading upon them. Dark ears were trained backwards, yet it was through Mara's sharp black gaze that he saw the oncoming attack. Coiling herself neatly around his antlers, Mara remained as still as possible, both to avoid an attack from the orange giant, but so as not to un-balance her companions already bulky skull. As Hector's aerial attack neared, Gaucho tucked his chin to his chest, bucking twice in rapid succession, aiming to scoop and kick the hot sand onto his oncoming attacker. As his hooves struck the ground for the second time, he felt a flare of pain jolt through his rump; a sensation that caught in his throat, coming out only as a harsh grunt as Hector's hooves scraped down the top of his muscular thighs.

Biting back a grunt of pain, Gaucho forced his hind-end to propel him forward as his large black wings unfurled from his sides, thrusting him into the air. Were it not for Hector already sweeping around for another attack, Gaucho would have probed Mara's mind, to see if her aim had been true, and whether Hector had been poisoned. Without this knowledge, Gaucho would have to assume the worst; that his companion had missed, and that Hector was fine. Although Hector was larger, and therefore had more momentum carrying him towards the bay, Gaucho had already surmised (by the orange-giants' fearful looks), that he was not as skilled in battle as Gaucho was. Would that also mean he wasn't as skilled of a flyer? Snapping his wings against his flanks, Gaucho relied on his battle-trained muscle memory, as well as on Mara. Bite when close he projected to her, as he beat his wings picking up speed. Once Hector was closing in, positioning himself on Gaucho's right side, the gun-white snake bit Gaucho on the ear, drawing blood, and simultaneously causing him to swiftly bank to the left, and almost out of Hector's reach. Given his wing span, Hector's hoof had caught the end of his right wing, causing a dull roar of pain to glide up into his right wing-muscle.

A blood-thirsty grin appeared on Gaucho's dark features, for Mara had done more than just forewarned of Hector's attack, by biting his ear: She had awakened his magic. As a tiny droplet of blood dried on his sun-soaked skin, Gaucho could feel the dark smoke within his belly begin to stir. Angling himself up into the sky, Gaucho flew towards the west, closing his right eye, and letting the war paint on his left help to block the suns rays, which would hopefully obscure Hector's vision of him, should he follow. Relying now on the hours he had trained to give him speed over his opponent, Gaucho released his magic - causing a silvery vapor which caught and reflected the suns light - to spill from his antlers. Three large eagles - the size of medium dogs - rushed down to meet Hector. Flying in a triangular formation, they seemed to be trying to swarm around Hector to attack, as Gaucho banked around as quickly as he could, to fly towards Hector as well. With the sun at his back, hopefully obscuring his form, and his spirit-eagles causing a possible distraction, Gaucho dove towards Hector, with his front hooves outstretched. He was aiming to hit the tribrid on the left shoulder, where his spiked collar had already torn flesh, but to remain at enough of angle that he did not pass underneath, so that his back was less vulnerable to a possible kick. As he neared, the brute also lowered his antlers to gauge at Hector's nose or eyes, lest he try to bite or stab Gaucho as he passed. Finally, Gaucho kicked out with his hind legs - though not at full strength, as his muscles still ached from Hector's attack - to defensively kick at the stallion, as he descended, with his wings forward, hopefully out of kick-range.

[WC: 798
Note: imi-doll, I asked one of the judges - Veci's aiding Hector doesn't count as a companion use. Only physical attacks do, so you're 0/2 :3

Mara alerts Gaucho to Hector's oncoming attack as he rushes towards the Oasis. Bucking twice, he tries to kick sand at Hector, before taking his attack to the top of his thighs. Leaping into the air, he dodges Hector's second attack for the most part, getting hit on the end of his right wing, before flying towards the sun. Hopefully flying faster, he sends 3 spirit-eagles to attack, while he turns around to fly straight at Hector. With the sun at his back, he aims to hit Hector's left shoulder with his forelegs, and lowers his antlers in case Hector tries to bite or stab at him on his way down. He kicks defensively as he flies by, and pushes his wings forward, hopefully out of kicking distance.

Attack 2/4
Closing Defense 0/1
Magic and Companions: 2/2
Gaucho will be using buffs Dance and Swift

Image Credits

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Odd - 05-20-2013

[Just a quick note for judging this one -imi was on absent, hence the 72+ hours in between her two posts does not count as a default. :3 ]

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Hector - 05-23-2013

No time for lies and empty fights

Alarmed, Veci floated off at great spread, stricken with uncertainty as Gaucho's rapid kicks brought up lashes of sand and his dear orange companion disappeared into the plume of grainy earth, breathing out a huge sigh of relief when the hybrid emerged at the out of the red cloud. Hector coughed, the satisfaction that his first of two attacks had hit, was marred by his impaired vision as grains of sand annoyingly stuck to his eyes. It was with great effort and a squinted gaze when he finally delivered his second attack, grunting in great surprise when biting hooves only caught a wing tip. The backlash of sand disorientating the soldier, causing him to miss the movement of his lithe opponent and the direction to which he sped off in. Which immediately instigating a spew of colourful curses from the three way hybrid who berated himself for losing his target.

Great, brown wings suspended his travelling body in mid air whilst fiery eyes looked around for Gaucho. His scent was still in the vicinity and the sand was slowly shifting from his watering eyes, blood staining his left shoulder making him wince in pain if he moved it in a certain way. There was a shift in the light then, a shadow caused by a figure and Hector's gaze wheeled in the direction of movement only to be taken aback in shock. Three eagles now raced towards him and they were not small fry either, swarming in their greater numbers and swooping in as if going for an attack. Hector laid-back his ginger lobes and attempted to snap his teeth at the summoned birds, swiping his leonine tail towards them in a broad fashion. Utterly astounded and confused as to where they had come from and why they were attacking him. Was this Gaucho's doing? Were they even real?

It was in this mass of confusion and wild attacks that Hector nearly missed the sneaky move of his primitive opposition, who dived in with the sun aiding his mission, head bowed, and aimed his forelegs for his left shoulder with incredible agility that almost reminded him of Kri. Thinking of his Commander, he performed a move he remembered her doing in their spar, keeping himself in midair he quickly shifted his position so only his chest was showing. Taking Gaucho's foreleg attack boldly to his chest, letting out a deep cry of pain as the Hanoverian's feet struck true. Hector allowed the power that came with the bay stallions attack to push him away, slapping his wings down and hopefully using the momentum of Gaucho's offence to his favour. Dodging the last defensive kick as he allowed himself to fall away from his adversary. He then attempted to make an escape towards the red ground of the Throat, his mind already thinking ahead to phase two.

Their match was dragging on and by now Hector knew that Gaucho possessed an impressive speed and that the muddy brute's body was lithe, but still powerful. A stallion that was used to battle and each move he made was never wasted effort. Hector lacked this fine experience and would have to put his faith in ingenuity teamed with brute strength. He had already taken a leaf out of Kri's book in his defence, it was time to take the fight back to Gaucho in his own style. Breathing still strained from the frontal attack taken to his chest, Hector spluttered his way to slowly glide over the red sand, slamming his wings down in order to kick up the dry grainy ground in hopes to provide himself with a small screen with his objective to obscure his movements from Gaucho. Hooves touching the ground briefly as he quickly galloped along the floor for a few seconds, careful not to catch himself in his own traps of sand before taking away to the sky again. Wincing when both his shoulder and chest protested, screwing up his face in stubborn determination to power his wings forwards and into the air.

Orange eyes scanned for the strange three eagle birds, worried that he would be caught off guard by the oddly acting creatures again. Biting the bullet, Hector sped forwards through the air to where he thought Gaucho would be, silently hoping he hadn't moved too far and his sand diversion had worked just a little. Bearing down his top and biggest rhino like horn, Hector aimed to slice across the fleshy rump of Gaucho's left side, before attempting to fly on and come back around on his adversary's right. Flashing teeth out to try plunge them into the bay's neck, around the crest area.

[WC: 779 | 3/4 Attack Posts | Companion Use: 0/2
Description: Taken by surprise from Gaucho's spirit eagle attack, Hector only manages to switch the location of Gaucho's foreleg attack to his chest instead. Using the power from the attack to try and make a quick retreat, attempting to kick up some sand before landing briefly on the ground and taking flight once more. Aiming a horn slice for Gaucho's left rump area and attempting to continue flying, to turn back and bite at the crest area on Gaucho's right side.]

ooc: o: thank you for letting me know. I didn't know whether to count it or not, so out of fairness I did xD <33 apijgfskd I would have had this post to you like almost two days ago if I hadn't of deleted it by accident -flips tables- :|]

Image by imi

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Gaucho - 05-26-2013

By the time Hector had begun to realign himself, it was too late for the bay to alter his course in any meaningful way. A wall of pearly whites suddenly appeared from behind Gaucho's dark lips, as his hooves powered into the un-resisting form of Hector. Gaucho knew what the orange giant's tactic was, even before his hooves melded into his flesh, and the caveman approved. Although it meant that Gaucho was robbed of the satisfying feeling of peeling back even more of Hector's flesh, he internally commended his opponent on his battle-savvy choice. It would appear that Gaucho's lowered antlers were not needed, as Hector's body listlessly gave way to Gaucho's momentum, and yet the bay was surprised, as he turned and kicked, that his hoof struck naught but the air.

As the battle continued, Gaucho felt glad for each spar which had trained and conditioned his muscles to push through and past this point: lactic acid had begun to build up, and Gaucho mentally willed himself to evenly pull oxygen into his lungs, and to resist the urge to let his limbs remain static. From the corner of his stormy gaze, he noted that Hector had not flown up to meet him, but had instead directed himself towards the sandy terrain. Now awash with amber light, the Orange Giant almost didn't need to kick up a screen of silt, for his coat already seemed to blend in with the blood colored ground. As a cloud of dust concealed his form, Gaucho snorted, as he circled high above. Two sets of eyes, one reptilian, and one equine, peered down into the mist, waiting for their target to reappear. After a moment of not seeing the tribrid appear, a breath of wind, presumably caused by the beating of Hector's wings, allowed Gaucho to see through the veil of silt and dust, to view the orange giant racing towards him.

With the sun still at his back, Gaucho dove down to meet Hector. Keeping his wings as close to his sides as possible, while still accommodating flight. Gaucho tried to make his large-self as small as possible, to once again increase the glare, should Hector look straight up at him. Had Hector participated in the Invasion, he likely would remember Kri's advice on this very point: To always keep the sun at their backs. Mara pressed herself firmly against Gaucho's browbone, intent on staying out of the way, and not hindering any possible attacks. As Hector aimed an attack with his rhino-like horn at Gaucho's left side, which was actually directly head-on, given Gaucho's position, the bi-horned tribrid was met with an intimidating pair of antlers. With a grunt, Gaucho felt as Hector's large horn struck his own antlers, and valiantly he tried to knock the large stallion away, and tried to use the leverage of having two horns spaced horizontally apart, to his advantage. He felt no pain from the impact, save from the strain it caused on his neck and wing muscles to try and remain stable, while in flight.

As Hector pulled away, to come around and attack again on his right, Gaucho grinned a child-like, toothy grin. He was a fast learner, this dimwitted caveman, and while he did not have the same spar-experience with Kri to give him ideas, as Hector did, he could nevertheless pull from his sources; only Gaucho would do it better. As Hector flew on his right, Gaucho threw his weight to the right, as he mitigated Hector's efforts and met him in the middle. If Hector wanted to bite him, Gaucho would give him a mouthful. Slamming his wings into his sides for one final thrust, the Bay tried to angle his shoulder upwards, so that as Hector's teeth found his crest, his right shoulder or chest might receive a wound similar to his left, caused by Gaucho's spiked-collar. Grunting as he felt Hector's hot breath, and teeth pinching his skin and mane, Gaucho allowed his wings to cease beating for a stride, causing his body to drop down slightly. Bucking with full vigor now that his thighs had had a chance to rest from Hector's previous attack, the bay aimed his kick for Hector's belly, or right side. Allowing his body to swoop down, before spreading his wings and angling himself upwards and into the sun, he flew around gaining altitude as he did so, to attack on the the right side of Hector's last known position. Forelegs splayed to thrash at whatever part of Hector he could, Gaucho's wings beat relentlessly, driving his primitive body straight down, aiming at Hector's right shoulder and neck. Defensively as he attacked, Gaucho kept his muzzle tucked to his chin, protecting his face with his rack of antlers.

[WC: 799

Gaucho remains in the air, looking for Hector as he disappears into a cloud of dust below. As Hector surfaces, Gaucho flies down to meet him with the sun at his back, taking his horn-attack head on and trying to deflect it using his antlers. As Hector flies around, Gaucho again throws his body at him, to try and gouge his right side/chest (with his spiked collar) as he bites his crest/mane. Gaucho drops, and bucks towards Hector's belly/right side, before trying to fly up and around and attack on his right. His forelegs are extended and his muzzle is down, to try and hit Hector's right shoulder and neck.

Attack 3/4
Closing Defense 0/1
Magic and Companions: 2/2
Gaucho will be using buffs Dance and Swift

Image Credits

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Hector - 06-01-2013

No time for lies and empty fights

The dying sun waited for no one and as time ebbed onwards, Hector could feel the strain of battle making his body weary. Mucky sweat had begun to form on his neck and between his legs, tinged red as it collected dust that had been kicked up into the air as crimson liquid began to fall down his chest. Nostrils flared as he gasped for more oxygen and his young mind ticking fast whilst silently respected his elder warrior's ability to dodge and move effectively in battle. The orange boy had cursed when solid antlers had met his rhino daggers and cried out when the caveman's necklace had once again dug into him, this time his chest had suffered the same almost identical damage his left shoulder had. Blowing out warm air, with flaming eyes glazed over in sharp pain, Hector slammed his wings down and rose upwards this time. Feeling his teeth rip from Gaucho as the bay brute dropped downwards, there was little time to think or do as his adversary shot a flying buck for his belly, to which Hector locked all four of his feet in as he continued rising. Gritting his teeth in determination as he felt the brush of Gaucho's hooves touch his own.

Veci had returned to his bonded's side, floating invisibly and tensely. The boggart wished for his friend to win, but the most important thing to him was for Hector to be safe and well. Hector, on the other hand, continued flapping upwards with his face a mask of concentration with his gaze transfixed on Gaucho's form as he felt the warmth of low sun caress his dark liver back. Each blow a learning curve and each move something for Hector to remember for later. He had tried being equine, but Gaucho had thwarted his moves upon the ground. He'd tried being pegasus, but his opponent was more than capable in the air. Lastly, he'd tried being unicorn, but even that had been useless in the end. The orange boy took in another deep breath as he prepared himself for the final stage of their battle, maybe he should stop being parts of himself and be Hector instead. Think. Learn. Move.

Remembering Gaucho's use of the sun throughout most of the battle, Hector attempted to play the caveman's game. Though lacking in the fancy trinkets, the venomous snake and the strange vocabulary, he could not remain a fool forever. Allowing himself to blend into the sun's glaring rays, he watched Gaucho's change of movements and the swoop of his wings as he bared his antlered head upwards. Angling himself forwards and dropping his wings into his sides, Hector swooped down with advantage of the weather and downward force as the elder bay flew up. Flying under Gaucho as he swiped outwards with his forelegs, dodging the nasty looking blow and returning it with his own, bucking out towards the bay's under area or his right side. Mimicking the caveman's previous move.

Hardly stopping for much of a breather, Hector unfurled his large brown wings and braced himself against the downward force before turning as tight as his large, leggy body would allow him to. Quickly moving back to try and face Gaucho, levelling out the disadvantage of the sun's glare by following Veci's presence in attempt to find the right side of Gaucho. Hopefully being level with the bay or near the point, Hector flew slightly to his left, folding his wings into his side for a skirmish style and kicked out in hopes to reach Gaucho's right thigh. Unfurling his wings once again and slamming them downwards to continue flying onwards, attempting to drag his leonine tail in a double attack effect to smack against the same area.

Hector grimaced a smile towards his bonded in gratitude for his help, feeling the spectre floating back to his side to reunite them in comfortable companionship. At least that damned snake the bay had couldn't sprout wings. Or, he hoped it couldn't. Droplets of blood fell from his chest to rain a tiny crimson shower on the dusty earth below as his body ached from bruises.

[WC: 694 | 4/4 Attack Posts | 0/2 Companion Uses

Description: Hector suffers damage from Gaucho's necklace and he flies upwards as Gaucho drops down, deflecting the buck to his belly by lifting up all four hooves. Hector continues his ascent and counters Gaucho's second attack by flying downwards, dodging the foreleg attack by flying under Gaucho and aiming back buck for his belly/right side. Hector then follows Veci and attempts to attack Gaucho's right tight area with a skirmish like buck followed by a tail slap.]

Image by imi

Note to judge :: I was on absent once again in between posts, hence being over the 72 hour limit.

RE: The Caveman vs. The Orange Giant [Friendly Challenge] - Official - 06-08-2013

72 hours have passed. Gaucho defaults to Hector.
Hector receives 1 VP.